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<view class="">
<view class="m-card good-info">
<view class="head-title">商品明细</view>
<view class="m-good" v-for="(item, index) in cartList" :key="index">
<view class="image">
<up-image width="160rpx" height="160rpx" :src="item.imgs"></up-image>
<view class="body-content">
<view class="title">
<view>{{ item.name }}</view>
<view>¥{{ item.price }}</view>
<view class="tips">
<view>{{ item.unit_name }}</view>
<view>x{{ item.cart_num }}</view>
<view class="time">
{{ orderInfo.delivery_msg }}
<view class="m-card good-info">
<view class="head-title">价格明细</view>
<view class="row">
<view>商品总价 <text>共计{{ cartList.length }}款商品</text></view>
<view v-if="orderInfo.pay_price">
<text>¥</text>{{ c_price(orderInfo.pay_price, 0) }}<text>.{{ c_price(orderInfo.pay_price, 1) }}</text>
<view v-else>
<up-skeleton :loading="true" :animate="true"></up-skeleton>
<view class="row">
<view class="row" v-if="[4,5,6].includes(userInfo.user_ship)" style="color: red;">
<view v-if="orderInfo.frozen_money">
<text>¥</text>{{ c_price(orderInfo.frozen_money, 0) }}<text>.{{ c_price(orderInfo.frozen_money, 1) }}</text>
<view v-else>
<up-skeleton :loading="true" :animate="true"></up-skeleton>
<view class="row" v-if="userInfo.user_ship==1 ">
<view v-if="orderInfo.activity_price">
<text>¥</text>{{ c_price(orderInfo.activity_price, 0) }}<text>.{{ c_price(orderInfo.activity_price, 1) }}</text>
<view v-else>
<up-skeleton :loading="true" :animate="true"></up-skeleton>
<up-alert v-if="timeContent!=''" type = "error" :description = "timeContent"></up-alert>
<up-notice-bar text= "门店切换已移动到首页,若切换店铺,购物车商品将跟随门店一起切换"></up-notice-bar>
<view class="m-card order-remark">
<!-- <view style="display: flex;align-items: center;">
<text style="margin-right: 20rpx;">是否存货</text>
<up-radio-group v-model="is_storage" placement="row">
<up-radio activeColor="#20b128" label="立即提货" :name="0" style="margin-right: 10rpx;"></up-radio>
<up-radio activeColor="#20b128" label="全部存货" :name="1"></up-radio>
</view> -->
<view class="head-title" style="margin-top: 20rpx;">
<up-textarea style="background-color: #F6F6F6;" v-model="formData.remark" placeholder="暂无备注内容"
<view style="width: 100%;height: 500rpx;"></view>
<view class="fiexd-bottom" style="z-index: 999;">
<view class="pay-type-bottom">
<view class=" good-info">
<view class="head-title">支付方式</view>
<view class="row">
<view class="icon-text">
<up-icon name="weixin-circle-fill" color="#20b128" size="22"></up-icon>
<text style="margin-left: 20rpx;font-size: 26rpx;">微信支付</text>
<view class="icon" @click="onChoosePaytype(7)">
<image v-if="pay_type == 7" src="@/static/icon/check.png" />
<image v-if="pay_type != 7 || pay_type == 3 || pay_type == 18 || !pay_type"
src="@/static/icon/n-check.png" />
<!-- <view class="row"
v-if="userInfo.user_ship == 4 || userInfo.user_ship == 5 || userInfo.user_ship == 6 || userInfo.user_ship == 1"> -->
<view class="row">
<!-- <view class="row"> -->
<view class="icon-text">
<image src="@/static/icon/YEZF.png" style="width:40rpx;height: 40rpx;" />
<text style="margin-left: 20rpx;font-size: 26rpx;">余额支付</text>
<text style="margin-left: 20rpx;font-size: 22rpx;color: #FFB76D;">(
<view class="icon" @click="onChoosePaytype(3)">
<image v-if="pay_type == 3" src="@/static/icon/check.png" />
<image v-if="pay_type != 3 || pay_type == 7 || pay_type == 18 || !pay_type"
src="@/static/icon/n-check.png" />
<!-- <view class="row" v-if="userInfo.user_ship == 1"> -->
<view class="row">
<view class="icon-text">
<image src="@/static/icon/cgkzf.png" style="width:40rpx;height: 40rpx;" />
<text style="margin-left: 20rpx;font-size: 26rpx;">采购款支付</text>
<text style="margin-left: 20rpx;font-size: 22rpx;color: #1296DB;">(
<view class="icon" @click="onChoosePaytype(18)">
<image v-if="pay_type == 18" src="@/static/icon/check.png" />
<image v-if="pay_type != 18 || pay_type == 3 || pay_type == 7 || !pay_type"
src="@/static/icon/n-check.png" />
<view class="submit-row">
<view class="tips">
<view style="margin-right: 20rpx;transform: translateY(5rpx);">共 {{ cartList.length }} 款</view>
<view class="all">
<text style="color: #000;">合计: </text>
<block v-if="orderInfo.total_price">
style="font-size: 32rpx;font-weight: bold;">{{ c_price(orderInfo.pay_price, 0) }}</text>
<text>.{{ c_price(orderInfo.pay_price, 1) }}</text>
<view style="width: 200rpx;">
<up-button color="#20B128" shape="circle" @click="submitOrder" :throttleTime="1000">支付</up-button>
<up-modal :show="timeShow" :content='timeContent' @confirm="timeShow=false"></up-modal>
<addressPopup ref="addressRef" :show="showAddress" :list="addressList" @close="showAddress = false"
@change="changeAddress" />
<shopListPopupVue ref="shopRef" :show="shopListShow" :list="merchantList" @close="shopListShow = false"
@change="changeShop" @search="searchShop" />
<modal title="尚未设置收货地址" content="您还没有添加收货地址,请点击添加" cancleText="取消" confirmText="添加地址" :show="toastAddressShow"
@close="toastAddressoff" @change="addAddress" />
<ZyPasswordboard v-if='passwordBoardVisible' v-model:visible="passwordBoardVisible" v-bind="passwordBoardProps"
@close='closeKeyBord' />
<up-modal :show="showModal" title="您还没设置密码" :closeOnClickOverlay="true" zoom confirmText='去设置' showCancelButton
@close='showModal=false' @cancel='showModal=false' @confirm="navgo('/pagesOrder/setPayPassword/index')"
confirmColor='#27B52F' cancelText='取消'></up-modal>
<script setup>
import {
} from "@dcloudio/uni-app"
import {
} from "vue"
import useUserStore from "@/store/user";
import addressPopup from "@/components/addressPopup.vue";
import shopListPopupVue from "@/components/shopListPopup.vue";
import useCartStore from "@/store/cart.js";
import modal from "@/components/modal.vue";
import {
} from "@/api/cart.js";
import {
} from "@/api/user.js";
import {
} from "@/api/order.js";
import ZyPasswordboard from '@/uni_modules/zy-passwordboard/components/zy-passwordboard/zy-passwordboard.vue';
const userInfo = useUserStore().userInfo;
const shop_Info = ref({})
// 用户选择的门店信息
let STORE_INFO = uni.getStorageSync('STORE_INFO');
shop_Info.value = JSON.parse(STORE_INFO)
const cartStore = useCartStore();
const reservation_time = ref('')
const is_storage = ref(0)
const LocationShow = ref(false)
const timeShow=ref(false)
const timeContent=ref('')
const formData = ref({
remark: ""
const isAddress = ref(false);
const toastAddressShow = ref(false);
const onChoosePaytype = (e) => {
pay_type.value = e;
// 选择地址
const addressRef = ref(null);
const showAddress = ref(false);
const addressInfo = ref({});
const changeAddress = (e) => {
addressInfo.value = e;
showAddress.value = false;
isAddress.value = true;
const openAddress = () => {
if (addressList.length > 0) showAddress.value = true;
else uni.navigateTo({
url: '/pagesOrder/addressEdit/addressEdit?type=settle'
// 地址相关
const addressList = ref([]);
const getAddressList = () => {
addressListsApi().then(res => {
addressList.value = res.data.lists;
addressList.value.forEach(item => {
if (item.is_default) {
addressInfo.value = item;
isAddress.value = true;
if (!isAddress.value && addressList.value.length > 0) {
addressInfo.value = addressList.value[0];
isAddress.value = true;
if (addressInfo.value.address_id) {
nextTick(() => {
// 提货点相关
const shopRef = ref(null);
const shopListShow = ref(false);
const merchantList = ref([]);
const myAddressInfo = ref({
long: "",
lat: ""
const shopInfo = ref({
mer_id: ''
const getMerchantList = (mer_name = null) => {
// ...myAddressInfo.value,
// mer_name: mer_name ? mer_name : ''
}).then(res => {
merchantList.value = res.data.lists;
if (mer_name === null && myAddressInfo.value.long && merchantList.value.length > 0 && !shopInfo
.value.mer_id) {
shopInfo.value = merchantList.value[0];
shopInfo.value.recommend = 1;
nextTick(() => {
const changeShop = (e) => {
shopInfo.value = e;
shopListShow.value = false;
const searchShop = (e) => {
const onCall = (e) => {
phoneNumber: e,
success() {
callShow.value = false
// 选择地址
const addAddress = () => {
// toastAddressShow.value = false;
// nextTick(() => {
// showAddress.value = true;
// })
url: '/pagesOrder/addressEdit/addressEdit?type=settle'
// 继续支付
const goPay = () => {
toastAddressShow.value = false;
isAddress.value = true;
// 提交订单
const submitOrder = () => {
if (orderInfo.value.pay_price == 0) {
pay_type.value = 3;
return uni.$u.toast('当前支付金额为0暂不能使用微信支付')
// if (!isAddress.value && orderInfo.value.shipping_type == 1) return toastAddressShow.value = true;
if (orderInfo.value.address_id == 0) return toastAddressShow.value = true;
// 订单相关
let location = {
lat: '',
long: "",
let reservation = ref(0);
const cartList = ref([]);
const orderInfo = ref({});
const checkOrder = (store_id) => {
cart_id: cartStore.cartList,
store_id: shop_Info.value.id || 0,
}).then(res => {
cartList.value = res.data.cart_list;
orderInfo.value = res.data.order;
shop_Info.value = res.data.shopInfo || {}
cart_id: cartStore.cartList,
store_id: store_id || res.data.shopInfo.id
}).then(res => {
reservation.value = res.data.reservation
// if (orderInfo.value.default_delivery == 0) {
// orderInfo.value.shipping_type = 2
// }
// const checkOrderA
const pay_type = ref('7');
// 支付密码
const passwordBoardVisible = ref(false);
const passwordBoardProps = {
title: '输入支付密码',
onComplete(value) {
password.value = value
passwordBoardVisible.value = false
const closeKeyBord = () => {
password.value = ''
const password = ref('')
const payFn = () => {
let shareInfo = uni.getStorageSync('SHARE_INFO');
reservation: reservation.value,
password: password.value,
spread_uid: (shareInfo && shareInfo.uid) ? shareInfo.uid : '',
cart_id: cartStore.cartList,
address_id: addressInfo.value.address_id,
pay_type: pay_type.value,
store_id: shop_Info.value.id,
shipping_type: orderInfo.value.shipping_type,
mark: formData.value.remark,
is_storage: is_storage.value
}).then(res => {
if (pay_type.value == 3 || pay_type.value == 18) {
if (res.code == 1) {
title: res.msg,
icon: "none",
success() {
setTimeout(() => {
url: '/pagesOrder/order/order?back=-1&type=2'
}, 1500)
} else {
} else {
if (!res.data?.nonceStr) return uni.$u.toast('支付失败!');
provider: 'wxpay',
timeStamp: res.data.timeStamp,
nonceStr: res.data.nonceStr,
package: res.data.package,
signType: res.data.signType,
paySign: res.data.paySign,
success: (e) => {
if (e.errMsg == 'requestPayment:ok') {
title: '订单支付成功',
confirmText: '查看订单',
cancelText: '继续购买',
success: (e) => {
if (e.confirm) uni.redirectTo({
url: '/pagesOrder/order/order?back=-1&type=2'
else uni.navigateBack();
} else uni.$u.toast('支付失败')
fail: (e) => {
url: '/pagesOrder/order/order?back=-1&type=1'
}).catch(err => {
uni.$u.toast(err.msg || '网络错误')
const showModal = ref(false)
const navgo = (url) => {
showModal.value &&= false
const createOrder = async () => {
if (!pay_type.value) return uni.$u.toast('请选择支付方式');
if (pay_type.value == 3 || pay_type.value == 18) {
let res = await userInfoApi()
return res.data.pay_password ? passwordBoardVisible.value = true : showModal.value = true
const c_price = (price, index = 0) => {
price = price + '';
return price.split('.')[index] || (index ? '00' : '0');
const toastAddressoff = () => {
toastAddressShow.value = false;
url: '/pagesOrder/settle/settle'
onLoad(options => {
onShow(() => {
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