
347 lines
7.4 KiB

<view class="container" v-if="merchantInfo">
<view style="height: var(--status-bar-height);"></view>
<view class="v-navbar">
<u-navbar title="面对面收款" @rightClick="rightClick" :autoBack="true" :fixed="false" bgColor="transparent"
leftIconColor="#fff" :titleStyle="{color:'#fff',fontWeight:'bold',fontSize:'32rpx'}">
<view class="v-desc">
<view class="v-desc-main">付款给商家</view>
<view class="v-desc-sub">{{merchantInfo.merchant.mer_name}}</view>
<!-- 店铺图片 -->
<view class="v-shop-img">
<u-image :showLoading="true" :src="merchantInfo.merchant.mer_avatar" width="182rpx" height="182rpx"
:radius="10" />
<!-- 付款金额 -->
<view class="v-con">
<view class="v-con-text">付款金额</view>
<view class="v-con-input">
<u--input type="number" maxlength="5" fontSize="23" v-model="cartForm.total_amount" placeholder="请输入金额"
border="none" placeholderStyle="color:#999;font-size:30rpx">
<u--text size="23" color="#303133" text="¥" slot="prefix" margin="0 3px 0 0" type="tips"></u--text>
<view class="v-wrap" v-if="cartForm.total_amount">
<view class="v-wrap-money">
<text class="icon">¥</text>
<text class="num">{{cartForm.total_amount}}</text>
<view class="v-wrap-desc">
<view class="v-wrap-desc-main">实物提货券</view>
<view class="v-wrap-desc-sub">即买即用</view>
<view class="v-btn" @click="submitOrder">提交订单</view>
import {
} from "@/api/payment.js";
export default {
data() {
return {
cartForm: {
product_id: '',
product_attr_unique: '',
cart_num: 1,
is_new: 1,
product_type: 0,
source: 999,
total_amount: ''
merchantInfo: '',
checkForm: {
address_id: '',
cart_id: [],
consumption_id: '',
product_type: 0,
source: 999,
takes: [],
use_coupon: {},
use_integral: false
created() {
// mer_id
methods: {
// 提交订单
submitOrder() {
if (!this.cartForm.total_amount) {
return this.$util.Tips({
title: "请输入付款金额!"
// 订单
this.cartForm.product_id = this.merchantInfo.product_id;
this.cartForm.product_type = this.merchantInfo.product_type;
this.cartForm.product_attr_unique = this.merchantInfo.sku[''].unique;
let that = this;
addCart(this.cartForm).then(res => {
// 购物车ID
title: "添加购物车成功!"
}, () => {
orderCheck(that.checkForm).then(res => {
url: "/pages/payment/settlement?cartId=" + this.checkForm
.cart_id + "&money=" + this.cartForm.total_amount +
"&merName=" + this.merchantInfo.merchant.mer_name
}).catch(() => {
title: "添加购物车失败!"
getProductInfoByMerid() {
let that = this;
mer_id: 31
}).then(res => {
this.merchantInfo =;
}).catch((err) => {
title: err.message
handleSavePic() {
// 获取要保存的图片路径或URL
let imageUrl = this.qrcodeUrl; // 这里使用了网络上的图片作为示例
// #ifdef H5
var a = document.createElement("a"); = imageUrl;
a.href = imageUrl;
// #endif
// #ifndef H5
let that = this;
url: imageUrl,
success(res) {
if (res.statusCode === 200) {
let tempFilePath = res.tempFilePath; // 临时文件路径
filePath: tempFilePath,
success() {
return that.$util.Tips({
title: '图片已保存至相册!'
fail(err) {
console.error('保存失败', err);
} else {
console.error('下载失败', res.statusCode);
fail(err) {
console.error('下载失败', err);
// #endif
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