2023-11-09 17:58:21 +08:00

1051 lines
24 KiB

<view class="">
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<view class="town-title">{{town}}里海云仓</view>
<view class="body-wrapper">
<block v-for="(item,index) in cloudList" :key="index">
<navigator class="item"
:style="{'background-image': `url(${item.background})`}">
<text class="item-title">{{item.category_name}}云仓服务</text>
<view class="chakan-btn">查看</view>
</view> -->
<view class="" v-if="cloudList.length>0">
<view class="">
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<!-- {{town}}里海云仓 -->
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<text class="">全部</text>
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<u-loading-icon v-if='showLoading' text="加载中" textSize="18"></u-loading-icon>
<view class="goods" @click="godDetail(item)" v-else v-for="item,index in goodsList">
<view class="left">
<u--image :showLoading="true" :src="item.image" width="192.76rpx"
<view class="right">
<view class="tit">
<!-- 亿福馒头粉纯天然无添加小麦粉加工 1000g/袋 -->
<view class="">
<view class="good_score">
<text style="margin-right: 10rpx;color: #F84221;">{{item.rate}}</text>
<view class="good_price">
<view class="good_price_l">
<view class=""
style="color: #F84221;font-size: 22.78rpx;font-weight: bold;">
¥<text style="font-size: 30rpx;">{{item.price}}</text>
<view class="old_price">
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style="position: relative;z-index: 9999999;">
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<view class="badge" v-show="goodsNum">
<view class="tot_price">
<view class="">
<view class="">
支持配送 售后无忧
<view class="right">
<!-- -->
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<!-- <text>出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖</text> -->
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<u--image :showLoading="true" src="/static/images/LHYC/PFH.png" width="50.82rpx"
height="50.82rpx" @click='showPop=false'></u--image>
<view class="head_tit">
<view class="pop_content">
<view class="pop_li" @click="all(index)" v-for="item,index in cloudList" :key="index">
<u--image :showLoading="true" :src="item.background" width="84.11rpx"
<view class="" style="margin-left: 20rpx;">
<view style="font-size: 33.29rpx;color: black;">
<view class="" style="font-size: 22.78rpx;">
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<view class="" :style="`height:${appInfo.bottom}px;background-color:white`">
import {
} from '@/api/api.js'
import {
} from '@/libs/uniApi';
import {
} from '@/api/activity.js';
import {
} from '@/api/order.js';
import {
} from '@/libs/order.js'
import {
} from '@/api/store.js';
import {
} from '../../../uni_modules/uview-ui/libs/function/digit';
export default {
data() {
let src = 'https://lihai001.oss-cn-chengdu.aliyuncs.com/public/kk/luzhou/static4/13';
return {
a: "",
trnList: [],
act_cart: false,
appInfo: {},
pocls: "",
type: "",
act_swiper: "",
current: 3,
goodsNum: 0,
goodsList: [],
winHeight: 0,
cloudList: [],
street_code: '',
totalMoney: 0,
town: '',
list: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
showPop: false,
keyword: "",
showLoading: false,
tot_price: 1,
showtit: true,
cartList: [],
activeClass: 'activeClass',
headtop: 0,
page_num: 1,
act_img: "",
cartTagInfo: {},
actList: [{
tit: '综合',
act: "",
screen: ""
}, {
tit: '销量',
act: "",
screen: "sales"
}, {
tit: '价格',
act: "",
screen: "price_asc"
status: "loadmore",
flag: false,
onLoad(e) {
success: (res) => {
this.winHeight = res.windowHeight
this.appInfo = res.safeAreaInsets
this.street_code = e.street
this.town = e.town
// 分页
// onReachBottom() {
// if (this.flag) return
// this.status = "loading"
// this.page_num += 1
// this.flag = true
// this.getList().then(res => {
// return
// this.goodsList = this.goodsList.concat(res.data.data)
// this.flag = false
// if (!res.data.data.length) {
// this.status = "nomore"
// this.flag = true
// }
// })
// },
onPageScroll(e) {
let that = this
this.showtit = !Boolean(e.scrollTop)
.boundingClientRect(rect => {
if (rect.top <= (this.headtop + 16)) {
this.pocls = 'fixed'
this.act_swiper = 'act_swiper'
this.act_img = 'act_img'
} else {
this.pocls = ''
this.act_swiper = ''
this.act_img = ''
if (this.headtop) return
.boundingClientRect(rect => {
this.headtop = rect.top
.boundingClientRect(rect => {
this.cartTagInfo = rect
onPullDownRefresh() {
// onReachBottom() {
// console.log("daidi")
// },
methods: {
cartFn() {
getCartList().then(res => {
this.cartList = res.data.list
this.cartList[0].list.forEach(e => {
this.totalMoney = this.totalMoney + Number(e.productAttr.price) * e.cart_num
getCartCounts().then(res => {
this.goodsNum = res.data[0].count
godDetail(item) {
goShopDetail(item, this.uid).then(res => {
if (this.isLogin) {
initiateAssistApi(item.activity_id).then(res => {
let id = res.data.product_assist_set_id;
url: '/pages/activity/assist_detail/index?id=' + id
}).catch((err) => {
title: err,
icon: 'none'
} else {
this.isAuto = true;
this.isShowAuth = true
serch() {
// console.log(this.keyword)
goBack() {
screenGoods(type, i) {
this.actList.forEach(item => {
item.act = ""
this.actList[i].act = true
this.type = type
// console.log(this.type)
navgo(url) {
getList() {
this.showLoading = true
street_code: this.street_code,
category_id: this.cloudList[this.current].category_id,
order: this.type,
keyword: this.keyword,
// page: this.page_num
}).then(res => {
this.goodsList = res.data.list
this.showLoading = false
addcart(i) {
let that = this
// return
uni.createSelectorQuery().in(this).select(`.act_class${i}`).boundingClientRect(data1 => {
that.trnList[i].left = this.cartTagInfo.left - data1.left;
that.trnList[i].bottom = this.cartTagInfo.top - data1.top;
timer = setTimeout(() => {
that.trnList[i].left = 0
that.trnList[i].bottom = 0
}, 1000)
// console.log(this.$refs.jia1[i])
// return
// this.$refs.jia[i].style.transition = "0.5s"
// this.$refs.jia[i].style.transform = `translateX(${this.trnList[i].left})`
// this.$refs.jia1[i].style.transform = `translateY(${this.trnList[i].bottom})`
// this.$refs.jia[i].style.transform = `translateY(${this.trnList[i].bottom})`
// this.trnList[i].left
// this.$refs.jia[i].style.translateY = this.trnList[i].bottom
// this.$refs.jia[i].style.translateY = this.trnList[i].bottom
// transform: ;
// return
// let data = {
// cart_num: 1,
// is_new: 0,
// product_attr_unique: i.sku[''].unique,
// product_id: i.product_id,
// product_type: i.product_type,
// spread_id: "",
// }
// let that = this
// let res = postCartAdd({
// ...data
// }).then((res, err) => {
// this.act_cart = true
// this.cartFn()
// uni.showToast({
// title: "加入成功",
// duration: 1000,
// })
// }).catch(err => {
// // this.act_cart = false
// uni.showToast({
// title: err,
// icon: "none",
// duration: 1000,
// })
// })
// setTimeout(() => {
// that.act_cart = false
// }, 500)
// uni.createSelectorQuery().in(this).select(`.act_class${i}`).boundingClientRect(data1 => {
// that.trnList[i].left = this.cartTagInfo.left - data1.left + 'px';
// that.trnList[i].bottom = this.cartTagInfo.top - data1.top + 'px';
// console.log(that.trnList[i])
// }).exec();
// this.tot_price += Number(price)
all(index) {
this.showPop = false
this.current = index
test(e) {
// console.log(e.target.current)
this.current = e.target.current
// console.log(e)
async getCloundShop() {
const {
} = await getCityCloundShop({
street_code: this.street_code
this.cloudList = data
street_code: this.street_code,
category_id: this.cloudList[this.current].category_id
}).then(res => {
this.goodsList = res.data.list
this.goodsList.forEach(item => {
left: 0,
bottom: 0
console.log("sad", this.trnList)
data.length < 1 ? Toast("暂无云仓") : '';
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