851 lines
22 KiB
851 lines
22 KiB
<view class="basic_set">
<!-- 老板说这里不要 -->
<view class="basice_item">
<view class="headline">
<view class="text flex_a_c">店铺基本配置</view>
<view class="store_bg" v-if="false">
<view class="text flex_a_c"><i class="iconfont icon-xinghao"></i>店铺背景图</view>
<block v-if="images[0].img">
<u--image :showLoading="true" :src="images[0].img" width="680rpx" height="210.53rpx" radius="4px"
<view v-else class="upload" @click="seleckImage(0)">
<view class="iconfont icon-tupian1"></view>
<view class="store_avatar flex_a_c_j_sb">
<view class="avatar_box">
<view class="text flex_a_c"><i class="iconfont icon-xinghao"></i>店铺头像</view>
<block v-if="images[1].img">
<u--image :showLoading="true" :src="images[1].img" width="210.53rpx" height="210.53rpx"
radius="4px" @click="delImg(1)" mode="aspectFit"></u--image>
<view v-else class="avatar_img" @click="seleckImage(1)">
<view class="iconfont icon-tupian1"></view>
<view class="zizhi_box">
<view class="text">店铺资质</view>
<block v-if="images[3].img">
<u--image :showLoading="true" @click="!imgUpload?priviewImg([images[3].img]):seleckImage(3)"
:src="images[3].img" width="382.46rpx" height="210.53rpx" radius="4px"></u--image>
<view v-else class="zizhi_img" @click="seleckImage(3)">
<view class="iconfont icon-tupian1"></view>
<view class="store_avatar flex_a_c_j_sb" style="padding: 20rpx 0;" v-if="imagesArr.length>0">
<view class="avatar_box">
<view class="text flex_a_c"></i>店铺其他资质</view>
<view class="other-img">
<view class="other-item" v-for="(imgArr,index) in imagesArr" :key="index"
:style="{marginRight: (index+1)%3==0?'0rpx':'20rpx'}">
<u--image :showLoading="true" @click="priviewImg(imagesArr, index)" :src="imgArr"
width="210.53rpx" height="210.53rpx" radius="4px"></u--image>
<view class="ask_title">拍摄要求</view>
<view class="shoot_ask flex_a_c_j_sb">
<block v-for="(item,i) in shootAsk" :key="i">
<view class="shoot_item">
<image class="shoot_img" :src="item.url" mode=""></image>
<view class="shoot_msg flex_a_c">
<u-icon v-if="i > 0" name="close" color="#F20950" size="18"></u-icon>
<u-icon v-else name="checkmark" color="#20A162" size="18"></u-icon>
{{ item.text }}
<view class="street_bg" style="margin-bottom:20rpx;" v-if="false">
<view class="text flex_a_c"> <i class="iconfont icon-xinghao"></i> 店铺街背景图</view>
<block v-if="images[2].img">
<u--image :showLoading="true" :src="images[2].img" width="680rpx" height="210.53rpx" radius="4px"
<view v-else class="street_img flex_a_c" @click="seleckImage(2)">
<view class="iconfont icon-tupian1"></view>
<view class="basice_item">
<view class="headline">
<view class="text flex_a_c">配送基本配置</view>
<view class="item_cell">
<view class="flex_a_c">
<text class="sub_title">配送方式:</text>
<view class="flex">
<checkbox-group name="" @change="checkboxChange">
<checkbox :checked="isZiti" :value="check.ziti" /><text class="text ziti">到店自提</text>
<checkbox :checked="isKuaidi" :value="check.kuaidi" /><text class="text">商家配送</text>
<view class="remark">
<view class="item_cell flex_a_c"
style="display: flex;justify-content: space-between;align-items: flex-start;">
<view class="sub_title flex_a_c"><i class="iconfont icon-xinghao"></i>详细地址:</view>
<!-- <input class="com_input" type="text" v-model="mer_address" placeholder="输入商户地址"> -->
<view class="input" style="flex: 1;margin-right: 15rpx;">{{mer_address}}</view>
<view class="get_site flex_a_c" @click="navTo('/pages/select_address/select_address_n')">
<i class="iconfont icon-dizhi"></i>
<!-- <view class="long_lat">
<input class="com_input site_input" type="text" v-model="longLati" placeholder="输入经纬度坐标">
<view class="get_site flex_a_c" @click="selfLocation">
<i class="iconfont icon-dizhi"></i>
</view> -->
<view class="sub_title flex_a_c"><i class="iconfont icon-xinghao"></i>提货点营业日期:</view>
<view class="week_box">
<view class="week_item" v-for="(item,index) in dateWeek" :key="index" @click="sel(item,index)">
<view class="date_week" :class="item.isCheck ? 'date_week_a' : ''">
{{ item.name }}
<view class="sub_title flex_a_c"><i class="iconfont icon-xinghao"></i>店铺营业时间:</view>
<view class="bus_time flex_a_c">
<view class="select" @click="beginTimeShow = true">
{{ mer_take_time[0] ? mer_take_time[0] : '选择开始时间' }}
<view class="select" @click="overTimeShow = true">
{{ mer_take_time[1] ? mer_take_time[1] : '选择结束时间' }}
<view class="basice_item">
<view class="headline">
<view class="text flex_a_c">商户信息配置</view>
<view class="item_cell flex_a_c">
<view class="sub_title flex_a_c">商户名称:</view>
<view class="com_input">{{mer_name}}</view>
<view class="item_cell flex_a_c">
<view class="sub_title flex_a_c">商户分类:</view>
<view class="com_input">{{category_name}}</view>
<view class="item_cell flex_a_c">
<view class="sub_title flex_a_c">客服电话:</view>
<view class="com_input">{{servicePhone}}</view>
<!-- <view class="item_cell flex_a_c" v-if="type_code!='TypeFamousSpecialties'||type_code!='TypeLocalCuisine'||type_code!='TypeFeaturedCultural'" >
<view class="sub_title flex_a_c"><i class="iconfont icon-xinghao" v-if="credit_buy"></i>开启先货后款:</view>
<u-switch v-model="credit_buy" @change="change"></u-switch>
<view class="item_cell flex_a_c" v-if="credit_buy">
<view class="sub_title flex_a_c"><i class="iconfont icon-xinghao"></i>先货后款结算周期:</view>
<input type="number" v-model="settle_cycle" placeholder="请输入 /周期单位为:天">
<view class="remarks" v-if="credit_buy">*周期结算时间范围为:15~90 周期单位为:天</view>
<view class="item_cell flex_a_c" v-if="credit_buy">
<view class="sub_title flex_a_c"><i class="iconfont icon-xinghao"></i>先货后款结算利率:</view>
<input type="number" maxlength="5" v-model="interest_rate" placeholder="请输入 /利率单位为: %">
<view class="remarks">*利率结算范围为:0.01 ~ 0.1 利率单位为:%</view> -->
<!-- <view class="item_cell">
<view class="if_btn flex_a_c_j_sb">
<text class="sub_title">是否开启商户:</text>
<u-switch v-model="merState"></u-switch>
<text style="color: #CCCCCC;">开启后,店铺即可展示在移动端</text>
</view> -->
<button class="submit_btn l_center" @click="postMerchantUpdata">提交</button>
<u-datetime-picker :show="beginTimeShow" v-model="mer_take_time[0]" mode="time" @close="beginTimeShow = false"
:closeOnClickOverlay="true" @cancel="beginTimeShow = false"
@confirm="beginTimeShow = false"></u-datetime-picker>
<u-datetime-picker :show="overTimeShow" v-model="mer_take_time[1]" mode="time" @close="overTimeShow = false"
:closeOnClickOverlay="true" @cancel="overTimeShow = false"
@confirm="overTimeShow = false"></u-datetime-picker>
import {
} from '@/libs/uniApi.js'
import {
} from "@/api/product"
import {
} from '@/api/upload.js'
export default {
data() {
return {
shootAsk: [{
url: 'https://lihai001.oss-cn-chengdu.aliyuncs.com/public/kk/wyly/bzps.png',
text: '标准拍摄'
url: 'https://lihai001.oss-cn-chengdu.aliyuncs.com/public/kk/wyly/bkqs.png',
text: '边框缺失'
url: 'https://lihai001.oss-cn-chengdu.aliyuncs.com/public/kk/wyly/zpmh.png',
text: '照片模糊'
url: 'https://lihai001.oss-cn-chengdu.aliyuncs.com/public/kk/wyly/sgql.png',
text: '闪光强烈'
images: [{
img: ''
}, {
img: ''
}, {
img: ''
}, {
img: ''
imgUpload: true, // 是否可以上传店铺资质
imagesArr: [],
storeBg: '',
check: {
ziti: '1',
kuaidi: '2'
isZiti: false,
isKuaidi: false,
delivery_way: [1, 2],
takeName: '',
takePhone: '',
servicePhone: '',
cruxText: '',
intro: '',
detailSite: '',
longitude: '', // 经度
latitude: '', // 纬度
longLati: '', // 经纬度
merState: true, // 是否开启商户
dateWeek: [{
name: '星期一',
id: 1,
isCheck: true
}, {
name: '星期二',
id: 2,
isCheck: true
}, {
name: '星期三',
id: 3,
isCheck: true
}, {
name: '星期四',
id: 4,
isCheck: true
}, {
name: '星期五',
id: 5,
isCheck: true
}, {
name: '星期六',
id: 6,
isCheck: true
}, {
name: '星期日',
id: 7,
isCheck: true
selarr: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7],
mer_take_time: ['08:00', '18:00'],
beginTimeShow: false,
overTimeShow: false,
mer_address: '',
id: '',
mer_certificate: '',
credit_buy: false, //开启信用购
interest_rate: '', //利率
settle_cycle: '', //周期
mer_name: '',
category_name: '', //分类名称
type_code: ''
onLoad(e) {
this.id = e.mer_id
methods: {
getMerchantInfo(id) {
}).then(res => {
this.mer_name = res.data.mer_name
this.category_name = res.data.merchantCategory.category_name
// this.images[0].img = res.data.mer_banner
this.images[1].img = res.data.mer_avatar
// this.images[2].img = res.data.mini_banner
if (typeof res.data.mer_certificate != 'string') {
this.images[3].img = res.data.mer_certificate[0];
this.imagesArr = res.data.mer_certificate;
} else this.images[3].img = res.data.mer_certificate;
if (this.images[3].img) this.imgUpload = false;
// 初始化默认
if (!res.data.delivery_way || res.data.delivery_way.length == 0) {
this.delivery_way = [1, 2];
this.isZiti = true;
this.isKuaidi = true;
} else {
if (typeof res.data.delivery_way == 'string') this.delivery_way = res.data.delivery_way
else this.delivery_way = res.data.delivery_way;
this.delivery_way.forEach(item => {
if (item === '1') this.isZiti = true
if (item === '2') this.isKuaidi = true
this.takeName = res.data.mer_take_name
this.takePhone = res.data.mer_take_phone
this.detailSite = res.data.mer_take_address
// this.servicePhone = res.data.service_phone
this.servicePhone = res.data.mer_phone;
res.data.mer_take_location ? this.longLati = res.data.mer_take_location?.join(',') : null;
res.data.mer_take_day && res.data.mer_take_day.forEach((item, i) => {
this.dateWeek[Number(item) - 1].isCheck = true
this.selarr = res.data.mer_take_day;
this.type_code = res.data.type_code
this.mer_take_time = res.data.mer_take_time
this.intro = res.data.mer_info
this.cruxText = res.data.mer_keyword
this.mer_address = res.data.mer_address;
this.merState = res.data.mer_state === 1 ? true : false
this.credit_buy = res.data.credit_buy === 1 ? true : false
if (res.data.settle_cycle == 0) {
this.settle_cycle = ''
} else {
this.settle_cycle = res.data.settle_cycle
if (res.data.interest_rate == 0) {
this.interest_rate = ''
} else {
this.interest_rate = res.data.interest_rate
}).catch(err => {
// console.log('err', err);
checkboxChange(val) {
if (val.detail.value.length == 0) {
this.isZiti = false;
this.isKuaidi = false;
this.$nextTick(() => {
if (this.delivery_way[0] == 1) this.isZiti = true;
else this.isKuaidi = true;
return Toast('请至少选择一种配送方式!');
this.delivery_way = val.detail.value;
change(e) {
this.credit_buy = e
// 选择营业日期
sel(item, i) {
if (item.isCheck == false) {
item.isCheck = true;
} else {
item.isCheck = false;
this.selarr = this.selarr.filter(id => {
return id != item.id
postMerchantUpdata() {
title: '确定提交吗',
success: (res) => {
if (res.confirm) {
submitData() {
if (this.settle_cycle < 15) {
this.settle_cycle = 15
} else if (this.settle_cycle > 90) {
this.settle_cycle = 90
if (this.interest_rate < 0.01) {
this.interest_rate = 0.01
} else if (this.interest_rate > 0.1) {
this.interest_rate = 0.1
let data = {
mer_banner: this.images[0].img,
mer_avatar: this.images[1].img,
mini_banner: this.images[2].img,
mer_certificate: this.images[3].img,
delivery_way: this.delivery_way,
mer_take_name: this.takeName,
mer_take_phone: this.takePhone,
mer_take_address: this.detailSite,
lat: this.latitude,
long: this.longitude,
mer_take_location: [this.latitude, this.longitude], // 经纬度
mer_take_day: this.selarr, // 提货点营业日期
mer_take_time: this.mer_take_time, // 提货时间
mer_info: this.intro,
mer_keyword: this.cruxText,
service_phone: this.servicePhone,
mer_address: this.mer_address,
mer_state: this.merState ? '1' : '0',
type: '2',
uploadedqualifications: '',
id: this.id,
credit_buy: this.credit_buy,
settle_cycle: this.settle_cycle,
interest_rate: this.interest_rate
merchantUpdateAPI(data).then(res => {
setTimeout(() => {
// uni.switchTab({
// url: '/pages/moreProject/moreProject',
// fail: (err) => {
// // console.log('err', err);
// }
// });
// uni.navigateTo({
// url:'/pages/moreProject/moreProject'
// })
// uni.redirectTo({
// url: '/pages/moreProject/moreProject'
// })
delta: 1
}, 1000)
}).catch(err => {
selfLocation() {
type: 'wgs84',
success: (res) => {
// console.log(res);
this.latitude = res.latitude.toString();
this.longitude = res.longitude.toString();
this.longLati = `${res.latitude},${res.longitude}`
fail: (err) => {
seleckImage(i) {
let that = this;
that.$util.uploadImageOne('upload/image', function(res) {
// console.log(res)
that.images[i].img = res.data.path
// let that = this
// uni.chooseImage({
// count: 1,
// sizeType: ['original', 'compressed'],
// sourceType: ['album', 'camera'],
// success: function(res) {
// uni.showLoading({
// title: '上传中...'
// })
// console.log(res.tempFilePaths[0],'22222222');
// uploads(res.tempFilePaths[0], 'img').then(res => {
// console.log(res,'3333');
// that.images[i].img = res
// uni.hideLoading()
// }).catch(err => {
// Toast('添加失败')
// uni.hideLoading()
// })
// },
// fail: function(err) {
// Toast('添加失败')
// }
// });
seleckImageArr() {
let that = this;
that.$util.uploadImageOne('upload/image', function(res) {
delImg(i) {
let that = this
title: '删除图片',
content: '确定删除图片?',
success: res => {
if (res.confirm) {
that.images[i].img = ''
delImgArr(i) {
let that = this
title: '删除图片',
content: '确定删除图片?',
success: res => {
if (res.confirm) {
that.imagesArr.splice(i, 1);
priviewImg(url, index = 0) {
urls: url,
current: index
navTo(url) {
if (url == '/pages/select_address/select_address_n') {
uni.$once('changeAddress', (res) => {
// console.log('收到', res);
this.mer_address = res.formatted_addresses.recommend;
this.latitude = res.latitude;
this.longitude = res.longitude;
this.longLati = `${res.latitude},${res.longitude}`
url: url
onPullDownRefresh() {
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