2024-05-16 11:57:36 +08:00

512 lines
13 KiB

<view class="content">
<u--form :model="model1" ref="uForm" labelPosition="left" :labelStyle="{fontSize:'32rpx',color:'#444444'}"
labelWidth='120' borderBottom>
<view class="description">
<view class="label-cls">
<u-form-item label="产地" prop="userInfo.name" ref="item1">
<view style="display: flex;align-items: center;font-size: 28rpx;color:#777777 ;" slot="right"
<view style="margin-right: 10rpx;line-height: 25rpx;">
<u-icon name="arrow-right"></u-icon>
<u-form-item label="商品等级" prop="userInfo.name" ref="item1">
<view style="display: flex;align-items: center;font-size: 28rpx;color:#777777 ;" slot="right"
<view style="margin-right: 10rpx;line-height: 25rpx;">
<u-icon name="arrow-right"></u-icon>
<u-form-item label="货品包装" prop="userInfo.name" ref="item1">
<view style="display: flex;align-items: center;font-size: 28rpx;color:#777777 ;" slot="right"
<view style="margin-right: 10rpx;line-height: 25rpx;">{{formData.product_attribute.pack||'请选择'}}
<u-icon name="arrow-right"></u-icon>
<view class="description" style="display: flex;justify-content: space-between;align-items: center">
<view class="attr-custom" @click="formData.product_attribute.attr.push({label:'',value:''})">
<u-icon name="plus" color='#20B128' style="margin-right: 8rpx;font-weight: bold;"></u-icon> 自定义
<view class="label-cls"
style="display: flex;padding: 20rpx 20rpx 20rpx 2rpx;justify-content: space-between;margin-bottom: 30rpx;"
v-for="(item,index) in formData.product_attribute.attr">
<view class="" style="display: flex;width: 70%;align-items: center;">
<u--input placeholder="请填写属性名称" border="surround" v-model="item.label"></u--input>
<u-line direction="col" length="40rpx" color="#CECECE"></u-line>
<u--input placeholder="请填写属性值" border="surround" v-model="item.value"></u--input>
<u-line direction="col" length="40rpx" color="#CECECE"></u-line>
<view style="color: #777777;display: flex; align-items: center;"
@click="formData.product_attribute.attr.splice(index, 1);">
<u-icon name="trash" style='margin-right: 8rpx;'></u-icon> 删除
<view class="submit-btn">
<u-button type="primary" shape="circle" text="保存" @click="submit"></u-button>
<u-popup :show="showPouple" @close="showPouple=false,positionType=0" @open="showPouple=true" :round="10">
<view class="RegularFont" style="padding: 42rpx 40rpx">
<view class="pop-head">
<text v-if="popType=='place' || !show " @click="showPouple=false,positionType=0">取消</text>
<text v-else @click="show=false"><u-icon name="arrow-left" size="20"></u-icon></text>
style="font-size:32rpx ;color:#333333 ;">{{popType=='place'?'商品产地': popType=='leval'?'商品等级':'商品包装' }}
<text @click="confirm">确定</text>
<!-- 地区 -->
<view v-if="popType=='place'">
<view class="Positioning " style="color: #989898;margin-bottom: 30rpx;">
<view class="" style="display: flex;" @click="confirm">
<u-icon name="map" style='margin-right: 8rpx;'></u-icon>
<text>{{(address.province+address.city+address.district )||errMag}} </text>
<view class="" @click="getLocation">
<u-line color="#CECECE"></u-line>
<view class="province">
<view class="province-li" @click='positionType=0,positionList=provinceList'
:style="{color:positionType==0?'#20B128':'#707070'} ">
{{address.province||'请选择' }}
<view class="province-li" @click='choseCity'
:style="{color:positionType==1?'#20B128':'#707070'} ">
{{address.city ||'请选择'}}
<view class="province-li" @click='choseArea'
:style="{color:positionType==2?'#20B128':'#707070'} ">
{{address.district ||'请选择'}}
<view class="province-line" :style="{left:positionType*130+30+'rpx'}" />
<u-line color="#CECECE"></u-line>
<view class="" style="color:#989898;font-size:24rpx ;margin-top: 40rpx;">
<view class="position-content">
<view class="position-li" :class="{act:address[wacthType()]==item.name}"
v-for="item in positionList" @click="chosePosition(item)">
<u-icon v-if='address[wacthType()]==item.name' name="checkbox-mark" color="#38BE41"
style='margin-left: 8rpx;'></u-icon>
<!-- 地区结束 -->
<!-- 商品等级 -->
<view v-if="popType=='leval'" style="height: 500rpx;">
<u-transition :show="!show" mode="slide-right">
<view class="goods-leval">
<view class="goods-leval-li" :class="{act:formData.product_attribute.leval==item}"
v-for='item in levalList'
<view class="goods-leval-li " style="display: flex;color:#38BE41;" @click="show=true">
<u-icon name="plus" color="#38BE41" style='margin-right: 8rpx;'></u-icon> 自定义
<u-transition :show="show" mode="slide-left">
<view class="transition">
<u--textarea v-model="selfLeval" placeholder="请输入商品等级"></u--textarea>
<!-- 商品等级结束 -->
<!-- 商品包装 -->
<view v-if="popType=='packing'" style="height: 500rpx;">
<u-transition :show="!show" mode="slide-right">
<view class="goods-leval">
<view class="goods-leval-li" :class="{act:formData.pack==item}" v-for='item in packList'
<view class="goods-leval-li " style="display: flex;color:#38BE41 ;" @click="show=true">
<u-icon name="plus" color="#38BE41" style='margin-right: 8rpx;'></u-icon> 自定义
<u-transition :show="show" mode="slide-left">
<view class="transition">
<u--textarea v-model="selfPack" placeholder="请输入商品等级"></u--textarea>
import {
} from '@/api/store.js';
import {
} from "@/api/common.js"
import {
} from '../../../libs/uniApi';
export default {
data() {
return {
errMag: "",
provinceList: [],
cityList: [],
districtList: [],
positionList: [],
areaList: [],
districtList: [],
posType: {
selfLeval: "",
levalList: [
selfPack: "",
packList: [
address: {
province: '',
province_code: '',
city: "",
city_code: "",
district: "",
district_code: ""
show: false,
popType: 'leval',
showPouple: false,
showSex: false,
positionType: 0,
data: {},
formData: {
// address: "",
// leval: "",
// pack: "",
// attr: [{
// label: "",
// value: ''
// }]
model1: {
userInfo: {
name: '',
sex: '',
methods: {
sexSelect(e) {
this.model1.userInfo.sex = e.name
navgo(url) {
confirm() {
if (this.popType == 'place') {
this.formData.product_attribute.address = this.address.province + this.address.city + this.address
} else if (this.popType == 'leval') {
this.formData.product_attribute.leval = this.levalList[this.levalList.length - 1]
this.selfLeval = ''
} else if (this.popType == 'packing') {
this.formData.pack = this.packList[this.packList.length - 1]
this.selfPack = ''
this.show = false
this.showPouple = false
chosePosition(item) {
if (this.positionType == 0) {
this.address.province = item.name
this.address.province_code = item.code
this.address.city = ''
this.address.district = ''
} else if (this.positionType == 1) {
this.address.city = item.name
this.address.city_code = item.code
this.address.district = ''
} else {
this.address.district = item.name
this.address.district_code = item.code
wacthType() {
if (this.positionType == 0) return "province";
else if (this.positionType == 1) return "city";
else if (this.positionType == 2) return "district";
choseCity() {
this.positionType = 1;
province_code: this.address.province_code
}).then(res => {
this.cityList = res.data
this.positionList = this.cityList
this.cityList.forEach(item => {
if (this.address.city == item.name) {
this.address.city_code = item.code
choseArea() {
this.positionType = 2;
city_code: this.address.city_code
}).then(res => {
this.areaList = res.data
this.positionList = this.areaList
getLocation() {
let that = this
type: 'wgs84',
success: function(res) {
console.log(res, 'res')
lat: res.latitude,
long: res.longitude
}).then(res1 => {
that.address = res1.data.address_component
that.positionList = that.provinceList
that.provinceList.forEach(item => {
if (that.address.province == item.name) {
that.address.province_code = item.code
}).catch(err => {
title: err,
icon: 'none'
fail: function(err) {
that.errMag = "获取位置失败,请手动先择"
console.log('sad', err)
submit() {
let that = this
url: `/pages/product/addGoodDetail/addGoodDetail?mer_id=${that.mer_id}&&formData=${JSON.stringify(that.formData) }`
onLoad(option) {
getProvince().then(res => {
this.provinceList = res.data
this.positionList = res.data
this.formData = JSON.parse(option.formData)
if (option.mer_id) {
this.mer_id = option.mer_id
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