This commit is contained in:
weipengfei 2023-12-02 19:04:16 +08:00
parent 76c4814b75
commit 8fb277ad92
11 changed files with 450 additions and 308 deletions

View File

@ -1,12 +1,6 @@
<script setup>
import headView from "@/components/headView.vue";
import Businesses from "@/components/Businesses.vue";
import { test } from "@/api/index.js";
test().then(res => {
}).catch(e => {

View File

@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
import axios from "@/utils/axios.js";
export const test = () => {
return axios.get('/common/home');
export const orderList = (data) => {
return axios.get('dataview/curr_order_info', { params: data });
export const orderRanking = (data) => {
return axios.get('dataview/order_ranking', { params: data });

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import { ref, reactive, onMounted } from "vue"
import { useRouter } from 'vue-router'
import paging from "./paging.vue"
import mitt from "@/utils/mitt"
import { orderList } from "@/api/index.js"
const route = useRouter()
const ShwostoreType = ref(false)
@ -22,43 +23,31 @@ const hdClick = (e) => {
const a = (aaa) => {
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
if (i % 2 == 0) {
`<div style='width: 100%;text-align: center; height: 100%; color: aliceblue; background: rgba(91, 219, 246, 0.30);'>排序</div>`,
`<div style='width: 100%;text-align: center; height: 100%; color: aliceblue; background: rgba(91, 219, 246, 0.30);' >排sd序</div>`,
`<div style='width: 100%;text-align: center; height: 100%; color: aliceblue; background: rgba(91, 219, 246, 0.30);'>排序</div>`,
`<div style='width: 100%;text-align: center; height: 100%; color: aliceblue; background: rgba(91, 219, 246, 0.30);'>排序</div>`,
`<div style='width: 100%;text-align: center; height: 100%; color: aliceblue; background: rgba(91, 219, 246, 0.30);'>排序</div>`,
`<div style='width: 100%;text-align: center; height: 100%; color: aliceblue; background: rgba(91, 219, 246, 0.30);'>排序</div>`,
`<div style='width: 100%;text-align: center; height: 100%; color: aliceblue; background: rgba(91, 219, 246, 0.30);'>排序</div>`,
`<div style='width: 100%;text-align: center; height: 100%; color: aliceblue; background: rgba(91, 219, 246, 0.30);'>排序</div>`,
`<div style='width: 100%;text-align: center; height: 100%; color: aliceblue; background: rgba(91, 219, 246, 0.30);'>排序</div>`,
} else {
`<div style='width: 100%;text-align: center; height: 100%; color: aliceblue; background: rgba(0, 156, 255, 0.40);'>排序</div>`,
`<div style='width: 100%;text-align: center; height: 100%; color: aliceblue; background: rgba(0, 156, 255, 0.40);'>排sd序</div>`,
`<div style='width: 100%;text-align: center; height: 100%; color: aliceblue; background: rgba(0, 156, 255, 0.40);'>排序</div>`,
`<div style='width: 100%;text-align: center; height: 100%; color: aliceblue; background: rgba(0, 156, 255, 0.40);'>排序</div>`,
`<div style='width: 100%;text-align: center; height: 100%; color: aliceblue; background: rgba(0, 156, 255, 0.40);'>排序</div>`,
`<div style='width: 100%;text-align: center; height: 100%; color: aliceblue; background: rgba(0, 156, 255, 0.40);'>排序</div>`,
`<div style='width: 100%;text-align: center; height: 100%; color: aliceblue; background: rgba(0, 156, 255, 0.40);'>排序</div>`,
`<div style='width: 100%;text-align: center; height: 100%; color: aliceblue; background: rgba(0, 156, 255, 0.40);'>排序</div>`,
`<div style='width: 100%;text-align: center; height: 100%; color: aliceblue; background: rgba(0, 156, 255, 0.40);'>排序</div>`,
const initData = (data) => {
let arr = [];
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
let calss = 'div';
if (i % 2 != 0) {
calss = 'div div2'
`<div class="${calss}">${data[i].order_sn || '-'}</div>`,
`<div class="${calss}">${data[i].real_name || '-'}</div>`,
`<div class="${calss}">${data[i].user_phone || '-'}</div>`,
`<div class="${calss}">${data[i].user_address || '-'}</div>`,
`<div class="${calss}">${data[i].store_name || '-'}</div>`,
`<div class="${calss}">${data[i].mer_name || '-'}</div>`,
`<div class="${calss}">${data[i].create_time || '-'}</div>`,
`<div class="${calss}">${data[i].status || '-'}</div>`,
`<div class="${calss}">${data[i].courier || '-'}</div>`,
} = arr;
const scrollBoardRef = ref(null);
const configs = reactive({
headerBGC: "linear-gradient(to right, #ff0000, #00ff00)",
oddRowBGC: '',
@ -78,8 +67,28 @@ const configs = reactive({
data: [
const pages = ref({
areaCode: 510524,
streetCode: 510524100,
page: 1,
limit: 30,
total: 0,
pageAll: 0
const loadOrderList = (pramas) => {
orderList(pramas).then((res) => {
initData(; =;
pages.value.pageAll = Math.ceil( / pages.value.limit);
}).catch(err => {
onMounted(() => {
// loadOrderList();
mitt.on('showBusinesses', () => {
isShow.value = !isShow.value;
@ -95,12 +104,13 @@ onMounted(() => {
<div class="close" @click="isShow = false">关闭</div>
style="width: 100%; height: 92%"
<div class="c-l-bottom">
<paging :page="pages" @loadList="loadOrderList"></paging>
@ -152,6 +162,21 @@ onMounted(() => {
:deep(.div) {
width: 100%;
text-align: center;
height: 100%;
color: aliceblue;
background: rgba(91, 219, 246, 0.2);
white-space: nowrap; /* 防止文本换行 */
overflow: hidden; /* 溢出部分隐藏 */
text-overflow: ellipsis; /* 显示省略号 */
:deep(.div2) {
background: rgba(0, 168, 255, 0.16);
:deep(.ceil) {
padding: 0 !important;
margin-bottom: 5px;

View File

@ -1,31 +1,56 @@
<script setup>
import { ref } from "vue";
import { ref, watch } from "vue";
const props = defineProps({
page: {
type: Object,
default: null
const emit = defineEmits(['loadList']);
const pages = ref({
page: 1,
total: 63,
pageSize: 30,
pageAll: 7
total: 0,
limit: 10,
pageAll: 1,
watch(() =>, (n, o) => {
Object.keys(n).forEach(key => {
pages.value[key] = n[key];
}, { deep: true, immediate: true })
const prev = () => {
if ( > 1);
emit('loadList', pages.value);
const next = () => {
if ( < pages.value.pageAll);
emit('loadList', pages.value)
const setPage = (page = 1) => { = page;
emit('loadList', pages.value)
const getPage = () => {
if ( < 0) = 1;
if ( > pages.value.pageAll) = pages.value.pageAll;
const input = (e) => {
if ( >= 0 && <= 9) return getPage(); = 1;
const blur = (e) => {
let value =;
if (typeof value === 'number' || (typeof value === 'string' && !isNaN(Number(value)))) {
if (value > pages.value.pageAll) = pages.value.pageAll;
if (value < 1) = 1;
emit('loadList', pages.value)
} else { = 1;
emit('loadList', pages.value)
emit('loadList', pages.value)
@ -85,7 +110,7 @@ const input = (e) => {
<div class="num" @click="next">{{ ">" }}</div>
<div class="btn">
<input v-model="" @input="input" />
<input v-model="" @blur="blur" @keyup.enter="blur" />

View File

@ -5,10 +5,16 @@ const request = axios.create({
timeout: 5000
function convertParamsToQueryString (params) {
const queryString = Object.keys(params)
.map(key => `${encodeURIComponent(key)}=${encodeURIComponent(params[key])}`)
return queryString;
// 请求拦截器
config => {
// 在发送请求之前做些什么例如添加token、修改请求头等
return config;
error => {

View File

@ -2,143 +2,12 @@
import { onMounted, reactive, ref } from "vue";
import * as echarts from 'echarts';
import border from "../../../components/border.vue"
const xData2 = reactive(["福集镇", "嘉明镇", "喻寺镇", "得胜镇", "牛滩镇", "兆雅镇",
"太伏镇", "云龙镇", "石桥镇", "毗卢镇", "奇峰镇", "潮河镇", "云锦镇"]);
const data1 = reactive([200, 100, 200, 200, 100, 120, 150, 164, 153, 140, 255, 284, 230]);
const data_bottom = reactive([]);
import { orderRanking } from "@/api/index.js"
const option = reactive({
backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
tooltip: {
trigger: 'item',
backgroundColor: 'rgba(91, 219, 246, 0.7)',
textStyle: {
color: '#fff'
grid: {
left: 60,
bottom: 50
xAxis: {
data: xData2,
axisTick: {
show: false
axisLine: {
show: false
axisLabel: {
interval: 0,
textStyle: {
color: '#fff',
fontSize: 10,
margin: 20, //线
yAxis: {
splitLine: {
show: true,
lineStyle: {
color: 'rgba(0, 156, 255, 0.10)' // 线
axisTick: {
show: false
axisLine: {
show: false
axisLabel: {
textStyle: {
color: '#fff',
fontSize: 10,
series: [
"name": "",
"type": "pictorialBar",
"symbolSize": [10, 4],
"symbolOffset": [0, 2],
"z": 12,
itemStyle: {
opacity: 1,
color: function (params) {
return new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [{
offset: 0,
color: '#0E60B2' // 0%
}, {
offset: 1,
color: '#5BDBF6'// 100%
}], false)
"data": data_bottom
name: '2020',
type: 'bar',
barWidth: 10,
barGap: '-100%',
itemStyle: {//lenged
opacity: .7,
color: function (params) {
return new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [{
offset: 0,
color: '#0E60B2' // 0%
}, {
offset: 1,
color: '#5BDBF6'// 100%
}], false)
data: data1
{ // value - 20
type: 'bar',
barWidth: 10,
barGap: '-100%',
stack: '广告',
itemStyle: {
color: 'transparent'
data: data1
"name": "",
"type": "pictorialBar",
"symbolSize": [10, 4],
"symbolOffset": [0, -2],
"z": 12,
itemStyle: {
opacity: 1,
color: function (params) {
return new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [{
offset: 0,
color: '#0E60B2' // 0%
}, {
offset: 1,
color: '#5BDBF6'// 100%
}], false)
"symbolPosition": "end",
"data": data1
const xData2 = ref([]);
const data1 = ref([]);
const data_bottom = ref([]);
const orderCount = ref(0);
const echartsRef = ref(null);
const initMap = () => {
@ -146,15 +15,166 @@ const initMap = () => {
// DOMecharts
const chart = echarts.init(echartsRef.value);
data1.forEach(item => {
let option = {
backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
tooltip: {
trigger: 'item',
backgroundColor: 'rgba(91, 219, 246, 0.7)',
textStyle: {
color: '#fff'
grid: {
left: 60,
bottom: 50
xAxis: {
data: xData2.value,
axisTick: {
show: false
axisLine: {
show: false
axisLabel: {
// interval: 0,
textStyle: {
color: '#fff',
fontSize: 10,
margin: 20, //线
formatter: function (value) {
return value.split("").slice(0, 3).join("\n"); //
yAxis: {
splitLine: {
show: true,
lineStyle: {
color: 'rgba(0, 156, 255, 0.10)' // 线
axisTick: {
show: false
axisLine: {
show: false
axisLabel: {
textStyle: {
color: '#fff',
fontSize: 10,
series: [
"name": "",
"type": "pictorialBar",
"symbolSize": [10, 4],
"symbolOffset": [0, 2],
"z": 12,
itemStyle: {
opacity: 1,
color: function (params) {
return new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [{
offset: 0,
color: '#0E60B2' // 0%
}, {
offset: 1,
color: '#5BDBF6'// 100%
}], false)
"data": data_bottom.value
name: '2020',
type: 'bar',
barWidth: 10,
barGap: '-100%',
itemStyle: {//lenged
opacity: .7,
color: function (params) {
return new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [{
offset: 0,
color: '#0E60B2' // 0%
}, {
offset: 1,
color: '#5BDBF6'// 100%
}], false)
data: data1.value
{ // value - 20
type: 'bar',
barWidth: 10,
barGap: '-100%',
stack: '广告',
itemStyle: {
color: 'transparent'
data: data1.value
"name": "",
"type": "pictorialBar",
"symbolSize": [10, 4],
"symbolOffset": [0, -2],
"z": 12,
itemStyle: {
opacity: 1,
color: function (params) {
return new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [{
offset: 0,
color: '#0E60B2' // 0%
}, {
offset: 1,
color: '#5BDBF6'// 100%
}], false)
"symbolPosition": "end",
"data": data1.value
// 使
const loadOrderList = () => {
areaCode: '510524',
streetCode: '510524100',
type: 2, // 1, 2
}).then((res) => {
orderCount.value =; => {
setTimeout(() => {
onMounted(() => {
@ -165,7 +185,7 @@ onMounted(() => {
<div class="box-c">
<div class="left">
<div class="img">
<div class="text">61258</div>
<div class="text">{{ orderCount }}</div>

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
<script setup>
import { onMounted, reactive, ref, inject, nextTick } from "vue";
import * as echarts from 'echarts';
import 'echarts-gl';
import mitt from "@/utils/mitt";
import luxian from "@/assets/json/luxian.json";
import hejiang from "@/assets/json/hejiang.json";
@ -101,11 +100,8 @@ const initMap = () => {
chart = echarts.init(echartsRef.value);
echarts.registerMap(, mapType.json);
let domImg = document.createElement("img"); = '1000px'; = "1000px";
domImg.src = '';
let piePatternImg = new Image();
piePatternImg.src = '';
let option = {
@ -211,10 +207,18 @@ const initMap = () => {
// },
// viewControl: { //
// distance: 120, //
// alpha: 35, //
// beta: 0 //
// itemStyle: {
// color: {
// image: piePatternImg,
// repeat: 'no-repeat',
// },
// areaColor: {
// image: piePatternImg,
// repeat: 'no-repeat',
// },
// borderColor: '#bddee6',
// borderWidth: 1,
// },

View File

@ -2,37 +2,33 @@
import { onMounted, reactive, ref } from "vue"
import border from "@/components/border.vue"
import mitt from "@/utils/mitt"
import { orderList } from "@/api/index.js"
const initData = (aaa) => {
for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
if (i % 2 == 0) {
`<div style='width: 100%;text-align: center; height: 100%; color: aliceblue; background: rgba(91, 219, 246, 0.20)'>排序</div>`,
`<div style='width: 100%;text-align: center; height: 100%; color: aliceblue; background: rgba(91, 219, 246, 0.20)' >排sd序</div>`,
`<div style='width: 100%;text-align: center; height: 100%; color: aliceblue; background: rgba(91, 219, 246, 0.20)'>排序</div>`,
`<div style='width: 100%;text-align: center; height: 100%; color: aliceblue; background: rgba(91, 219, 246, 0.20)'>排序</div>`,
`<div style='width: 100%;text-align: center; height: 100%; color: aliceblue; background: rgba(91, 219, 246, 0.20)'>排序</div>`,
} else {
`<div style='width: 100%;text-align: center; height: 100%; color: aliceblue; background: rgba(0, 168, 255, 0.16)'>排序</div>`,
`<div style='width: 100%;text-align: center; height: 100%; color: aliceblue; background: rgba(0, 168, 255, 0.16)' >排sd序</div>`,
`<div style='width: 100%;text-align: center; height: 100%; color: aliceblue; background: rgba(0, 168, 255, 0.16)'>排序</div>`,
`<div style='width: 100%;text-align: center; height: 100%; color: aliceblue; background: rgba(0, 168, 255, 0.16)'>排序</div>`,
`<div style='width: 100%;text-align: center; height: 100%; color: aliceblue; background: rgba(0, 168, 255, 0.16)'>排序</div>`,
const initData = (data) => {
let arr = [];
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
let calss = 'div';
if (i % 2 != 0) {
calss = 'div div2'
`<div class="${calss}">${i + 1}</div>`,
`<div class="${calss}">${data[i].real_name || '-'}</div>`,
`<div class="${calss}">${data[i].user_phone || '-'}</div>`,
`<div class="${calss}">${data[i].store_name || '-'}</div>`,
`<div class="${calss}">${data[i].user_address || '-'}</div>`,
} = arr;
const scrollBoardRef = ref(null);
const list = reactive({
header: [
`<div style='width: 100%;text-align: center; height: 100%; color: aliceblue; background: linear-gradient(rgba(0, 168, 255, 0.76), rgba(0, 84, 128, 0.73));'>ID</div>`,
`<div style='width: 100%;text-align: center; height: 100%; color: aliceblue; background: linear-gradient(rgba(0, 168, 255, 0.76), rgba(0, 84, 128, 0.73));'>序号</div>`,
`<div style='width: 100%;text-align: center; height: 100%; color: aliceblue; background: linear-gradient(rgba(0, 168, 255, 0.76), rgba(0, 84, 128, 0.73));'>收货人</div>`,
`<div style='width: 100%;text-align: center; height: 100%; color: aliceblue; background: linear-gradient(rgba(0, 168, 255, 0.76), rgba(0, 84, 128, 0.73));'>收货人电话</div>`,
`<div style='width: 100%;text-align: center; height: 100%; color: aliceblue; background: linear-gradient(rgba(0, 168, 255, 0.76), rgba(0, 84, 128, 0.73));'>商品名称</div>`,
@ -45,28 +41,92 @@ const list = reactive({
// evenRowBGC: 'rgba(0, 168, 255, 0.16)',
oddRowBGC: '',
evenRowBGC: "",
// columnWidth: [50],
columnWidth: [40, 80],
align: ['center'],
rowNum: 7
const cell1 = reactive({
value: 66,
label: '66.66%',
count: 66542,
borderWidth: 1,
borderGap: 1,
borderRadius: 3,
colors: ['#66FFFF', '#FEDB65']
const cell = reactive([
value: 0,
label: '0%',
count: 0,
borderWidth: 1,
borderGap: 1,
borderRadius: 3,
colors: ['#66FFFF', '#FEDB65']
value: 0,
label: '0%',
count: 0,
borderWidth: 1,
borderGap: 1,
borderRadius: 3,
colors: ['#66FFFF', '#FEDB65']
value: 0,
label: '0%',
count: 0,
borderWidth: 1,
borderGap: 1,
borderRadius: 3,
colors: ['#66FFFF', '#FEDB65']
const initCell = () => {
let all = pendingOrderCount.value + undeliveredOrderCount.value + doneOrderCountQuery.value;
cell[0].value = (pendingOrderCount.value / all * 100).toFixed(0);
cell[0].label = (pendingOrderCount.value / all * 100).toFixed(2) + '%';
cell[0].count = pendingOrderCount.value;
cell[1].value = (undeliveredOrderCount.value / all * 100).toFixed(0);
cell[1].label = (undeliveredOrderCount.value / all * 100).toFixed(2) + '%';
cell[1].count = undeliveredOrderCount.value;
cell[2].value = (doneOrderCountQuery.value / all * 100).toFixed(0);
cell[2].label = (doneOrderCountQuery.value / all * 100).toFixed(2) + '%';
cell[2].count = doneOrderCountQuery.value;
const openList = () => {
const orderCount = ref(0);
const pendingOrderCount = ref(0);
const undeliveredOrderCount = ref(0);
const doneOrderCountQuery = ref(0);
const cOrder = () => {
orderCount.value = orderCount.value + '';
let c = 6 - orderCount.value.length;
for (let i = 0; i < c; i++) {
orderCount.value = '0' + orderCount.value;
return orderCount.value.split('');
const pages = ref({
areaCode: 510524,
streetCode: 510524100,
page: 1,
limit: 30
const loadOrderList = () => {
orderList(pages.value).then((res) => {
orderCount.value =;
pendingOrderCount.value =;
undeliveredOrderCount.value =;
doneOrderCountQuery.value =;
}).catch(err => {
onMounted(() => {
@ -76,12 +136,9 @@ onMounted(() => {
<div class="box">
<div class="title">今日订单数</div>
<div class="my-day-num">
<div class="my-num-item">0</div>
<div class="my-num-item">0</div>
<div class="my-num-item">5</div>
<div class="my-num-item">2</div>
<div class="my-num-item">4</div>
<div class="my-num-item">1</div>
<div class="my-num-item" v-for="(item, index) in cOrder()" :key="index">
{{ item }}
<div class="order-list">
<div class="top">
@ -94,38 +151,42 @@ onMounted(() => {
<div>{{ "〉" }}</div>
<dv-scroll-board :config="list" style="width: 100%; height: 90%" />
style="width: 100%; height: 90%"
<div class="cylinder">
<div class="cy">
<div class="text">
<div class="top">
已完成<span class="sapn">{{ cell1.label }}</span>
占比<span class="sapn">{{ cell[0].label }}</span>
<div class="num">{{ cell1.count }}</div>
<div class="num">{{ cell[0].count }}</div>
<dv-percent-pond :config="cell1" class="cell" />
<dv-percent-pond :config="cell[0]" class="cell" />
<div class="type">待取货订单数</div>
<div class="cy">
<div class="text">
已完成<span class="sapn">{{ cell1.label }}</span>
占比<span class="sapn">{{ cell[1].label }}</span>
<div class="num">{{ cell1.count }}</div>
<div class="num">{{ cell[1].count }}</div>
<dv-percent-pond :config="cell1" class="cell" />
<dv-percent-pond :config="cell[1]" class="cell" />
<div class="type">未配送订单数</div>
<div class="cy">
<div class="text">
已完成<span class="sapn">{{ cell1.label }}</span>
占比<span class="sapn">{{ cell[2].label }}</span>
<div class="num">{{ cell1.count }}</div>
<div class="num">{{ cell[2].count }}</div>
<dv-percent-pond :config="cell1" class="cell" />
<dv-percent-pond :config="cell[2]" class="cell" />
<div class="type">已完成订单数</div>
@ -202,6 +263,21 @@ onMounted(() => {
:deep(.div) {
width: 100%;
text-align: center;
height: 100%;
color: aliceblue;
background: rgba(91, 219, 246, 0.2);
white-space: nowrap; /* 防止文本换行 */
overflow: hidden; /* 溢出部分隐藏 */
text-overflow: ellipsis; /* 显示省略号 */
:deep(.div2) {
background: rgba(0, 168, 255, 0.16);
:deep(.ceil) {
padding: 0 !important;
margin-bottom: 5px;

View File

@ -1,40 +1,8 @@
<script setup>
import { nextTick, onMounted, onUnmounted, reactive, ref } from "vue"
import border from "../../../components/border.vue"
const list = reactive({
data: [
[`<span class="list-span1">1</span>`, '张某某', '15566667777', '南瓜饼', '莲花池街道实打实打算'],
[`<span class="list-span1">1</span>`, '张某某', '15566667777', '南瓜饼', '莲花池街道实打实打算'],
[`<span class="list-span1">1</span>`, '张某某', '15566667777', '南瓜饼', '莲花池街道实打实打算'],
[`<span class="list-span1">1</span>`, '张某某', '15566667777', '南瓜饼', '莲花池街道实打实打算'],
[`<span class="list-span1">1</span>`, '张某某', '15566667777', '南瓜饼', '莲花池街道实打实打算'],
[`<span class="list-span1">1</span>`, '张某某', '15566667777', '南瓜饼', '莲花池街道实打实打算'],
[`<span class="list-span1">1</span>`, '张某某', '15566667777', '南瓜饼', '莲花池街道实打实打算'],
[`<span class="list-span1">1</span>`, '张某某', '15566667777', '南瓜饼', '莲花池街道实打实打算'],
[`<span class="list-span1">1</span>`, '张某某', '15566667777', '南瓜饼', '莲花池街道实打实打算'],
// index: true,
headerBGC: 'rgba(0, 168, 255, 0)',
oddRowBGC: 'rgba(91, 219, 246, 0)',
evenRowBGC: 'rgba(0, 168, 255, 0)',
// columnWidth: [50],
align: ['center']
const items = reactive([
{ id: 1, text: '莲花池 1' },
{ id: 2, text: '莲花池 2' },
{ id: 3, text: '莲花池 3' },
{ id: 3, text: '莲花池 4' },
{ id: 3, text: '莲花池 5' },
{ id: 3, text: '莲花池 6' },
{ id: 3, text: '莲花池 7' },
{ id: 3, text: '莲花池 8' },
{ id: 3, text: '莲花池 8' },
{ id: 3, text: '莲花池 8' },
{ id: 3, text: '莲花池 8' },
{ id: 3, text: '莲花池 8' },
{ id: 3, text: '莲花池 8' },
import { orderRanking } from "@/api/index.js"
const items = ref([])
const scrollContainerRef = ref(null);
let timer = null;
const autoScroll = () => {
@ -51,10 +19,31 @@ const autoScroll = () => {
}, 50)
}, 1000)
onMounted(() => {
nextTick(() => {
const max = ref(0);
const loadOrderList = () => {
areaCode: '510524',
streetCode: '510524100',
type: 1, // 1, 2
}).then((res) => {
items.value =;
items.value.forEach(e => {
if (e.order_count > max.value) max.value = e.order_count;
nextTick(() => {
const cWidth = (e) => {
return (e / max.value * 100).toFixed(0);
onMounted(() => {
onUnmounted(() => {
@ -74,23 +63,19 @@ onUnmounted(() => {
<div class="scroll-container" ref="scrollContainerRef">
v-for="(item, index) in items"
<div v-for="(item, index) in items" :key="index" class="b-list-item">
<div class="rank" :class="index < 3 ? 'rank1' : 'rank2'">
{{ index + 1 }}
<div class="name">{{ item.text }}</div>
<div class="name">{{ item.street_name }}</div>
<div class="line">
:style="{ width: '80%' }"
:style="{ width: cWidth(item.order_count) + '%' }"
:class="{ 'line-body2': index >= 3 }"
<div class="count">6000</div>
<div class="count">{{ item.order_count }}</div>

View File

@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ import border from "../../../components/border.vue"
.car-item {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
cursor: pointer;
.img {
width: 1.3rem;
height: 1.3rem;

View File

@ -5,7 +5,9 @@ import path from 'path';
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [vue()],
// ... 省略其他配置
server: {
host: ''
optimizeDeps: {
// 开发时 解决这些commonjs包转成esm包
include: [