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<view class="">
<view class="finance_head">
<view class="top">
<view v-if="user_id == 0" class="accont">
:src="userInfo.avatar || '../../static/img/public/man.png'"
<view class="name">{{ userInfo.nickname }}</view>
<!-- <u-icon name="setting-fill" color="white" size="20"></u-icon> -->
<view v-else class="accont">
:src="userInfo.avatar || '../../static/img/public/man.png'"
<view class="name">{{ userInfo.nickname }}</view>
<!-- <u-icon name="setting-fill" color="white" size="20"></u-icon> -->
<!-- <view class="right" @click="navTo('/subpkg/topUp/topUp')">
</view> -->
<view class="center">
<view class="title">
<text style="margin-right: 20rpx">账户总金额(元)</text
:type="eyeType ? 'eye-filled' : 'eye-slash-filled'"
<view class="price" v-show="eyeType"
>{{ all_money }}元</view
<view class="price" v-show="!eyeType">****元</view>
<view class="bubble">
<!-- <image src="../../static/img/contract/bubble.png"></image> -->
<view class="text" v-show="eyeType"
>可提现金额{{ userInfo.user_money || 0.0 }}元</view
<view class="text" v-show="!eyeType">可提现金额****元</view>
<view class="bottom" @click="navTo('/subpkg/orderDetail/orderDetail')">
<view class="item">
<view class="num" v-show="eyeType">{{
userInfo.deposit || 0.0
<view class="num" v-show="!eyeType">****</view>
<u-line direction="col" length="40%" color="#999999FF"></u-line>
<view class="item">
<view class="num" v-show="eyeType">{{
userInfo.user_money || 0.0
<view class="num" v-show="!eyeType">****</view>
<view class="bill">
<view style="width: 100%; height: 90rpx; background-color: #fff"></view>
<!-- <u-subsection :list="billTypeList" :current="current" mode="subsection"></u-subsection> -->
<!-- <view class="type_box">
<view class="type">
<view :class="current == 0 ? 'active' : ''" @click="changeBillType(0)"
<view :class="current == 1 ? 'active' : ''" @click="changeBillType(1)"
</view> -->
<!-- 日账单 -->
<view class="bill_list" v-show="current == 0">
<!-- <view class="card" v-for="(item, index) in billList" :key="index">
<view class="top">
<view class="blue">账单详情</view>
<view class="bottom">
<view class="left">
<view class="num">{{item.change_amount}}</view>
<view class="right">
</view> -->
<view class="item" v-for="(item, index) in billList" :key="item.id">
<view class="top">
账单日期: {{ current ? item.month : item.create_time }}
<view class="bottom">
<view class="text">
<view class="t_item" v-if="current == 0">
<view class="t_title">任务名称:</view>
<view class="tips">{{ item.remark }}</view>
<!--<view class="t_item">
<view class="t_title">金额归属:</view>
<view class="tips">{{
</view> -->
<view class="t_item">
<view class="t_title">收益来源:</view>
<view class="tips">
<text v-if="item.change_type == 202" style="color: #46be61">{{
v-else-if="item.change_type == 203"
style="color: #ff7c32"
>{{ item.type_desc }}</text
<text v-else="item.change_type == 203">{{
<view class="price">
? item.expenditure == 0
? "+" + item.income
: "-" + item.income
: item.change_amount_desc
<!-- <view class="card" v-for="(item, index) in billList" :key="index">
<view class="top">
<view class="blue">账单详情</view>
<view class="bottom">
<view class="left">
<view class="num">
<view class="right">
<!-- 月账单 -->
<view class="bill_list" v-show="current == 1">
<view class="card" v-for="(item, index) in billListMonth" :key="index">
<view class="top">
<view class="blue">账单详情</view>
<view>账单日期{{ item.month }}</view>
<view class="bottom">
<view class="left">
<view class="num">{{ item.income }}</view>
<view class="right">
item.expenditure > 0 ? item.expenditure : "0.00"
<view>入账金额:{{ item.income > 0 ? item.income : "0.00" }}</view>
<u-loadmore status="nomore" nomore-text="仅展示一年数据" />
<!-- <button class="btn" @click="navTo('/subpkg/withdrawDeposit/withdrawDeposit')">提现余额</button> -->
// import {
// accountLogLists,
// accountLogListsMonth
// } from "@/api/pay.js"
// import {
// userInfo
// } from "@/api/oaUser.js"
// import {
// Toast
// } from '@/libs/uniApi.js'
import {
} from '@/api/user.js';
export default {
data () {
return {
user_id: 0,
userInfo: {},
otherUserInfo: {},
billTypeList: ['日账单', '月账单'],
current: 0,
billList: [],
billListMonth: [],
loadConfig: {
page: 1,
limit: 25,
loadingText: '努力加载中',
loadmoreText: '轻轻上拉',
nomoreText: '没有更多账单了~~',
status: 'loadmore'
onLoad (e) {
if (e.id > 0) {
this.user_id = e.id
// this.loadBill()
onShow () {
if (this.user_id == 0) {
this.userInfo = this.$store.state.app.userInfo;
getUserInfo().then((res) => {
this.$store.commit('setUserInfo', res.data);
this.userInfo = res.data;
} else {
computed: {
// eyeType () {
// return this.$store.state.config.eyeType;
// },
let str = 0.00;
str = str.toFixed(2);
str = 0.00;
return str;
onBackPress () {
methods: {
navTo (url) {
url ?
url: url
}) : Toast('暂未开放')
async OtherUserInfo () {
// let res = await userInfo({
// id: this.user_id
// });
getUserInfo().then(res => {
// that.userInfo = res.data;
// that.userInfo.svip_open = true;
// that.userInfo.vip_status = 2;
// that.is_promoter = res.data.is_promoter;
// that.extension_status = res.data.extension_status;
// this.userInfo = res.data
// this.userInfo = res.data
updateEye () {
// 选择日账单月账单
changeBillType (type) {
this.current = type;
if (type == 1) this.loadBillMonth();
async loadBill () {
if (this.loadConfig.status == "nomore") return;
this.loadConfig.status = "loading"
let res = await accountLogLists({
type: 'um', //账户余额
page_no: this.loadConfig.page,
page_size: this.loadConfig.limit,
user_id: this.user_id
this.loadConfig.status = "loadmore"
if (res.data.lists.length < this.loadConfig.limit) {
this.loadConfig.status = "nomore"
} else {
this.billList = [...this.billList, ...res.data.lists];
async loadBillMonth () {
let res = await accountLogListsMonth();
let list = [];
for (let key in res.data) {
this.billListMonth = list;
onPullDownRefresh () {
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