<?php /** * @copyright Copyright (c) 2021 勾股工作室 * @license https://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0 * @link https://www.gougucms.com */ // 应用公共文件,内置主要的数据处理方法 use think\facade\Config; use think\facade\Request; use think\facade\Cache; use think\facade\Db; //设置缓存 function set_cache($key, $value, $date = 86400) { Cache::set($key, $value, $date); } //读取缓存 function get_cache($key) { return Cache::get($key); } //清空缓存 function clear_cache($key) { Cache::clear($key); } //读取系统配置 function get_system_config($name, $key = '') { $config = []; if (get_cache('system_config' . $name)) { $config = get_cache('system_config' . $name); } else { $conf = Db::name('config')->where('name', $name)->find(); if (isset($conf['content'])) { $config = unserialize($conf['content']); } set_cache('system_config' . $name, $config); } if ($key == '') { return $config; } else { if (isset($config[$key])) { return $config[$key]; } else{ return ''; } } } //设置系统配置 function set_system_config($name, $key, $value='') { $config = []; $conf = Db::name('config')->where('name', $name)->find(); if ($conf['content']) { $config = unserialize($conf['content']); } $config[$key] = $value; set_cache('system_config' . $name, $config); $content = serialize($config); Db::name('config')->where('name', $name)->update(['content'=>$content]); } //读取文件配置 function get_config($key) { return Config::get($key); } //判断cms是否完成安装 function is_installed() { static $isInstalled; if (empty($isInstalled)) { $isInstalled = file_exists(CMS_ROOT . 'config/install.lock'); } return $isInstalled; } //判断cms是否存在模板 function isTemplate($url='') { static $isTemplate; if (empty($isTemplate)) { $isTemplate = file_exists(CMS_ROOT . 'app/'.$url); } return $isTemplate; } //判断模块是否存在 function isModule($name) { $map = []; $map[] = ['name', '=', $name]; $count = Db::name('AdminModule')->where($map)->count(); return $count; } //是否是某数据权限,count>1即有权限 function isAuth($uid,$name) { if($uid == 1){ return 1; } $map = []; $map[] = ['name', '=', $name]; $map[] = ['', 'exp', Db::raw("FIND_IN_SET('{$uid}',uids)")]; $count = Db::name('DataAuth')->where($map)->count(); return $count; } //获取服务器信息 function get_system_info($key) { $system = [ 'os' => PHP_OS, 'php' => PHP_VERSION, 'upload_max_filesize' => get_cfg_var("upload_max_filesize") ? get_cfg_var("upload_max_filesize") : "不允许上传附件", 'max_execution_time' => get_cfg_var("max_execution_time") . "秒 ", ]; if (empty($key)) { return $system; } else { return $system[$key]; } } //获取url参数 function get_params($key = "") { return Request::instance()->param($key); } //生成一个不会重复的字符串 function make_token() { $str = md5(uniqid(md5(microtime(true)), true)); $str = sha1($str); //加密 return $str; } //随机字符串,默认长度10 function set_salt($num = 10) { $str = 'qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm1234567890'; $salt = substr(str_shuffle($str), 10, $num); return $salt; } //密码加密 function set_password($pwd, $salt) { return md5(md5($pwd . $salt) . $salt); } //获取指定管理员的信息 function get_admin($id) { $admin = Db::name('Admin') ->alias('a') ->field('a.*,d.title as department,p.title as position') ->leftJoin ('Department d ','d.id= a.did') ->leftJoin ('Position p ','p.id= a.position_id') ->where(['a.id' => $id]) ->cache(true,60) ->find(); $admin['last_login_time'] = empty($admin['last_login_time']) ? '-' : date('Y-m-d H:i', $admin['last_login_time']); return $admin; } /** * 节点权限判断 * @rule String * @uid Int * @return bool */ function check_auth($rule, $uid) { $auth_list = Cache::get('RulesSrc' . $uid); if (!in_array($rule, $auth_list)) { return false; } else { return true; } } //读取部门列表 function get_department() { $department = Db::name('Department')->order('sort desc,id asc')->where(['status' => 1])->select()->toArray(); return $department; } //获取某部门的子部门id.$is_self时候包含自己 function get_department_son($did = 0, $is_self = 1) { $department = get_department(); $department_list = get_data_node($department, $did); $department_array = array_column($department_list, 'id'); if ($is_self == 1) { //包括自己部门在内 $department_array[] = $did; } return $department_array; } //读取员工所在部门的负责人(pid=1,上一级负责人) function get_department_leader($uid=0,$pid=0) { $did = get_admin($uid)['did']; if($pid==0){ $leader = Db::name('Department')->where(['id' => $did])->value('leader_id'); } else{ $pdid = Db::name('Department')->where(['id' => $did])->value('pid'); if($pdid == 0){ $leader = 0; } else{ $leader = Db::name('Department')->where(['id' => $pdid])->value('leader_id'); } } return $leader; } //读取部门负责人所在部门的数据权限【包括员工所在部门+其子部门】 function get_department_role($uid = 0) { $did = get_admin($uid)['did']; //判断是否是部门负责人 $is_leader = Db::name('Department')->where(['id' => $did,'leader_id'=>$uid])->count(); if($is_leader==0){ return []; } else{ //获取子部门 $department = get_department(); $department_list = get_data_node($department, $did); $department_array = array_column($department_list, 'id'); //包括自己部门在内 $department_array[] = $did; return $department_array; } } //读取是否是某员工的上级领导 function get_user_role($leader_id=0,$uid = 0) { $did = get_admin($uid)['did']; //获取子部门 $department = get_department(); $department_list = get_data_node($department, $did); $department_array = array_column($department_list, 'id'); //包括自己部门在内 $department_array[] = $did; //判断是否是部门负责人 $is_leader = Db::name('Department')->where([['id','in',$did],['leader_id','=',$leader_id]])->count(); return $is_leader; } //读取根据uid返回所在部门和所管理的子部门did function get_user_dids($uid = 0) { $did = get_admin($uid)['did']; $department_array = []; //判断是否是部门负责人 $is_leader = Db::name('Department')->where(['id'=>$did,'leader_id'=>$uid])->count(); if($is_leader > 0 || $uid == 1){ //获取子部门 $department = get_department(); $department_list = get_data_node($department, $did); $department_array = array_column($department_list, 'id'); //包括自己部门在内 $department_array[] = $did; } else{ //包括自己部门在内 $department_array[] = $did; } return $department_array; } //读取职位 function get_position() { $position = Db::name('Position')->where(['status' => 1])->select()->toArray(); return $position; } //根据流程类型读取某部门某模块的审核流程 function get_cate_department_flows($cate=1,$department=0) { $map1 = []; $map2 = []; $map1[] = ['status', '=', 1]; $map1[] = ['flow_cate', '=', $cate]; $map1[] = ['department_ids', '=', '']; $map2[] = ['status', '=', 1]; $map2[] = ['flow_cate', '=', $cate]; $map2[] = ['', 'exp', Db::raw("FIND_IN_SET('{$department}',department_ids)")]; $list = Db::name('Flow')->field('id,name,check_type')->whereOr([$map1,$map2])->order('id desc')->select()->toArray(); return $list; } //根据流程所属模块读取某部门某模块的审核流程 function get_type_department_flows($type=6,$department=0) { $map1 = []; $map2 = []; $map1[] = ['status', '=', 1]; $map1[] = ['type', '=', $type]; $map1[] = ['department_ids', '=', '']; $map2[] = ['status', '=', 1]; $map2[] = ['type', '=', $type]; $map2[] = ['', 'exp', Db::raw("FIND_IN_SET('{$department}',department_ids)")]; $list = Db::name('Flow')->field('id,name,check_type')->whereOr([$map1,$map2])->order('id desc')->select()->toArray(); return $list; } /** * 初始化审批流程数据 * @param $flow_id 审批流程id * @return */ function set_flow($flow_id,$check_admin_ids,$uid) { $flow_detail = Db::name('Flow')->where('id',$flow_id)->find(); $check_type = $flow_detail['check_type']; $flow = unserialize($flow_detail['flow_list']); if ($check_type == 1) { if($flow[0]['flow_type'] == 1){ //部门负责人 $leader = get_department_leader($uid); if($leader == 0){ return to_assign(1,'审批流程设置有问题:当前部门负责人还未设置,请联系HR或者管理员'); } else{ $check_admin_ids = $leader; } } else if($flow[0]['flow_type'] == 2){ //上级部门负责人 $leader = get_department_leader($uid,1); if($leader == 0){ return to_assign(1,'审批流程设置有问题:上级部门负责人还未设置,请联系HR或者管理员'); } else{ $check_admin_ids = $leader; } } else{ $check_admin_ids = $flow[0]['flow_uids']; } } else if ($check_type == 3) { $check_admin_ids = $flow[0]['flow_uids']; } $flow_data = array( 'check_type' => $check_type, 'flow' => $flow, 'check_admin_ids' => $check_admin_ids ); return $flow_data; } /** * 获取审批流程数据 * @param $uid 当前登录用户 * @param $flows 当前步骤内容 * @return */ function get_flow($uid,$flows) { $check_user = ''; $check_user_ids = []; if($flows['flow_type']==1){ $check_user = '部门负责人-'; $check_user_ids[]=get_department_leader($uid); } else if($flows['flow_type']==2){ $check_user = '上级部门负责人-'; $check_user_ids[]=get_department_leader($uid,1); } else{ $check_user_ids = explode(',',$flows['flow_uids']); } $check_user_array = Db::name('Admin')->where('id','in',$check_user_ids)->column('name'); $res = array( 'check_user' => $check_user.implode(',',$check_user_array), 'check_user_ids' => $check_user_ids ); return $res; } /** * 隐藏电话号码中间4位和邮箱 */ function hidetel($phone) { //隐藏邮箱 if (strpos($phone, '@')) { $email_array = explode("@", $phone); $prevfix = (strlen($email_array[0]) < 4) ? "" : substr($phone, 0, 3); //邮箱前缀 $count = 0; $str = preg_replace('/([\d\w+_-]{0,100})@/', '***@', $phone, -1, $count); $rs = $prevfix . $str; return $rs; } else { //隐藏联系方式中间4位 $Istelephone = preg_match('/(0[0-9]{2,3}[\-]?[2-9][0-9]{6,7}[\-]?[0-9]?)/i', $phone); //固定电话 if ($Istelephone) { return preg_replace('/(0[0-9]{2,3}[\-]?[2-9])[0-9]{3,4}([0-9]{3}[\-]?[0-9]?)/i', '$1****$2', $phone); } else { return preg_replace('/(1[0-9]{1}[0-9])[0-9]{4}([0-9]{4})/i', '$1****$2', $phone); } } } /** * @Method: 文件格式大小 * @param[type] $file_size [文件大小] */ function to_size($file_size){ $file_size = $file_size-1; if ($file_size >= 1099511627776){ $show_filesize = number_format(($file_size / 1099511627776),2) . " TB"; } elseif ($file_size >= 1073741824) { $show_filesize = number_format(($file_size / 1073741824),2) . " GB"; } elseif ($file_size >= 1048576) { $show_filesize = number_format(($file_size / 1048576),2) . " MB"; } elseif ($file_size >= 1024) { $show_filesize = number_format(($file_size / 1024),2) . " KB"; } elseif ($file_size > 0) { $show_filesize = $file_size . " b"; } elseif ($file_size == 0 || $file_size == -1) { $show_filesize = "0 b"; } return $show_filesize; } //格式化附件展示 function file_card($file,$view=''){ $image=['jpg','jpeg','png','gif']; $type_icon = 'icon-sucaiziyuan'; $view_btn = '<a class="blue" href="'.$file['filepath'].'" download="'.$file['name'].'" target="_blank" title="下载查看"><i class="iconfont icon-tuiguangshezhi"></i></a>'; if($file['fileext'] == 'pdf'){ $type_icon = 'icon-lunwenguanli'; $view_btn = '<span class="file-view-pdf blue" data-href="'.$file['filepath'].'" title="在线查看"><i class="iconfont icon-yuejuan"></i></span>'; } if(in_array($file['fileext'], $image)){ $type_icon = 'icon-sucaiguanli'; $view_btn = '<span class="file-view-img blue" data-href="'.$file['filepath'].'" title="在线查看"><i class="iconfont icon-tupianguanli"></i></span>'; } $file_del=''; if(!empty($file['delete_time'])){ $file_del = 'file-hasdelete'; } $item = '<div class="file-card '.$file_del.' file-'.$view.'" id="fileItem'.$file['id'].'"> <i class="file-icon iconfont '.$type_icon.'"></i> <div class="file-info"> <div class="file-title" title="'.$file['name'].'">'.$file['name'].'</div> <div class="file-ops">'.to_size($file['filesize']).','.date('Y-m-d H:i',$file['create_time']).'</div> </div> <div class="file-tool">'.$view_btn.'<span class="btn-delete red" data-id="'.$file['id'].'" data-uid="'.$file['admin_id'].'" title="删除"><i class="iconfont icon-shanchu"></i></span></div> </div>'; return $item; } //读取费用类型 function get_cost_cate() { $cost = Db::name('CostCate')->where(['status' => 1])->select()->toArray(); return $cost; } //读取印章类型 function get_seal_cate() { $seal = Db::name('SealCate')->where(['status' => 1])->select()->toArray(); return $seal; } //读取车辆类型 function get_car_cate() { $car = Db::name('CarCate')->where(['status' => 1])->select()->toArray(); return $car; } //读取企业主体 function get_subject() { $subject = Db::name('Subject')->where(['status' => 1])->select()->toArray(); return $subject; } //读取行业类型 function get_industry() { $industry = Db::name('Industry')->where(['status' => 1])->select()->toArray(); return $industry; } //读取服务类型 function get_services() { $services = Db::name('Services')->where(['status' => 1])->select()->toArray(); return $services; } //读取工作类型 function get_work_cate() { $work = Db::name('WorkCate')->where(['status' => 1])->select()->toArray(); return $work; } //读取所属地区 function get_region_name($id){ $region = Db::name('city')->where(['id'=>$id])->find(); if(empty($region)){ return ''; } else{ return $region['name']; } } /** * 根据附件表的id返回url地址 * @param [type] $id [description] */ function get_file($id) { if ($id) { $geturl = Db::name("file")->where(['id' => $id])->find(); if ($geturl['status'] == 1) { //审核通过 //获取签名的URL $url = $geturl['filepath']; return $url; } elseif ($geturl['status'] == 0) { //待审核 return '/static/home/images/none_pic.jpg'; } else { //不通过 return '/static/home/images/none_pic.jpg'; } } return false; } /** * 间隔时间段格式化 * @param int $time 时间戳 * @param string $format 格式 【d:显示到天 i显示到分钟 s显示到秒】 * @return string */ function time_trans($time, $format = 'd') { $now = time(); $diff = $now - $time; if ($diff < 60) { return '1分钟前'; } else if ($diff < 3600) { return floor($diff / 60) . '分钟前'; } else if ($diff < 86400) { return floor($diff / 3600) . '小时前'; } $yes_start_time = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', strtotime('-1 days'))); //昨天开始时间 $yes_end_time = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', strtotime('-1 days'))); //昨天结束时间 $two_end_time = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', strtotime('-2 days'))); //2天前结束时间 $three_end_time = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', strtotime('-3 days'))); //3天前结束时间 $four_end_time = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', strtotime('-4 days'))); //4天前结束时间 $five_end_time = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', strtotime('-5 days'))); //5天前结束时间 $six_end_time = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', strtotime('-6 days'))); //6天前结束时间 $seven_end_time = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', strtotime('-7 days'))); //7天前结束时间 if ($time > $yes_start_time && $time < $yes_end_time) { return '昨天'; } if ($time > $yes_start_time && $time < $two_end_time) { return '1天前'; } if ($time > $yes_start_time && $time < $three_end_time) { return '2天前'; } if ($time > $yes_start_time && $time < $four_end_time) { return '3天前'; } if ($time > $yes_start_time && $time < $five_end_time) { return '4天前'; } if ($time > $yes_start_time && $time < $six_end_time) { return '5天前'; } if ($time > $yes_start_time && $time < $seven_end_time) { return '6天前'; } switch ($format) { case 'd': $show_time = date('Y-m-d', $time); break; case 'i': $show_time = date('Y-m-d H:i', $time); break; case 's': $show_time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $time); break; } return $show_time; } /** * 计算按天数 */ function countDays($a, $b = 0) { if ($b == 0) { $b = date("Y-m-d"); } $date_1 = $a; $date_2 = $b; $d1 = strtotime($date_1); $d2 = strtotime($date_2); $days = round(($d2 - $d1) / 3600 / 24); if ($days > 0) { return $days; } else { return 0; } } /** * fullcalendar日历控件方法1 */ function parseDateTime($string, $timeZone=null) { $date = new DateTime( $string, $timeZone ? $timeZone : new DateTimeZone('UTC') ); if ($timeZone) { $date->setTimezone($timeZone); } return $date; } /** * fullcalendar日历控件方法2 */ function stripTime($datetime) { return new DateTime($datetime->format('Y-m-d')); } function add_log($type, $param_id = '', $param = [] ,$subject='') { $title = '操作'; $session_admin = get_config('app.session_admin'); $uid = \think\facade\Session::get($session_admin); if (empty($uid)) { $uid = JWT_UID; } $type_action = get_config('log.type_action'); if(!empty($type_action[$type])){ $title = $type_action[$type]; } $data = [ 'uid' => $uid, 'type' => $type, 'action' => $title, 'param_id' => $param_id, 'param' => json_encode($param), 'module' => strtolower(app('http')->getName()), 'controller' => strtolower(app('request')->controller()), 'function' => strtolower(app('request')->action()), 'ip' => app('request')->ip(), 'create_time' => time(), 'subject' => '系统' ]; if($subject!=''){ $data['subject'] =$subject; } else{ $rule = $data['module'] . '/' . $data['controller'] . '/' . $data['function']; $rule_menu = Db::name('AdminRule')->where(array('src' => $rule))->find(); if($rule_menu){ $data['subject'] = $rule_menu['name']; } } Db::name('AdminLog')->strict(false)->field(true)->insert($data); } /** * 发送站内信 * @param $user_id 接收人 * @param $template 消息模板 * @param $data 操作内容 * @return */ function sendMessage($user_id, $template, $data=[]) { $title = get_config('message.template')[$template]['title']; $content = get_config('message.template')[$template]['content']; foreach ($data as $key => $val) { $title = str_replace('{' . $key . '}', $val, $title); $content = str_replace('{' . $key . '}', $val, $content); } if(isset($data['from_uid'])){ $title = str_replace('{from_user}', get_admin($data['from_uid'])['name'], $title); $content = str_replace('{from_user}', get_admin($data['from_uid'])['name'], $content); } $content = str_replace('{date}', date('Y-m-d'), $content); if (!$user_id) return false; if (!$content) return false; if (!is_array($user_id)) { $users = explode(",", strval($user_id)); } else { $users = $user_id; } $users = array_unique(array_filter($users)); //组合要发的消息 $send_data = []; foreach ($users as $key => $value) { $send_data[] = array( 'to_uid' => $value,//接收人 'action_id' => $data['action_id'], 'title' => $title, 'content' => $content, 'template' => $template, 'module_name' => strtolower(app('http')->getName()), 'controller_name' => strtolower(app('request')->controller()), 'action_name' => strtolower(app('request')->action()), 'send_time' => time(), 'create_time' => time() ); } $res = Db::name('Message')->strict(false)->field(true)->insertAll($send_data); return $res; } function getMessageLink($template,$action_id){ $content=''; if(isset(get_config('message.template')[$template]['link'])){ $link = get_config('message.template')[$template]['link']; $content = str_replace('{action_id}', $action_id, $link); } return $content; } /** * 邮件发送 * @param $to 接收人 * @param string $subject 邮件标题 * @param string $content 邮件内容(html模板渲染后的内容) * @throws Exception * @throws phpmailerException */ function send_email($to, $subject = '', $content = '') { $mail = new PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer(); $email_config = Db::name('config')->where('name', 'email')->find(); $config = unserialize($email_config['content']); $mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8'; //设定邮件编码,默认ISO-8859-1,如果发中文此项必须设置,否则乱码 $mail->isSMTP(); $mail->SMTPDebug = 0; //调试输出格式 //$mail->Debugoutput = 'html'; //smtp服务器 $mail->Host = $config['smtp']; //端口 - likely to be 25, 465 or 587 $mail->Port = $config['smtp_port']; if ($mail->Port == '465') { $mail->SMTPSecure = 'ssl'; // 使用安全协议 } //Whether to use SMTP authentication $mail->SMTPAuth = true; //发送邮箱 $mail->Username = $config['smtp_user']; //密码 $mail->Password = $config['smtp_pwd']; //Set who the message is to be sent from $mail->setFrom($config['email'], $config['from']); //回复地址 //$mail->addReplyTo('replyto@example.com', 'First Last'); //接收邮件方 if (is_array($to)) { foreach ($to as $v) { $mail->addAddress($v); } } else { $mail->addAddress($to); } $mail->isHTML(true); // send as HTML //标题 $mail->Subject = $subject; //HTML内容转换 $mail->msgHTML($content); $status = $mail->send(); if ($status) { return true; } else { // echo "Mailer Error: ".$mail->ErrorInfo;// 输出错误信息 // die; return false; } } /** * 生成时间编号 * $prefix前缀 */ function get_codeno($prefix=1){ $no = $prefix . date('YmdHis') . rand(10,99); return $no; } /** * 截取文章摘要 * @return bool */ function get_desc_content($content, $count) { $content = preg_replace("@<script(.*?)</script>@is", "", $content); $content = preg_replace("@<iframe(.*?)</iframe>@is", "", $content); $content = preg_replace("@<style(.*?)</style>@is", "", $content); $content = preg_replace("@<(.*?)>@is", "", $content); $content = str_replace(PHP_EOL, '', $content); $space = array(" ", " ", " ", " ", " "); $go_away = array("", "", "", "", ""); $content = str_replace($space, $go_away, $content); $res = mb_substr($content, 0, $count, 'UTF-8'); if (mb_strlen($content, 'UTF-8') > $count) { $res = $res . "..."; } return $res; } //查找数组索引 function arraySearch($array, $searchFor) { foreach($array as $key => $value) { if(is_array($value)){ foreach($value as $key1 => $value1) { if($value1 == $searchFor) { return array("index" => $key, "key" => $key1); } } } else{ if($value == $searchFor) { return $key; } } } return false; } /** * PHP去除空格 * @param string $str 字符串 * @return string 字符串 */ function trim_space($str=''){ $str = mb_ereg_replace('^( | )+', '', $str); $str = mb_ereg_replace('( | )+$', '', $str); return mb_ereg_replace(' ', "\n ", $str); } /** * PHP格式化字节大小 * @param number $size 字节数 * @param string $delimiter 数字和单位分隔符 * @return string 格式化后的带单位的大小 */ function format_bytes($size, $delimiter = '') { $units = array('B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB'); for ($i = 0; $size >= 1024 && $i < 5; $i++) { $size /= 1024; } return round($size, 2) . $delimiter . $units[$i]; } /** * 截取字符串 * @param $start 开始截取位置 * @param $length 截取长度 * @return */ function msubstr($str, $start = 0, $length=1, $charset = "utf-8", $suffix = true) { if (function_exists("mb_substr")) { $slice = mb_substr($str, $start, $length, $charset); } elseif (function_exists('iconv_substr')) { $slice = iconv_substr($str, $start, $length, $charset); if (false === $slice) { $slice = ''; } } else { $re['utf-8'] = "/[\x01-\x7f]|[\xc2-\xdf][\x80-\xbf]|[\xe0-\xef][\x80-\xbf]{2}|[\xf0-\xff][\x80-\xbf]{3}/"; $re['gb2312'] = "/[\x01-\x7f]|[\xb0-\xf7][\xa0-\xfe]/"; $re['gbk'] = "/[\x01-\x7f]|[\x81-\xfe][\x40-\xfe]/"; $re['big5'] = "/[\x01-\x7f]|[\x81-\xfe]([\x40-\x7e]|\xa1-\xfe])/"; preg_match_all($re[$charset], $str, $match); $slice = join("", array_slice($match[0], $start, $length)); } if (utf8_strlen($str) < $length) $suffix = false; return $suffix ? $slice . '...' : $slice; } function utf8_strlen($string = null) { preg_match_all("/./us", $string, $match); return count($match[0]); } /** * PHP截取文字长度 * @return string */ function sub_str($str,$len=20){ $strlen=strlen($str)/3;#在编码utf8下计算字符串的长度,并把它交给变量$strlen #echo $strlen;#输出字符串长度 if($strlen<$len){ return $str; }else{ return mb_substr($str,0,$len,"utf-8")."..."; } } /** *数据处理成树形格式1 * @return array */ function list_to_tree($list, $pk = 'id', $pid = 'pid', $child = 'list', $root = 0) { // 创建Tree $tree = array(); if (is_array($list)) { // 创建基于主键的数组引用 $refer = array(); foreach ($list as $key => $data) { $refer[$data[$pk]] = &$list[$key]; } foreach ($list as $key => $data) { // 判断是否存在parent $parentId = $data[$pid]; if ($root == $parentId) { $tree[$data[$pk]] = &$list[$key]; } else { if (isset($refer[$parentId])) { $parent = &$refer[$parentId]; $parent[$child][$data[$pk]] = &$list[$key]; } } } } return $tree; } /** *数据处理成树形格式2 * @return array */ function create_tree_list($pid, $arr, $group, &$tree = []) { foreach ($arr as $key => $vo) { if ($key == 0) { $vo['spread'] = true; } if (!empty($group) and in_array($vo['id'], $group)) { $vo['checked'] = true; } else { $vo['checked'] = false; } if ($vo['pid'] == $pid) { $child = create_tree_list($vo['id'], $arr, $group); if ($child) { $vo['children'] = $child; } $tree[] = $vo; } } return $tree; } //递归排序,用于分类选择 function set_recursion($result, $pid = 0, $level=-1) { /*记录排序后的类别数组*/ static $list = array(); //§ static $space = ['','├─','· ├─','· ├─','· ├─']; $level++; foreach ($result as $k => $v) { if ($v['pid'] == $pid) { if ($pid != 0) { $v['title'] = $space[$level] . $v['title']; $v['level'] = $level+1; } /*将该类别的数据放入list中*/ $list[] = $v; set_recursion($result, $v['id'],$level); } } return $list; } //递归返回树形菜单数据 function get_tree($data, $pId ,$open=0,$deep=0) { $tree = []; foreach($data as $k => $v) { $v['checkArr']=array('type'=>0, 'isChecked'=>0); $v['spread']=true; $v['parentId']=$v['pid']; if($deep>=$open){ $v['spread']=false; } $v['name']=$v['title']; if($v['pid'] == $pId){ //父亲找到儿子 $deep++; $v['children'] = get_tree($data, $v['id'],$open,$deep); $tree[] = $v; //unset($data[$k]); } } return array_values($tree); } //递归返回树形菜单数据 function get_select_tree($data, $pId ,$deep=0, $selected=[]) { $tree = []; foreach($data as $k => $v) { $vv=[]; $vv['name']=$v['title']; $vv['value']=$v['id']; $vv['selected']=''; if(in_array($v['id'],$selected)){ $vv['selected'] = 'selected'; } if($v['pid'] == $pId){ //父亲找到儿子 $deep++; $vv['children'] = get_select_tree($data, $v['id'],$deep,$selected); $tree[] = $vv; } } return array_values($tree); } /** * 根据id递归返回子数据 * @param $data 数据 * @param $pid 父节点id */ function get_data_node($data=[],$pid=0){ $dep = []; foreach($data as $k => $v){ if($v['pid'] == $pid){ $node=get_data_node($data, $v['id']); array_push($dep,$v); if(!empty($node)){ $dep=array_merge($dep,$node); } } } return array_values($dep); } function generateTree($flatArray, $parentId = 0) { $tree = []; foreach ($flatArray as $item) { if ($item['pid'] === $parentId) { $node = $item; $node['children'] = generateTree($flatArray, $item['id']); $tree[] = $node; } } return $tree; } //访问按小时归档统计 function hour_document($arrData) { $documents = array(); $hour = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23]; foreach ($hour as $val) { $documents[$val] = 0; } foreach ($arrData as $index => $value) { $archivesTime = intval(date("H", $value['create_time'])); $documents[$archivesTime] += 1; } return $documents; } //访问按日期归档统计 function date_document($arrData) { $documents = array(); foreach ($arrData as $index => $value) { $archivesTime = date("Y-m-d", $value['create_time']); if (empty($documents[$archivesTime])) { $documents[$archivesTime] = 1; } else { $documents[$archivesTime] += 1; } } return $documents; } /** * 返回json数据,用于接口 * @param integer $code * @param string $msg * @param array $data * @param string $url * @param integer $httpCode * @param array $header * @param array $options * @return json */ function to_assign($code = 0, $msg = "操作成功", $data = [], $action = '', $url = '', $httpCode = 200, $header = [], $options = []) { $res = ['code' => $code]; $res['msg'] = $msg; $res['action'] = $action; $res['url'] = $url; if (is_object($data)) { $data = $data->toArray(); } $res['data'] = $data; $response = \think\Response::create($res, "json", $httpCode, $header, $options); throw new \think\exception\HttpResponseException($response); } /** * 适配layui table数据列表的返回数据方法,用于接口 * @param integer $code * @param string $msg * @param array $data * @param integer $httpCode * @param array $header * @param array $options * @return json */ function table_assign($code = 0, $msg = '请求成功', $data = [], $httpCode = 200, $header = [], $options = []) { $res['code'] = $code; $res['msg'] = $msg; if (is_object($data)) { $data = $data->toArray(); } if (!empty($data['total'])) { $res['count'] = $data['total']; } else { $res['count'] = 0; } $res['data'] = $data['data']; $response = \think\Response::create($res, "json", $httpCode, $header, $options); throw new \think\exception\HttpResponseException($response); } /** * 人民币转大写 * @param */ function cny($amount){ $capitalNumbers = [ '零', '壹', '贰', '叁', '肆', '伍', '陆', '柒', '捌', '玖', ]; $integerUnits = ['', '拾', '佰', '仟',]; $placeUnits = ['', '万', '亿', '兆',]; $decimalUnits = ['角', '分', '厘', '毫',]; $result = []; $arr = explode('.', (string)$amount); $integer = trim($arr[0] ?? '', '-'); $decimal = $arr[1] ?? ''; if (!((int)$decimal)) { $decimal = ''; } // 转换整数部分,从个位开始 $integerNumbers = $integer ? array_reverse(str_split($integer)) : []; $last = null; foreach (array_chunk($integerNumbers, 4) as $chunkKey => $chunk) { if (!((int)implode('', $chunk))) { // 全是 0 则直接跳过 continue; } array_unshift($result, $placeUnits[$chunkKey]); foreach ($chunk as $key => $number) { // 去除重复 零,以及第一位的 零,类似:1002、110 if (!$number && (!$last || $key === 0)) { $last = $number; continue; } $last = $number; // 类似 1022,中间的 0 是不需要 佰 的 if ($number) { array_unshift($result, $integerUnits[$key]); } array_unshift($result, $capitalNumbers[$number]); } } if (!$result) { $result[] = $capitalNumbers[0]; } $result[] = '圆'; if (!$decimal) { $result[] = '整'; } // 转换小数位 $decimalNumbers = $decimal ? str_split($decimal) : []; foreach ($decimalNumbers as $key => $number) { $result[] = $capitalNumbers[$number]; $result[] = $decimalUnits[$key]; } if (strpos((string)$amount, '-') === 0) { array_unshift($result, '负'); } return implode('', $result); } /** * 金额展示规则,超过1万时以万为单位,低于1万时以千为单位,低于1千时以元为单位 * @param string $money 金额 * @return string */ function format_money($money) { $data = '0元'; if (($money / 10000) > 1) { $data = is_int($money / 10000) ? ($money / 10000) . '万' : rand(($money / 10000), 2) . '万'; } elseif (($money / 1000) > 1) { $data = is_int($money / 1000) ? ($money / 1000) . '千' : rand(($money / 1000), 2) . '千'; } else { $data = $money . '元'; } return $data; } /** * 数组转换字符串(以逗号隔开) * @param * @return */ function arrayToString($array) { if (!is_array($array)) { $data_arr[] = $array; } else { $data_arr = $array; } $data_arr = array_filter($data_arr); //数组去空 $data_arr = array_unique($data_arr); //数组去重 $data_arr = array_merge($data_arr); $string = $data_arr ? ',' . implode(',', $data_arr) . ',' : ''; return $string ?: ''; } /** * 字符串转换数组(以逗号隔开) * @param * @return */ function stringToArray($string) { if (is_array($string)) { $data_arr = array_unique(array_filter($string)); } else { $data_arr = $string ? array_unique(array_filter(explode(',', $string))) : []; } $data_arr = $data_arr ? array_merge($data_arr) : []; return $data_arr ?: []; } /** * 二维数组排序(选择) * @param $select 要进行排序的select结果集 * @param $field 排序的字段 * @param $order 排序方式1降序2升序 */ function sort_select($select = array(), $field='', $order = 1) { $count = count($select); if ($order == 1) { for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $k = $i; for ($j = $i; $j < $count; $j++) { if ($select[$k][$field] < $select[$j][$field]) { $k = $j; } } $temp = $select[$i]; $select[$i] = $select[$k]; $select[$k] = $temp; } return $select; } else { for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $k = $i; for ($j = $i; $j < $count; $j++) { if ($select[$k][$field] > $select[$j][$field]) { $k = $j; } } $temp = $select[$i]; $select[$i] = $select[$k]; $select[$k] = $temp; } return $select; } } /** * 时间戳格式化 * @param int $time * @param string $format 默认'Y-m-d H:i',x代表毫秒 * @return string 完整的时间显示 */ function time_format($time = NULL, $format = 'Y-m-d H:i:s') { $usec = $time = $time === null ? '' : $time; if (strpos($time, '.')!==false) { list($usec, $sec) = explode(".", $time); } else { $sec = 0; } return $time != '' ? str_replace('x', $sec, date($format, intval($usec))) : ''; } /** * 判断是否是手机浏览器 * @return bool */ function is_mobile() { if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_VIA']) && stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_VIA'], "wap")) { return true; } elseif (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT']) && strpos(strtoupper($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT']), "VND.WAP.WML")) { return true; } elseif (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_WAP_PROFILE']) || isset($_SERVER['HTTP_PROFILE'])) { return true; } elseif (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && preg_match('/(blackberry|configuration\/cldc|hp |hp-|htc |htc_|htc-|iemobile|kindle|midp|mmp|motorola|mobile|nokia|opera mini|opera |Googlebot-Mobile|YahooSeeker\/M1A1-R2D2|android|iphone|ipod|mobi|palm|palmos|pocket|portalmmm|ppc;|smartphone|sonyericsson|sqh|spv|symbian|treo|up.browser|up.link|vodafone|windows ce|xda |xda_)/i', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * 验证输入的邮件地址是否合法 * @param $user_email 邮箱 * @return bool */ function is_email($user_email) { $chars = "/^([a-z0-9+_]|\\-|\\.)+@(([a-z0-9_]|\\-)+\\.)+[a-z]{2,6}\$/i"; if (strpos($user_email, '@') !== false && strpos($user_email, '.') !== false) { if (preg_match($chars, $user_email)) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } /** * 获取客户浏览器类型 */ function getBrowser() { $Browser = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; if (preg_match('/MSIE/i', $Browser)) { $Browser = 'MSIE'; } elseif (preg_match('/Firefox/i', $Browser)) { $Browser = 'Firefox'; } elseif (preg_match('/Chrome/i', $Browser)) { $Browser = 'Chrome'; } elseif (preg_match('/Safari/i', $Browser)) { $Browser = 'Safari'; } elseif (preg_match('/Opera/i', $Browser)) { $Browser = 'Opera'; } else { $Browser = 'Other'; } return $Browser; } /** * 获取客户端系统 */ function getOS() { $agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; if (preg_match('/win/i', $agent)) { if (preg_match('/nt 6.1/i', $agent)) { $OS = 'Windows 7'; } else if (preg_match('/nt 6.2/i', $agent)) { $OS = 'Windows 8'; } else if (preg_match('/nt 10.0/i', $agent)) { $OS = 'Windows 10'; } else { $OS = 'Windows'; } } elseif (preg_match('/mac/i', $agent)) { $OS = 'MAC'; } elseif (preg_match('/linux/i', $agent)) { $OS = 'Linux'; } elseif (preg_match('/unix/i', $agent)) { $OS = 'Unix'; } elseif (preg_match('/bsd/i', $agent)) { $OS = 'BSD'; } else { $OS = 'Other'; } return $OS; } /** * 根据IP获取地址 */ function getAddress($ip) { $res = file_get_contents("http://ip.360.cn/IPQuery/ipquery?ip=" . $ip); $res = json_decode($res, 1); if ($res && $res['errno'] == 0) { return explode("\t", $res['data'])[0]; } else { return ''; } } /** * 导出数据为excel表格 * @param $data 一个二维数组,结构如同从数据库查出来的数组 * @param $title excel的第一行标题,一个数组,如果为空则没有标题 * @param $filename 下载的文件名 * @param exportexcel($arr,array('id','账户','密码','昵称'),'文件名!'); */ function exportexcel($data = array(), $title = array(), $filename = 'report') { header("Content-type:application/octet-stream"); header("Accept-Ranges:bytes"); header("Content-type:application/vnd.ms-excel"); header("Content-Disposition:attachment;filename=" . $filename . ".xls"); header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("Expires: 0"); //导出xls 开始 if (!empty($title)) { foreach ($title as $k => $v) { $title[$k] = iconv("UTF-8", "GB2312", $v); } $title = implode("\t", $title); echo "$title\n"; } if (!empty($data)) { foreach ($data as $key => $val) { foreach ($val as $ck => $cv) { $data[$key][$ck] = iconv("UTF-8", "GB2312", $cv); } $data[$key] = implode("\t", $data[$key]); } echo implode("\n", $data); } } //根据数据库查询出来数组获取某个字段拼接字符串 function getFieldArray($array = array(), $field = '') { if (is_array($array) && $field) { $ary = array(); foreach ($array as $value) { $ary[] = $value[$field]; } $str = implode(',', $ary); return $str; } else { return false; } } /** * curl 模拟GET请求 * @author lee ***/ function curl_get($url) { //初始化 $ch = curl_init(); //设置抓取的url curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); //设置获取的信息以文件流的形式返回,而不是直接输出。 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); // https请求 不验证证书 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, FALSE); // https请求 不验证hosts curl_setopt($ch, CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT, TRUE);//添加这个获取请求头信息 //执行命令 $output = curl_exec($ch); $meta = curl_getinfo($ch,CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT); $accept = substr($meta,0,strpos($meta, 'Accept:')); $host = substr($accept,strpos($accept, 'Host:')+5); curl_close($ch); //释放curl句柄 return $output; } /** * 模拟post进行url请求 * @param string $url * @param string $param */ function curl_post($url = '', $post = array()) { $post['host'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $curl = curl_init(); // 启动一个CURL会话 curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url); // 要访问的地址 curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); // 对认证证书来源的检查 curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0); // 从证书中检查SSL加密算法是否存在 curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); // 模拟用户使用的浏览器 curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); // 使用自动跳转 curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, 1); // 自动设置Referer curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1); // 发送一个常规的Post请求 curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post); // Post提交的数据包 curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30); // 设置超时限制防止死循环 curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); // 显示返回的Header区域内容 curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); // 获取的信息以文件流的形式返回 $res = curl_exec($curl); // 执行操作 if (curl_errno($curl)) { echo 'Errno' . curl_error($curl);//捕抓异常 } curl_close($curl); // 关闭CURL会话 return $res; // 返回数据,json格式 }