layui.define(['tool'], function (exports) { const layer = layui.layer, tool = layui.tool; const obj = { addLink: function (id, topic_id, module, url, desc) { let that = this;{ title: '添加链接', type: 1, area: ['580px', '240px'], content: '
', btnAlign: 'c', btn: ['提交发布'], yes: function () { let callback = function (e) { if(e.code==0){ layer.closeAll(); layer.msg(e.msg); if(module == 'project'){ setTimeout(function(){ location.reload(); },2000) } else{ tool.load('/' + module + '/index/view/id/' + topic_id); } } else{ layer.msg(e.msg); } } let url = $('#box_url').val(); let desc = $('#box_desc').val(); if (url == '') { layer.msg('请输入URL'); return false; } if (desc == '') { layer.msg('请输入链接说明'); return false; } let postData = { id: id, topic_id: topic_id, module: module, url: url, desc: desc };"/project/api/add_link", postData, callback); } }) }, log: function (topic_id, module) { let callback = function (res) { if (res.code == 0 && > 0) { let itemLog = ''; $.each(, function (index, item) { if (item.field == 'content') { itemLog += `
${} ${item.action}了${item.title} ${item.times}
`; } else if (item.field == 'file' || item.field == 'link' || item.field == 'user') { itemLog += `
${} ${item.action}了${item.title}${item.new_content}${item.times}
`; } else if (item.field == 'new' || item.field == 'delete') { itemLog += `
${} ${item.action}了${item.title}${item.times}
`; } else if (item.field == 'document') { if (item.action == '修改') { itemLog += `
${} ${item.action}了${item.title}${item.remark} ${item.times}
`; } else { itemLog += `
${} ${item.action}了${item.title}${item.remark}${item.times}
`; } } else { itemLog += `
${} ${item.title}从 ${item.old_content} ${item.action}为${item.new_content}${item.times}
`; } }); $("#log_" + module + "_" + topic_id).html(itemLog); } } tool.get("/project/api/task_log", { tid: topic_id, m: module }, callback); }, load: function (topic_id, module) { let callback = function (res) { if (res.code == 0 && > 0) { let itemComment = ''; $.each(, function (index, item) { let pAdmin = '', ops = ''; if (item.padmin_id > 0) { pAdmin = '@' + item.pname + ''; } if (item.admin_id == login_admin) { ops = '编辑删除'; } itemComment += `
${pAdmin} ${item.content}
`; }); $("#comment_" + module + "_" + topic_id).html(itemComment); layer.closeAll(); } } tool.get("/project/api/project_comment", { tid: topic_id, m: module }, callback); }, add: function (id, topic_id, pid, padmin_id, module, content, md_content) { let that = this; let callback = function (res) { that.load(topic_id, module); } if (content == '') { layer.msg('请完善评论内容'); return false; } let postData = { id: id, topic_id: topic_id, pid: pid, padmin_id: padmin_id, module: module, content: content, md_content: md_content };"/project/api/add_comment", postData, callback); }, del: function (id, topic_id, module) { let that = this; layer.confirm('确定删除该评论吗?', { icon: 3, title: '提示' }, function (index) { let callback = function (e) { layer.msg(e.msg); if (e.code == 0) { that.load(topic_id, module); } } tool.delete("/project/api/delete_comment", { id: id }, callback); layer.close(index); }); }, //文本 textarea: function (id, topic_id, pid, padmin_id, module, txt) { let that = this;{ type: 1, title: '请输入内容', area: ['800px', '360px'], content: '
', btnAlign: 'c', btn: ['提交保存'], yes: function () { let newval = $("#editTextarea").val(); if (newval != '') { that.add(id, topic_id, pid, padmin_id, module, newval); } else { layer.msg('请输入内容'); } } }) } }; exports('oaComment', obj); });