import json import os import time import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt from device import device_name from tool import push_stream, close_stream, update, exec_sh, get_record, get_list_record, get_status def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc): if rc == 0: print("成功订阅") client.subscribe('lot_mqtt') client.publish('success', payload='成功订阅', qos=0) def valid(msg, client): origin_data = json.loads(msg.payload.decode('utf-8')) if 'msg' not in origin_data: client.publish('error', payload='msg must be supplied', qos=0) return False if 'device_name' not in origin_data: client.publish('error', payload='device_name must be supplied', qos=0) return False client.publish('error', payload=device_name, qos=0) if device_name != origin_data['device_name']: return False return True # Message receiving callback def on_message(client, userdata, msg): if not valid(msg, client): client.publish('error', payload='验证失败', qos=0) return client.publish('success', payload='验证通过', qos=0) try: origin_data = json.loads(msg.payload.decode('utf-8')) data = origin_data["msg"] if data == "push_stream": # 启动推流视频 push_stream(client) elif data == "close_stream": # 关闭推流视频 close_stream(client) elif data == "exec": # 执行命令 exec_sh(msg, client) elif data == "update": # git更新项目和配置文件 update(client) elif data == "record_list": # 查看录像列表 get_list_record() elif data == "record": # 获取录像 get_record(msg, client) elif data == "status": # 查看运行状态 get_status(client) else: # 错误类型 client.publish('error', payload='No Such Type', qos=0) except Exception as e: pass times = 120 def exec_shutdown(): pass client = mqtt.Client(client_id=device_name) client.username_pw_set("demo", "123456") # Specify callback function client.on_connect = on_connect # 尝试连接 MQTT 服务器 while True: try: # client.connect('', 1883) client.loop_forever() except Exception as e: print("Connection failed:", e) time.sleep(10) print("正在尝试重连")