layui.define(function (exports) { var MOD_NAME = 'tool'; var tool = { loading: false, //右侧iframe的方式打开页面,参考勾股CMS、勾股OA side: function (url, width) { let that = this; if (that.loading == true) { return false; } that.loading = true; sideWidth = '80%'; if(window.innerWidth>1400 && window.innerWidth<=1600){ sideWidth = '85%'; } if(window.innerWidth>1000 && window.innerWidth<=1440){ sideWidth = '92%'; } if(window.innerWidth<=1000){ sideWidth = '93.8%'; }{ type: 2, title: false, offset: 'r', anim: 'slideLeft', closeBtn: 0, content: url, area: [sideWidth, '100%'], skin:'layui-layer-gougu-admin', end: function(){ $('body').removeClass('right-open'); if (layui.pageTable && layui.pageTable.resize) { layui.pageTable.resize(); } }, success: function (obj, index) { var btn = '
'; obj.append(btn); $('body').addClass('right-open'); that.loading = false; obj.on('click','.express-close', function () { layer.close(index); }) } }) }, box: function (url,title="内容", width=720,height=405) { let that = this; if (that.loading == true) { return false; } that.loading = true;{ type: 2, title: title, content: url, area: [width+'px', height+'px'], maxmin: true, end: function(){ if (layui.pageTable && layui.pageTable.resize) { layui.pageTable.resize(); } }, success: function (obj, index) { var btn = ''; obj.append(btn); that.loading = false; obj.on('click','.express-close', function () { layer.close(index); }) } }) }, //右侧ajax请求的方式打开页面参考勾股DEV open: function (url, width) { let that = this; if (that.loading == true) { return false; } that.loading = true; var countWidth = window.innerWidth-(window.innerWidth*0.5)+456; if(window.innerWidth<=1000){ countWidth = 750; } if (width && width > 0) { sideWidth = width + 'px'; } else{ sideWidth = countWidth + 'px'; } $.ajax({ url: url, type: "GET", timeout: 10000, success: function (res) { if (res['code'] && res['code'] > 0) { layer.msg(res.msg); return false; } var express = '
' + res + '
'; $('body').append(express).addClass('right-open'); $('#expressMask').fadeIn(200); $('#expressLayer').animate({ 'right': 0 }, 200, 'linear', function () { if (typeof (openInit) == "function") { openInit(); } }); that.loading = false; //关闭 $('body').on('click','.express-close', function () { $('#expressMask').fadeOut(100); $('body').removeClass('right-open'); let op_width = $('#expressLayer').outerWidth(); $('#expressLayer').animate({ left: '+=' + op_width + 'px' }, 200, 'linear', function () { $('#expressLayer').remove(); $('#expressMask').remove(); if (layui.pageTable) { layui.pageTable.resize(); } }) }) $(window).resize(function () { var resizeWidth = window.innerWidth-(window.innerWidth*0.5)+456; if(window.innerWidth<=1000){ resizeWidth = 750; } $('#expressLayer').width(resizeWidth); }) } , error: function (xhr, textstatus, thrown) { console.log('错误'); }, complete: function () { that.loading = false; } }); }, load: function (url) { let that = this; if (that.loading == true) { return false; } that.loading = true; $.ajax({ url: url, type: "GET", timeout: 10000, success: function (res) { if (res['code'] && res['code'] > 0) { layer.msg(res.msg); return false; } $('#articleLayer').html(res); openInit(); } , error: function (xhr, textstatus, thrown) { console.log('错误'); }, complete: function () { that.loading = false; } }); }, page: function (url) { let that = this; if (that.loading == true) { return false; } that.loading = true; $.ajax({ url: url, type: "GET", timeout: 10000, success: function (res) { if (res['code'] && res['code'] > 0) { layer.msg(res.msg); return false; } $('#pageBox').html(res); pageInit(); } , error: function (xhr, textstatus, thrown) { console.log('错误'); }, complete: function () { that.loading = false; } }); }, close: function (delay) { //延迟关闭,一般是在编辑完页面数据后需要自动关闭页面用到 if(delay && delay>0){ setTimeout(function () { $('.express-close').last().click(); }, delay); }else{ $('.express-close').last().click(); } if (layui.pageTable) { layui.pageTable.reload(); } }, ajax: function (options, callback) { var format = 'json'; if (options.hasOwnProperty('data')) { format ='format') ? : 'json'; } callback = callback || options.success; callback && delete options.success; var optsetting = { timeout: 10000 }; if (format == 'jsonp') { optsetting = { timeout: 10000, dataType: 'jsonp', jsonp: 'callback' } } var opts = $.extend({}, optsetting, { success: function (res) { if (callback && typeof callback === 'function') { callback(res); } } }, options); $.ajax(opts); }, get: function (url, data, callback) { this.ajax({ url: url, type: "GET", data: data }, callback); }, post: function (url, data, callback) { this.ajax({ url: url, type: "POST", data: data }, callback); }, put: function (url, data, callback) { this.ajax({ url: url, type: "PUT", data: data }, callback); }, delete: function (url, data, callback) { this.ajax({ url: url, type: "DELETE", data: data }, callback); }, sideClose(delay){ if(parent.layui.tool){ parent.layui.tool.close(delay); } else{ console.log('父页面没引用tool模块'); } }, tabAdd:function(url,title,id){ if(parent.layui.admin){ parent.layui.admin.sonAdd(url,title,id); } else{ console.log('父页面没引用admin模块'); } }, tabClose:function(){ if(parent.layui.admin){ parent.layui.admin.sonClose(); } else{ console.log('父页面没引用admin模块'); } }, tabDelete:function(id){ if(parent.layui.admin){ parent.layui.admin.tabDelete(id); } else{ console.log('父页面没引用admin模块'); } }, tabChange:function(id){ if(parent.layui.admin){ parent.layui.admin.tabChange(id); } else{ console.log('父页面没引用admin模块'); } }, tabRefresh:function(id){ if(parent.layui.admin){ parent.layui.admin.refresh(id); } else{ console.log('父页面没引用admin模块'); } } }; //时间选择快捷操作 $('body').on('click', '.tool-time', function () { let that = $(this); let type ='type'); if (typeof(type) == "undefined" || type == '') { type = 'date'; } layui.laydate.render({ elem: that, show: true, type: type, fullPanel: true }); return false; }); //查看图片附件 $('body').on('click','.file-view-img',function () { let href = $(this).data('href'); if(href){ let photos = { "data": [{"src": href}]};{ photos: photos ,anim: 5 //0-6的选择,指定弹出图片动画类型,默认随机(请注意,3.0之前的版本用shift参数) }); } }); //查看pdf附件 $('body').on('click','.file-view-pdf',function () { let href = $(this).data('href'); if(href){{ type: 2, title: '查看PDF文件,可以最大化看', shadeClose: true, shade: false, maxmin: true, //开启最大化最小化按钮 area: ['900px', '600px'], content: href }); } }); //搜索表单重置快捷操作 $('body').on('click', '[lay-filter="reset"]', function () { let that = $(this); let prev = that.prev(); if (typeof(prev) != "undefined") { setTimeout(function () {; }, 10) } }); $('body').on('click', '.tab-a', function () { let id = $(this).data('id'); let url = $(this).data('href'); let title = $(this).data('title'); if (url && url !== '') { if (typeof(id) == "undefined" || id == '') { id =; } tool.tabAdd(url,title,id); } return false; }); $('body').on('click', '.side-a', function () { let url = $(this).data('href'); if (url && url !== '') { tool.side(url); } return false; }); $('body').on('click', '.open-a', function () { let url = $(this).data('href'); if (url && url !== '') {; } return false; }); $('body').on('click', '.link-a', function () { let url = $(this).data('href'); if (url && url !== '') { window.location.href=url; } return false; }); exports(MOD_NAME, tool); });