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namespace Qcloud\Cos;
use GuzzleHttp\Client as HttpClient;
use GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack;
use Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use GuzzleHttp\Command\Guzzle\Description;
use GuzzleHttp\Command\Guzzle\GuzzleClient;
use GuzzleHttp\Command\Guzzle\Deserializer;
use GuzzleHttp\Command\CommandInterface;
use GuzzleHttp\Exception\ConnectException;
use GuzzleHttp\Middleware;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7;
* @method object AbortMultipartUpload(array $args) 舍弃一个分块上传且删除已上传的分片块
* @method object CreateBucket(array $args) 创建存储桶Bucket
* @method object CompleteMultipartUpload(array $args) 完成整个分块上传
* @method object CreateMultipartUpload(array $args) 初始化分块上传
* @method object CopyObject(array $args) 复制对象
* @method object DeleteBucket(array $args) 删除存储桶 (Bucket)
* @method object DeleteBucketCors(array $args) 删除跨域访问配置信息
* @method object DeleteBucketTagging(array $args) 删除存储桶标签信息
* @method object DeleteBucketInventory(array $args) 删除存储桶标清单任务
* @method object DeleteObject(array $args) 删除 COS 上单个对象
* @method object DeleteObjects(array $args) 批量删除 COS 对象
* @method object DeleteBucketWebsite(array $args) 删除存储桶Bucket的website
* @method object DeleteBucketLifecycle(array $args) 删除存储桶Bucket的生命周期配置
* @method object DeleteBucketReplication(array $args) 删除跨区域复制配置
* @method object PutObjectTagging(array $args) 配置对象标签
* @method object GetObjectTagging(array $args) 获取对象标签信息
* @method object DeleteObjectTagging(array $args) 删除对象标签
* @method object GetObject(array $args) 下载对象
* @method object GetObjectAcl(array $args) 获取 COS 对象的访问权限信息Access Control List, ACL
* @method object GetBucketAcl(array $args) 获取存储桶Bucket的访问权限信息Access Control List, ACL
* @method object GetBucketCors(array $args) 查询存储桶Bucket跨域访问配置信息
* @method object GetBucketDomain(array $args) 查询存储桶BucketDomain配置信息
* @method object GetBucketAccelerate(array $args) 查询存储桶BucketAccelerate配置信息
* @method object GetBucketWebsite(array $args) 查询存储桶BucketWebsite配置信息
* @method object GetBucketLifecycle(array $args) 查询存储桶Bucket的生命周期配置
* @method object GetBucketVersioning(array $args) 获取存储桶Bucket版本控制信息
* @method object GetBucketReplication(array $args) 获取存储桶Bucket跨区域复制配置信息
* @method object GetBucketLocation(array $args) 获取存储桶Bucket所在的地域信息
* @method object GetBucketNotification(array $args) 获取存储桶BucketNotification信息
* @method object GetBucketLogging(array $args) 获取存储桶Bucket日志信息
* @method object GetBucketInventory(array $args) 获取存储桶Bucket清单信息
* @method object GetBucketTagging(array $args) 获取存储桶Bucket标签信息
* @method object UploadPart(array $args) 分块上传
* @method object PutObject(array $args) 上传对象
* @method object AppendObject(array $args) 追加对象
* @method object PutObjectAcl(array $args) 设置 COS 对象的访问权限信息Access Control List, ACL
* @method object PutBucketAcl(array $args) 设置存储桶Bucket的访问权限Access Control List, ACL)
* @method object PutBucketCors(array $args) 设置存储桶Bucket的跨域配置信息
* @method object PutBucketDomain(array $args) 设置存储桶Bucket的Domain信息
* @method object PutBucketLifecycle(array $args) 设置存储桶Bucket生命周期配置
* @method object PutBucketVersioning(array $args) 存储桶Bucket版本控制
* @method object PutBucketAccelerate(array $args) 配置存储桶BucketAccelerate
* @method object PutBucketWebsite(array $args) 配置存储桶Bucketwebsite
* @method object PutBucketReplication(array $args) 配置存储桶Bucket跨区域复制
* @method object PutBucketNotification(array $args) 设置存储桶Bucket的回调设置
* @method object PutBucketTagging(array $args) 配置存储桶Bucket标签
* @method object PutBucketLogging(array $args) 开启存储桶Bucket日志服务
* @method object PutBucketInventory(array $args) 配置存储桶Bucket清单
* @method object RestoreObject(array $args) 回热归档对象
* @method object ListParts(array $args) 查询存储桶Bucket中正在进行中的分块上传对象
* @method object ListObjects(array $args) 查询存储桶Bucket下的部分或者全部对象
* @method object ListBuckets 获取所属账户的所有存储空间列表
* @method object ListObjectVersions(array $args) 获取多版本对象
* @method object ListMultipartUploads(array $args) 获取已上传分块列表
* @method object ListBucketInventoryConfigurations(array $args) 获取清单列表
* @method object HeadObject(array $args) 获取对象的meta信息
* @method object HeadBucket(array $args) 存储桶Bucket是否存在
* @method object UploadPartCopy(array $args) 分块copy
* @method object SelectObjectContent(array $args) 检索对象内容
* @method object PutBucketIntelligentTiering(array $args) 存储桶Bucket开启智能分层
* @method object GetBucketIntelligentTiering(array $args) 查询存储桶Bucket智能分层
* @method object ImageInfo(array $args) 万象-获取图片基本信息
* @method object ImageExif(array $args) 万象-获取图片EXIF信息
* @method object ImageAve(array $args) 万象-获取图片主色调信息
* @method object ImageProcess(array $args) 万象-云上数据处理
* @method object Qrcode(array $args) 万象-二维码下载时识别
* @method object QrcodeGenerate(array $args) 万象-二维码生成
* @method object DetectLabel(array $args) 万象-图片标签
* @method object PutBucketImageStyle(array $args) 万象-增加样式
* @method object GetBucketImageStyle(array $args) 万象-查询样式
* @method object DeleteBucketImageStyle(array $args) 万象-删除样式
* @method object PutBucketGuetzli(array $args) 万象-开通Guetzli压缩
* @method object GetBucketGuetzli(array $args) 万象-查询Guetzli状态
* @method object DeleteBucketGuetzli(array $args) 万象-关闭Guetzli压缩
* @method object GetObjectSensitiveContentRecognition(array $args) 图片审核
* @method object DetectText(array $args) 文本审核
* @method object GetSnapshot(array $args) 媒体截图
* @method object PutBucketReferer(array $args) 添加防盗链
* @method object GetBucketReferer(array $args) 获取防盗链规则
* @method object GetMediaInfo(array $args) 获取媒体信息
* @method object CreateMediaTranscodeJobs(array $args) 媒体转码
* @method object CreateMediaJobs(array $args) 媒体任务
* @method object DescribeMediaJob(array $args) 查询指定的媒体任务
* @method object DescribeMediaJobs(array $args) 拉取拉取符合条件的媒体任务
* @method object CreateMediaSnapshotJobs(array $args) 媒体截图
* @method object CreateMediaConcatJobs(array $args) 媒体拼接
* @method object DetectAudio(array $args) 音频审核
* @method object GetDetectAudioResult(array $args) 主动获取音频审核结果
* @method object GetDetectTextResult(array $args) 主动获取文本文件审核结果
* @method object DetectVideo(array $args) 视频审核
* @method object GetDetectVideoResult(array $args) 主动获取视频审核结果
* @method object DetectDocument(array $args) 文档审核
* @method object GetDetectDocumentResult(array $args) 主动获取文档审核结果
* @method object CreateDocProcessJobs(array $args) 提交文档转码任务
* @method object DescribeDocProcessQueues(array $args) 查询文档转码队列
* @method object DescribeDocProcessJob(array $args) 查询文档转码任务
* @method object GetDescribeDocProcessJobs(array $args) 拉取符合条件的文档转码任务
* @method object DetectImage(array $args) 图片审核
* @method object DetectImages(array $args) 图片审核-批量
* @method object DetectVirus(array $args) 云查毒
* @method object GetDetectVirusResult(array $args) 查询病毒检测任务结果
* @method object GetDetectImageResult(array $args) 主动获取图片审核结果
* @method object CreateMediaVoiceSeparateJobs(array $args) 提交人声分离任务
* @method object DescribeMediaVoiceSeparateJob(array $args) 查询指定的人声分离任务
* @method object DetectWebpage(array $args) 提交网页审核任务
* @method object GetDetectWebpageResult(array $args) 查询网页审核任务结果
* @method object DescribeMediaBuckets(array $args) 查询媒体处理开通状态
* @method object GetPrivateM3U8(array $args) 获取私有 M3U8 ts 资源的下载授权
* @method object DescribeMediaQueues(array $args) 搜索媒体处理队列
* @method object UpdateMediaQueue(array $args) 更新媒体处理队列
* @method object CreateMediaSmartCoverJobs(array $args) 提交智能封面任务
* @method object CreateMediaVideoProcessJobs(array $args) 提交视频增强任务
* @method object CreateMediaVideoMontageJobs(array $args) 提交精彩集锦任务
* @method object CreateMediaAnimationJobs(array $args) 提交动图任务
* @method object CreateMediaPicProcessJobs(array $args) 提交图片处理任务
* @method object CreateMediaSegmentJobs(array $args) 提交转封装任务
* @method object CreateMediaVideoTagJobs(array $args) 提交视频标签任务
* @method object CreateMediaSuperResolutionJobs(array $args) 提交超分辨率任务
* @method object CreateMediaSDRtoHDRJobs(array $args) 提交 SDR to HDR 任务
* @method object CreateMediaDigitalWatermarkJobs(array $args) 嵌入数字水印任务(添加水印)
* @method object CreateMediaExtractDigitalWatermarkJobs(array $args) 提取数字水印任务(提取水印)
* @method object DetectLiveVideo(array $args) 直播流审核
* @method object CancelLiveVideoAuditing(array $args) 取消直播流审核
* @method object OpticalOcrRecognition(array $args) 通用文字识别
* @method object TriggerWorkflow(array $args) 手动触发工作流
* @method object GetWorkflowInstances(array $args) 获取工作流实例列表
* @method object GetWorkflowInstance(array $args) 获取工作流实例详情
* @method object CreateMediaSnapshotTemplate(array $args) 新增截图模板
* @method object UpdateMediaSnapshotTemplate(array $args) 更新截图模板
* @method object CreateMediaTranscodeTemplate(array $args) 新增转码模板
* @method object UpdateMediaTranscodeTemplate(array $args) 更新转码模板
* @method object CreateMediaHighSpeedHdTemplate(array $args) 新增极速高清转码模板
* @method object UpdateMediaHighSpeedHdTemplate(array $args) 更新极速高清转码模板
* @method object CreateMediaAnimationTemplate(array $args) 新增动图模板
* @method object UpdateMediaAnimationTemplate(array $args) 更新动图模板
* @method object CreateMediaConcatTemplate(array $args) 新增拼接模板
* @method object UpdateMediaConcatTemplate(array $args) 更新拼接模板
* @method object CreateMediaVideoProcessTemplate(array $args) 新增视频增强模板
* @method object UpdateMediaVideoProcessTemplate(array $args) 更新视频增强模板
* @method object CreateMediaVideoMontageTemplate(array $args) 新增精彩集锦模板
* @method object UpdateMediaVideoMontageTemplate(array $args) 更新精彩集锦模板
* @method object CreateMediaVoiceSeparateTemplate(array $args) 新增人声分离模板
* @method object UpdateMediaVoiceSeparateTemplate(array $args) 更新人声分离模板
* @method object CreateMediaSuperResolutionTemplate(array $args) 新增超分辨率模板
* @method object UpdateMediaSuperResolutionTemplate(array $args) 更新超分辨率模板
* @method object CreateMediaPicProcessTemplate(array $args) 新增图片处理模板
* @method object UpdateMediaPicProcessTemplate(array $args) 更新图片处理模板
* @method object CreateMediaWatermarkTemplate(array $args) 新增水印模板
* @method object UpdateMediaWatermarkTemplate(array $args) 更新水印模板
* @method object DescribeMediaTemplates(array $args) 查询模板列表
* @method object DescribeWorkflow(array $args) 搜索工作流
* @method object DeleteWorkflow(array $args) 删除工作流
* @method object CreateInventoryTriggerJob(array $args) 触发批量存量任务
* @method object DescribeInventoryTriggerJobs(array $args) 批量拉取存量任务
* @method object DescribeInventoryTriggerJob(array $args) 查询存量任务
* @method object CancelInventoryTriggerJob(array $args) 取消存量任务
* @method object CreateMediaNoiseReductionJobs(array $args) 提交音频降噪任务
* @method object ImageRepairProcess(array $args) 图片水印修复
* @method object ImageDetectCarProcess(array $args) 车辆车牌检测
* @method object ImageAssessQualityProcess(array $args) 图片质量评估
* @method object ImageSearchOpen(array $args) 开通以图搜图
* @method object ImageSearchAdd(array $args) 添加图库图片
* @method object ImageSearch(array $args) 图片搜索接口
* @method object ImageSearchDelete(array $args) 图片搜索接口
* @method object BindCiService(array $args) 绑定数据万象服务
* @method object GetCiService(array $args) 查询数据万象服务
* @method object UnBindCiService(array $args) 解绑数据万象服务
* @method object GetHotLink(array $args) 查询防盗链
* @method object AddHotLink(array $args) 查询防盗链
* @method object OpenOriginProtect(array $args) 开通原图保护
* @method object GetOriginProtect(array $args) 查询原图保护状态
* @method object CloseOriginProtect(array $args) 关闭原图保护
* @method object ImageDetectFace(array $args) 人脸检测
* @method object ImageFaceEffect(array $args) 人脸特效
* @method object IDCardOCR(array $args) 身份证识别
* @method object IDCardOCRByUpload(array $args) 身份证识别-上传时处理
* @method object GetLiveCode(array $args) 获取数字验证码
* @method object GetActionSequence(array $args) 获取动作顺序
* @method object DescribeDocProcessBuckets(array $args) 查询文档预览开通状态
* @method object UpdateDocProcessQueue(array $args) 更新文档转码队列
* @method object CreateMediaQualityEstimateJobs(array $args) 提交视频质量评分任务
* @method object CreateMediaStreamExtractJobs(array $args) 提交音视频流分离任务
* @method object FileJobs4Hash(array $args) 哈希值计算同步请求
* @method object OpenFileProcessService(array $args) 开通文件处理服务
* @method object GetFileProcessQueueList(array $args) 搜索文件处理队列
* @method object UpdateFileProcessQueue(array $args) 更新文件处理的队列
* @method object CreateFileHashCodeJobs(array $args) 提交哈希值计算任务
* @method object GetFileHashCodeResult(array $args) 查询哈希值计算结果
* @method object CreateFileUncompressJobs(array $args) 提交文件解压任务
* @method object GetFileUncompressResult(array $args) 查询文件解压结果
* @method object CreateFileCompressJobs(array $args) 提交多文件打包压缩任务
* @method object GetFileCompressResult(array $args) 查询多文件打包压缩结果
* @method object CreateM3U8PlayListJobs(array $args) 获取指定hls/m3u8文件指定时间区间内的ts资源
* @method object GetPicQueueList(array $args) 搜索图片处理队列
* @method object UpdatePicQueue(array $args) 更新图片处理队列
* @method object GetPicBucketList(array $args) 查询图片处理服务状态
* @method object GetAiBucketList(array $args) 查询 AI 内容识别服务状态
* @method object OpenAiService(array $args) 开通 AI 内容识别
* @method object GetAiQueueList(array $args) 搜索 AI 内容识别队列
* @method object UpdateAiQueue(array $args) 更新 AI 内容识别队列
* @method object CreateMediaTranscodeProTemplate(array $args) 创建音视频转码 pro 模板
* @method object UpdateMediaTranscodeProTemplate(array $args) 更新音视频转码 pro 模板
* @method object CreateVoiceTtsTemplate(array $args) 创建语音合成模板
* @method object UpdateVoiceTtsTemplate(array $args) 更新语音合成模板
* @method object CreateMediaSmartCoverTemplate(array $args) 创建智能封面模板
* @method object UpdateMediaSmartCoverTemplate(array $args) 更新智能封面模板
* @method object CreateVoiceSpeechRecognitionTemplate(array $args) 创建语音识别模板
* @method object UpdateVoiceSpeechRecognitionTemplate(array $args) 更新语音识别模板
* @method object CreateVoiceTtsJobs(array $args) 提交一个语音合成任务
* @method object CreateAiTranslationJobs(array $args) 提交一个翻译任务
* @method object CreateVoiceSpeechRecognitionJobs(array $args) 提交一个语音识别任务
* @method object CreateAiWordsGeneralizeJobs(array $args) 提交一个分词任务
* @method object CreateMediaVideoEnhanceJobs(array $args) 提交画质增强任务
* @method object CreateMediaVideoEnhanceTemplate(array $args) 创建画质增强模板
* @method object UpdateMediaVideoEnhanceTemplate(array $args) 更新画质增强模板
* @method object OpenImageSlim(array $args) 开通图片瘦身
* @method object CloseImageSlim(array $args) 关闭图片瘦身
* @method object GetImageSlim(array $args) 查询图片瘦身状态
* @see \Qcloud\Cos\Service::getService()
class Client extends GuzzleClient {
const VERSION = '2.6.6';
public $httpClient;
private $api;
private $desc;
private $action;
private $operation;
private $cosConfig;
private $signature;
private $rawCosConfig;
public function __construct(array $cosConfig) {
$this->rawCosConfig = $cosConfig;
$this->cosConfig['schema'] = isset($cosConfig['schema']) ? $cosConfig['schema'] : 'http';
$this->cosConfig['region'] = isset($cosConfig['region']) ? region_map($cosConfig['region']) : null;
$this->cosConfig['appId'] = isset($cosConfig['credentials']['appId']) ? $cosConfig['credentials']['appId'] : null;
$this->cosConfig['secretId'] = isset($cosConfig['credentials']['secretId']) ? trim($cosConfig['credentials']['secretId']) : '';
$this->cosConfig['secretKey'] = isset($cosConfig['credentials']['secretKey']) ? trim($cosConfig['credentials']['secretKey']) : '';
$this->cosConfig['anonymous'] = isset($cosConfig['credentials']['anonymous']) ? $cosConfig['credentials']['anonymous'] : false;
$this->cosConfig['token'] = isset($cosConfig['credentials']['token']) ? trim($cosConfig['credentials']['token']) : null;
$this->cosConfig['timeout'] = isset($cosConfig['timeout']) ? $cosConfig['timeout'] : 3600;
$this->cosConfig['connect_timeout'] = isset($cosConfig['connect_timeout']) ? $cosConfig['connect_timeout'] : 3600;
$this->cosConfig['ip'] = isset($cosConfig['ip']) ? $cosConfig['ip'] : null;
$this->cosConfig['port'] = isset($cosConfig['port']) ? $cosConfig['port'] : null;
$this->cosConfig['endpoint'] = isset($cosConfig['endpoint']) ? $cosConfig['endpoint'] : null;
$this->cosConfig['domain'] = isset($cosConfig['domain']) ? $cosConfig['domain'] : null;
$this->cosConfig['proxy'] = isset($cosConfig['proxy']) ? $cosConfig['proxy'] : null;
$this->cosConfig['retry'] = isset($cosConfig['retry']) ? $cosConfig['retry'] : 1;
$this->cosConfig['userAgent'] = isset($cosConfig['userAgent']) ? $cosConfig['userAgent'] : 'cos-php-sdk-v5.'. Client::VERSION;
$this->cosConfig['pathStyle'] = isset($cosConfig['pathStyle']) ? $cosConfig['pathStyle'] : false;
$this->cosConfig['signHost'] = isset($cosConfig['signHost']) ? $cosConfig['signHost'] : true;
$this->cosConfig['allow_redirects'] = isset($cosConfig['allow_redirects']) ? $cosConfig['allow_redirects'] : false;
$this->cosConfig['allow_accelerate'] = isset($cosConfig['allow_accelerate']) ? $cosConfig['allow_accelerate'] : false;
$this->cosConfig['timezone'] = isset($cosConfig['timezone']) ? $cosConfig['timezone'] : 'PRC';
$this->cosConfig['locationWithSchema'] = isset($cosConfig['locationWithSchema']) ? $cosConfig['locationWithSchema'] : false;
// check config
$service = Service::getService();
$handler = HandlerStack::create();
$handler->push(Middleware::retry($this->retryDecide(), $this->retryDelay()));
$handler->push(Middleware::mapRequest(function (RequestInterface $request) {
return $request->withHeader('User-Agent', $this->cosConfig['userAgent']);
if ($this->cosConfig['anonymous'] != true) {
$handler->push($this::handleSignature($this->cosConfig['secretId'], $this->cosConfig['secretKey'], $this->cosConfig));
if ($this->cosConfig['token'] != null) {
$handler->push(Middleware::mapRequest(function (RequestInterface $request) {
$request = $request->withHeader('x-ci-security-token', $this->cosConfig['token']);
return $request->withHeader('x-cos-security-token', $this->cosConfig['token']);
$this->signature = new Signature($this->cosConfig['secretId'], $this->cosConfig['secretKey'], $this->cosConfig, $this->cosConfig['token']);
$area = $this->cosConfig['allow_accelerate'] ? 'accelerate' : $this->cosConfig['region'];
$this->httpClient = new HttpClient([
'base_uri' => "{$this->cosConfig['schema']}://cos.{$area}",
'timeout' => $this->cosConfig['timeout'],
'handler' => $handler,
'proxy' => $this->cosConfig['proxy'],
'allow_redirects' => $this->cosConfig['allow_redirects']
$this->desc = new Description($service);
$this->api = (array) $this->desc->getOperations();
parent::__construct($this->httpClient, $this->desc, [$this,
'commandToRequestTransformer'], [$this, 'responseToResultTransformer'],
public function inputCheck() {
$message = null;
if (empty($this->cosConfig['region']) &&
empty($this->cosConfig['domain']) &&
empty($this->cosConfig['endpoint']) &&
empty($this->cosConfig['ip']) &&
!$this->cosConfig['allow_accelerate']) {
$message = 'Region is empty';
if (empty($this->cosConfig['secretId']) || empty($this->cosConfig['secretKey'])) {
$message = 'Secret is empty';
if ($message !== null) {
$e = new Exception\CosException($message);
$e->setExceptionCode('Invalid Argument');
throw $e;
public function retryDecide() {
return function (
RequestInterface $request,
ResponseInterface $response = null,
\Exception $exception = null
) {
if ($retries >= $this->cosConfig['retry']) {
return false;
if ($response != null && $response->getStatusCode() >= 400 ) {
return true;
if ($exception instanceof Exception\ServiceResponseException) {
if ($exception->getStatusCode() >= 400) {
return true;
if ($exception instanceof ConnectException) {
return true;
return false;
public function retryDelay() {
return function ($numberOfRetries) {
return 1000 * $numberOfRetries;
public function commandToRequestTransformer(CommandInterface $command)
$this->action = $command->GetName();
$this->operation = $this->api[$this->action];
$transformer = new CommandToRequestTransformer($this->cosConfig, $this->operation);
$seri = new Serializer($this->desc);
$request = $seri($command);
$request = $transformer->bucketStyleTransformer($command, $request);
$request = $transformer->uploadBodyTransformer($command, $request);
$request = $transformer->metadataTransformer($command, $request);
$request = $transformer->queryStringTransformer($command, $request);
$request = $transformer->headerTransformer($command, $request);
$request = $transformer->md5Transformer($command, $request);
$request = $transformer->specialParamTransformer($command, $request);
$request = $transformer->ciParamTransformer($command, $request);
$request = $transformer->cosDomain2CiTransformer($command, $request);
return $request;
public function responseToResultTransformer(ResponseInterface $response, RequestInterface $request, CommandInterface $command)
$transformer = new ResultTransformer($this->cosConfig, $this->operation);
$transformer->writeDataToLocal($command, $request, $response);
$deseri = new Deserializer($this->desc, true);
$result = $deseri($response, $request, $command);
$result = $transformer->metaDataTransformer($command, $response, $result);
$result = $transformer->extraHeadersTransformer($command, $request, $result);
$result = $transformer->selectContentTransformer($command, $result);
$result = $transformer->ciContentInfoTransformer($command, $result);
return $result;
public function __destruct() {
public function __call($method, array $args) {
try {
$rt = parent::__call(ucfirst($method), $args);
return $rt;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$previous = $e->getPrevious();
if ($previous !== null) {
throw $previous;
} else {
throw $e;
public function getApi() {
return $this->api;
* Get the config of the cos client.
* @param array|string $option
* @return mixed
public function getCosConfig($option = null)
return $option === null
? $this->cosConfig
: (isset($this->cosConfig[$option]) ? $this->cosConfig[$option] : array());
public function setCosConfig($option, $value)
$this->cosConfig[$option] = $value;
private function createPresignedUrl(RequestInterface $request, $expires) {
return $this->signature->createPresignedUrl($request, $expires);
public function getPresignedUrl($method, $args, $expires = "+30 minutes") {
$command = $this->getCommand($method, $args);
$request = $this->commandToRequestTransformer($command);
return $this->createPresignedUrl($request, $expires);
public function getObjectUrl($bucket, $key, $expires = "+30 minutes", array $args = array()) {
$command = $this->getCommand('GetObject', $args + array('Bucket' => $bucket, 'Key' => $key));
$request = $this->commandToRequestTransformer($command);
return $this->createPresignedUrl($request, $expires)->__toString();
public function getObjectUrlWithoutSign($bucket, $key, array $args = array()) {
$command = $this->getCommand('GetObject', $args + array('Bucket' => $bucket, 'Key' => $key));
$request = $this->commandToRequestTransformer($command);
return $request->getUri()->__toString();
public function upload($bucket, $key, $body, $options = array()) {
$body = Psr7\Utils::streamFor($body);
$options['Retry'] = $this->cosConfig['retry'];
$options['PartSize'] = isset($options['PartSize']) ? $options['PartSize'] : MultipartUpload::DEFAULT_PART_SIZE;
if ($body->getSize() < $options['PartSize']) {
$rt = $this->putObject(array(
'Bucket' => $bucket,
'Key' => $key,
'Body' => $body,
) + $options);
else {
$multipartUpload = new MultipartUpload($this, $body, array(
'Bucket' => $bucket,
'Key' => $key,
) + $options);
$rt = $multipartUpload->performUploading();
return $rt;
public function download($bucket, $key, $saveAs, $options = array()) {
$options['PartSize'] = isset($options['PartSize']) ? $options['PartSize'] : RangeDownload::DEFAULT_PART_SIZE;
$versionId = isset($options['VersionId']) ? $options['VersionId'] : '';
$rt = $this->headObject(array(
$contentLength = $rt['ContentLength'];
$resumableJson = [
'LastModified' => $rt['LastModified'],
'ContentLength' => $rt['ContentLength'],
'ETag' => $rt['ETag'],
'Crc64ecma' => $rt['Crc64ecma']
$options['ResumableJson'] = $resumableJson;
if ($contentLength < $options['PartSize']) {
$rt = $this->getObject(array(
'Bucket' => $bucket,
'Key' => $key,
'SaveAs' => $saveAs,
) + $options);
} else {
$rangeDownload = new RangeDownload($this, $contentLength, $saveAs, array(
'Bucket' => $bucket,
'Key' => $key,
) + $options);
$rt = $rangeDownload->performDownloading();
return $rt;
public function resumeUpload($bucket, $key, $body, $uploadId, $options = array()) {
$body = Psr7\Utils::streamFor($body);
$options['PartSize'] = isset($options['PartSize']) ? $options['PartSize'] : MultipartUpload::DEFAULT_PART_SIZE;
$multipartUpload = new MultipartUpload($this, $body, array(
'Bucket' => $bucket,
'Key' => $key,
'UploadId' => $uploadId,
) + $options);
$rt = $multipartUpload->resumeUploading();
return $rt;
public function copy($bucket, $key, $copySource, $options = array()) {
$options['PartSize'] = isset($options['PartSize']) ? $options['PartSize'] : Copy::DEFAULT_PART_SIZE;
// set copysource client
$sourceConfig = $this->rawCosConfig;
$sourceConfig['region'] = $copySource['Region'];
$cosSourceClient = new Client($sourceConfig);
$copySource['VersionId'] = isset($copySource['VersionId']) ? $copySource['VersionId'] : '';
$rt = $cosSourceClient->headObject(
$contentLength = $rt['ContentLength'];
// sample copy
if ($contentLength < $options['PartSize']) {
$rt = $this->copyObject(array(
'Bucket' => $bucket,
'Key' => $key,
'CopySource' => "{$copySource['Bucket']}.cos.{$copySource['Region']}". urlencode("{$copySource['Key']}")."?versionId={$copySource['VersionId']}",
) + $options
return $rt;
// multi part copy
$copySource['ContentLength'] = $contentLength;
$copy = new Copy($this, $copySource, array(
'Bucket' => $bucket,
'Key' => $key
) + $options
return $copy->copy();
public function doesBucketExist($bucket, array $options = array())
try {
'Bucket' => $bucket));
return true;
} catch (\Exception $e){
return false;
public function doesObjectExist($bucket, $key, array $options = array())
try {
'Bucket' => $bucket,
'Key' => $key));
return true;
} catch (\Exception $e){
return false;
public static function explodeKey($key) {
// Remove a leading slash if one is found
$split_key = explode('/', $key && $key[0] == '/' ? substr($key, 1) : $key);
// Remove empty element
$split_key = array_filter($split_key, function($var) {
return !($var == '' || $var == null);
$final_key = implode("/", $split_key);
if (substr($key, -1) == '/') {
$final_key = $final_key . '/';
return $final_key;
public static function handleSignature($secretId, $secretKey, $options) {
return function (callable $handler) use ($secretId, $secretKey, $options) {
return new SignatureMiddleware($handler, $secretId, $secretKey, $options);
public static function handleErrors() {
return function (callable $handler) {
return new ExceptionMiddleware($handler);