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<view :style="viewColor">
<view class='productList'>
<view class='search acea-row row-between-wrapper'>
<view class="back" @click='set_where(1)'>
<view class="iconfont icon-xiangzuo"></view>
<view class='input acea-row row-between-wrapper'><text class='iconfont icon-sousuo'></text>
<input placeholder='搜索商品名称' placeholder-class='placeholder' confirm-type='search' name="search"
:value='where.keyword' @confirm="searchSubmit" @input="inputChange"></input>
<view style="text-align: right;" v-if="tabIndex==1" class='iconfont'
:class='is_switch==true?"icon-pailie":"icon-tupianpailie"' @click='Changswitch'></view>
<!-- <view v-else-if="mer_location == 1" style="text-align: right;" class='iconfont icon-dingwei'
@click="showMaoLocation(latitude,longitude)"></view> -->
<view class="nav-wrapper">
<view v-if="hide_mer_status == 0" class="tab-bar">
<view class="tab-item" :class="{on:tabIndex==1}" @click="tabIndex = 1">商品</view>
<view class="tab-item" :class="{on:tabIndex==2}" @click="tabIndex = 2">店铺</view>
<block v-if="tabIndex==1">
<view class='nav acea-row row-middle' >
<view class='item' @click="downStatus = !downStatus"
:class="{'t-color':downKey>0 && firstKey == 0}">
<text v-if="!downStatus" class="iconfont icon-xiala1 spin"></text>
<text v-else class="iconfont icon-xiala1"></text>
<view class='item' :class="{'t-color': where.order=='sales'}" @click='set_where(3)'>
<view class='item' :class="{'t-color': where.order=='price_desc'}" @click='set_where(2)'>
<image v-if="price==1" :src="domain+'/static/diy/up'+keyColor+'.png'"></image>
<image v-else-if="price==2" :src="domain+'/static/diy/down'+keyColor+'.png'"></image>
<image v-else src='/static/images/horn.png'></image>
<!-- down -->
<view class='item' @click='bindRight'>
<text class="iconfont icon-shaixuan"></text>
<block v-if="tabIndex==2">
<view class='nav acea-row row-middle'>
<view class='item' v-for="item in shopTab" :key="item.key"
:class=" {'t-color':storeKey==item.key}" @click="storeTab(item.key)">
<view class="item" :class="{'t-colors':firstKey == 4}" @click="bindRight2">
<text class="iconfont icon-shaixuan"></text>
<view class="line" :class="{'font-line':firstKey == 4}">
<!-- 商品 -->
<block v-if="tabIndex == 1">
<view class='list acea-row row-between-wrapper on' v-if="!is_switch" :style="{ marginTop: mTop }">
<view class='item on' v-for="(item,index) in productList" :key="index" @click="godDetail(item)">
<view class='pictrue on'>
<image :src='item.image' class="on"></image>
<view v-if="item.stock == 0" class="sell_out">已售罄</view>
<view v-if="item.border_pic" :style="{ backgroundImage: `url(${item.border_pic})` }"
<view class='text on acea-row row-between-wrapper'>
<view class='name'>
<text class="name_text line2">{{item.store_name}}</text>
<view class="item_bot">
<view class="acea-row row-bottom">
<view class='money on'>
¥<text class='num'>{{item.price}}</text>
<view v-if="item.show_svip_info.show_svip_price && item.svip_price"
class="acea-row row-middle">
<text class='vip-money'>¥{{item.svip_price}}</text>
<view class="vipImg">
<image src="/static/images/svip.png"></image>
<view class="item_tags acea-row">
<text v-if="item.merchant.type_name && item.product_type == 0"
class="font-bg-red bt-color line1">{{item.merchant.type_name}}</text>
<text v-else-if="item.merchant.is_trader && item.product_type == 0"
class="font-bg-red bt-color line1">自营</text>
<text v-if="item.product_type != 0"
:class="'font_bg-red bt-color type'+item.product_type">{{item.product_type == 1 ? "秒杀" : item.product_type == 2 ? "预售" : item.product_type == 3 ? "助力" : item.product_type == 4 ? "拼团" : ""}}</text>
<text class="tags_item ticket" v-if="item.issetCoupon">领券</text>
<text class="tags_item delivery" v-if="item.delivery_free == 1">包邮</text>
<!-- <view class="ticket-big" v-if="!is_switch && item.issetCoupon">领券满{{item.issetCoupon.use_min_price}}减{{item.issetCoupon.coupon_price}}</view> -->
<view class="score">{{item.rate}}评分 {{item.reply_count}}条评论</view>
<view class="company" v-if="item.merchant && hide_mer_status==0">
<text class='name line1'>{{item.merchant.mer_name}}</text>
<view class="flex" v-if="item.merchant" @click.stop="goStore(item.merchant.mer_id)">
<text class="iconfont icon-xiangyou"></text>
<!-- 返佣 -->
<block v-if="item.max_extension>0 && (item.product_type == 2 || item.product_type == 0)">
<view class="foot-bar on">
<text class="iconfont icon-fenxiang" v-if="is_switch==true"></text>
<text class="line1">最高赚 ¥{{item.max_extension}}</text>
<view class='loadingicon acea-row row-center-wrapper' v-if='productList.length > 0'>
<text class='loading iconfont icon-jiazai' :hidden='loading==false'></text>{{loadTitle}}
<view v-else class="list" :style="{ marginTop: mTop }">
<WaterfallsFlow :wfList='productList' :isStore="hide_mer_status" @itemTap="godDetail" :type="1"
@goShop="goStore" />
<view class='loadingicon acea-row row-center-wrapper' v-if='productList.length > 0'>
<text class='loading iconfont icon-jiazai' :hidden='loading==false'></text>{{loadTitle}}
<view class='noCommodity' v-if="productList.length==0 && !loading">
<view class='pictrue' style="margin: 0 auto;">
<image src='/static/images/noCart.png'></image>
<recommend v-if="recommend_switch == 1" :hostProduct="hostProduct" :isLogin="isLogin"></recommend>
<!-- 店铺 -->
<block v-if="tabIndex == 2">
<view v-if="storeList.length" class="store-wrapper">
<view class="store-item" v-for="(item,index) in storeList" :key="index">
<view class="head">
<view class="bgc_img" :style="{ backgroundImage: `url(${item.mini_banner})`}">
<view class="zhezhao">
<view class="zhezhao1" @click="goStore(item.mer_id)">
<view class="title">
<view class="coent">
<view class="avater">
<image :src="item.mer_avatar" mode=""></image>
<view class=" text">
<view class="text_one">
<view class="">
<image src="@/static/images/phone.png" mode=""></image>
<view class="text_one_r">
<image src="@/static/images/clock.png" mode=""></image>
<view class="text_two">
<image src="@/static/images/shangpu.png" mode=""></image>
<view class="text_three">
<image src="@/static/images/dingwei.png" mode=""></image>
<view class='loadingicon acea-row row-center-wrapper' v-if='loading'>
<text class='loading iconfont icon-jiazai' :hidden='loading==false'></text>{{loadTitle}}
<view class='no-shop' v-if="!storeList.length && !loading">
<view class='pictrue' style="margin: 0 auto;">
<image src='/static/images/no-Cart.png'></image>
<rightSlider1 v-if="rightBox" :status="rightBox" :activeIndex="activeIndex" :brandList="brandList"
:price_on="where.price_on" :price_off="where.price_off" @confirm="confirm" @close="close">
<view class="down-wrapper" v-if="downStatus">
<view class="bg"></view>
<view class="down-box" :style="{ top: mTop }">
<view class="down-item" v-for="(item,index) in downMenu" :key="item.key"
:class="{'on':index == downKey}" @click="bindDown(item,index)">
<text v-if="index == downKey" class="iconfont icon-gou"></text>
<rightSlider2 v-if="rightBox2" :status="rightBox2" :activeIndex="activeIndex" :merList="merList"
:storeTypeArr="storeTypeArr" @confirm="confirm2" @close="close"></rightSlider2>
<authorize @onLoadFun="onLoadFun" :isAuto="isAuto" :isShowAuth="isShowAuth" @authColse="authColse"></authorize>
<!-- #ifndef H5 -->
<!-- #endif -->
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者助力企业发展 ]
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// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
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// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
import {
} from '@/api/store.js';
import {
} from '@/api/activity.js';
import recommend from '@/components/recommend';
import rightSlider1 from '@/components/rightSlider.vue';
import rightSlider2 from '@/components/rightSlider/index';
import WaterfallsFlow from '@/components/WaterfallsFlow/WaterfallsFlow.vue'
import {
} from '@/api/store.js';
import {
} from "@/utils";
import {
} from "vuex";
// #ifndef H5
import passwordPopup from '@/components/passwordPopup';
// #endif
import authorize from '@/components/Authorize';
import {
} from '@/config/app';
import {
} from '@/libs/order.js'
import {
} from '@/api/public.js';
const app = getApp();
export default {
components: {
// #ifndef H5
// #endif
watch: {
tabIndex(nVal, oVal) {
if (nVal == 1) {
this.loadend = false;
this.$set(this.where, 'page', 1)
} else {
this.downStatus = false
this.storeScroll = true
this.storeList = []
data() {
return {
productList: [],
is_switch: true,
where: {
cate_id: '',
order: '',
price_on: '',
price_off: '',
brand_id: '',
keyword: '',
is_trader: '',
page: 1,
limit: 30
shopTabs: [{
title: '默认',
key: 0,
order: ""
title: '销量',
key: 1,
order: 'sales'
title: '好评',
key: 2,
order: 'rate'
title: '距离',
key: 3,
order: 'location'
price: 0,
stock: 0,
nows: false,
loadend: false,
loading: false,
loadTitle: '加载更多',
title: '',
hostProduct: [],
hotPage: 1,
hotLimit: 10,
hotScroll: false,
// 筛选框
rightBox: false,
rightBox2: false,
brandList: [],
downKey: 0,
downStatus: false,
// 下拉菜单
downMenu: [{
title: '综合',
key: 1,
title: '评分',
key: 2,
title: '新品',
key: 3,
// 是否第一个
firstKey: 0,
// tab切换
tabIndex: 1,
// 商铺列表
storeList: [],
sotreParam: {
keyword: '',
page: 1,
limit: 10,
order: '',
category_id: '',
type_id: ''
storeKey: 0,
storeScroll: true,
detaile_address: "", //详细地址
recommend_address: "", //当前地点
latitude: "",
longitude: "",
mer_location: 0,
count: 0, //店铺总条数
isAuto: false, //没有授权的不会自动授权
isShowAuth: false, //是否隐藏授权
storeTypeArr: [], //店铺类型
merList: [], //商户分类
mTop: 0,
activeIndex: 0,
onLoad: function(options) {
// console.log(this.isLogin)
this.$set(this.where, 'cate_id', options.id || '');
this.title = options.title || '';
this.$set(this.where, 'keyword', options.searchValue || '');
onReady() {},
mounted() {
success: (res) => {
// console.log(res);
if (res.data.mer_location == 1) {
this.mer_location = res.data.mer_location
this.mTop = this.hide_mer_status == 0 ? '308rpx' : '170rpx'
computed: {
shopTab: function() {
return this.shopTabs.filter((item) => {
if (this.mer_location == 1) {
return item
} else {
return item.key < 3
margin_ico_switch: 0,
margin_ico: '',
hide_mer_status: 0,
recommend_switch: 0
}, mapGetters(['uid', 'isLogin', 'scrollTop', 'viewColor', 'keyColor'])),
// 滚动监听
onPageScroll() {
methods: {
showMaoLocation(lat, lon) {
// console.log(lat, lon)
if (!lat || !lon) return this.$util.Tips({
title: '请设置允许商城访问您的位置!'
//#ifdef H5
if (this.$wechat.isWeixin() === true) {
latitude: Number(lat),
longitude: Number(lon)
}).then(res => {
// console.log('success');
} else {
latitude: parseFloat(lat),
longitude: parseFloat(lon),
scale: 8,
geocode: true,
name: '当前位置',
address: this.detaile_address,
success: function(res) {
// console.log(res)
// #ifdef H5
selfLocation() {
let self = this
type: 'gcj02',
success: (res) => {
// console.log(res)
let latitude, longitude;
latitude = res.latitude.toString();
longitude = res.longitude.toString();
this.latitude = res.latitude
this.longitude = res.longitude
// console.log(res)
lat: latitude,
long: longitude
}).then(res => {
this.detaile_address = res.data.address;
this.recommend_address = res.data.formatted_addresses.recommend;
complete: function() {
// self.getList();
// 获取商户分类
getClassfication: function() {
let temp = []
.then(res => {
temp = res.data.map(item => {
return {
check: false
if (this.sotreParam.category_id.length > 0) {
this.sotreParam.category_id.forEach((ids, index) => {
temp.forEach(el => {
if (ids == el.merchant_category_id) {
el.check = true
this.merList = temp
.catch(res => {
title: res
// 获取店铺类型
getStoreType: function() {
let temp = []
.then(res => {
temp = res.data.map(item => {
return {
check: false
if (this.sotreParam.type_id.length > 0) {
this.sotreParam.type_id.forEach((ids, index) => {
temp.forEach(el => {
if (ids == el.mer_type_id) {
el.check = true
this.storeTypeArr = temp
.catch(res => {
title: res
// 查找店铺
storeMerchantList(type) {
if (!this.storeScroll) return
this.loading = true
let serachData = {
keyword: this.where.keyword,
page: this.sotreParam.page,
limit: this.sotreParam.limit,
order: this.sotreParam.order,
category_id: this.sotreParam.category_id,
type_id: this.sotreParam.type_id
if (this.latitude) {
serachData.location = this.latitude + ',' + this.longitude
storeMerchantList(serachData).then(res => {
res.data.list.forEach(item => {
var tempNum = parseFloat(item.product_score) + parseFloat(item.service_score) +
tempNum = tempNum / 3 / 5 * 100
item.allScore = tempNum.toFixed(2)
this.storeScroll = res.data.list.length >= this.sotreParam.limit
this.storeList = this.storeList.concat(res.data.list)
this.count = res.data.count
this.loading = false
// 店铺排序
storeTab(key) {
if (this.loading) return
this.storeKey = key
this.sotreParam.order = this.shopTabs[key].order
this.sotreParam.page = 1
this.storeScroll = true
this.storeList = []
// 右侧切换
bindRight() {
this.price = 0;
this.firstKey = 4
// 品牌列表
getBrandlist() {
let temp = []
cate_id: this.where.cate_id,
keyword: this.where.keyword
}).then(res => {
temp = res.data.list.map(item => {
return {
check: false
if (this.where.brand_id.length > 0) {
this.where.brand_id.forEach((ids, index) => {
temp.forEach(el => {
if (ids == el.brand_id) {
el.check = true
this.brandList = temp
this.rightBox = true
onLoadFun: function(e) {
this.isShowAuth = false
// 授权关闭
authColse: function(e) {
this.isShowAuth = e;
// 去详情页
godDetail(item) {
goShopDetail(item, this.uid).then(res => {
if (this.isLogin) {
initiateAssistApi(item.activity_id).then(res => {
let id = res.data.product_assist_set_id;
url: '/pages/activity/assist_detail/index?id=' + id
}).catch((err) => {
title: err,
icon: 'none'
} else {
this.isAuto = true;
this.isShowAuth = true
// 组件确定
confirm(data, index) {
let arr = []
if (data.brandList.length == 0) {
this.where.brand_id = ''
} else {
data.brandList.forEach(item => {
this.where.brand_id = arr
this.activeIndex = index
// console.log(this.where.brand_id)
this.rightBox = data.status
this.where.price_on = data.price_on
this.where.price_off = data.price_off
this.where.is_trader = data.is_trader
this.loadend = false;
// console.log(this.where)
this.$set(this.where, 'page', 1)
// 右侧切换
bindRight2() {
this.price = 0;
this.sotreParam.page = 1
this.sotreParam.order = '',
this.rightBox2 = true
// 组件确定
confirm2(data) {
let arr1 = [],
arr2 = []
if (data.storeTypeArr.length == 0) {
this.sotreParam.type_id = ''
} else {
data.storeTypeArr.forEach(item => {
this.sotreParam.type_id = arr1.toString();
if (data.merList.length == 0) {
this.sotreParam.category_id = ''
} else {
data.merList.forEach(item => {
this.sotreParam.category_id = arr2.toString();
this.rightBox2 = data.status
this.loadend = false;
this.$set(this.sotreParam, 'page', 1)
this.storeList = [];
this.storeScroll = true
// 组件关闭
close() {
this.rightBox = false
this.rightBox2 = false
// 下拉选项
bindDown(item, index) {
this.firstKey = 0
if (index == 0) {
this.where.order = ''
} else if (index == 1) {
this.where.order = 'rate'
} else if (index == 2) {
this.where.order = 'is_new'
this.downKey = index
this.downStatus = false
this.loadend = false;
this.$set(this.where, 'page', 1)
Changswitch: function() {
let that = this;
that.is_switch = !that.is_switch
searchSubmit: function(e) {
let that = this;
if (!e.detail.value.trim()) {
title: '请输入搜索内容',
icon: 'none',
duration: 1000
that.$set(that.where, 'keyword', e.detail.value);
if (this.tabIndex == 1) {
that.loadend = false;
that.$set(that.where, 'page', 1)
} else {
this.sotreParam.page = 1
this.storeScroll = true
this.storeList = []
inputChange: function(e) {
let that = this;
that.$set(that.where, 'keyword', e.detail.value);
* 获取我的推荐
get_host_product: function() {
let that = this;
if (that.hotScroll) return
).then(res => {
// console.log(res);
that.hotScroll = res.data.list.length < that.hotLimit
that.hostProduct = that.hostProduct.concat(res.data.list)
if (that.hostProduct.length == res.data.count) {
title: '推荐商品,加载完毕',
duration: 2000, // 显示时长,单位为毫秒
set_where: function(e) {
switch (e) {
case 1:
case 2:
this.firstKey = e
if (this.price == 0) {
this.price = 1;
this.where.order = 'price_asc'
} else if (this.price == 1) {
this.price = 2;
this.where.order = 'price_desc'
} else if (this.price == 2) {
this.price = 0;
this.where.order = ''
this.$set(this.where, 'page', 1)
case 3:
this.price = 0;
this.loadend = false;
this.$set(this.where, 'order', 'sales')
this.$set(this.where, 'page', 1)
this.firstKey = e
this.loadend = false;
this.$set(this.where, 'page', 1);
get_product_list: function(isPage) {
let that = this;
if (that.loadend) return;
if (that.loading) return;
if (isPage === true) that.$set(that, 'productList', []);
that.loading = true;
that.loadTitle = '';
getProductslist(that.where).then(res => {
let list = res.data.list;
let productList = that.$util.SplitArray(list, that.productList);
let loadend = list.length < that.where.limit;
that.loadend = loadend;
that.loading = false;
that.loadTitle = loadend ? '已全部加载' : '加载更多';
that.$set(that, 'productList', productList);
// console.log(that.productList)
that.$set(that.where, 'page', that.where.page + 1);
}).catch(err => {
that.loading = false;
that.loadTitle = '加载更多';
goStore: function(id) {
if (this.hide_mer_status != 1) {
url: `/pages/store/home/index?id=${id}`
} else if (this.storeList.type_id == 12) {
url: `/pages/nongKe/supply_chain/merchant?id=${id}`
onPullDownRefresh() {
onReachBottom() {
if (this.tabIndex == 1) {
if (this.productList.length > 0) {
} else {
} else {
if (this.count === this.storeList.length) {
if (this.count === 0) {
title: '已加载全部',
icon: 'none',
duration: 1000
} else {
this.sotreParam.page += 1
onPullDownRefresh() {
setTimeout(() => {
const newList = this.productList.reverse();
this.productList = newList;
}, 500)
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