<template> <view :style="viewColor"> <view class='order-details'> <!-- 给header上与data上加on为退款订单--> <!--预售--> <view v-if="orderInfo.activity_type == 2 && (orderInfo.status == 10 || orderInfo.status == 11)"> <view class='header presell_header' :style="{ 'background-image': `url(${imgUrl}/static/diy/presell_bg${keyColor}.jpg)`}" :class="'header'+keyColor"> <view class="presell_payment"> <text class="iconfont icon-shijian1"></text> {{ orderInfo.status == 11 ? '交易已关闭' : '待付尾款' }} </view> <view class='data' style="margin-left: 0;"> <view class='state'> 请在{{orderInfo.orderProduct[0].cart_info.productPresell.final_end_time}}前完成支付,超时订单将自动取消 </view> </view> </view> </view> <view v-else> <view class='header acea-row row-middle' :class='isGoodsReturn ? "on":""'> <view class='pictrue' v-if="isGoodsReturn==false"> <image v-if="orderInfo.status != 9&&orderInfo.status !=12" :src="imgUrl+'/static/order_'+(orderInfo.status+2)+'.gif'"> </image> <image v-else :src="imgUrl+'/static/order_2.gif'"></image> </view> <view class='data' :class='isGoodsReturn ? "on":""'> <view class='state'> <block v-if="orderInfo.order_status == 1 && orderInfo.status == 0 ">待付款</block> <block v-if="orderInfo.order_status == 2 ">待发货</block> <block v-if="orderInfo.status == 9">等待其他人参加拼团</block> <block v-if="orderInfo.order_status == 7">待核销</block> <block v-if="orderInfo.order_status == 3"> {{orderInfo.is_virtual == 1 ? '服务商品已虚拟发货' : '待收货'}} </block> <block v-if="orderInfo.order_status == 4">待评价</block> <block v-if="orderInfo.order_status == 5">已完成</block> <block v-if="orderInfo.status == -1">已为您退款,感谢您的支持</block> </view> <view>{{orderInfo.pay_time}}</view> </view> </view> <block v-if="isGoodsReturn==false"> <view class='nav'> <view class='navCon acea-row row-between-wrapper'> <view :class="orderInfo.order_status == 8||orderInfo.order_status == 1||orderInfo.order_status == 9 ? 'on':''"> 待付款</view> <view :class="(orderInfo.status == 0 || orderInfo.status == 9||orderInfo.order_status == 2)&&orderInfo.order_status != 1 ? 'on':''" v-if="orderInfo.order_type != 1">待发货</view> <view :class="(orderInfo.status == 0 || orderInfo.status == 9||orderInfo.order_status == 7) ? 'on':''" v-if="orderInfo.order_type == 1">待核销</view> <view :class="orderInfo.order_status == 3 ? 'on':''" v-if="orderInfo.order_type != 1">待收货 </view> <view :class="orderInfo.order_status == 4 ? 'on':''">待评价</view> <view :class="orderInfo.order_status == 5 ? 'on':''">已完成</view> </view> <view class='progress acea-row row-between-wrapper'> <view v-if="orderInfo.order_status == 8||orderInfo.order_status == 9||orderInfo.order_status == 1"> <view class='iconfont icon-webicon318 t-color'> </view> <view class='iconfont t-color'></view> </view> <view class="" v-else> <view class='iconfont icon-yuandianxiao t-color'> </view> <view class='iconfont t-color'></view> </view> <view class='line b-color'></view> <view class='iconfont' :class='((orderInfo.status == 0 || orderInfo.status == 9||orderInfo.order_status == 2) ? "icon-webicon318":"icon-yuandianxiao") + " " + (orderInfo.status >= 0 ? "t-color":"")'> </view> <view class='line' :class='orderInfo.status > 0 && orderInfo.status != 9||orderInfo.order_status == 7 ? "b-color":""'> </view> <view class='iconfont' :class='(orderInfo.status == 1 ? "icon-webicon318":"icon-yuandianxiao") + " " +(orderInfo.status > 1 && orderInfo.status != 9 ? "t-color":"")' v-if="orderInfo.order_type == 0"></view> <view class='line' :class='orderInfo.status > 1 && orderInfo.status != 9 ? "b-color":""' v-if="orderInfo.order_type == 0"></view> <view class='iconfont' :class='(orderInfo.status == 2 && orderInfo.status != 9&& orderInfo.order_status != 8 ? "icon-webicon318":"icon-yuandianxiao") + " " + (orderInfo.status >= 2 && orderInfo.status != 9 ? "t-color":"")'> </view> <view class='line' :class='orderInfo.status > 2 && orderInfo.status != 9 ? "b-color":""'> </view> <view class='iconfont' :class='(orderInfo.status == 3 ? "icon-webicon318":"icon-yuandianxiao") + " " + (orderInfo.status >= 3 && orderInfo.status != 9 ? "t-color":"")'> </view> </view> </view> <view class='line'> <image :src="`${imgUrl}/static/images/line.jpg`"></image> </view> </block> </view> <view> <!-- 配送地址 --> <view class='address' v-if="orderInfo.order_type == 0 && orderInfo.is_virtual != 1"> <view class='name'>{{orderInfo.real_name}} <view class='phone'>{{orderInfo.user_phone}}</view> </view> <view>{{orderInfo.user_address}}</view> </view> <!-- 地图 --> <view class="map acea-row row-between-wrapper" v-if="orderInfo.order_type == 1"> <view>自提地址信息</view> <view class="place t-color acea-row row-center-wrapper" @tap="showMaoLocation"> <text class="iconfont icon-weizhi"></text>查看位置 </view> </view> <view class='address' v-if="orderInfo.order_type == 1" style="margin-top: 0;"> <view class='name'> {{orderInfo.take.mer_take_name}} <text class='phone' @click="makePhone">{{orderInfo.take.mer_take_phone}}</text> <text class="iconfont icon-tonghua t-color" @click="makePhone"></text> </view> <view class="line2">{{orderInfo.take.mer_take_address}}</view> </view> <view v-if="orderInfo.take" class="take-info"> <view class="take-msg"> <view class="left"> <view class="title"> 营业时间 </view> <view class="text"> <text v-if="orderInfo.take.mer_take_day && orderInfo.take.mer_take_day.length == 7">周一至周日:</text> <block v-else> <text v-for="item in orderInfo.take.mer_take_day">{{'周'+ toChinese(item)}},</text> </block> <text class="time" v-if="orderInfo.take.mer_take_time">{{orderInfo.take.mer_take_time[0]}}-{{orderInfo.take.mer_take_time[1]}}</text> </view> </view> <view class="code" @click="showCode"> <text class="iconfont icon-hexiaoma"></text> <view class="text"> 自提码 </view> </view> </view> </view> <view class="merchant" v-if="orderInfo.merchant && orderInfo.order_type != 1" @click="goStore(orderInfo.mer_id)"> {{orderInfo.merchant.mer_name}} <text class="iconfont icon-xiangyou"></text> </view> <block v-if="cartInfo.length>0"> <orderGoods :orderData='orderInfo' :evaluate='orderInfo.order_status' :activityType='orderInfo.activity_type' :orderId="order_id" :cartInfo="cartInfo" :jump="true" :order_status="orderInfo.order_status"> </orderGoods> <block v-if="orderInfo.order_type == 1 && orderInfo.takeOrderList && orderInfo.takeOrderList.length > 0" v-for="(item,index) in orderInfo.takeOrderList" :key="index"> <orderGoods :orderData='item' :evaluate='item.status' :activityType='item.activity_type' :orderId="item.order_id" :cartInfo="item.orderProduct" :jump="true" :order_status="orderInfo.order_status"></orderGoods> </block> </block> <div v-if="orderInfo.merchant && orderInfo.merchant.services_type == 1" class="goodCall" @click="call"> <text class="iconfont icon-kefu"></text><text style="font-size: 28rpx;">联系客服</text> </div> <div v-else class="goodCall" @click="goGoodCall"> <text class="iconfont icon-kefu"></text><text style="font-size: 28rpx;">联系客服</text> </div> <!-- 送货 --> <view class="wrapper" v-if="orderInfo.delivery_type == 2"> <view class='item acea-row row-between'> <view>配送方式:</view> <view class='conter'>送货</view> </view> <view class='item acea-row row-between'> <view>配送员:</view> <view class='conter'>{{orderInfo.delivery_name}}</view> </view> <view class='item acea-row row-between'> <view>联系电话:</view> <view class='conter'>{{orderInfo.delivery_id}}</view> </view> </view> <!-- 同城配送 --> <view v-if="orderInfo.delivery_type == 5" class="wrapper"> <view class='item virtual_item'> <view class="acea-row virtual_row"> <view> <image :src="`${imgUrl}/static/images/delivery_man.png`"></image> </view> <view v-if="orderInfo.delivery_id" class="virtual_delivery"> <view>{{orderInfo.delivery_name}}</view> <view>{{orderInfo.delivery_id}}</view> </view> <view v-else class="virtual_delivery_not">配送员未接单</view> </view> <navigator class="virtual_detail" hover-class="none" :url="'/pages/order_details/delivery?orderId=' + orderInfo.order_id">查看详情</navigator> </view> </view> <view v-if="orderInfo.remark" class="wrapper"> <view class="item acea-row row-between"> <view class="">发货备注:</view> <view class="conter remark">{{ orderInfo.remark }}</view> </view> </view> <view class='wrapper orderinfo'> <view class='item acea-row row-between'> <view>订单编号:</view> <view class='conter acea-row row-middle row-right'>{{orderInfo.order_sn}} <!-- #ifndef H5 --> <text class='copy' @tap='copy'>复制</text> <!-- #endif --> <!-- #ifdef H5 --> <text class='copy copy-data' :data-clipboard-text="orderInfo.order_sn">复制</text> <!-- #endif --> </view> </view> <view class='item acea-row row-between'> <view>下单时间:</view> <view class='conter'>{{orderInfo.create_time}}</view> </view> <view class='item acea-row row-between'> <view>支付状态:</view> <view class='conter'>已支付</view> </view> <view class='item acea-row row-between' v-if="orderInfo.pay_time"> <view>支付时间:</view> <view class='conter'>{{orderInfo.pay_time}}</view> </view> <view class='item acea-row row-between'> <view>商品总额:</view> <view class='conter'>¥{{orderInfo.total_price}}</view> </view> <view class='item acea-row row-between'> <view>支付方式:</view> <view class='conter' v-if="orderInfo.pay_type==0">余额支付</view> <view class='conter' v-if="orderInfo.pay_type==4 || orderInfo.pay_type==5">支付宝支付</view> <view class='conter' v-if="orderInfo.pay_type==1 || orderInfo.pay_type==2 || orderInfo.pay_type==3">微信支付</view> <view class='conter' v-if="orderInfo.pay_type==8 ">先货后款</view> </view> <view class='item acea-row row-between' v-if="orderInfo.mark"> <view>买家留言:</view> <view class='conter'>{{orderInfo.mark}}</view> </view> </view> </view> <view v-if="orderInfo.is_virtual == 1 && orderInfo.order_extend" class='wrapper'> <view v-for="(item,index) in orderInfo.order_extend" v-if="item" :key="index" class='item acea-row row-between'> <view>{{index}}:</view> <view v-if="!Array.isArray(item)" class='conter'>{{item}}</view> <view v-else class='conter virtual_image'> <image v-for="(pic,i) in item" :key="i" class="picture" :src="pic" @click="getPhotoClickIdx(item,i)"></image> </view> </view> </view> <view class='wrapper'> <view class='item acea-row row-between' v-if="orderInfo.pay_postage > 0 && orderInfo.order_type != 1"> <view>运费:</view> <view class='conter'>+¥{{orderInfo.pay_postage}}</view> </view> <view class='item acea-row row-between' v-if='orderInfo.coupon_price > 0'> <view>优惠券抵扣:</view> <view class='conter'>-¥{{orderInfo.coupon_price}}</view> </view> <view class='item acea-row row-between' v-if='orderInfo.integral'> <view>积分抵扣:</view> <view class='conter'>-¥{{orderInfo.integral_price}}</view> </view> <view class='item acea-row row-between' v-if="orderInfo.activity_type == 2"> <view>实付款:</view> <view class='conter'>¥{{orderInfo.presell_price}}</view> </view> <view class="settel" v-else> <view class='settel-t'> <view>实付款:</view> <view class='conter'>¥{{orderInfo.pay_price}}</view> </view> <view class="settel-m" v-if="orderInfo.pay_type == 8 && orderInfo.status == 12"> 结算周期到期后付款 ¥100.00 <image src="@/static/images/wenhao.png" mode="" @click="open"></image> </view> <view class="settel-f" v-if="orderInfo.pay_type == 8 && orderInfo.status == 12"> 结算周期:30天 日利率:0.05% </view> </view> </view> <view class="content-clip"></view> <view class='footer acea-row row-right row-middle' v-if="isGoodsReturn==false"> <!-- <view class='bnt cancel' @click="cancelSales">取消售后</view> --> <!-- <view v-if="!orderInfo.receipt && !isGoodsReturn" class='bnt cancel' @click="applyInvoice">申请开票</view> --> <view v-if="orderInfo.activity_type == 2 && (orderInfo.status == 10 || orderInfo.status == 11)" class=" acea-row row-right row-middle"> <view v-if="orderInfo.presellOrder.activeStatus == 0" class='bnt b-color btn_auto'> {{ orderInfo.presellOrder.final_start_time | filterDay }} 付尾款 </view> <view v-if="orderInfo.presellOrder.activeStatus == 1" class='bnt b-color' @tap='pay_open()'>立即付款 </view> <view v-if="orderInfo.presellOrder.activeStatus == 2" class='bnt cancel' @click="cancelOrder">取消订单 </view> </view> <block v-if="orderInfo.status == 0 && orderInfo.order_status!=1"> <view class="bnt cancel" @click="allRefund" v-if="refundNum.length != cartInfo.length && orderInfo.refund_status">批量退款</view> </block> <block v-if="orderInfo.status == 9"> <view class="bnt cancel" @click="getCombinationRemove">取消拼团</view> </block> <block v-if="orderInfo.order_status == 9"> <view class='bnt cancel' @click="cancelOrder">取消订单 </view> <view class='bnt b-color' @tap='pay_opena()'>立即付款 </view> </block> <view class='bnt b-color' v-if="orderInfo.activity_type==4 && orderInfo.status==9" @tap='goJoinPink'> 查看拼团</view> <block v-if="orderInfo.status == 1"> <!-- <view class="bnt cancel" @click="allRefund" v-if="refundNum.length != cartInfo.length && orderInfo.refund_status">批量退款</view> --> <navigator v-if="orderInfo.delivery_type == 1 || orderInfo.delivery_type == 4" class='bnt cancel' hover-class='none' :url="'/pages/users/goods_logistics/index?orderId='+ orderInfo.order_id">查看物流 </navigator> <view class="" v-if="orderInfo.activity_type==98||orderInfo.activity_type==99"> <view class='bnt b-color' @tap='confirmOrdera(orderInfo)' v-if="orderInfo.pay_type==8">确认收货 </view> <view class='bnt b-color' @tap='confirmOrderb(orderInfo)' v-else>确认收货 </view> </view> <view class='bnt b-color' @tap='confirmOrder(orderInfo)' v-if="orderInfo.activity_type==0">取件码 </view> </block> <block v-if="orderInfo.status == 2"> <view class="bnt cancel" @click="allRefund" v-if="refundNum.length != cartInfo.length && orderInfo.refund_status">批量退款</view> <navigator v-if="orderInfo.delivery_type == 1 || orderInfo.delivery_type == 4" class='bnt cancel' hover-class='none' :url="'/pages/users/goods_logistics/index?orderId='+ orderInfo.order_id">查看物流 </navigator> <view class='bnt b-color' @click="goOrderConfirm" v-if="orderInfo.activity_type!=1 &&orderInfo.order_status!=8&& orderInfo.activity_type!=2 && orderInfo.activity_type!=3 &&orderInfo.activity_type!=4 && orderInfo.activity_type!=10"> 再次购买</view> <view class='bnt b-color' v-if="orderInfo.order_status==8" @tap='pay_open(orderInfo.pay_price,orderInfo.group_order_id)'> 去结算 </view> </block> <block v-if="orderInfo.status == 3"> <view class='bnt cancel' @click="delOrder">删除订单</view> <view class="bnt cancel" @click="allRefund" v-if="orderInfo.orderProduct[0].is_refund != 0">批量退款 </view> <view class='bnt b-color' @click="goOrderConfirm" v-if="orderInfo.activity_type!=1 && orderInfo.activity_type!=2 && orderInfo.activity_type!=3 && orderInfo.activity_type!=4 && orderInfo.activity_type!=10"> 再次购买</view> </block> </view> </view> <authorize @onLoadFun="onLoadFun" :isAuto="isAuto" :isShowAuth="isShowAuth" @authColse="authColse"></authorize> <!-- <payment :payMode='payMode' :pay_close="pay_close" @onChangeFun='onChangeFun' :order_id="pay_order_id" :totalPrice='totalPrice' :order_type='1'></payment> --> <payment :payMode='payMode' :pay_close="pay_close" @onChangeFun='onChangeFun' :order_id="pay_order_id" :totalPrice='totalPrice'></payment> <addInvoicing ref="addInvoicing" @changeInvoiceClose="changeInvoiceClose" :invoice='invoice'></addInvoicing> <!--核销码弹窗--> <uni-popup ref="cancellPoupon" type="bottom"> <view class="code-content"> <text class="iconfont icon-guanbi5" @click="close"></text> <view class="title">核销码</view> <view class="trip"> 请将二维码展示给店员 或 提供数字核销码 </view> <view class="grayBg"> <view class="pictrue"> <image :src="codeUrl"></image> </view> </view> <view class="num">{{orderInfo.verify_code}}</view> </view> </uni-popup> <u-popup :show="show" bgColor='transparent' mode='center'> <view class="warp"> <image @click="close" class="guanbi" src="@/static/images/guanbi.png"></image> <image src="@/static/images/yuqi.png" mode="widthFix"></image> </view> <view class="textp"> <span>下单时实付¥0,确认收货后将开始计算结算周期,结算周期内按照订单金额付款。如未在结算周期内付款平台将在xx天xx小时后计息。</span> <button class="shouhuobtn" @click="close">知道了</button> </view> </u-popup> <u-popup :show="receivingshow" bgColor='transparent' mode='center'> <view class="warp"> <image @click="close" class="guanbi" src="@/static/images/guanbi.png"></image> <image src="@/static/images/shouhuo.png" mode="widthFix"></image> </view> <view class="textp"> <h3>确认收到货了吗?</h3> <span>此订单为先货后款订单,确认收货后将开始计算结算周期。为保障售后权益,请检查后再确认收货。</span> <button class="shouhuobtn" @click="queding()"> 确认 </button> <view class="cle" @click="close">取消</view> </view> </u-popup> </view> </template> <script> // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- // | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ] // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- // | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved. // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- // | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权 // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- // | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com> // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- let app = getApp(); import { HTTP_REQUEST_URL } from '@/config/app'; import { getOrderDetail, orderAgain, orderTake, orderDel, unOrderCancel, verifyCode, applyInvoiceApi } from '@/api/order.js'; import { postCombinationRemove } from '@/api/activity'; import { openOrderRefundSubscribe } from '@/utils/SubscribeMessage.js'; import { getUserInfo } from '@/api/user.js'; import payment from '@/components/payment'; import orderGoods from "@/components/orderGoods"; import ClipboardJS from "@/plugin/clipboard/clipboard.js"; import { mapGetters } from "vuex"; import { configMap } from "@/utils"; import authorize from '@/components/Authorize'; import addInvoicing from '@/components/addInvoicing'; import zbCode from '@/components/zb-code/zb-code.vue'; export default { components: { payment, orderGoods, authorize, addInvoicing, zbCode }, data() { return { order_id: '', evaluate: 0, activityType: 0, cartInfo: [], //购物车产品 orderInfo: { system_store: {}, _status: {}, take: {} }, //订单详情 system_store: {}, isGoodsReturn: false, //是否为退款订单 status: {}, //订单底部按钮状态 isClose: false, payMode: [{ name: "微信支付", icon: "icon-weixinzhifu", value: 'wechat', title: '微信快捷支付', payStatus: 1 }, { name: "支付宝支付", icon: "icon-zhifubao", value: 'alipay', title: '支付宝支付', payStatus: this.$store.getters.globalData.alipay_open }, { name: "余额支付", icon: "icon-yuezhifu", value: 'balance', title: '可用余额:', number: 0, payStatus: this.$store.getters.globalData.yue_pay_status } ], pay_close: false, pay_order_id: '', totalPrice: '0', isAuto: false, //没有授权的不会自动授权 isShowAuth: false, //是否隐藏授权 refundNum: [], //退款个数临时数据 imgUrl: HTTP_REQUEST_URL, codeUrl: '', isTimePay: false, codeShow: false, cid: '1', val: "", // 要生成的二维码值 size: 200, // 二维码大小 unit: 'upx', // 单位 background: '#FFF', // 背景色 foreground: '#000', // 前景色 pdground: '#32dbc6', // 角标色 icon: '', // 二维码图标 iconsize: 40, // 二维码图标大小 lv: 3, // 二维码容错级别 , 一般不用设置,默认就行 onval: true, // val值变化时自动重新生成二维码 loadMake: true, // 组件加载完成后自动生成二维码 src: '', // 二维码生成后的图片地址或base64 codeSrc: "", wd: 225, hg: 500, invoice: { invoice: false, add: false, }, show: false, receivingshow: false }; }, computed: { ...configMap({ hide_mer_status: 0, yue_pay_status: 0, alipay_open: 0 }, mapGetters(['isLogin', 'uid', 'viewColor', 'keyColor'])), }, filters: { filterDay(val) { if (val) { var reg = /(\d{4})\-(\d{2})\-(\d{2})/; var date = val.replace(reg, "$2月$3日"); return date } } }, onLoad: function(options) { if (options.order_id) { this.$set(this, 'order_id', options.order_id); } }, onShow() { if (this.isLogin) { this.getOrderInfo(); this.getUserInfo(); this.isPayBalance(); } else { this.isAuto = true; this.isShowAuth = true } }, onHide: function() { this.isClose = true; }, onReady: function() { // #ifdef H5 this.$nextTick(function() { const clipboard = new ClipboardJS(".copy-data"); clipboard.on("success", () => { this.$util.Tips({ title: '复制成功' }); }); }); // #endif }, mounted: function() {}, methods: { // 图片预览 getPhotoClickIdx(list, idx) { uni.previewImage({ current: list[idx], // 传 Number H5端出现不兼容 urls: list }); }, // 判断是否到支付尾款时间 isPayBalance() { let that = this; if (that.orderInfo.status === 10) { if (new Date() < new Date(that.orderInfo.presellOrder.final_start_time)) { that.isTimePay = false; //未开始 } else if ((new Date() >= new Date(that.orderInfo.presellOrder.final_start_time)) && (new Date() <= new Date(that.orderInfo.presellOrder.final_start_time))) { that.isTimePay = true; //立即支付 } } }, // 数字转汉字 toChinese(num) { let changeNum = ['零', '一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六', '日', '八', '九']; let unit = ["", "十", "百", "千", "万"]; num = parseInt(num); let getWan = (temp) => { let strArr = temp.toString().split("").reverse(); let newNum = ""; for (var i = 0; i < strArr.length; i++) { newNum = (i == 0 && strArr[i] == 0 ? "" : (i > 0 && strArr[i] == 0 && strArr[i - 1] == 0 ? "" : changeNum[strArr[i]] + (strArr[i] == 0 ? unit[0] : unit[i]))) + newNum; } return newNum; } let overWan = Math.floor(num / 10000); let noWan = num % 10000; if (noWan.toString().length < 4) { noWan = "0" + noWan; } return overWan ? getWan(overWan) + "万" + getWan(noWan) : getWan(num); }, // 返回店铺首页 goStore(mer_id) { if (this.hide_mer_status != 1) { uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/store/home/index?id=' + mer_id }) } }, // 批量退款 allRefund() { // #ifdef MP openOrderRefundSubscribe().then(() => { uni.hideLoading(); if (this.orderInfo.status == 0 || this.orderInfo.is_virtual == 1) { uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/users/refund/index?order_id=' + this.order_id + '&refund_type=1&type=2&order_type=' + this.orderInfo.order_type }) } else { uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/users/refund/select?order_id=' + this.order_id + '&type=2&order_type=' + this.orderInfo.order_type }) } }).catch(() => { uni.hideLoading(); }) // #endif // #ifdef H5 || APP-PLUS if (this.orderInfo.status == 0 || this.orderInfo.is_virtual == 1) { uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/users/refund/index?order_id=' + this.order_id + '&refund_type=1&type=2&order_type=' + this.orderInfo.order_type }) } else { uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/users/refund/select?order_id=' + this.order_id + '&type=2&order_type=' + this .orderInfo.order_type }) } // #endif }, //拼团取消 getCombinationRemove: function() { var that = this; postCombinationRemove({ group_buying_id: that.orderInfo.orderProduct[0].activity_id }) .then(res => { that.$util.Tips({ title: res.message }, { tab: 3 }); }) .catch(res => { that.$util.Tips({ title: res.message }); }); }, // 取消售后 cancelSales() { let that = this; uni.showModal({ content: '确定要取消售后?', success: function(res) { if (res.confirm) { deletePlantApi(that.id).then(res => { if (res.status === 200) { that.$util.Tips({ title: res.message }); } }) } else if (res.cancel) { // console.log('用户点击取消'); } } }); }, // 联系客服 goGoodCall() { let self = this uni.navigateTo({ url: `/pages/chat/customer_list/chat?mer_id=${self.orderInfo.mer_id}&uid=${this.uid}&order_id=${this.order_id}` }) }, openSubcribe: function(e) { let page = e; uni.showLoading({ title: '正在加载', }) openOrderRefundSubscribe().then(res => { uni.hideLoading(); uni.navigateTo({ url: page, }); }).catch(() => { uni.hideLoading(); }); }, /** * 事件回调 * */ onChangeFun: function(e) { let opt = e; let action = opt.action || null; let value = opt.value != undefined ? opt.value : null; (action && this[action]) && this[action](value); }, /** * 拨打电话 */ makePhone: function() { uni.makePhoneCall({ phoneNumber: this.orderInfo.take.mer_take_phone }) }, /** * 拨打电话 */ call: function() { uni.makePhoneCall({ phoneNumber: this.orderInfo.merchant.service_phone }) }, /** * 打开地图 * */ showMaoLocation: function() { if (!this.orderInfo.take.mer_take_location[0] || !this.orderInfo.take.mer_take_location[1]) return this .$util.Tips({ title: '请设置允许商城访问您的位置!' }); let that = this, lat = parseFloat(that.orderInfo.take.mer_take_location[0]), long = parseFloat(that.orderInfo.take.mer_take_location[1]) //#ifdef H5 if (that.$wechat.isWeixin() === true) { that.$wechat.seeLocation({ latitude: Number(lat), longitude: Number(long), address: that.orderInfo.take ? that.orderInfo.take.mer_take_name : '' }).then(res => { // console.log('success'); }) } else { //#endif uni.openLocation({ latitude: lat, longitude: long, address: that.orderInfo.take ? that.orderInfo.take.mer_take_name : '', scale: 8, success: function() {}, }); // #ifdef H5 } //#endif }, /** * 关闭支付组件 * */ payClose: function() { this.pay_close = false; }, /** * 打开支付组件 * */ pay_opena() { uni.showModal({ title: '提示', title: '该订单属于先货后款的订单,等商户确认后才能支付', success: function(res) { if (res.confirm) { console.log('用户点击确定'); } else if (res.cancel) { console.log('用户点击取消'); } } }); }, pay_open: function(pay_price, order_id) { this.pay_close = true; this.pay_order_id = this.orderInfo.order_id.toString(); this.totalPrice = this.orderInfo.pay_price; // this.$set(this, 'pay_close', true); // this.order_id = order_id; // this.pay_order_id = order_id.toString() // this.$set(this, 'totalPrice', pay_price); }, /** * 支付成功回调 * */ pay_complete: function() { this.pay_close = false; this.pay_order_id = ''; this.getOrderInfo(); }, /** * 支付失败回调 * */ pay_fail: function() { this.pay_close = false; this.pay_order_id = ''; }, /** * 登录授权回调 * */ onLoadFun: function() { this.isShowAuth = false; this.getOrderInfo(); this.getUserInfo(); }, // 授权关闭 authColse: function(e) { this.isShowAuth = e; }, /** * 获取用户信息 * */ getUserInfo: function() { let that = this; getUserInfo().then(res => { that.payMode[2].number = res.data.now_money; }) }, getOrderCode() { verifyCode(this.order_id).then(res => { this.codeUrl = res.data.qrcode this.val = res.data.qrcode }) }, /** * 获取订单详细信息 * */ getOrderInfo: function() { let that = this; uni.showLoading({ title: "正在加载中" }); getOrderDetail(that.order_id).then(res => { uni.hideLoading(); that.$set(that, 'orderInfo', res.data); that.orderInfo.take = res.data.take; that.$set(that, 'cartInfo', res.data.orderProduct); if (that.orderInfo.status == '-1') { that.isGoodsReturn = true; } res.data.orderProduct.map(el => { if (el.refund_num == 0) { that.refundNum.push(el) } }) if (res.data.order_type == 1) { that.getOrderCode() } }).catch(err => { uni.hideLoading(); that.$util.Tips({ title: err }, '/pages/users/order_list/index'); }); }, qrR(res) { this.codeSrc = res }, showCode() { this.$refs.cancellPoupon.open(); }, close() { this.$refs.cancellPoupon.close(); }, /** * * 剪切订单号 */ // #ifndef H5 copy: function() { let that = this; // console.log(that.orderInfo.order_sn) uni.setClipboardData({ data: that.orderInfo.order_sn, success: function(res) {} }); }, // #endif /** * 打电话 */ goTel: function() { uni.makePhoneCall({ phoneNumber: this.orderInfo.delivery_id }) }, /** * 去拼团详情 * */ goJoinPink: function() { uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/activity/combination_status/index?id=' + this.orderInfo.orderProduct[0] .activity_id, }); }, /** * 再此购买 * */ goOrderConfirm: function() { let that = this; let data = [] this.cartInfo.map((item, index) => { let obj = {} obj.product_id = item.product_id obj.product_attr_unique = item.product_sku obj.cart_num = item.product_num data.push(obj) }) orderAgain({ data: data }).then(res => { let cart_id = res.data.cart_id.join(',') return uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/users/order_confirm/index?cartId=' + cart_id }); }); }, //收货弹窗 confirmOrdera: function(item) { this.receivingshow = true }, confirmOrderb: function(item) { let that = this; uni.showModal({ title: '确认收货', content: '为保障权益,请收到货确认无误后,再确认收货', success: function(res) { if (res.confirm) { orderTake(item.order_id).then(res => { return that.$util.Tips({ title: '操作成功', icon: 'success' }, function() { that.orderList.splice(index, 1); that.getOrderData(); }); }).catch(err => { return that.$util.Tips({ title: err }); }) } } }) }, confirmOrder: function(item) { uni.showModal({ title: '取件码', content: item.logistics_code, success: function(res) { if (res.confirm) { // console.log('用户点击确定'); } else if (res.cancel) { // console.log('用户点击取消'); } } }) }, queding() { let that = this; orderTake(that.order_id).then(res => { this.receivingshow = false that.getOrderInfo(); return that.$util.Tips({ title: '成功收货', icon: 'success' }, function() { }); }).catch(err => { this.receivingshow = false return that.$util.Tips({ title: err }); }) }, /** * * 删除订单 */ delOrder: function() { let that = this; orderDel(this.order_id).then(res => { return that.$util.Tips({ title: '删除成功', icon: 'success' }, { tab: 3, url: 1 }); }).catch(err => { return that.$util.Tips({ title: err }); }); }, cancelOrder() { let self = this uni.showModal({ title: '提示', content: '确认取消该订单?', success: function(res) { if (res.confirm) { orderDel(self.orderInfo.order_id) .then((data) => { // console.log(data) self.$util.Tips({ title: data.msg }, { tab: 3 }) }) .catch((err) => { return self.$util.Tips({ title: err }); }); } else if (res.cancel) { // console.log('用户点击取消'); } } }); }, /*申请开票*/ applyInvoice() { let that = this; that.invoice.invoice = true; that.$refs.addInvoicing.getInvoiceDefault(); that.$refs.addInvoicing.getInvoiceList(); }, // 关闭发票弹窗 changeInvoiceClose: function(data) { if (data) this.getInvoiceData(data); this.$set(this.invoice, 'invoice', false); }, // 开票回调 getInvoiceData(data) { let that = this applyInvoiceApi(that.order_id, data).then(res => { return that.$util.Tips({ title: res.message, }); }).catch(err => { return that.$util.Tips({ title: err }); }) }, close() { this.show = false this.receivingshow = false }, open() { this.show = true } } } </script> <style scoped lang="scss"> .remark { flex: 1; 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