<template> <view class="content"> <view class="content-top"> <view class="content-tops"> <view class="content-top_img" v-if="Object.keys(userInfoData).length>0"> <image :src="userInfoData.mer_info.mer_avatar" v-if="userInfoData.mer_info&&userInfoData.mer_info.mer_avatar" mode="aspectFill" @click="logout"> </image> <image src="@/static/images/f.png" v-else mode="aspectFit" @click="logout"></image> </view> <view class="content-top_img" v-else @click="login"> <image src="@/static/images/f.png" mode="aspectFit"></image> </view> <view v-if="Object.keys(userInfoData).length>0"> <view class="content-top-title" @click="shopp" v-if="Object.keys(userInfoData).length>0"> <view class="top-titlea"> {{userInfoData.mer_info.mer_name?userInfoData.mer_info.mer_name:'暂无信息'}} </view> <view class="top-titleb"> <image src="@/static/images/you.png" mode=""></image> </view> </view> <view class="content-mer-type" v-if="userInfoData.mer_info"> <text>{{userInfoData.mer_info.type_name}}</text> </view> </view> <view class="content-top-title" @click="login" v-else> <view class="top-titlea"> 请登录 </view> <view class="top-titleb"> <image src="@/static/images/you.png" mode=""></image> </view> </view> </view> <retuntop style="margin-top: 20rpx; 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color: #F84221;">{{g.cart_info.productAttr.price.split('.')[0] }}.</span><span style="color: #F84221;">{{g.cart_info.productAttr.price.split('.')[1] }}</span>(含快递:¥0.00) </view> </view> </view> </view> <view class="list-three"> <view class="list-three-one"> <view class="title-img"> <image src="@/static/images/dz.png" mode="aspectFit"></image> </view> <view class="order_id"> 订单编号: {{item.order_sn}} </view> </view> <view class="list-three-one"> <view class="title-img"> <image src="@/static/images/zb.png" mode="aspectFit"></image> </view> <view class="adress">{{item.real_name}} {{ item.user_phone}} <br /> {{item.user_address}} </view> </view> </view> </view> <view class="list-four"> <view class="btn" @click="refundModify(item,1)">备注</view> <view class="btn1" @click="shopdetail(item)">去发货</view> </view> </view> <view class="conter-img" v-if='productList.length == 0'> <image src="https://lihai001.oss-cn-chengdu.aliyuncs.com/def/noCart.png" mode="aspectFit"></image> </view> <view class='loadingicon acea-row row-center-wrapper' v-if='productList.length > 0'> <text class='loading iconfont icon-jiazai' :hidden='loading==false'></text>{{loadTitle}} </view> </view> </view> <view> <view class="priceChange" :class="refundMark === true ? 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0;">甲方公司:{{company?company:"暂无公司信息"}}</view> <view style="margin-bottom: 20rpx;">机构代码:{{organization_code?organization_code:"暂无公司信息"}}</view> <view class="contenta"> <jyf-parser :html="detail.mer_settlement_agree" ref="article" :tag-style="tagStyle"></jyf-parser> </view> <view class="setAgCountbtn"> <view class="border"></view> <!-- <button class="setAgCountbtna" @click="refuse"> 拒绝 </button> --> <button class="btn" :class="num>0?'setAgCountbtnb':'setAgCountbtnc'" :disabled="num!=0" @click="agree"> <text v-if="num>0">请仔细阅读协议{{num}}S</text> <text v-else>同意本协议</text> </button> </view> <view></view> </view> </view> <uni-popup ref="popup" type="bottom" @change="changePopup"> <view class="userpage"> <view class="userpage-icon" @click="close"> <image src="@/static/images/close.png" mode=""></image> </view> <form report-submit='true'> <view class='merchantsSettled' style="height:100vh;"> <view class="title">填写信息</view> <view class='list'> <!-- <view class="item"> <view class="acea-row 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isAuto: false, //没有授权的不会自动授权 isShowAuth: false, //是否隐藏授权 loadEndFlag: false, list: [{ name: '可用总金额', value: 0 }, { name: '暂存金额', value: 0 }, { name: '本月订单数', value: 0 }, { name: '补贴', value: 0 }, { name: '春耕采购余额', value: 0 }, { name: '今日订单数', value: 0 }, ], order: [{ name: '待付款', type: 1, value: 0 }, { name: '待发货', type: 2, value: 0 }, { name: '待收货', type: 3, value: 0 }, { name: '待评价', type: 4, value: 0 }, { name: '退款', type: 6, value: 0 }], other_order: [{ name: '待发货', type: 2, value: 0 }, { name: '待收货', type: 3, value: 0 }], typelist: [{ name: '商品管理', type: 1, image: require('@/static/images/index7.png') }, { name: '入库管理', type: 13, image: require('@/static/images/index9.png') }, // { // name: '供货采购', // type: 3, // image: require('@/static/images/index4.png') // }, { name: '扫码付款', type: 18, image: require('@/static/images/index25.png') }, // { // name: '进货管理', // type: 4, // image: require('@/static/images/index5.png') // }, { name: '订单管理', type: 2, image: require('@/static/images/index1.png') }, { name: '订单核销', type: 7, image: require('@/static/images/index2.png') }, // { // name: '扫码出库', // type: 11, // image: require('@/static/images/index10.png') // }, // { // name: '商户设置', // type: 12, // image: require('@/static/images/index11.png') // }, // { // name: '提现管理', // type: 5, // image: require('@/static/images/index8.png') // }, // { // name: '客服记录', // type: 6, // image: require('@/static/images/index6.png') // }, { name: '提货付款', type: 17, image: require('@/static/images/index24.png') }, // { // name: '转账订单', // type: 19, // image: require('@/static/images/index13.png') // }, { name: '提现管理', type: 5, image: require('@/static/images/index8.png') }, { name: '商户设置', type: 12, image: require('@/static/images/index11.png') }, { name: '押金缴纳', type: 14, image: require('@/static/images/index20.png') }, { name: '补贴进度', type: 16, image: require('@/static/images/index23.png') }, { name: '收付明细', type: 22, image: require('@/static/images/index14.png') }, { name: '商户类型', type: 23, image: require('@/static/images/index26.png') }, // { // name: '全部', // type: 8, // image: require('@/static/images/index3.png') // } ], typelistSupplyChain: [{ name: '商品管理', type: 1, image: require('@/static/images/index7.png') }, { name: '入库管理', type: 13, image: require('@/static/images/index9.png') }, { name: '订单管理', type: 2, image: require('@/static/images/index1.png') }, { name: '扫码付款', type: 18, image: require('@/static/images/index25.png') }, { name: '提现管理', type: 5, image: require('@/static/images/index8.png') }, { name: '押金缴纳', type: 14, image: require('@/static/images/index20.png') }, // { // name: '客服记录', // type: 6, // image: require('@/static/images/index6.png') // }, { name: '订单核销', type: 7, image: require('@/static/images/index2.png') }, { name: '提货付款', type: 17, image: require('@/static/images/index24.png') }, // { // name: '供货采购', // type: 3, // image: require('@/static/images/index4.png') // }, // { // name: '进货管理', // type: 4, // image: require('@/static/images/index5.png') // }, { name: '商户设置', type: 12, image: require('@/static/images/index11.png') }, { name: '补贴进度', type: 16, image: require('@/static/images/index23.png') }, { name: '收付明细', type: 22, image: require('@/static/images/index14.png') }, { name: '商户类型', type: 23, image: require('@/static/images/index26.png') }, // { // name: '全部', // type: 8, // image: require('@/static/images/index3.png') // } ], typePersonalStoreList: [{ name: '商品管理', type: 1, image: require('@/static/images/index7.png') }, { name: '入库管理', type: 13, image: require('@/static/images/index9.png') }, { name: '订单管理', type: 2, image: require('@/static/images/index1.png') }, { name: '提现管理', type: 5, image: require('@/static/images/index8.png') }, // { // name: '供货采购', // type: 3, // image: require('@/static/images/index4.png') // }, { name: '提货付款', type: 17, image: require('@/static/images/index24.png') }, { name: '补贴进度', type: 16, image: require('@/static/images/index23.png') }, { name: '收付明细', type: 22, image: require('@/static/images/index14.png') }, { name: '商户类型', type: 23, image: require('@/static/images/index26.png') }, { name: '扫码付款', type: 18, image: require('@/static/images/index25.png') }, // { // name: '进货管理', // type: 4, // image: require('@/static/images/index5.png') // }, // { // name: '转账订单', // type: 19, // image: require('@/static/images/index13.png') // }, { name: '订单核销', type: 7, image: require('@/static/images/index2.png') }, { name: '商户设置', type: 12, image: require('@/static/images/index11.png') }, { name: '押金缴纳', type: 14, image: require('@/static/images/index20.png') }, // { // name: '全部', // type: 8, // image: require('@/static/images/index3.png') // } ], refundInfo: {}, company: '', organization_code: '', show: false, refundMark: false, where: { page: 1, limit: 3, status: 2 }, where1: { product_type: 0 }, where2: { type: 2, page: 1, limit: 10 }, loadend: false, loading: false, loadTitle: '加载更多', isgShow: false, emptyShow: false, productList: [], userid: '', userInfoData: {}, isshow: false, codenote: [], validate: false, merchantData: { company_name: '', bank_username: '', bank_opening: '', bank_code: '', bank_front: '', bank_back: '', cardno_front: '', cardno_back: '' }, Fheight: 0, isFshow: false, detail: {}, tagStyle: { img: 'width:100%;display:block;' }, num: 10 } }, watch: { isFshow(n, o) { if (n) { uni.hideTabBar(); } else { uni.showTabBar(); } } }, onPullDownRefresh() { this.getGoods(true); this.list1(); this.getUserInfo(); this.codelist(); this.$u.sleep(2000).then(() => { uni.stopPullDownRefresh() }); this.$u.sleep(5000).then(() => { this.loadEndFlag = true; }); }, async onLoad() { this.Fheight = uni.getSystemInfoSync().windowHeight + 'px'; await this.$onLaunched; this.list1(); this.getUserInfo(); this.codelist(); this.$u.sleep(5000).then(() => { this.loadEndFlag = true; }); }, onReachBottom() { if (this.productList.length > 0) { setTimeout(() => { this.getGoods(false); this.getindex(); }, 10) } }, onShow() { if (this.loadEndFlag) { this.getUserInfo(); this.codelist(); } }, beforeDestroy() { // 销毁监听事件 this.$bus.$off('value-updated') }, methods: { // 提现页面 handleToWithDraw(item, index) { if (index == 4) return; let url; if (index == 0) url = "/pages/users/embody/embody?mer_id=" + this.userInfoData.service.mer_id; if (index == 2) url = `/pages/admin/orderList/index?merId=${this.userInfoData.service.mer_id}&types=2`; if (index == 3) url = "/pages/activeCode/subsidy"; uni.navigateTo({ url: url }) }, // 初始化菜单 initTypeLiseMenu() { }, //关闭弹窗 close() { this.isFshow = false; this.$refs.popup.close() this.num = 15 }, //获取交易信息 codelist() { intention(this.where2).then(res => { this.codenote = res.data.list }) }, //跳转订单 shopporder(item) { if (this.userid) { switch (item.type) { case 1: uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/admin/orderList/index?merId=' + this.userInfoData.service.mer_id + '&types=' + item.type }) break; case 2: uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/admin/orderList/index?merId=' + this.userInfoData.service.mer_id + '&types=' + item.type }) break; case 3: uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/admin/orderList/index?merId=' + this.userInfoData.service.mer_id + '&types=' + item.type }) break; case 4: uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/admin/orderList/index?merId=' + this.userInfoData.service.mer_id + '&types=' + item.type }) break; case 6: uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/admin/orderList/index?merId=' + this.userInfoData.service.mer_id + '&types=' + item.type }) break; } } else { this.isAuto = true; this.isShowAuth = true } }, other_shopporder(item) { if (this.userid) { switch (item.type) { case 1: uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/admin/orderList/indexOther?merId=' + this.userInfoData.service .mer_id + '&types=' + item.type }) break; case 2: uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/admin/orderList/indexOther?merId=' + this.userInfoData.service .mer_id + '&types=' + item.type }) break; case 3: uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/admin/orderList/indexOther?merId=' + this.userInfoData.service .mer_id + '&types=' + item.type }) break; case 4: uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/admin/orderList/indexOther?merId=' + this.userInfoData.service .mer_id + '&types=' + item.type }) break; case 6: uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/admin/orderList/indexOther?merId=' + this.userInfoData.service .mer_id + '&types=' + item.type }) break; } } else { this.isAuto = true; this.isShowAuth = true } }, //提交 formSubmit: function(e) { let that = this; if (that.validateForm() && that.validate) { that.validate = false; intentionbus(that.merchantData).then(res => { if (res.status == 200) { this.isFshow = false; this.$refs.popup.close() that.$util.Tips({ title: '提交成功' }); this.codelist() that.timer = setTimeout(() => { that.successful = true; that.validate = true; }, 1000) } }).catch(res => { that.validate = true; this.num = 15 this.isFshow = false; this.$refs.popup.close(); that.$util.Tips({ title: res }); }) } }, changePopup(e) { if (e.show) uni.hideTabBar(); else uni.showTabBar(); }, //备注弹窗 refundModify(item) { this.refundInfo = item; this.refundMark = true; }, //同意 agree() { this.$refs.popup.open() }, //拒绝 refuse() { this.isFshow = false }, //关闭弹窗 recuo() { if (this.num > 0) { this.num = 15 this.isFshow = false } else { this.num = 15 this.isFshow = false } }, countDown() { let { num } = this; // if (num === 3) this.nums = true; num = num > 0 ? num - 1 : "0"; setTimeout(() => { this.num = num; if (num == '0') { // this.launchApp() return } if (this.isFshow == false && this.num > 0) { this.num = 15 return } this.countDown(); }, 1000); }, //验证 validateBtn: function() { let that = this, value = that.merchantData; if (value.bank_username && value.bank_opening) { if (!that.isShowCode) { that.validate = true; } else { if (that.codeVal) { that.validate = true; } else { that.validate = false; } } } else { that.validate = false; } }, validateForm: function() { let that = this, value = that.merchantData; if (!value.company_name) return that.$util.Tips({ title: that.userInfoData.mer_info.is_company ? '请输入公司名称' : '请输入持卡人姓名' }); if (!value.bank_code) return that.$util.Tips({ title: that.userInfoData.mer_info.is_company ? '请输入对公账号' : '请输入银行卡号' }); if (!value.bank_username) return that.$util.Tips({ title: '请输入开户银行' }); if (!value.bank_opening) return that.$util.Tips({ title: '请输入开户网点' }); if (value.bank_front.length == 0 && that.userInfoData.mer_info.is_company != 1) return that.$util .Tips({ title: that.userInfoData.mer_info.is_company ? '请上传开户凭证' : '请上传银行卡正面图片' }); // if (value.bank_back.length == 0) return that.$util.Tips({ // title: '请上传一张或者多张图片' // }); // if (value.cardno_front.length == 0) return that.$util.Tips({ // title: '请上传一张或者多张图片' // }); // if (value.cardno_back.length == 0) return that.$util.Tips({ // title: '请上传一张或者多张图片' // }); that.validate = true; return true; }, /** * 上传文件 * */ uploadpic(data) { let that = this; if (data.type == 1) { that.$util.uploadImageOne('upload/image', function(res) { that.merchantData.cardno_front = res.data.path }); } else if (data.type == 2) { that.$util.uploadImageOne('upload/image', function(res) { that.merchantData.cardno_back = res.data.path }); } else if (data.type == 3) { that.$util.uploadImageOne('upload/image', function(res) { that.merchantData.bank_front = res.data.path }); } else { that.$util.uploadImageOne('upload/image', function(res) { that.merchantData.bank_back = res.data.path }); } }, //删除图片 DelPic(data) { let that = this; if (data.type == 1) { that.merchantData.cardno_front = '' } else if (data.type == 2) { that.merchantData.cardno_back = '' } else if (data.type == 3) { that.merchantData.bank_front = '' } else { that.merchantData.bank_back = '' } }, //商家设置 byset() { if (this.userid) { uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/product/basicSet?mer_id=' + this.userInfoData .service .mer_id }) } else { this.isAuto = true; this.isShowAuth = true } }, //个人详情 logout() { // #ifdef H5 this.$refs.popup1.open() // #endif // #ifndef H5 if (ENV == 'prod') this.byset() else this.$refs.popup1.open() // #endif }, //登录 login() { uni.redirectTo({ url: '/pages/users/login/login_copy' }) }, //获取协议内容 list1() { business({ type: 'mer_settlement_agree' }).then(res => { this.detail = res.data }) }, //跳转 shopp() { if (this.userInfoData.mer_info.type_id == 12) { uni.navigateTo({ url: `/pages/nongKe/supply_chain/merchant?id=${this.userInfoData.service.mer_id}` }) } else { uni.navigateTo({ url: `/pages/store/home/index?id=` + this.userInfoData.service.mer_id }) } }, //界面跳转 shopdetail(item) { uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/admin/orderDetail/index?id=' + item.order_id + '&mer_id=' + this.userInfoData .service.mer_id }) }, //获取订单数据 getindex() { const data = { product_type: this.where1.product_type } orderStatistics(this.userInfoData.service.mer_id, data).then( res => { this.order[0].value = res.data.order.unpaid this.order[1].value = res.data.order.unshipped this.order[2].value = res.data.order.untake this.order[3].value = res.data.order.unevaluate this.order[4].value = res.data.order.refund this.list[2].value = res.data.data.month.orderNum this.list[5].value = res.data.data.today.orderNum }, err => { that.$util.Tips({ title: err.msg }) } ); // otherOrderStatistics(this.userInfoData.service.mer_id, data).then( // res => { // this.other_order[0].value = res.data.order.unshipped // this.other_order[1].value = res.data.order.untake // }, // err => { // that.$util.Tips({ // title: err.msg // }) // } // ); }, open() { this.isshow = !this.isshow if (this.isshow) { setTimeout((res) => { this.$refs.test.timelist() }, 1000) } }, // 授权回调 onLoadFun(data) { this.getUserInfo(); this.isShowAuth = false; }, /** * 获取个人用户信息 */ getUserInfo() { getUserInfo().then(res => { res.data.mer_info.is_company ? res.data.mer_info.is_company = 1 : res.data.mer_info .is_company = 0 this.userid = res.data.uid this.userInfoData = res.data; this.$store.commit('SET_USERINFO', res.data); this.merchantData.phone = res.data.phone; if (res.data.mer_info.is_company == 0) !this.merchantData.company_name ? this.merchantData .company_name = "" : null; else this.merchantData.company_name = res.data.mer_info.company_name; if (res.data.service == null) { this.isgShow = false } else { this.isgShow = true } if (res.data.mer_info.length == 0) { uni.showModal({ title: '暂未开通商户', complete(res) { // #ifdef APP-PLUS uni.sendHostEvent('closeApp', (ret) => { //发送消息成功回调 console.log('关闭应用' + JSON.stringify(ret)); }); // #endif } }) } else { this.getindex() this.getGoods(true) //获取账户金额以及冻结金额 重新调了一次接口 getAdminApplyAPI(this.userInfoData.service.mer_id).then(res => { // 余额 this.list[0].value = res.data.extract_money; // 暂存金额 this.list[1].value = res.data.lock_money; }) storeActivityTotal().then(res => { res.data.forEach(item => { if (item.type == 13) { this.list[4].value = item.total_amount; this.list[4].name = item.type_cn; } if (item.type == 2) { this.list[3].value = item.total_amount; this.list[3].name = item.type_cn; } }) }) } merstreet({ street_code: res.data.mer_info.street_id }).then((res) => { if (res.code == 0) { // this.$util.Tips({ // title: res.msg // }); return false; } this.company = res.data.title this.organization_code = res.data.organization_code }).catch(res => { console.log('错误:', res) }) }); }, // 备注 save() { let that = this; if (!that.refundInfo.remark) { return this.$util.Tips({ title: '请输入备注' }) } setAdminOrderRemark(that.userInfoData.service.mer_id, that.refundInfo.order_id, { remark: that.refundInfo.remark }).then( res => { this.refundMark = false; this.$util.Tips({ title: res.message, icon: 'success' }) that.getGoods(true); }, err => { that.$util.Tips({ title: err }); } ); }, // 授权关闭 authColse: function(e) { this.isShowAuth = e }, //路由跳转 navation(item) { if (this.userid) { if (this.userInfoData.mer_info.mer_settlement_agree_status == 0) { // console.log(this.$store.state.app.userInfo.mer_info.type_code); if (this.$store.state.app.userInfo.mer_info.type_code == "TypeSupplyChain" && this.$store.state.app .userInfo.mer_info.type_code == "PersonalStore") { this.agree() // this.countDown() } else if (this.codenote.length == 0) { this.isFshow = true this.countDown() } else { if (this.codenote[0].status == 0) { if (item.type == 8) { uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/moreProject/moreProject' }) } else { uni.showModal({ title: '申请正在审核中,请勿重复提交' }) } } else { this.isFshow = true this.countDown() } } } else { switch (item.type) { case 1: uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/product/list/index' }) break; case 2: uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/admin/order/index?mer_id=' + this.userInfoData.service.mer_id + '&type_id=' + this.userInfoData.mer_info.type_id }) break; case 3: uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/users/supply_procurement/index?type_id=12&isDetail=1&product_type=98&cate_id=' + this.userInfoData.mer_info.category_id }) // uni.navigateTo({ // url: `/pages/nongKe/supply_chain/supplierA?tit=1&type_id=12&isDetail=1&product_type=98&cate_id=${this.userInfoData.mer_info.category_id}` // }) // uni.navigateTo({ // url:`/pages/nongKe/cloud_entrepot/indexb?type_id=12` // }) break; case 4: uni.navigateTo({ // url: '/pages/users/order_list/index?status=-1' url: '/pages/users/order_list/indexCopy?status=-1&product_type=98' }) break; case 5: uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/users/embody/embody?mer_id=' + this.userInfoData.service.mer_id }) break; case 6: uni.switchTab({ url: '/pages/chat/customer_list/index?type=1&mer_id=' + this.userInfoData .service .mer_id }) break; case 7: uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/admin/order_cancellation/index?mer_id=' + this.userInfoData .service .mer_id }) break; case 9: uni.navigateTo({ url: `/pages/commissionedSales/receivedCommission/index?type_id=${this.userInfoData.mer_info.type_id}` }) break; 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default: uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/moreProject/moreProject' }) break; } } } else { this.isAuto = true; this.isShowAuth = true } }, // 扫码付款提货 getScanPay() { uni.scanCode({ scanType: ['qrCode'], success: (res) => { console.log(res); if (res.result && res.result.includes('pages/payment/get_payment')) { let url = res.result.replace(/.*lihaink.cn/g, ''); uni.navigateTo({ url: url, fail: () => { Toast('跳转页面失败') } }) } else { Toast('无效的二维码') } }, fail: (err) => { Toast('无效的二维码') }, }) }, //获取订单列表 getGoods: async function(isPage) { let that = this; if (that.loadend) return; if (that.loading) return; if (isPage === true) { that.where.page = 1; that.$set(that, 'productList', []); } that.loading = true; that.loadTitle = ''; await getOrderList(that.where, this.userInfoData.service.mer_id).then(res => { let list = res.data.list; let productList = that.$util.SplitArray(list, that.productList); let loadend = list.length < that.where.limit; that.loadend = loadend; that.loading = false; that.loadTitle = loadend ? '已全部加载' : '加载更多'; setTimeout(() => { that.$set(that, 'productList', productList); }, 500) // console.log(that.productList) that.$set(that.where, 'page', that.where.page + 1); if (that.where.page == 1 && res.data.list.length <= 0) that.emptyShow = true }).catch(err => { that.loading = false; that.loadTitle = '加载更多'; }); }, } } </script> <style lang="scss" scoped> page { background-color: #f4f7fe; // background: linear-gradient(180deg, #FFFFFF 0%, #F6F6F6 100%); } /deep/.statistical-page .navs { top: 400rpx !important; } .userpage { width: 100%; background-color: #fff; position: relative; } .priceChange { position: fixed; width: 580upx; background-color: #fff; border-radius: 10upx; top: 50%; left: 50%; margin-left: -290upx; margin-top: -335upx; z-index: 666; transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s; transform: scale(0); opacity: 0; } .priceChange.on { opacity: 1; transform: scale(1); } .priceChange .priceTitle { background: url("~@/static/images/pricetitle.jpg") no-repeat; background-size: 100% 100%; 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