<?php // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- // | likeadmin快速开发前后端分离管理后台(PHP版) // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- // | 欢迎阅读学习系统程序代码,建议反馈是我们前进的动力 // | 开源版本可自由商用,可去除界面版权logo // | gitee下载:https://gitee.com/likeshop_gitee/likeadmin // | github下载:https://github.com/likeshop-github/likeadmin // | 访问官网:https://www.likeadmin.cn // | likeadmin团队 版权所有 拥有最终解释权 // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- // | author: likeadminTeam // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace app\api\service; use Firebase\JWT\JWT; use Firebase\JWT\Key; use Firebase\JWT\SignatureInvalidException; use Firebase\JWT\BeforeValidException; use Firebase\JWT\ExpiredException; use think\facade\Config; class JwtTokenService { /** * @param int $id * @param string $type * @param $exp * @param array $params * @return array * @author xaboy * @day 2020/10/13 */ public static function createToken(int $id, string $phone, array $params = []) { $time = time(); $host = app('request')->host(); $params += [ 'iss' => $host, //签发者 'aud' => $host, //签发时间 'iat' => $time, 'nbf' => $time, //生效时间 'exp' => $time + 7 * 24 * 3600, ]; $params['data'] = [ 'uid' => $id, 'phone' => $phone ]; $token = JWT::encode($params, env('app.app_key', '123456'), 'HS256'); $tokenInfo = [ 'uid' => $id, 'phone' => $phone, 'token' => $token ]; return $tokenInfo; } /** * @param string $token * @return object * @throws SignatureInvalidException Provided JWT was invalid because the signature verification failed * @throws BeforeValidException Provided JWT is trying to be used before it's eligible as defined by 'nbf' * @throws BeforeValidException Provided JWT is trying to be used before it's been created as defined by 'iat' * @throws ExpiredException Provided JWT has since expired, as defined by the 'exp' claim * @throws UnexpectedValueException Provided JWT was invalid * @author xaboy * @day 2020-04-09 */ public static function parseToken(string $token) { try { JWT::$leeway = 10; //当前时间减去10秒,时间留点余地 $decoded = JWT::decode($token, new Key(env('app.app_key', '123456'), 'HS256')); $decodedArray = json_decode(json_encode($decoded), true); $jwtData = $decodedArray['data']; return $jwtData; } catch(\Firebase\JWT\SignatureInvalidException $e) { throw new \think\Exception('签名错误'); } catch(\Firebase\JWT\BeforeValidException $e) { throw new \think\Exception('token无效'); } catch(\Firebase\JWT\ExpiredException $e) { throw new \think\Exception('token已过期'); } catch(\Exception $e) { throw new \think\Exception('非法请求'); } } }