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2023-10-08 14:17:20 +08:00
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* | | | | /_/ \_\ | | | | \_________|
* Copyright (c) 2011 ~ 2017 Shenzhen HXHG. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@class CLRegion;
@class UILocalNotification;
@class CLLocation;
@class UNNotificationCategory;
@class UNNotificationSettings;
@class UNNotificationRequest;
@class UNNotification;
@protocol JPUSHRegisterDelegate;
@protocol JPUSHGeofenceDelegate;
@protocol JPushInMessageDelegate;
typedef void (^JPUSHTagsOperationCompletion)(NSInteger iResCode, NSSet *iTags, NSInteger seq);
typedef void (^JPUSHTagValidOperationCompletion)(NSInteger iResCode, NSSet *iTags, NSInteger seq, BOOL isBind);
typedef void (^JPUSHAliasOperationCompletion)(NSInteger iResCode, NSString *iAlias, NSInteger seq);
typedef void (^JPUSHInMssageCompletion)(NSInteger iResCode);
extern NSString *const kJPFNetworkIsConnectingNotification; // 正在连接中
extern NSString *const kJPFNetworkDidSetupNotification; // 建立连接
extern NSString *const kJPFNetworkDidCloseNotification; // 关闭连接
extern NSString *const kJPFNetworkDidRegisterNotification; // 注册成功
extern NSString *const kJPFNetworkFailedRegisterNotification; //注册失败
extern NSString *const kJPFNetworkDidLoginNotification; // 登录成功
extern NSString *const kJPFNetworkDidReceiveMessageNotification; // 收到消息(非APNS)
extern NSString *const kJPFServiceErrorNotification; // 错误提示
typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, JPAuthorizationOptions) {
JPAuthorizationOptionNone = 0, // the application may not present any UI upon a notification being received
JPAuthorizationOptionBadge = (1 << 0), // the application may badge its icon upon a notification being received
JPAuthorizationOptionSound = (1 << 1), // the application may play a sound upon a notification being received
JPAuthorizationOptionAlert = (1 << 2), // the application may display an alert upon a notification being received
JPAuthorizationOptionCarPlay = (1 << 3), // The ability to display notifications in a CarPlay environment.
JPAuthorizationOptionCriticalAlert NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(12.0) = (1 << 4) , //The ability to play sounds for critical alerts.
JPAuthorizationOptionProvidesAppNotificationSettings NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(12.0) = (1 << 5) , //An option indicating the system should display a button for in-app notification settings.
JPAuthorizationOptionProvisional NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(12.0) = (1 << 6) , //The ability to post noninterrupting notifications provisionally to the Notification Center.
JPAuthorizationOptionAnnouncement NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(13.0) = (1 << 7) , //The ability for Siri to automatically read out messages over AirPods.
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, JPAuthorizationStatus) {
JPAuthorizationNotDetermined = 0, // The user has not yet made a choice regarding whether the application may post user notifications.
JPAuthorizationStatusDenied, // The application is not authorized to post user notifications.
JPAuthorizationStatusAuthorized, // The application is authorized to post user notifications.
JPAuthorizationStatusProvisional NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(12.0), // The application is authorized to post non-interruptive user notifications.
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger,JPushInMessageContentType){
JPushAdContentType = 1, //广告类型的inMessage
JPushNotiContentType = 2, //通知类型的inMessage
@interface JPUSHRegisterEntity : NSObject
* badge,sound,alert
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger types;
* iOS10 UNNotificationCategory
* iOS8-iOS9 UIUserNotificationCategory
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSSet *categories;
@interface JPushNotificationIdentifier : NSObject<NSCopying, NSCoding>
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSArray<NSString *> *identifiers; // 推送的标识数组
@property (nonatomic, copy) UILocalNotification *notificationObj NS_DEPRECATED_IOS(4_0, 10_0); // iOS10以下可以传UILocalNotification对象数据iOS10以上无效
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL delivered NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(10_0); // 在通知中心显示的或待推送的标志默认为NOYES表示在通知中心显示的NO表示待推送的
@property (nonatomic, copy) void (^findCompletionHandler)(NSArray *results); // 用于查询回调,调用[findNotification:]方法前必须设置results为返回相应对象数组iOS10以下返回UILocalNotification对象数组iOS10以上根据delivered传入值返回UNNotification或UNNotificationRequest对象数组delivered传入YES则返回UNNotification对象数组否则返回UNNotificationRequest对象数组
* iOS10以上有效
@interface JPushNotificationSound : NSObject <NSCopying, NSCoding>
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *soundName; //普通通知铃声
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *criticalSoundName NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(12.0); //警告通知铃声
@property (nonatomic, assign) float criticalSoundVolume NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(12.0); //警告通知铃声音量有效值在0~1之间默认为1
@interface JPushNotificationContent : NSObject<NSCopying, NSCoding>
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *title; // 推送标题
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *subtitle; // 推送副标题
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *body; // 推送内容
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSNumber *badge; // 角标的数字。如果不需要改变角标传@(-1)
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *action NS_DEPRECATED_IOS(8_0, 10_0); // 弹框的按钮显示的内容IOS 8默认为"打开", 其他默认为"启动",iOS10以上无效
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *categoryIdentifier; // 行为分类标识
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSDictionary *userInfo; // 本地推送时可以设置userInfo来增加附加信息远程推送时设置的payload推送内容作为此userInfo
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *sound; // 声音名称,不设置则为默认声音
@property (nonatomic, copy) JPushNotificationSound *soundSetting NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(10.0); //推送声音实体
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSArray *attachments NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(10_0); // 附件iOS10以上有效需要传入UNNotificationAttachment对象数组类型
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *threadIdentifier NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(10_0); // 线程或与推送请求相关对话的标识iOS10以上有效可用来对推送进行分组
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *launchImageName NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(10_0); // 启动图片名iOS10以上有效从推送启动时将会用到
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *summaryArgument NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(12.0); //插入到通知摘要中的部分参数。iOS12以上有效。
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSUInteger summaryArgumentCount NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(12.0); //插入到通知摘要中的项目数。iOS12以上有效。
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *targetContentIdentifier NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(13.0); // An identifier for the content of the notification used by the system to customize the scene to be activated when tapping on a notification.
* dateComponentstimeIntervalregion在iOS10以上可选择其中一个参数传入有效值IIIIII使其中一种触发方式生效fireDate为iOS10以下根据时间触发时须传入的参数
@interface JPushNotificationTrigger : NSObject<NSCopying, NSCoding>
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL repeat; // 设置是否重复默认为NO
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSDate *fireDate NS_DEPRECATED_IOS(2_0, 10_0); // 用来设置触发推送的时间iOS10以上无效
@property (nonatomic, copy) CLRegion *region NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(8_0); // 用来设置触发推送的位置iOS8以上有效iOS10以上优先级为I应用需要有允许使用定位的授权
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSDateComponents *dateComponents NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(10_0); // 用来设置触发推送的日期时间iOS10以上有效优先级为II
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSTimeInterval timeInterval NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(10_0); // 用来设置触发推送的时间iOS10以上有效优先级为III
@interface JPushNotificationRequest : NSObject<NSCopying, NSCoding>
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *requestIdentifier; // 推送请求标识
@property (nonatomic, copy) JPushNotificationContent *content; // 设置推送的具体内容
@property (nonatomic, copy) JPushNotificationTrigger *trigger; // 设置推送的触发方式
@property (nonatomic, copy) void (^completionHandler)(id result); // 注册或更新推送成功回调iOS10以上成功则result为UNNotificationRequest对象失败则result为nil;iOS10以下成功result为UILocalNotification对象失败则result为nil
* JPush
@interface JPUSHService : NSObject
/// @name Setup 启动相关
* @abstract SDK
* @param launchingOption .
* @param appKey JPush ,. JPush .
* @param channel . .
* @param isProduction . , NO; , YES.
* App profile provision的配置.
* @discussion SDK启动必须的参数, SDK.
* App , JPush SDK .
+ (void)setupWithOption:(NSDictionary *)launchingOption
appKey:(NSString *)appKey
channel:(NSString *)channel
* @abstract SDK
* @param launchingOption .
* @param appKey JPush ,. JPush .
* @param channel . .
* @param isProduction . , NO; , YES.
* App profile provision的配置.
* @param advertisingId 广IDFA 使IDFAnil.
* @discussion SDK启动必须的参数, SDK.
* App , JPush SDK .
+ (void)setupWithOption:(NSDictionary *)launchingOption
appKey:(NSString *)appKey
channel:(NSString *)channel
advertisingIdentifier:(NSString *)advertisingId;
/// @name APNs about 通知相关
* @abstract
* @param types
* @param categories
+ (void)registerForRemoteNotificationTypes:(NSUInteger)types
categories:(NSSet *)categories;
* @abstract iOS10
* @param config
* @param delegate
+ (void)registerForRemoteNotificationConfig:(JPUSHRegisterEntity *)config delegate:(id<JPUSHRegisterDelegate>)delegate;
+ (void)registerDeviceToken:(NSData *)deviceToken;
* @abstract APNs
+ (void)handleRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary *)remoteInfo;
* @abstract Token
* @param voipToken 使Voip Token
+ (void)registerVoipToken:(NSData *)voipToken;
* @abstract Voip
* @param remoteInfo Voip
+ (void)handleVoipNotification:(NSDictionary *)remoteInfo;
* @abstract
* @param completion status值返回JPAuthorizationStatus
+ (void)requestNotificationAuthorization:(void (^)(JPAuthorizationStatus status))completion;
* @abstract iOS8及以上有效
+ (void)openSettingsForNotification:(void (^)(BOOL success))completionHandler NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(8_0);
* Tags操作接口
* ////
@param tags tags集合
@param completion
@param seq
+ (void)addTags:(NSSet<NSString *> *)tags
@param tags tags集合
@param completion
@param seq
+ (void)setTags:(NSSet<NSString *> *)tags
@param tags tags集合
@param completion
@param seq
+ (void)deleteTags:(NSSet<NSString *> *)tags
@param completion
@param seq
+ (void)cleanTags:(JPUSHTagsOperationCompletion)completion
@param completion
@param seq
+ (void)getAllTags:(JPUSHTagsOperationCompletion)completion
@param completion
@param seq
+ (void)validTag:(NSString *)tag
@param alias alias
@param completion
@param seq
+ (void)setAlias:(NSString *)alias
@param completion
@param seq
+ (void)deleteAlias:(JPUSHAliasOperationCompletion)completion
@param completion
@param seq
+ (void)getAlias:(JPUSHAliasOperationCompletion)completion
* @abstract tags
* @discussion tags , tags.
* tags . SDK .
+ (NSSet *)filterValidTags:(NSSet *)tags;
/// @name Stats 统计功能
* @abstract
* @param pageName
* @discussion JCore 1.1.8 使 JAnalytics
+ (void)startLogPageView:(NSString *)pageName __attribute__((deprecated("JCore 1.1.8 版本已过期")));
* @abstract
* @param pageName
* @discussion JCore 1.1.8 使 JAnalytics
+ (void)stopLogPageView:(NSString *)pageName __attribute__((deprecated("JCore 1.1.8 版本已过期")));
* @abstract
* @param pageName
* @param seconds
* @discussion JCore 1.1.8 使 JAnalytics
+ (void)beginLogPageView:(NSString *)pageName duration:(int)seconds __attribute__((deprecated("JCore 1.1.8 版本已过期")));
* @abstract Crash日志收集
* @discussion .
+ (void)crashLogON;
* @abstract
* @param latitude .
* @param longitude .
+ (void)setLatitude:(double)latitude longitude:(double)longitude;
* @abstract
* @param location CLLocation *
* @discussion CoreLocation.framework #import <CoreLocation/CoreLocation.h>
+ (void)setLocation:(CLLocation *)location;
10 iOS系统默认地理围栏最大个数为20
@param count count
+ (void)setGeofenecMaxCount:(NSInteger)count;
@param delegate
@param launchOptions app启动完成是收到的字段参数
+ (void)registerLbsGeofenceDelegate:(id<JPUSHGeofenceDelegate>)delegate withLaunchOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions;
@param geofenceId id
+ (void)removeGeofenceWithIdentifier:(NSString *)geofenceId;
/// @name Local Notification 本地通知
* @abstract (iOS10iOS10以下版本)
* JPush 2.1.9
* @param request JPushNotificationRequest类型request.requestIdentifier即更新已有的推送iOS10以上有效request.completionHandler返回
* @discussion 使
+ (void)addNotification:(JPushNotificationRequest *)request;
* @abstract (iOS10iOS10以下版本)
* JPush 2.1.9
* @param identifier JPushNotificationIdentifier类型iOS10以上identifier设置为nilidentifier.delivered和identifier.identifiers来移除相应在通知中心显示推送或待推送请求identifier.identifiers如果设置为nil或空数组则移除相应标志下所有在通知中心显示推送或待推送请求iOS10以下identifier设置为nilidentifier.delivered属性无效identifier.notificationObj传入特定推送对象来移除此推送
* @discussion 使
+ (void)removeNotification:(JPushNotificationIdentifier *)identifier;
* @abstract (iOS10iOS10以下版本)
* JPush 2.1.9
* @param identifier JPushNotificationIdentifier类型iOS10以上可以通过设置identifier.delivered和identifier.identifiers来查找相应在通知中心显示推送或待推送请求identifier.identifiers如果设置为nil或空数组则返回相应标志下所有在通知中心显示推送或待推送请求iOS10以下identifier.delivered属性无效identifier.identifiers如果设置nil或空数组则返回所有未触发的推送identifier.findCompletionHandler回调才能得到查找结果(NSArray *results)
* @discussion 使
+ (void)findNotification:(JPushNotificationIdentifier *)identifier;
* @abstract 64
* @param fireDate
* @param alertBody
* @param badge -1
* @param alertAction IOS 8"打开", "启动"
* @param notificationKey
* @param userInfo
* @param soundName nil为默认声音
* @discussion 64 [addNotification:]
+ (UILocalNotification *)setLocalNotification:(NSDate *)fireDate
alertBody:(NSString *)alertBody
alertAction:(NSString *)alertAction
identifierKey:(NSString *)notificationKey
userInfo:(NSDictionary *)userInfo
soundName:(NSString *)soundName __attribute__((deprecated("JPush 2.1.9 版本已过期")));
* @abstract ( iOS8 )
* IOS8新参数
* @param region
* @param regionTriggersOnce
* @param category
* @discussion [addNotification:]
+ (UILocalNotification *)setLocalNotification:(NSDate *)fireDate
alertBody:(NSString *)alertBody
alertAction:(NSString *)alertAction
identifierKey:(NSString *)notificationKey
userInfo:(NSDictionary *)userInfo
soundName:(NSString *)soundName
region:(CLRegion *)region
category:(NSString *)category NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(8_0) __attribute__((deprecated("JPush 2.1.9 版本已过期")));
* @abstract
* @param notification
* @param notificationKey
* @discussion App在前台运行时不会进行弹窗--iOS10以下还可继续使用iOS10以上在[UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate willPresentNotification:withCompletionHandler:]completionHandler(UNNotificationPresentationOptionSound | UNNotificationPresentationOptionAlert);
+ (void)showLocalNotificationAtFront:(UILocalNotification *)notification
identifierKey:(NSString *)notificationKey __attribute__((deprecated("JPush 2.1.9 版本已过期")));
* @abstract
* @param notificationKey
* @discussion [removeNotification:]
+ (void)deleteLocalNotificationWithIdentifierKey:(NSString *)notificationKey __attribute__((deprecated("JPush 2.1.9 版本已过期")));
* @abstract
* @discussion [removeNotification:]
+ (void)deleteLocalNotification:(UILocalNotification *)localNotification __attribute__((deprecated("JPush 2.1.9 版本已过期")));
* @abstract
* @param notificationKey
* @return , [array count]0
* @discussion [findNotification:]
+ (NSArray *)findLocalNotificationWithIdentifier:(NSString *)notificationKey __attribute__((deprecated("JPush 2.1.9 版本已过期")));
* @abstract
* @discussion [removeNotification:]
+ (void)clearAllLocalNotifications __attribute__((deprecated("JPush 2.1.9 版本已过期")));
/// @name Server badge 服务器端 badge 功能
* @abstract ()
* @param value . ()
* @discussion .
* UIApplication:setApplicationIconBadgeNumber .
* JPush .
* , APNs , , .
* JPush :
* - API () badge ;
* - API APNs (),
* 使 "+1" , badge () +1 badge ;
+ (BOOL)setBadge:(NSInteger)value;
* @abstract (0)
* @discussion [setBadge:0] .
* [JPUSHService setBadge:] .
+ (void)resetBadge;
/// @name Other Feature 其他功能
* @abstract ()
* @param mobileNumber .
* @param completion error为空error带有错误码及错误信息
* @discussion completion异步返回completion设置为nil不处理结果信息
+ (void)setMobileNumber:(NSString *)mobileNumber completion:(void (^)(NSError *error))completion;
/// @name Logs and others 日志与其他
* @abstract JPush标识此设备的 registrationID
* @discussion SDK注册成功后, registrationID .
* JPush registrationID .
* , registrationID , , .
* registrationIDCompletionHandler:registrationID的方法block中获取registrationID,resCode为返回码,resCode返回1011,registrationID返回nil.
* JPush .
+ (NSString *)registrationID;
+ (void)registrationIDCompletionHandler:(void(^)(int resCode,NSString *registrationID))completionHandler;
* @abstract Debug
* @discussion JMessage iOS Android .
* : Verbose, Debug, Info, Warning, Error.
* , Android .
* SDK : Info. , .
* SDK启动后调用本接口: Debug, .
+ (void)setDebugMode;
* @abstract
* @discussion , [JPUSHService setDebugMode]
* , Warning, Error . , , .
* , , .
+ (void)setLogOFF;
* @abstract SDK地理位置权限开关
* @discussion SDK地理围栏的相关功能将受到影响
+ (void)setLocationEanable:(BOOL)isEanble;
* @abstract
* @discussion JPushInMessageDelegate的代理对象
+ (void)setInMessageDelegate:(id<JPushInMessageDelegate>)inMessageDelegate;
* @abstract
* @discussion
+ (void)pullInMessageCompletion:(JPUSHInMssageCompletion)completion;
/// @name Tag alias setting 设置别名与标签
* ()nil
* setTags:alias:fetchCompletionHandle:block里面处理设置结果即可.
* WARN: 使block时需要注意循环引用问题
+ (void) setTags:(NSSet *)tags
alias:(NSString *)alias
target:(id)theTarget __attribute__((deprecated("JPush 2.1.1 版本已过期")));
+ (void) setTags:(NSSet *)tags
alias:(NSString *)alias
object:(id)theTarget __attribute__((deprecated("JPush 3.0.6 版本已过期")));
+ (void) setTags:(NSSet *)tags
object:(id)theTarget __attribute__((deprecated("JPush 3.0.6 版本已过期")));
+ (void)setTags:(NSSet *)tags
alias:(NSString *)alias
fetchCompletionHandle:(void (^)(int iResCode, NSSet *iTags, NSString *iAlias))completionHandler __attribute__((deprecated("JPush 3.0.6 版本已过期")));
+ (void) setTags:(NSSet *)tags
aliasInbackground:(NSString *)alias __attribute__((deprecated("JPush 3.0.6 版本已过期")));
+ (void)setAlias:(NSString *)alias
object:(id)theTarget __attribute__((deprecated("JPush 3.0.6 版本已过期")));
@class UNUserNotificationCenter;
@class UNNotificationResponse;
@protocol JPUSHRegisterDelegate <NSObject>
* @brief handle UserNotifications.framework [willPresentNotification:withCompletionHandler:]
* @param center [UNUserNotificationCenter currentNotificationCenter]
* @param notification
* @param completionHandler callback中的options 使UNNotificationPresentationOptions
- (void)jpushNotificationCenter:(UNUserNotificationCenter *)center willPresentNotification:(UNNotification *)notification withCompletionHandler:(void (^)(NSInteger options))completionHandler;
* @brief handle UserNotifications.framework [didReceiveNotificationResponse:withCompletionHandler:]
* @param center [UNUserNotificationCenter currentNotificationCenter]
* @param response
* @param completionHandler
- (void)jpushNotificationCenter:(UNUserNotificationCenter *)center didReceiveNotificationResponse:(UNNotificationResponse *)response withCompletionHandler:(void(^)(void))completionHandler;
* @brief handle UserNotifications.framework [openSettingsForNotification:]
* @param center [UNUserNotificationCenter currentNotificationCenter]
* @param notification
- (void)jpushNotificationCenter:(UNUserNotificationCenter *)center openSettingsForNotification:(UNNotification *)notification NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(12.0);
* @param status JPAuthorizationStatus
* @param info
- (void)jpushNotificationAuthorization:(JPAuthorizationStatus)status withInfo:(NSDictionary *)info;
@protocol JPUSHGeofenceDelegate <NSObject>
@param geofenceId id
@param userInfo
@param error
- (void)jpushGeofenceIdentifer:(NSString *)geofenceId didEnterRegion:(NSDictionary *)userInfo error:(NSError *)error;
@param geofenceId id
@param userInfo
@param error
- (void)jpushGeofenceIdentifer:(NSString *)geofenceId didExitRegion:(NSDictionary *)userInfo error:(NSError *)error;
@protocol JPushInMessageDelegate <NSObject>
- (BOOL)jPushInMessageIsAllowedInMessagePop;
- (void)jPushInMessageAlreadyPop __attribute__((deprecated("JPush 3.4.0 版本已过期")));;
- (void)jPushInMessageAlreadyDisappear;
@param messageType inMessage
@param content 广
- (void)jPushInMessageAlreadyPopInMessageType:(JPushInMessageContentType)messageType Content:(NSDictionary *)content;
@param messageType inMessage
@param content 广
- (void)jpushInMessagedidClickInMessageType:(JPushInMessageContentType)messageType Content:(NSDictionary *)content;