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overflow: hidden;" @scroll="scroll" scroll-with-animation='true'> <view v-for="(p,i) in productList"> <view class='listw' :id="'b'+p.store_category_id+index" v-for="(item,index) in p.children" :key="item.store_category_id"> <view class='title acea-row'> <view v-if="hotList.length > 0 && i === 0" class='name skeleton-rect'> <image class="list_title" :src="domain+'/static/diy/recommend_cate'+keyColor+'.png'"></image> </view> <view v-else class='name skeleton-rect'>{{item.cate_name}}</view> </view> <view class='list acea-row'> <block v-for="(itemn,indexn) in item.children" :key="itemn.store_category_id"> <navigator hover-class='none' :url="'/pages/columnGoods/goods_list/index?id='+itemn.store_category_id+'&title='+itemn.cate_name" class='item acea-row row-column row-middle'> <view class='picture skeleton-rect'> <easy-loadimage mode="widthFix" :image-src="itemn.pic"></easy-loadimage> </view> <view class='name line1'>{{itemn.cate_name}}</view> </navigator> </block> </view> </view> </view> <view :style='"height:"+(height-300)+"rpx;"'></view> </scroll-view> </view> </view> <!-- #ifndef H5 --> <passwordPopup></passwordPopup> <!-- #endif --> </view> <view class="foot" v-if="newData.status && newData.status.status"> <view class="page-footer" id="target" :style="{'background-color':newData.bgColor.color[0].item}"> <view class="foot-item" v-for="(item,index) in newData.menuList" :key="index" @click="goRouter(item)"> <block v-if="item.link == activeRouter"> <image :src="item.imgList[0]"></image> <view class="txt" :style="{color:newData.activeTxtColor.color[0].item}">{{item.name}} </view> </block> <block v-else> <image :src="item.imgList[1]"></image> <view class="txt" :style="{color:newData.txtColor.color[0].item}">{{item.name}}</view> </block> </view> </view> </view> </view> </template> <script> // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- // | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ] // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- // | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved. // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- // | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权 // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- // | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com> // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- let app = getApp(); import { getCategoryList } from '@/api/store.js'; import { getNavigation } from '@/api/public.js' import { configMap } from '@/utils/index'; // #ifndef H5 import passwordPopup from '@/components/passwordPopup'; // #endif import easyLoadimage from '@/components/easy-loadimage/easy-loadimage.vue'; import { mapGetters } from "vuex"; import { HTTP_REQUEST_URL } from '@/config/app'; export default { components: { easyLoadimage, // #ifndef H5 passwordPopup, // #endif }, computed: configMap({navigation: {}},mapGetters(['viewColor','keyColor'])), data() { let active = 0; // #ifdef H5 active = location.hash.substr(1); // #endif return { domain: HTTP_REQUEST_URL, showSkeleton: true, //骨架屏显示隐藏 isNodes: 0, //控制什么时候开始抓取元素节点,只要数值改变就重新抓取 navlist: [], hotList: [], //推荐分类 productList: [ {cate_name: 'skeleton',store_category_id: 0, children:[ {cate_name: 'skeleton',store_category_id: 10,children:[ {cate_name: '',store_category_id: 101,}, {cate_name: '',store_category_id: 102,}, {cate_name: '',store_category_id: 103,}, {cate_name: '',store_category_id: 104,}, {cate_name: '',store_category_id: 105,}, {cate_name: '',store_category_id: 106,} ]}, {cate_name: 'skeleton',store_category_id: 1, children:[ {cate_name: '',store_category_id: 101,}, {cate_name: '',store_category_id: 102,}, {cate_name: '',store_category_id: 103,}, {cate_name: '',store_category_id: 104,}, {cate_name: '',store_category_id: 105,}, {cate_name: '',store_category_id: 106,} ]}, {cate_name: '',store_category_id: 20} ] }, {cate_name: 'skeleton',store_category_id: 2, children:[{cate_name:'skeleton',store_category_id: 30}]}, {cate_name: 'skeleton',store_category_id: 3, children:[{cate_name:'skeleton',store_category_id: 31}]}, {cate_name: 'skeleton',store_category_id: 4, children:[{cate_name:'skeleton',store_category_id: 32}]}, {cate_name: 'skeleton',store_category_id: 5, children:[{cate_name:'skeleton',store_category_id: 33}]}, {cate_name: 'skeleton',store_category_id: 6, children:[{cate_name:'skeleton',store_category_id: 34}]}, {cate_name: 'skeleton',store_category_id: 7, children:[{cate_name:'skeleton',store_category_id: 35}]}, {cate_name: 'skeleton',store_category_id: 8, children:[{cate_name:'skeleton',store_category_id: 36}]}, {cate_name: 'skeleton',store_category_id: 9, children:[{cate_name:'skeleton',store_category_id: 37}]}, {cate_name: 'skeleton',store_category_id: 10, children:[{cate_name:'skeleton',store_category_id: 38}]}, {cate_name: 'skeleton',store_category_id: 11, children:[{cate_name:'skeleton',store_category_id: 39}]}, ], navActive: 0, activceCate: active, number: "", height: 0, hightArr: [], toView: "", winHeight: 0, pidIndex: 0, intoindex: "", pid: '', newData: {}, activeRouter: '', } }, onLoad(options) { let that = this const index = uni.getStorageSync('storeIndex'); if(options.activceCate){ this.activceCate = options.activceCate; }else if(index){ this.activceCate = index; uni.removeStorageSync('storeIndex'); } uni.getSystemInfo({ success: function(res) { that.winHeight = res.windowHeight }, }); // #ifdef H5 document.body.addEventListener('touchmove', function(event) { if (that.$route.path == '/pages/goods_cate/goods_cate') { event.preventDefault(); } }, { passive: false }); // #endif this.getAllCategory(); }, /** * 用户点击右上角分享 */ // #ifdef MP onShareAppMessage: function() { wx.showShareMenu({ withShareTicket: true, menus: ['shareAppMessage', 'shareTimeline'] }) return { path: '/pages/goods_cate/goods_cate?activceCate=' + this.productList[this.navActive] ? this.productList[this.navActive].store_category_id : 0 } }, onShareTimeline: function() { return { query: { activceCate: this.productList[this.navActive] ? this.productList[this.navActive].store_category_id : 0, } } }, // #endif onShow() { let that = this let routes = getCurrentPages(); let curRoute = routes[routes.length - 1].route this.activeRouter = '/' + curRoute let pid = uni.getStorageSync('storeIndex') if(pid) { this.activceCate = pid uni.removeStorageSync('storeIndex'); } if(this.activceCate){ this.getCateFrom(this.productList) pid && setTimeout(()=>this.tap(this.pidIndex, 'b' + this.activceCate), 200); } that.getNav() }, onHide() {}, // //点击底部tabbar调用 // onTabItemTap() { // this.getAllCategory(); // }, onReady() { this.isNodes++; }, methods: { goRouter(item) { var pages = getCurrentPages(); var page = (pages[pages.length - 1]).$page.fullPath; if (item.link == page) return uni.switchTab({ url: item.link, fail(err) { uni.redirectTo({ url: item.link }) } }) }, getNav() { this.newData = this.navigation if (this.newData.status && this.newData.status.status) { uni.hideTabBar() } else { uni.showTabBar() } }, infoScroll: function() { let that = this; //this.number = that.productList[len - 1].children.length; //设置商品列表高度 uni.getSystemInfo({ success: function(res) { that.height = (res.windowHeight) * (750 / res.windowWidth) - 98; }, }); let hightArr = []; for (let i = 0; i < that.productList.length; i++) { let item = that.productList[i] if(!that.productList[i].children){ continue; } for (let j = 0; j < that.productList[i].children.length; j++) { //获取元素所在位置 let query = uni.createSelectorQuery().in(this); let idView = "#b" + item.store_category_id + j; query.select(idView).boundingClientRect(); query.exec(function(res) { if(res[0]){ let top = res[0].top; hightArr.push({top,i}); } }); }; }; that.hightArr = hightArr; }, tap: function(index, id) { this.toView = ''+id+0; this.navActive = index; setTimeout(()=>{ uni.$emit('scroll'); }, 300); }, getAllCategory: function() { let that = this; let value = "" that.pidIndex = 0; getCategoryList().then(res => { that.productList = res.data.list; that.hotList = res.data.hot; if(that.hotList.length>0){ let hot = { cate_name: '推荐分类',store_category_id: 0, children: [ { cate_name:'推荐分类', store_category_id: 1, children:that.hotList } ] } that.productList.unshift(hot) } that.getCateFrom(that.productList) that.$nextTick(function(){ setTimeout(() => { that.infoScroll(); setTimeout(()=>that.tap(that.pidIndex, 'b' + that.activceCate),200); }, 300); }) setTimeout(() => { that.showSkeleton = false }, 500) }) }, //获取首页分类来源 getCateFrom: function(arr) { let i = "" arr.map((item, index) => { if ((this.activceCate && item.store_category_id == this.activceCate)) { this.pidIndex = index i = 'sort' + index return; } }) this.$nextTick(() => { this.intoindex = i }) }, scroll: function(e) { uni.$emit('scroll'); let scrollTop = e.detail.scrollTop + 10; let scrollArr = this.hightArr; for (let i = 0; i < scrollArr.length; i++) { if (scrollTop >= scrollArr[i].top - scrollArr[0].top && scrollTop < (scrollArr[i + 1] ? scrollArr[i + 1].top : 0) - scrollArr[0].top) { this.navActive = scrollArr[i].i } else if (scrollTop >= scrollArr[scrollArr.length - 1].top - scrollArr[0].top) { this.navActive = scrollArr[scrollArr.length - 1].i }else if (scrollTop >= 0 && scrollTop < scrollArr[1].top - scrollArr[0].top) { this.navActive = 0 } } }, searchSubmitValue: function(e) { if (this.$util.trim(e.detail.value).length > 0) uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/columnGoods/goods_list/index?searchValue=' + e.detail.value }) else return this.$util.Tips({ title: '请填写要搜索的产品信息' }); 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