380 lines
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380 lines
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namespace Qcloud\Cos;
use Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface;
use GuzzleHttp\Command\CommandInterface;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Uri;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface;
class CommandToRequestTransformer {
private $config;
private $operation;
public function __construct( $config, $operation ) {
$this->config = $config;
$this->operation = $operation;
// format bucket style
public function bucketStyleTransformer( CommandInterface $command, RequestInterface $request ) {
$action = $command->getName();
if ($action == 'ListBuckets') {
$uri = "service.cos.myqcloud.com";
if ($this->config['endpoint'] != null) {
$uri = $this->config['endpoint'];
if ($this->config['domain'] != null) {
$uri = $this->config['domain'];
if ($this->config['ip'] != null) {
$uri = $this->config['ip'];
if ($this->config['port'] != null) {
$uri = $this->config['ip'] . ":" . $this->config['port'];
return $request->withUri(new Uri($this->config['schema']."://". $uri. "/"));
$operation = $this->operation;
$bucketname = $command['Bucket'];
$appId = $this->config['appId'];
if ( $appId != null && endWith( $bucketname, '-'.$appId ) == false ) {
$bucketname = $bucketname.'-'.$appId;
$command['Bucket'] = $bucketname;
$uri = $operation['uri'];
// Hoststyle is used by default
// Pathstyle
if ( $this->config['pathStyle'] != true ) {
if ( isset( $operation['parameters']['Bucket'] ) && $command->hasParam( 'Bucket' ) ) {
$uri = str_replace( '{Bucket}', '', $uri );
if ( isset( $operation['parameters']['Key'] ) && $command->hasParam( 'Key' ) ) {
$uri = str_replace( '{/Key*}', encodeKey( $command['Key'] ), $uri );
if ($this->config['endpoint'] == null) {
$this->config['endpoint'] = "myqcloud.com";
$domain_type = '.cos.';
if ($action == 'PutBucketImageStyle' || $action == 'GetBucketImageStyle' || $action == 'DeleteBucketImageStyle'
|| $action == 'PutBucketGuetzli' || $action == 'GetBucketGuetzli' || $action == 'DeleteBucketGuetzli'
|| $action == 'BindCiService' || $action == 'GetCiService' || $action == 'UnBindCiService'
|| $action == 'GetHotLink' || $action == 'AddHotLink'
|| $action == 'OpenOriginProtect' || $action == 'GetOriginProtect' || $action == 'CloseOriginProtect') {
$domain_type = '.pic.';
$origin_host = $this->config['allow_accelerate'] ?
$bucketname . $domain_type . 'accelerate' . '.' . $this->config['endpoint'] :
$bucketname . $domain_type . $this->config['region'] . '.' . $this->config['endpoint'];
// domain
if ( $this->config['domain'] != null ) {
$origin_host = $this->config['domain'];
$host = $origin_host;
if ( $this->config['ip'] != null ) {
$host = $this->config['ip'];
if ( $this->config['port'] != null ) {
$host = $this->config['ip'] . ':' . $this->config['port'];
$path = $this->config['schema'].'://'. $host . $uri;
$uri = new Uri( $path );
$query = $request->getUri()->getQuery();
if ( $uri->getQuery() != $query && $uri->getQuery() != '' ) {
$query = $uri->getQuery() . '&' . $request->getUri()->getQuery();
$uri = $uri->withQuery( $query );
$request = $request->withUri( $uri );
$request = $request->withHeader( 'Host', $origin_host );
return $request;
// format upload body
public function uploadBodyTransformer( CommandInterface $command, $request, $bodyParameter = 'Body', $sourceParameter = 'SourceFile' ) {
$operation = $this->operation;
if ( !isset( $operation['parameters']['Body'] ) ) {
return $request;
$source = isset( $command[$sourceParameter] ) ? $command[$sourceParameter] : null;
$body = isset( $command[$bodyParameter] ) ? $command[$bodyParameter] : null;
// If a file path is passed in then get the file handle
if ( is_string( $source ) && file_exists( $source ) ) {
$body = fopen( $source, 'rb' );
// Prepare the body parameter and remove the source file parameter
if ( null !== $body ) {
return $request;
} else {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
"You must specify a non-null value for the {$bodyParameter} or {$sourceParameter} parameters." );
// update md5
public function md5Transformer( CommandInterface $command, $request ) {
$operation = $this->operation;
if ( isset( $operation['data']['contentMd5'] ) ) {
$request = $this->addMd5( $request );
if ( isset( $operation['parameters']['ContentMD5'] ) &&
isset( $command['ContentMD5'] ) ) {
$value = $command['ContentMD5'];
if ( $value != false ) {
$request = $this->addMd5( $request );
return $request;
// add Query string
public function queryStringTransformer( CommandInterface $command, $request ) {
$operation = $this->operation;
if ( isset( $command['Params'] ) ) {
$params = $command['Params'];
foreach ( $params as $key => $value ) {
$uri = $request->getUri();
$query = $uri->getQuery();
$uri = $uri->withQuery($query. "&" . urlencode($key) . "=" . $value );
$request = $request->withUri( $uri );
return $request;
// add Header string
public function headerTransformer( CommandInterface $command, $request ) {
$operation = $this->operation;
if ( isset( $command['Headers'] ) ) {
$headers = $command['Headers'];
foreach ( $headers as $key => $value ) {
$request = $request->withHeader( $key, $value);
return $request;
// add meta
public function metadataTransformer( CommandInterface $command, $request ) {
$operation = $this->operation;
if ( isset( $command['Metadata'] ) ) {
$meta = $command['Metadata'];
foreach ( $meta as $key => $value ) {
$request = $request->withHeader( 'x-cos-meta-' . $key, $value );
$request = headersMap( $command, $request );
return $request;
// count md5
private function addMd5( $request ) {
$body = $request->getBody();
if ( $body && $body->getSize() > 0 ) {
$md5 = base64_encode( md5( $body, true ) );
return $request->withHeader( 'Content-MD5', $md5 );
return $request;
// inventoryId
public function specialParamTransformer( CommandInterface $command, $request ) {
$action = $command->getName();
if ( $action == 'PutBucketInventory' ) {
$id = $command['Id'];
$uri = $request->getUri();
$query = $uri->getQuery();
$uri = $uri->withQuery( $query . '&Id='.$id );
return $request->withUri( $uri );
return $request;
public function ciParamTransformer( CommandInterface $command, $request ) {
$action = $command->getName();
if ( $action == 'GetObject' ) {
if(str_contains($uri = $request->getUri(), '%21') ) {
$uri = new Uri( str_replace('%21', '!', $uri) );
$request = $request->withUri( $uri );
if(isset($command['ImageHandleParam']) && $command['ImageHandleParam']){
$uri = $request->getUri();
$query = $uri->getQuery();
$query .= "&" . urlencode($command['ImageHandleParam']);
$query .= urlencode($command['ImageHandleParam']);
$uri = $uri->withQuery($query);
$request = $request->withUri( $uri );
return $request;
public function cosDomain2CiTransformer(CommandInterface $command, $request) {
$action = $command->getName();
if(key_exists($action, array(
'DescribeMediaBuckets' => 1,
'DescribeDocProcessBuckets' =>1,
))) {
$origin_host = "ci.{$this->config['region']}.myqcloud.com";
$host = $origin_host;
if ($this->config['ip'] != null) {
$host = $this->config['ip'];
if ($this->config['port'] != null) {
$host = $this->config['ip'] . ":" . $this->config['port'];
$path = $this->config['schema'].'://'. $host . $request->getUri()->getPath();
$uri = new Uri( $path );
$query = $request->getUri()->getQuery();
$uri = $uri->withQuery( $query );
$request = $request->withUri( $uri );
$request = $request->withHeader( 'Host', $origin_host );
return $request;
$ciActions = array(
'DetectText' => 1,
'CreateMediaTranscodeJobs' => 1,
'CreateMediaJobs' => 1,
'DescribeMediaJob' => 1,
'DescribeMediaJobs' => 1,
'CreateMediaSnapshotJobs' => 1,
'CreateMediaConcatJobs' => 1,
'DetectAudio' => 1,
'GetDetectAudioResult' => 1,
'GetDetectTextResult' => 1,
'DetectVideo' => 1,
'GetDetectVideoResult' => 1,
'DetectDocument' => 1,
'GetDetectDocumentResult' => 1,
'CreateDocProcessJobs' => 1,
'DescribeDocProcessQueues' => 1,
'DescribeDocProcessJob' => 1,
'GetDescribeDocProcessJobs' => 1,
'DetectImages' => 1,
'GetDetectImageResult' => 1,
'DetectVirus' => 1,
'GetDetectVirusResult' => 1,
'CreateMediaVoiceSeparateJobs' => 1,
'DescribeMediaVoiceSeparateJob' => 1,
'DetectWebpage' => 1,
'GetDetectWebpageResult' => 1,
'DescribeMediaQueues' => 1,
'UpdateMediaQueue' => 1,
'CreateMediaSmartCoverJobs' => 1,
'CreateMediaVideoProcessJobs' => 1,
'CreateMediaVideoMontageJobs' => 1,
'CreateMediaAnimationJobs' => 1,
'CreateMediaPicProcessJobs' => 1,
'CreateMediaSegmentJobs' => 1,
'CreateMediaVideoTagJobs' => 1,
'CreateMediaSuperResolutionJobs' => 1,
'CreateMediaSDRtoHDRJobs' => 1,
'CreateMediaDigitalWatermarkJobs' => 1,
'CreateMediaExtractDigitalWatermarkJobs' => 1,
'DetectLiveVideo' => 1,
'CancelLiveVideoAuditing' => 1,
'TriggerWorkflow' => 1,
'GetWorkflowInstances' => 1,
'GetWorkflowInstance' => 1,
'CreateMediaSnapshotTemplate' => 1,
'UpdateMediaSnapshotTemplate' => 1,
'CreateMediaTranscodeTemplate' => 1,
'UpdateMediaTranscodeTemplate' => 1,
'CreateMediaHighSpeedHdTemplate' => 1,
'UpdateMediaHighSpeedHdTemplate' => 1,
'CreateMediaAnimationTemplate' => 1,
'UpdateMediaAnimationTemplate' => 1,
'CreateMediaConcatTemplate' => 1,
'UpdateMediaConcatTemplate' => 1,
'CreateMediaVideoProcessTemplate' => 1,
'UpdateMediaVideoProcessTemplate' => 1,
'CreateMediaVideoMontageTemplate' => 1,
'UpdateMediaVideoMontageTemplate' => 1,
'CreateMediaVoiceSeparateTemplate' => 1,
'UpdateMediaVoiceSeparateTemplate' => 1,
'CreateMediaSuperResolutionTemplate' => 1,
'UpdateMediaSuperResolutionTemplate' => 1,
'CreateMediaPicProcessTemplate' => 1,
'UpdateMediaPicProcessTemplate' => 1,
'CreateMediaWatermarkTemplate' => 1,
'UpdateMediaWatermarkTemplate' => 1,
'DescribeMediaTemplates' => 1,
'DescribeWorkflow' => 1,
'DeleteWorkflow' => 1,
'CreateInventoryTriggerJob' => 1,
'DescribeInventoryTriggerJobs' => 1,
'DescribeInventoryTriggerJob' => 1,
'CancelInventoryTriggerJob' => 1,
'CreateMediaNoiseReductionJobs' => 1,
'ImageSearchOpen' => 1,
'UpdateDocProcessQueue' => 1,
'CreateMediaQualityEstimateJobs' => 1,
'CreateMediaStreamExtractJobs' => 1,
'OpenFileProcessService' => 1,
'GetFileProcessQueueList' => 1,
'UpdateFileProcessQueue' => 1,
'CreateFileHashCodeJobs' => 1,
'GetFileHashCodeResult' => 1,
'CreateFileUncompressJobs' => 1,
'GetFileUncompressResult' => 1,
'CreateFileCompressJobs' => 1,
'GetFileCompressResult' => 1,
if (key_exists($action, $ciActions)) {
$bucketname = $command['Bucket'];
$appId = $this->config['appId'];
if ( $appId != null && endWith( $bucketname, '-'.$appId ) == false ) {
$bucketname = $bucketname.'-'.$appId;
$command['Bucket'] = $bucketname;
$domain_type = '.ci.';
$origin_host = $bucketname . $domain_type . $this->config['region'] . '.' . $this->config['endpoint'];
$host = $origin_host;
if ( $this->config['ip'] != null ) {
$host = $this->config['ip'];
if ( $this->config['port'] != null ) {
$host = $this->config['ip'] . ':' . $this->config['port'];
$path = $this->config['schema'].'://'. $host . $request->getUri()->getPath();
$uri = new Uri( $path );
$query = $request->getUri()->getQuery();
$uri = $uri->withQuery( $query );
$request = $request->withUri( $uri );
$request = $request->withHeader( 'Host', $origin_host );
return $request;
public function __destruct() {