1052 lines
24 KiB
1052 lines
24 KiB
<view :style="viewColor">
<view class='order-submission'>
<!-- 商品信息 -->
<view class="storeinfo-wrapper">
<view class="store-item">
<view class="store-title">
<text class="iconfont icon-shangjiadingdan"></text>
<view class="txt" @click="goStore(item.mer_id)">{{payForm.merName}}</view>
<text class="iconfont icon-xiangyou"></text>
<block v-for="(item,indx) in productData" :key="indx">
<view class="product-item">
<view class="img-box">
<image :src="item.image" width="170rpx" height="180rpx" />
<view class="content event_content">
<view class="name line1">
<view style="margin-top: 30rpx;color: #FF5C2D;">
<view class='wrapper'>
<view class='item'>
<view style="font-weight: bold;">支付方式</view>
<view class='list'>
<!-- #ifdef H5 -->
<view class='payItem acea-row row-middle' :class='active==index ?"on":""' @tap='payItem(index)'
v-for="(item,index) in cartArr" :key='index' v-if="item.payStatus==1">
<view class='name acea-row row-center-wrapper'>
<view class='iconfont animated'
:class='(item.icon) + " " + (animated==true&&active==index ?"bounceIn":"")'></view>
<view class='tip'>
<block v-if="item.value == 'balance'">
<!-- #endif -->
<!-- #ifdef MP || APP-PLUS -->
<view class='payItem acea-row row-middle' :class='active==index ?"on":""' @tap='payItem(index)'
v-for="(item,index) in cartArr" :key='index' v-if="item.payStatus==1">
<view class='name acea-row row-center-wrapper'>
<view class='iconfont animated'
:class='(item.icon) + " " + (animated==true&&active==index ?"bounceIn":"")'></view>
<view class='tip'>
<block v-if="item.value == 'balance'">
<!-- #endif -->
<view class='moneyList'>
<view class='item acea-row row-between-wrapper'>
<view class='money'>¥{{payForm.money}}</view>
<view class='item acea-row row-between-wrapper'>
<block v-if="platformConsumption.length > 0">
<view class='discount money red_packet' @click="couponTap3()">
<text v-if="consumption_id">-¥{{consumption_money||'0.00'}}</text>
<text v-else>有补贴补贴未选</text>
<text class='iconfont icon-jiantou'></text>
<block v-else>
<view class='discount'>暂无抵扣红包</view>
<view style='height:140rpx;'></view>
<view class='footer acea-row row-between-wrapper'>
<view class="footer_count">
<text class='pColor' v-if="cartArr[4].payStatus == 1 && active == 4">¥0.00</text>
<text class='pColor' v-else>¥{{ total_coupon }}</text>
<view class='settlement' :class='couponData.status != "noAddress" ? "" : "disabled"' style='z-index:100'
@tap="SubOrder">{{couponData.status != "noAddress" ? '提交订单':'选择地址'}}</view>
<!-- 支付密码 键盘 -->
<popups ref="popups" :isPay="true" @confirm="handleConfirm" @clear="handleClear" @change="handleChange" />
<!-- 密码错误事件处理 -->
<payPwd ref="payPwd" @left="handleLeft" @right="handleRight"></payPwd>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
let app = getApp();
import {
} from '@/api/order.js';
import {
} from '@/api/user.js';
import {
} from '@/utils/SubscribeMessage.js';
import {
} from "vuex";
import {
} from '@/utils';
import {
} from "@/api/payment.js";
import {
} from '@/api/order.js';
import payPwd from "@/components/payPwd/index.vue";
import popups from "@/components/popups/index.vue";
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
platformConsumption: [],
cartArr: [{
"name": "微信支付",
"icon": "icon-weixin2",
value: 'weixin',
title: '微信快捷支付',
payStatus: 1,
name: "支付宝支付",
icon: "icon-icon34",
// #ifdef H5 || APP-PLUS
value: 'alipay',
// #endif
// #ifdef MP
value: 'alipayQr',
// #endif
title: '支付宝支付',
payStatus: this.$store.getters.globalData.alipay_open
"name": "余额支付",
"icon": "icon-icon-test",
value: 'balance',
title: '可用余额:',
payStatus: this.$store.getters.globalData.yue_pay_status,
"name": "线下支付",
"icon": "icon-yinhangqia",
value: 'offline',
title: '线下支付',
payStatus: 2,
}, {
"name": "先货后款",
"icon": "tan-a-lujing17324",
value: 'creditBuy',
title: `结算周期:${this.settle_cycle}天 日利率:${this.interest_rate}%`,
payStatus: '',
tagStyle: {
img: 'width:100%;display:block;',
video: 'width:100%;'
radioList: [{
title: this.deliveryName,
check: true
}, {
title: '到店核销',
check: false
payType: 'weixin', //支付方式
active: 0, //支付方式切换
address: {
address: false
}, //地址组件
couponId: 0, //优惠券id
cartId: '', //购物车id
userInfo: {}, //用户信息
coupon_price: 0, //优惠券抵扣金额
ChangePrice: 0, //使用积分抵扣变动后的金额
formIds: [], //收集formid
status: 0,
is_address: false,
toPay: false, //修复进入支付时页面隐藏从新刷新页面
cartInfo: [],
priceGroup: {},
animated: false,
totalPrice: 0,
offlinePostage: "",
from: '',
orderStatus: '', //是否有地址
couponIndex: 0, //选择商铺优惠券索引
subCoupon: {}, //提交订单使用的优惠券
couponData: {},
orderPay: false,
pics: [],
extend: [],
virtualIndex: 0,
platformCoupon: [],
total_platform_coupon_price: 0,
enabledPlatformCoupon: false,
plantCoupon: false,
order_key: '',
product_type: '',
source: null,
settle_cycle: '', // 周期
type_id: '', //店铺类型
consumption_id: '', //补贴id
consumption_money: '', //补贴抵扣金额
total_coupon: '', //合计
payForm: {
cart_id: '',
address_id: '',
consumption_id: '',
use_coupon: '',
takes: '',
use_integral: '',
receipt_data: [],
mark: '',
pay_type: '',
money: '',
merName: '',
return_url: '',
key: '',
source: 999,
checkForm: {
address_id: '',
cart_id: [],
consumption_id: '',
product_type: 0,
source: 999,
takes: [],
use_coupon: {},
use_integral: false,
key: ''
productData: [],
orderData: {}
computed: {
...mapGetters(['isLogin', 'viewColor']),
...configMap(['hide_mer_status', 'yue_pay_status']),
watch: {
yue_pay_status(n) {
this.payMode[2].payStatus = n
onLoad: function(options) {
// options.money = parseFloat(options.money).toFixed(2);
// this.payForm.cart_id = options.cartId;
// this.payForm.money = options.money;
// this.payForm.merName = options.merName;
// this.checkForm.cart_id = options.cartId.split(',');
// this.total_coupon = options.money;
// this.platformConsumption = [{
// balance: "39000.00",
// coupon_price: "50000.00",
// coupon_title: "春耕采购余额",
// coupon_user_id: 178,
// describe: "仅限平台指定商家商品可使用",
// end_time: "2025-07-01 00:00:00",
// start_time: "2024-03-02 14:15:17",
// uid: 889
// }]
let data = uni.getStorageSync("datas");
this.productData = data.productData;
this.platformConsumption = data.platformConsumption || [];
this.checkForm.cart_id = data.checkForm.cart_id;
this.payForm.cart_id = this.checkForm.cart_id;
this.payForm.money = data.money;
this.payForm.merName = data.merName;
this.payForm.key = data.key;
this.total_coupon = data.money;
this.checkForm.key = data.key;
// #ifdef H5
this.from = this.$wechat.isWeixin() ? 'weixin' : 'h5'
// #endif
// #ifdef MP
this.from = 'routine'
// #endif
// #ifdef APP-PLUS
this.from = 'weixin'
// #endif
if (!this.isLogin) {
this.isAuto = true;
this.isShowAuth = true
* 生命周期函数--监听页面显示
onShow: function() {
methods: {
couponTap3: function(item, index) {
url: '/pages/redpacket/redpacket',
success: (res) => {
res.eventChannel.emit('changeRedPacketInfo', this.platformConsumption)
uni.$once('changeRedPacket', (data) => {
this.consumption_id = data;
consumption_id: this.consumption_id
}).then(res => {
this.total_coupon = res.data.order_price;
this.consumption_money = res.data.consumption_money;
this.payForm.consumption_id = this.consumption_id;
// this.payForm.money = res.data.order_price;
// 授权关闭
authColse: function(e) {
console.log(e, 'authColse')
this.isShowAuth = e;
onLoadFun() {
this.isShowAuth = false;
// 获取个人信息
getUserInfo() {
getUserInfo().then(res => {
this.userInfo = res.data
payItem: function(e) {
let that = this;
let active = e;
that.active = active;
// console.log(this.active);
that.animated = true;
that.payType = that.cartArr[active].value;
if (that.payType == 'weixin') {
that.payType = that.from
payment: function(data) {
let that = this;
createOrder(data).then(res => {
let status = res.data.status,
orderId = res.data.result.order_id,
jsConfig = res.data.result.config,
// 暂不跳转
goPages = '/pages/order_pay_status/index?order_id=' + orderId + '&msg=' + res.message +
'&product_type=' + that.payForm.product_type + '&source=' + that.payForm.source,
goPagesOrder = '/pages/order_details/stay?order_id=' + orderId +
'&credit_buy=1&product_type=' + that.payForm.product_type;
that.orderPay = true;
switch (status) {
case 'PAY_ERROR':
case 'error':
return that.$util.Tips({
title: res.message
}, {
tab: 5,
url: goPagesOrder
case 'success':
return that.$util.Tips({
title: res.message,
icon: 'success'
}, {
tab: 5,
url: goPages
case 'alipay':
case "alipayQr":
// #ifndef MP
case "wechat":
case "weixin":
case "weixinApp":
jsConfig.timeStamp = jsConfig.timestamp;
// #ifndef APP-PLUS
this.$wechat.pay(jsConfig).then(res => {
return that.$util.Tips({
title: res.message,
icon: 'success'
}, {
tab: 4,
url: goPages
}).catch(res => {
if (res.errMsg == 'chooseWXPay:cancel') return that.$util.Tips({
title: '取消支付'
}, {
tab: 5,
url: goPages + '&status=0'
// #endif
// #ifdef APP-PLUS
let mp_pay_name = ''
if (uni.requestOrderPayment) {
mp_pay_name = 'requestOrderPayment'
} else {
mp_pay_name = 'requestPayment'
provider: 'wxpay',
orderInfo: jsConfig,
success: (e) => {
// 暂不跳转
let url = '/pages/order_pay_status/index?order_id=' + orderId +
'&msg=支付成功' + '&product_type=' + that.product_type +
'&source=' + that.source;
return that.$util.Tips({
title: '支付成功',
icon: 'success'
}, {
tab: 4,
url: url
fail: (e) => {
console.log(e, '111111111')
// 暂不跳转
let url = '/pages/order_pay_status/index?order_id=' + orderId +
'&msg=取消支付' + '&product_type=' + that.product_type +
'&source=' + that.source;
return that.$util.Tips({
title: '取消支付',
}, {
tab: 4,
url: url
complete: (res) => {
// #endif
// #endif
// #ifdef MP
case "routine":
jsConfig.timeStamp = jsConfig.timestamp;
that.toPay = true;
let mp_pay_name = ''
if (uni.requestOrderPayment) {
mp_pay_name = 'requestOrderPayment'
} else {
mp_pay_name = 'requestPayment'
success: function(res) {
return that.$util.Tips({
title: '支付成功',
icon: 'success'
}, {
tab: 5,
url: goPages
fail: function(e) {
// 暂不跳转
let pages = '/pages/order_pay_status/index?order_id=' +
orderId + '&msg=取消支付' + '&product_type=' + that
.product_type + '&source=' + that.source;
return that.$util.Tips({
title: '取消支付'
}, {
tab: 5,
url: pages + '&status=0'
// #endif
case "balance":
return that.$util.Tips({
title: res.msg
}, {
tab: 5,
url: goPages + '&status=1'
// #ifdef H5
case 'h5':
let host = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host;
let url =
let eUrl = encodeURIComponent(url)
let jsurl = jsConfig.mweb_url || jsConfig.h5_url
let locations = `${jsurl}&redirect_url=${eUrl}`
// 暂不跳转
setTimeout(() => {
location.href = locations;
}, 100);
// #endif
// 暂不跳转
let pages = '/pages/order_pay_status/index?order_id=' +
orderId + '&msg=取消支付' + '&product_type=' + that.product_type + '&source=' +
return that.$util.Tips({
title: '取消支付'
}, {
tab: 5,
url: pages + '&status=0'
}).catch(err => {
return that.$util.Tips({
title: err
SubOrder: async function() {
let that = this,
data = {};
if (!that.payType) return that.$util.Tips({
title: '请选择支付方式'
if (that.payType == 'balance' && this.userInfo.now_money < this.payForm.money) {
return that.$util.Tips({
title: '余额不足,请选择其他的支付方式!'
this.payForm.pay_type = that.payType;
// 设置支付密码
if (that.payType == 'balance' || that.payType == 'merBalance') {
// 是否输入密码
const result = await this.$util.checkPassword();
if (result.data.code == 101) { //未设置支付密码
return this.$util.Tips({
title: "您暂未设置支付密码,请前往设置!"
}, () => {
url: "/pages/users/user_modify_pwd/index?type=payPwd"
} else {
title: '订单支付中',
mask: true
// 输入密码回调
async handleConfirm(e) {
const result = await this.$util.checkPassword(e);
// 验证密码正确
if (result.data.code == 100) {
this.$set(this.payForm, 'withdrawal_pwd', e);
title: '订单支付中',
mask: true
} else {
// 弹框左边按钮 101 未设置密码 102 忘记密码 都去设置密码
handleLeft(code) {
url: "/pages/users/user_modify_pwd/index?type=payPwd"
// 弹框右边按钮 取消 重试
handleRight(code) {
if (code == 101) { //取消
} else {
handleClear() {},
handleChange() {},
truePayOrder() {
// #ifdef MP
openPaySubscribe().then(() => {
// #endif
// #ifndef MP
// #endif
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