This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
# local env files
# Log files
# Editor directories and files
@ -0,0 +1,526 @@
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// #ifdef APP-PLUS
let jpushModule = uni.requireNativePlugin("JG-JPush");
const mp = uni.requireNativePlugin('uniMP');
// #endif
import {
} from "./libs/login";
import {
} from './config/app';
import {
} from '@/api/public.js'
import Routine from './libs/routine.js';
export default {
data() {
return {
audioTeam: []
globalData: {
spid: 0,
code: 0,
isLogin: false,
userInfo: {},
MyMenus: [],
balance_func_status: 0, //余额开关
recharge_switch: 0, // 充值开关
store_user_min_recharge: 0, //最小充值
yue_pay_status: 0, //余额支付开关
alipay_open: 0, //支付宝支付开关
routine_logo: '', //首页logo
share_pic: '',
site_logo: '',
site_name: '', //名称
fid: '', //一级分类id
uid: '',
hide_mer_status: 0,
member_status: 0,
copy_command_status: 0, //是否开启自动获取剪切板内容
arrival_notice: 0, //是否开启到货通知
is_phone_login: 0,
auto_arrival: 0,
mer_location: 0,
statusBarHeight: 0,
mer_location: 0,
store_street_theme: 1,
sys_intention_agree: '',
copyright_status: '',
copyright_context: '',
copyright_image: '',
open_update_info: 0,
recommend_switch: 0,
svip_switch_status: 0,
community_reply_status: 0,
community_reply_auth: 0,
margin_ico_switch: 0,
margin_ico: '',
community_app_switch: [],
navigation: {},
imgColor: '',
...uni.getStorageSync('GLOBAL_DATA') || {}
onLaunch: function(option) {
this.globalData.statusBarHeight = uni.getSystemInfoSync().statusBarHeight + 'px';
this.globalData.uid = this.$store.state.app.uid;
let appkey = uni.getStorage({
key: 'launchFlag'
if (appkey) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 6000)
// #ifdef APP-PLUS
mp.onUniMPEventReceive(ret => {
console.log('小程序事件: ', ret);
if (ret.event == 'closeApp') {
mp.closeUniMP(ret.fromAppid, (ret) => {
console.log('closeUniMP: ' + JSON.stringify(ret));
// #endif
let that = this;
// #ifdef MP
if (HTTP_REQUEST_URL == '') {
"请配置根目录下的config.js文件中的 'HTTP_REQUEST_URL'\n\n请修改开发者工具中【详情】->【AppID】改为自己的Appid\n\n请前往后台【小程序】->【小程序配置】填写自己的 appId and AppSecret"
return false;
if (option.query.hasOwnProperty('scene')) {
switch (option.scene) {
case 1047:
// console.log(option, 'val')
let val = that.$util.getUrlParams(decodeURIComponent(option.query.scene));
that.globalData.code = val;
that.globalData.uid = val
case 1048:
that.globalData.code = option.query.scene;
case 1049:
that.globalData.code = option.query.scene;
case 1001:
that.globalData.spid = option.query.scene;
// #endif
// 获取导航高度;
success: function(res) {
that.globalData.navHeight = res.statusBarHeight * (750 / res.windowWidth) + 91;
// #ifdef MP
let menuButtonInfo = uni.getMenuButtonBoundingClientRect();
that.globalData.navH = menuButtonInfo.top * 2 + menuButtonInfo.height / 2;
const version = uni.getSystemInfoSync().SDKVersion
if (Routine.compareVersion(version, '2.21.2') >= 0) {
that.$Cache.set('MP_VERSION_ISNEW', true)
} else {
that.$Cache.set('MP_VERSION_ISNEW', false)
// #endif
//#ifdef APP-PLUS
jpushModule.addConnectEventListener(result => {
let connectEnable = result.connectEnable
// console.log("jpush连接", connectEnable)
// 设置别名
// jpushModule.setAlias({
// 'alias': uni.getStorageSync('userId'),
// 'sequence': 1
// })
// jpushModule.addTagAliasListener(result => {
// let code = result.code
// let sequence = result.sequence
// let tags = result.tags
// let tag = result.tag
// let tagEnable = result.tagEnable
// let alias = result.alias
// console.log(alias, '别名')
// })
// 通知事件回调
jpushModule.addNotificationListener(result => {
let notificationEventType = result.notificationEventType
let messageID = result.messageID
let title = result.title
let content = result.content
let extras = result.extras
console.log("通知", result)
if (result.extras.type == 'ORDER_CREATE') {
if (this.audioTeam.length > 0) {
} else {
// 点击事件
if (notificationEventType == 'notificationOpened') {
url: result.extras.route
// jpushModule.addCustomMessageListener(result => {
// let messageID = result.messageID
// let content = result.content
// let extras = result.extras
// console.log("自定义消息", result)
// })
onShow() {
let that = this
// 记录H5和公众号
if (this.$store.state.app.token) {
// 浏览记录
// #ifdef H5
page: location.pathname + location.search,
}).then(() => {});
// #ifndef H5
setTimeout(() => {
if (that.globalData.copy_command_status == 1) {
success: function(res) {
if (/^(\/@[1-9]{1}).*\*\//.test(res.data)) {
that.$store.commit("PARSE_PWD", res.data)
fail: function(res) {
// 内容获取失败
}, 1500)
// #endif
mounted() {
methods: {
checknetwork() {
uni.onNetworkStatusChange(function(res) {
if (res.isConnected) {
url: '/pages/index/index'
} else {
title: '系统提示',
content: '当前设备无网络或网络较差',
cancelText: '取消',
confirmText: '确定',
success: (res) => {
if (res.confirm) {
url: '/pages/index/index'
} else {
// #ifdef H5
url: '/pages/users/login/login_copy'
// #endif
// #ifdef APP-PLUS
// #endif
* 语音播报
async audio() {
const innerAudioContext = uni.createInnerAudioContext();
innerAudioContext.autoplay = true;
innerAudioContext.src = `/static/audio/order.mp3`;
innerAudioContext.onPlay(() => {
innerAudioContext.onEnded(() => {
innerAudioContext.destroy() //销毁
if (this.audioTeam.length > 1) {
this.audioTeam.splice(0, 1);
} else {
this.audioTeam = []
innerAudioContext.onError(() => {
innerAudioContext.destroy() // 销毁
// 微信分享;
setOpenShare: function(data) {
let that = this;
let href = location.href;
href = href.indexOf("?") === -1 ? href + "?spid=" + this.globalData.uid : href + "&spid=" + this
if (that.$wechat.isWeixin()) {
let configAppMessage = {
desc: data.share_info,
title: data.share_title,
link: href,
imgUrl: data.share_pic
that.$wechat.wechatEvevt(["updateAppMessageShareData", "updateTimelineShareData"],
// 获取配置
getConfigData() {
getconfig().then(res => {
uni.$emit('update', res.data)
this.$store.commit('GLOBAL_DATA', res.data);
this.globalData.balance_func_status = res.data.balance_func_status
this.globalData.recharge_switch = res.data.recharge_switch
this.globalData.routine_logo = res.data.routine_logo
this.globalData.share_pic = res.data.share_pic
this.globalData.community_reply_status = res.data.community_reply_status
this.globalData.site_logo = res.data.site_logo
this.globalData.login_logo = res.data.login_logo
this.globalData.site_name = res.data.site_name
this.globalData.store_user_min_recharge = res.data.store_user_min_recharge
this.globalData.yue_pay_status = res.data.yue_pay_status
this.globalData.sys_intention_agree = res.data.sys_intention_agree
this.globalData.mer_intention_open = res.data.mer_intention_open
this.globalData.alipay_open = res.data.alipay_open
this.globalData.hide_mer_status = res.data.hide_mer_status
this.globalData.mer_location = res.data.mer_location
this.globalData.arrival_notice = res.data.procudt_increase_status
this.globalData.auto_arrival = res.data.sys_extension_type
this.globalData.member_status = res.data.member_status
this.globalData.copy_command_status = res.data.copy_command_status
this.globalData.is_phone_login = res.data.is_phone_login
this.globalData.mer_location = res.data.mer_location
this.globalData.store_street_theme = res.data.store_street_theme
this.globalData.copyright_status = res.data.copyright_status
this.globalData.copyright_image = res.data.copyright_image
this.globalData.copyright_context = res.data.copyright_context
this.globalData.open_update_info = res.data.open_update_info
this.globalData.recommend_switch = res.data.recommend_switch
this.globalData.svip_switch_status = res.data.svip_switch_status
this.globalData.navigation = res.data.navigation
this.globalData.community_app_switch = res.data.community_app_switch
this.globalData.community_reply_auth = res.data.community_reply_auth
this.globalData.margin_ico_switch = res.data.margin_ico_switch
this.globalData.margin_ico = res.data.margin_ico
// console.log(res.data.global_theme.theme + "我是")
this.$store.commit("VIEW_COLOR", res.data.global_theme.theme)
this.$store.commit("KEY_COLOR", '_' + res.data.global_theme.type)
try {
uni.setStorageSync('SUBSCRIBE_MESSAGE', res.data.tempid);
} catch (e) {
// error
// #ifdef H5
// #endif
}).catch(err => {});
onHide: function() {
//console.log('App Hide')
watch: {
// 记录H5和公众号
$route(n) {
if (this.$store.state.app.token) {
// 浏览记录
page: location.pathname + location.search,
}).then(() => {});
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@import 'static/iconfont/iconlihai.css';
@import 'static/iconfont/icontan.css';
@import 'static/css/style.scss';
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padding-top: var(--status-bar-height);
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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
"version" : "1",
"prompt" : "template",
"title" : "服务协议与隐私政策",
"message" : "\t请务必审慎阅读、充分理解“服务协议与 隐私政策”各条款,包括但不限于:为了 向你提供即时通讯、内容分享等服务,我 们需要收集你的设备信息、操作日志、OAID等个 人信息。你可以在“设置”中查看、变更、删除个人信息并管理你的授权。<br/>\r\r\t你可以阅读 <a href=\"https://shop.lihaink.cn/pages/users/user_about/index?from=sys_user_agree\">《用户协议》</a> 与 <a href=\"https://shop.lihaink.cn/pages/users/user_about/index?from=sys_userr_privacy\">《隐私政策》</a>了解详细信息。如你同意,请点击“我同意”开始接受我们的服务。",
"buttonAccept" : "同意并接受",
"buttonRefuse" : "暂不同意",
"second" : {
"title" : "确认提示",
"message" : "进入应用前,你需先同意<a href=\"https://shop.lihaink.cn/pages/users/user_about/index?from=sys_user_agree\">《用户协议》</a> 与 <a href=\"https://shop.lihaink.cn/pages/users/user_about/index?from=sys_userr_privacy\">《隐私政策》</a>,否则将退出应用。",
"buttonAccept" : "同意并继续",
"buttonRefuse" : "退出应用"
"styles" : {
"backgroundColor" : "#fff",
"borderRadius" : "5px",
"title" : {
"color" : "#000"
"buttonAccept" : {
"color" : "#fff"
"buttonRefuse" : {
"color" : "#ccc"
@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
import request from "@/utils/request.js";
* 拼团列表
export function getCombinationList(data) {
return request.get('store/product/group/lst', data, {
noAuth: true
* 拼团参与人
export function getCombinationUser(data) {
return request.get('store/product/group/count', data, {
noAuth: true
* 活动分类
export function getActivitycategory(type) {
return request.get('product/spu/active/category/' + type, {}, {
noAuth: true
* 拼团详情
export function getCombinationDetail(id) {
return request.get('store/product/group/detail/' + id, {}, {
noAuth: true
* 拼团 开团
export function getCombinationPink(id) {
return request.get("store/product/group/get/" + id);
* 拼团 取消开团
export function postCombinationRemove(data) {
return request.post("store/product/group/cancel", data);
* 秒杀产品详情
* @param int id
export function getSeckillDetail(id) {
return request.get('store/product/seckill/detail/' + id, {}, {
noAuth: true
* 拼团海报
* @param object data
export function getCombinationPoster(data) {
return request.post('combination/poster', data)
* 获取秒杀小程序二维码
export function seckillCode(id, data) {
return request.get("seckill/code/" + id, data);
* 获取拼团小程序二维码
export function scombinationCode(id) {
return request.get("combination/code/" + id);
* 秒杀产品时间区间
export function getSeckillIndexTime() {
return request.get('store/product/seckill/select', {}, {
noAuth: true
* 秒杀产品列表
* @param int time
* @param object data
export function getSeckillList(data) {
return request.get('store/product/seckill/lst', data, {
noAuth: true
* 预售列表
export function getPresellList(data) {
return request.get('store/product/presell/lst', data, {
noAuth: true
* 助力列表
export function getAssistList(data) {
return request.get('store/product/assist/lst', data, {
noAuth: true
* 助力列表 -- 发起助力
export function initiateAssistApi(id) {
return request.post('store/product/assist/create/' + id);
* 助力详情
export function getAssistDetail(id) {
return request.get('store/product/assist/detail/' + id);
* 助力好友
export function assistHelpList(id, data) {
return request.get('store/product/assist/user/' + id, data);
* 预售协议
export function presellAgreement() {
return request.get('store/product/presell/agree');
* 已助力成功数据
export function assistUserData() {
return request.get('store/product/assist/count', {}, {
noAuth: true
* 为好友助力
export function postAssistHelp(id) {
return request.post('store/product/assist/set/' + id);
* 获取助力查看分享次数
export function getAssistUser(id) {
return request.get('store/product/assist/share/' + id);
* 助力记录列表
export function getBargainUserList(data) {
return request.get('store/product/assist/set/lst', data);
* 助力记录列表 -- 取消
export function getBargainUserCancel(id) {
return request.post('store/product/assist/set/delete/' + id);
* 活动专题列表
export function getTopicList(id, data) {
return request.get(`activity/lst/${id}`, data, {
noAuth: true
* 活动专题详情
export function getTopicDetail(id) {
return request.get(`activity/info/${id}`,{}, {
noAuth: true
* 活动专题商品
export function getTopicProLst(data) {
return request.get(`product/spu/labels`,data, {
noAuth: true
* 获取本地服务商户列表
export function getMerchantServiceLst(data) {
return request.get(`store/merchant/local`,data, {
noAuth: true
* 获取优惠券列表
export function getCouponLst(data) {
return request.get(`coupon/getlst`,data, {
noAuth: true
* 获取优惠券列表
export function getNewPeopleCouponLst(data) {
return request.get(`coupon/new_people`,data, {
noAuth: true
* 获取热卖排行列表
export function hotRankingApi(data) {
return request.get(`product/spu/get_hot_ranking`,data, {
noAuth: true
* 热卖排行列表分类
export function spuTop(data) {
return request.get(`store/product/category/hotranking`, {}, {
noAuth: true
* 热卖排行列表
export function spuTopList(data) {
return request.get(`product/spu/get_hot_ranking`, data, {
noAuth: true
@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
import request from "@/utils/request.js";
* 统计数据
export function getStatisticsInfo() {
return request.get("admin/order/statistics", {}, {
login: true
* 订单月统计
export function getStatisticsMonth(where) {
return request.get("admin/order/data", where, {
login: true
* 订单月统计
export function getAdminOrderList(where) {
return request.get("admin/order/list", where, {
login: true
* 订单改价
export function setAdminOrderPrice(merId, id, data) {
return request.post("admin/" + merId + "/price/" + id, data, {
login: true
* 同意先货后款
export function postconfirm(merId, data) {
return request.post("admin/" + merId + "/confirm", data, {
login: true
* 先货后款订单结算
export function postsettle(merId, data) {
return request.post("admin/" + merId + "/settle", data, {
login: true
* 订单备注
export function setAdminOrderRemark(merId, id, data) {
return request.post("admin/" + merId + "/mark/" + id, data, {
login: true
* 订单详情
export function getAdminOrderDetail(merId, orderId) {
return request.get("admin/" + merId + "/order/" + orderId, {}, {
login: true
* 订单发货信息获取
export function getAdminOrderDelivery(orderId) {
return request.get("admin/order/delivery/gain/" + orderId, {}, {
login: true
* 订单发货保存
export function setAdminOrderDelivery(merId, id, data) {
return request.post("admin/" + merId + "/delivery/" + id, data, {
login: true
* 订单统计图
export function getStatisticsTime(data) {
return request.get("admin/order/time", data, {
login: true
* 线下付款订单确认付款
export function setOfflinePay(merId, data) {
return request.post("admin/" + merId + "/order/offline", data, {
login: true
* 订单确认退款
export function setOrderRefund(merId, data) {
return request.post("admin/" + merId + "/order/refund", data, {
login: true
* 获取快递公司
* @returns {*}
export function getLogistics() {
return request.get("logistics", {}, {
login: false
* 订单核销
* @returns {*}
export function orderVerific(merId, id, data) {
return request.post(`verifier/${merId}/${id}`, data);
* 核销订单详情
* @returns {*}
export function verifierOrder(mer_id, code) {
return request.get("verifier/" + mer_id + "/order/" + code);
* 订单统计数
* @returns {*}
export function orderStatistics(mer_id, data) {
return request.get("admin/" + mer_id + "/statistics", data);
* 订单
* @returns {*}
export function orderStat(data) {
return request.get("admin/1/statistics", data);
* 每日成交额
* @returns {*}
export function orderPrice(where, mer_id) {
return request.get("admin/" + mer_id + "/order_price", where, {
login: true
* 订单列表
* @returns {*}
export function getOrderList(where, merId) {
return request.get(`admin/${merId}/order_list`, where, {
login: true
* 退款订单列表
* @returns {*}
export function getRefundOrderList(where, merId) {
return request.get(`server/${merId}/refund/lst`, where, {
login: true
* 营业额统计
* @returns {*}
export function turnoverStatistics(where, merId) {
return request.get(`admin/${merId}/pay_price`, where, {
login: true
* 订单统计
* @returns {*}
export function orderNumberStatistics(where, merId) {
return request.get(`admin/${merId}/pay_number`, where, {
login: true
* 获取订单打印默认配置
* @returns {*}
export function orderDeliveryInfo(merId) {
return request.get(`admin/${merId}/mer_form`);
* 获取电子面单列表
* @returns {*}
export function orderExportTemp(data) {
return request.get("store/expr/temps", data);
* 是否开始电子面单和同城配送
* @returns {*}
export function getTempAndDelivery(merId) {
return request.get(`admin/${merId}/delivery_config`);
* 获取同城配送门店列表
* @returns {*}
export function getDeliveryStoreLst(merId) {
return request.get(`admin/${merId}/delivery_options`);
* 退款订单信息
* @returns {*}
export function getRefundOrderInfo(merId, id) {
return request.get(`server/${merId}/refund/get/${id}`);
* 提交退款订单信息
* @returns {*}
export function refundOrderSubmit(merId, id, data) {
return request.post(`server/${merId}/refund/status/${id}`, data, {
login: true
* 退款单确认收货
* @returns {*}
export function refundOrderReceive(merId, id) {
return request.post(`server/${merId}/refund/confirm/${id}`, {}, {
login: true
* 退款单详情
export function getRefundOrderDetail(merId, orderId) {
return request.get(`server/${merId}/refund/detail/${orderId}`, {}, {
login: true
* 添加退款单备注信息
export function setRefundMark(merId, orderId, data) {
return request.post(`server/${merId}/refund/mark/${orderId}`, data, {
login: true
* 去核销
* @param object data
export function orderCancellation(merId, id) {
return request.post(`admin/${merId}/verify/${id}`);
* 去核销
* @param object data
export function purchaseOrder(where, merId) {
return request.get(`admin/${merId}/purchaseOrder`, where, {
login: true
* 商家物流取件二维码
* @param object data
export function logisticsCode(id) {
return request.get(`order/logistics_code/${id}`);
@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
import request from "@/utils/request.js";
* 获取云仓分类
export function cloudWarehouse(data) {
return request.get("store/product/cloudWarehouse", data);
* 获取云仓分类
export function getCityCloundShop(data) {
return request.get("city/get_cloud_shop", data);
* 商品扫码枪查询商品是否存在
export function seachBarCodeAPI(data) {
return request.get("micro/seach_bar_code", data);
* 获取里海云仓商品
export function getProductSpuAPI(id, param) {
return request.get(`product/spu/cloud_merchant/${id}`, param, { noAuth: true });
export function get_cloud_shop(street_code) {
return request.get(`city/get_cloud_shop?street_code=${street_code}`, {}, { noAuth: true });
export function post_product_import(id) {
return request.post(`micro/product_import`, { id: id }, { noAuth: true });
* 公共接口 ,优惠券接口 , 行业此讯 , 手机号码注册
* 获取主页数据 无需授权
export function getIndexData() {
return request.get("common/home", {}, { noAuth: true });
* 获取app版本
export function getAppVersion() {
return request.get('appVersion', {}, { noAuth: true });
* 获取登录授权login
export function getLogo() {
return request.get('wechat/get_logo', {}, { noAuth: true });
* 保存form_id
* @param string formId
export function setFormId(formId) {
return request.post("wechat/set_form_id", { formId: formId });
* 领取优惠卷
* @param int couponId
export function setCouponReceive(couponId) {
return request.post('coupon/receive/' + couponId);
* 商铺优惠券列表
* @param object data
export function getShopCoupons(id) {
return request.get('coupon/store/' + id, {}, { noAuth: true })
* 商品优惠券列表
* @param object data
export function getCoupons(data) {
return request.get('coupon/product', data, { noAuth: true })
* 我的优惠券
* @param int types 0全部 1未使用 2已使用
export function getUserCoupons(data) {
return request.get('coupon/list', data)
* 文章分类列表
export function getArticleCategoryList() {
return request.get('article/category/lst', {}, { noAuth: true })
export function getArticleCategoryLists() {
return request.get('article/category/lst?is_home='+1, {}, { noAuth: true })
* 文章列表
* @param int cid
export function getArticleList(cid, data) {
return request.get('article/lst/' + cid, data, { noAuth: true })
* 文章 热门列表
export function getArticleHotList() {
return request.get('article/hot/list', {}, { noAuth: true });
* 文章 轮播列表
export function getArticleBannerList() {
return request.get('article/banner/list', {}, { noAuth: true })
* 文章详情
* @param int id
export function getArticleDetails(id) {
return request.get('article/detail/' + id, {}, { noAuth: true });
* 手机号+验证码登录接口
* @param object data
export function loginMobile(data) {
return request.post('login/mobile', data, { noAuth: true })
* 获取短信KEY
* @param object phone
export function verifyCode() {
return request.get('verify_code', {}, { noAuth: true })
* 验证码发送
* @param object phone
export function registerVerify(phone, reset, key, code) {
return request.post('register/verify', {
phone: phone,
type: reset === undefined ? 'reset' : reset,
key: key,
code: code
}, { noAuth: true })
* 手机号注册
* @param object data
export function phoneRegister(data) {
return request.post('register', data, { noAuth: true });
* 手机号修改密码
* @param object data
export function phoneRegisterReset(data) {
return request.post('register/reset', data, { noAuth: true })
* 手机号+密码登录
* @param object data
export function phoneLogin(data) {
return request.post('login', data, { noAuth: true })
/* h5切换公众号登陆 */
export function switchH5Login(data) {
return request.post("user/switch", data);
/** 绑定手机号 */
export function bindingPhone(data) {
return request.post('user/binding', data);
/** 修改手机号 */
export function modifyPhone(data) {
return request.post('user/change/phone', data);
/** 修改密码 */
export function modifyPassword(data) {
return request.post('user/change/password', data);
/** 退出登錄 */
export function logout() {
return request.get('logout');
/** 获取订阅消息id */
export function getTemlIds() {
return request.get('wechat/teml_ids', {}, { noAuth: true });
/** 首页拼团数据 */
export function pink() {
return request.get('pink', {}, { noAuth: true });
/** 获取城市信息 */
export function getCity() {
return request.get('system/city/lst', {}, { noAuth: true });
export function getCityV2(pid) {
return request.get('v2/system/city/lst/' + pid, {}, { noAuth: true });
export function getCityList(address) {
return request.get('v2/system/city', { address }, { noAuth: true });
/** 获取小程序直播列表 */
export function getLiveList(page, limit) {
return request.get('wechat/live', { page, limit }, { noAuth: true });
/* APP登录 */
export function wechatAppAuth(data) {
return request.post("auth/app", data, { noAuth: true });
/* APPLE登录 */
export function appleAppAuth(data) {
return request.post("auth/apple", data, { noAuth: true });
/* 小程序获取手机号解密 */
export function appletsDecrypt(data) {
return request.post("user/mp/binding", data);
* 获取首页DIY;
export function getDiy(data) {
return request.get('diy', data, { noAuth: true });
* 获取首页微页面;
export function getPageDiy(data) {
return request.get(`micro`, data, {
noAuth: true
* 滑块信息
* @param {Object} data
export function getAjcaptcha(data) {
return request.get("ajcaptcha", data, {
noAuth: true
* 滑块验证
* @param {Object} data
export function ajcaptchaCheck(data) {
return request.post("ajcheck", data, {
noAuth: true
* 获取所在的地区数据
* @param {Object} data
export function village(data) {
return request.get('v2/system/geo/lst', data, { noAuth: true });
* 获取所在的村队数据
* @param {Object} data
export function brigade(data) {
return request.get('v2/system/brigade', data, { noAuth: true });
@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
// import request from "@/utils/request.js";
import request from "@/utils/request.js";
import http from "@/utils/http.js";
// export const postShopInfo = (params, config = {}) => request.post('/edcapi/Shop_shopDeatil', params, config)
// // get请求,获取菜单,注意:get请求的配置等,都在第二个参数中,详见前面解释
* 文创文章
export const getCulturalArticleAPI = (data) => http.get('/cultural/article', data, { noAuth: true })
* 全民打卡
export const getTravelPunchcardAPI = (data) => request.get('/cultural/punchcard', data, { noAuth: true })
* 官网攻略
export const getTravelWebStrategyAPI = (data) => request.get('/cultural/WebStrategy', data, { noAuth: true })
* 热门活动
export const getTravelHotPartyAPI = (data) => request.get('/cultural/hotparty', data, { noAuth: true })
* 获取banner
export const getSlideAPI = (data) => request.get('/Slide/get_slide', data, { noAuth: true })
* 获取文章
export const getIndexArticleList = (data) => http.get('/article/indexs', data, { noAuth: true })
export const getIndexArticleDetails = (data) => request.get('/article/details', data, { noAuth: true })
export const postIndexArticleDetails = (data) => request.post('/article/post', data)
export const getIndexArticleEdit = (data) => request.get('/article/edit', data)
export const postIndexArticleEdit = (data, params) => request.post('/article/put', data, {
params: params
// 投诉
export const postComplaintAPI = (data) => request.post('/index/complaint', data)
export const getArticleComment = (data) => request.get('/article_comment/index', data)
export const getArticleCommentOneAPI = (data) => request.get('/article_comment/one_list', data)
export const postArticleComment = (data) => request.post('/article_comment/post', data, { noVerify: true })
// 评论审核
export const getCommentListAPI = (data) => request.get('/Personal/getCommentList', data)
export const oneCAlickAuditAPI = (data) => request.get('/Personal/oneCAlickAudit', data)
export const delCommentAPI = (data) => request.get('/Personal/delComment', data)
* 获取分类
export const getCategory = (data) => request.get('/common/category', data, { noAuth: true })
export const getMyIndexArticleList = (data) => request.get('/my_article/index', data)
export const getMyIndexArticleDetails = (data) => request.get('/my_article/details', data)
// 工作区
export const getWorkArticleCount = (data) => request.get('/getWorkArticleCount', data)
// export function getWorkArticleCount(data) {
// return request.get('/getWorkArticleCount', data);
// }
export const getArticleListAPI = (data) => http.get('/getArticleList', data)
// 首页文章
export const getHomeListAPI = (data) => http.get('/article/hot_list', data)
export const getFriendcirclelist = (data) => request.get('/Personal/getlist', data, {
noVerify: true
/** 发布图文*/
export const createPlantApi = (data) => request.post('/Personal/addOrEditNews', data)
export const PlantApi = (data) => request.get('/Personal/getdetails', data)
export const replyLstApi = (data) => request.get('/Personal/getpinglun', data, { noAuth: true })
export const replyCreateApi = (data) => request.post('/Personal/newsComment', data)
// 删除说说
// export const deletePlantApi = (data) => request.post('/Personal/newsComment', data)
export const getfriendsList = (data) => request.get('/Personal/getalllist')
export const getCategoryListAPI = (data) => request.get('/common/category', data, { noAuth: true })
export const getNoticeListAPI = (data) => request.get('/Notice/list')
export const getNoticeInfoAPI = (data) => request.get('/Notice/info', data)
export const getArea = (data) => request.get('city/get_area', data, { noAuth: true })
export const getStreet = (data) => request.get('city/get_street', data, { noAuth: true })
export const getVillage = (data) => request.get('city/get_village', data, { noAuth: true })
export const getbrigadeAPI = (data) => request.get('common/get_brigade', data, { noAuth: true })
export const postBindingAPI = (data) => request.post('Userinfo/Binding', data, { noAuth: true, noVerify: true })
@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
import request from "@/utils/request.js";
/** 获取话题分类*/
export function getTopicList() {
return request.get('community/category/lst', {}, {
noAuth: true
export function boughtLstApi(data) {
return request.get('community/pay_product/lst', data);
/** 收藏图文列表*/
export function collectLstApi(data) {
return request.get('community/rela_product/lst', data);
/** 浏览图文列表*/
export function browseLstApi(data) {
return request.get('community/hist_product/lst', data);
/** 发布图文*/
export function createPlantApi(data) {
return request.post('community/create', data);
export function updatePlantApi(id, data) {
return request.post(`community/update/${id}`, data);
export function deletePlantApi(id) {
return request.post(`community/delete/${id}`);
/** 图文详情*/
export function plantDetailApi(id) {
return request.get(`community/show/${id}`, {}, {
noAuth: true
/** 订单关联图文商品*/
export function orderAssociatePlantApi(orderId) {
return request.get(`community/order/${orderId}`, {}, {
noAuth: true
export function replyLstApi(id, data) {
return request.get(`community/${id}/reply`, data, {
noAuth: true
export function replyCreateApi(id, data) {
return request.post(`community/reply/create/${id}`, data);
export function starCommentApi(id, data) {
return request.post(`community/reply/start/${id}`, data);
export function followAuthorApi(id, data) {
return request.post(`community/fans/${id}`, data);
export function graphicLstApi(data) {
return request.get(`community/lst`, data, {
noAuth: true
export function videoList(data) {
return request.get(`community/video_lst`, data, {
noAuth: true
export function deoList(id) {
return request.get(`community/show/${id}`);
export function myVideoList(id,data) {
return request.get(`community/user/community_video/${id}`, data, {
noAuth: true
export function graphicStartApi(id, status) {
return request.post(`community/start/${id}`, status);
export function userInfoApi(id) {
return request.get(`community/user/info/${id}`);
export function focusArticleLst(data) {
return request.get(`community/focuslst`, data, {
noAuth: true
export function userArticleLst(id, data) {
return request.get(`community/user/community/${id}`, data);
export function starArticleLst(data) {
return request.get(`community/start/lst`, data);
export function myFocusLst(data) {
return request.get(`community/focus/lst`, data);
export function myFansLst(data) {
return request.get(`community/fans/lst`, data);
export function hotSearchLst() {
return request.get(`common/commuunity/hot_keyword`,{}, {
noAuth: true
export function graphicProApi(id) {
return request.get(`product/spu/get/${id}`,{
noAuth: true
export function getVideoCode(id, data) {
return request.get(`community/qrcode/${id}`, data, {
noAuth: true
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
import http from "@/utils/http.js";
export const getSlideAPI = (data) => http.get('/Slide/get_slide', data, { noAuth: true })
@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
import request from "@/utils/request.js";
* 获取购物车列表
* @param numType boolean true 购物车数量,false=购物车产品数量
export function getCartCounts(data) {
return request.get("user/cart/count", data);
* 获取购物车列表
export function getCartList(data) {
return request.get("user/cart/lst", data);
* 修改购物车数量
* @param int cartId 购物车id
* @param int number 修改数量
export function changeCartNum(cartId, data) {
return request.post("user/cart/change/" + cartId, data);
* 清除购物车
* @param object ids
export function cartDel(data) {
return request.post('user/cart/delete', data);
* 订单列表
* @param object data
export function getOrderList(data) {
return request.get('order/list', data);
* 订单产品信息
* @param string unique
export function orderProduct(orderId) {
return request.get('reply/product/' + orderId);
* 订单评价
* @param object data
export function orderComment(id, data) {
return request.post('reply/' + id, data);
* 订单支付
* @param object data
export function orderPay(id, data) {
return request.post('order/pay/' + id, data);
* 订单统计数据
export function orderData(data) {
return request.get('order/number', data)
* 订单取消
* @param string id
// export function orderCancel(id){
// return request.post('order/cancel',{id:id});
// }
* 未支付订单取消
* @param string id
export function unOrderCancel(id) {
return request.post('order/cancel/' + id);
* 删除已完成订单
* @param string uni
export function orderDel(id) {
return request.post('order/del/' + id);
* 已付款订单详情
* @param string uni
export function getOrderDetail(uni) {
return request.get('order/detail/' + uni);
* 未付款订单详情
* @param string uni
export function groupOrderDetail(uni,product_type) {
return request.get('order/group_order_detail/' + uni+'?product_type=' + product_type);
// 支付状态订单
export function getPayOrder(uni) {
return request.get('order/status/' + uni);
* 再次下单
* @param string uni
export function orderAgain(data) {
return request.post('user/cart/again', data);
* 订单收货
* @param string uni
export function orderTake(uni) {
return request.post('order/take/' + uni);
* 订单查询物流信息
* @returns {*}
export function express(id) {
return request.post("order/express/" + id);
* 退款单查询物流信息
* @returns {*}
export function refundOrderExpress(merId, id) {
return request.get(`server/${merId}/refund/express/${id}`);
* 获取退款理由
export function ordeRefundReason() {
return request.get('order/refund/reason');
* 订单退款审核
* @param object data
export function orderRefundVerify(data) {
return request.post('order/refund/verify', data);
* 订单确认获取订单详细信息
* @param string cartId
export function orderConfirm(data) {
return request.post('order/check', data);
* 订单确认获取订单详细信息
* @param string cartId
export function getOrderConfirm(data) {
return request.post('v2/order/check', data);
* 获取当前金额能使用的优惠卷
* @param string price
export function getCouponsOrderPrice(price, data) {
return request.get('coupons/order/' + price, data)
* 计算订单金额
* @param key
* @param data
* @returns {*}
export function postOrderComputed(key, data) {
return request.post("/order/computed/" + key, data);
// 生成订单
export function orderCreate(data) {
return request.post("order/create", data, { noAuth: true });
// 新的生成订单
export function createOrder(data) {
return request.post("v2/order/create", data, { noAuth: true });
// 未支付订单
export function groupOrderList(data) {
return request.get("order/group_order_list", data, { noAuth: true });
// 批量退款列表
export function refundBatch(id) {
return request.get("refund/batch_product/" + id, { noAuth: true });
// 退款商品
export function refundProduct(id, data) {
return request.get("refund/product/" + id, data, { noAuth: true });
// 申请退款
export function refundApply(id, data) {
return request.post("refund/apply/" + id, data, { noAuth: true });
// 退款理由
export function refundMessage() {
return request.get("common/refund_message", { noAuth: true });
// 退款列表
export function refundList(data) {
return request.get("refund/list", data, { noAuth: true });
// 退款详情
export function refundDetail(id) {
return request.get("refund/detail/" + id, { noAuth: true });
// 物流列表
export function expressList() {
return request.get("common/express");
// 退回商品提交
export function refundBackGoods(id, data) {
return request.post("refund/back_goods/" + id, data, { noAuth: true });
// 退款记录删除
export function refundDel(id) {
return request.post("refund/del/" + id, { noAuth: true });
// 退款记录删除
export function refundExpress(id) {
return request.get("refund/express/" + id, { noAuth: true });
// 核销二维码
export function verifyCode(id) {
return request.get("order/verify_code/" + id);
* 预售尾款支付
* @param object data
export function presellOrderPay(id, data) {
return request.post('presell/pay/' + id, data);
* 发票订单
* @param object data
export function receiptOrder(data) {
return request.get('user/receipt/order', data);
* 发票订单
* @param object data
export function getReceiptOrder(id) {
return request.get('user/receipt/order/' + id);
* 发票订单
* @param object data
export function getCallBackUrlApi(key) {
return request.get('common/pay_key/' + key, {}, { noAuth: true });
* 发票订单
* @param object data
export function develiveryDetail(id) {
return request.get(`order/delivery/${id}`);
* 订单申请开票
* @param object data
export function applyInvoiceApi(id, data) {
return request.post(`order/receipt/${id}`, data);
* 退款单取消申请
* @param object data
export function refundCancelApi(id) {
return request.post(`refund/cancel/${id}`);
* 售后
* @param object data
export function refundlist(data) {
return request.get(`refund/list`,data);
@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
import request from "@/utils/request.js";
* 获取商品详情
export const getProductDetailsAPI = (data) => request.get('micro/product_details', data)
export const spuInfo = (id, data) => request.get('product/spu/street/' + id, data)
* 线下导入
export function postImport(merid, data) {
return request.post(`server/${merid}/product/stockIn`, data);
* 获取商户基本信息
export const merchantInfoAPI = (data) => request.get('store/merchant/info', data)
* 修改商户基本信息
export const merchantUpdateAPI = (data) => request.post('store/merchant/update', data)
* 商品列表
export function productLstApi(merId, data) {
return request.get(`server/${merId}/product/lst`, data, {
login: true
* 商品列表 -- 删除
export function productDeleteApi(merId, id) {
return request.post(`server/${merId}/product/delete/${id}`, {}, {
login: true
* 商品列表 -- 上下架
export function productOffApi(merId, id, data) {
return request.post(`server/${merId}/product/status/${id}`, data, {
login: true
售罄商品 -- 列表头部
export function productTitle(merId, data) {
return request.get(`server/${merId}/product/title`, data, {
login: true
export function productDestory(merId, id, data) {
return request.post(`server/${merId}/product/destory/${id}`, data, {
login: true
export function productRestore(merId, id) {
return request.post(`server/${merId}/product/restore/${id}`, {}, {
login: true
添加或修改商品, 获取商品品牌
export function categoryBrandlist(merId) {
return request.get(`server/${merId}/category/brandlist`, {}, {
login: true
添加修改商品, 获取商户分类
export function categorySelect(merId) {
return request.get(`server/${merId}/category/select`, {}, {
login: true
添加修改商品, 获取平台分类
export function categoryList(merId) {
return request.get(`server/${merId}/category/list`, {}, {
login: true
商品管理, 添加商品
export function productCreate(merId, data) {
return request.post(`server/${merId}/product/create`, data, {
login: true
* 商品列表 -- 设置推荐
export function productRecommendApi(merId, id, data) {
return request.post(`server/${merId}/product/good/${id}`, data, {
login: true
export function attrList(merId, data) {
return request.get(`server/${merId}/attr/lst`, data, {
login: true
export function templateList(merId, data) {
return request.get(`server/${merId}/template/lst`, data, {
login: true
运费模板 -- 删除
export function templateDelete(merId, data) {
return request.post(`server/${merId}/template/delete`, data, {
login: true
* 运费模板 -- 详情
export function templateDetail(merId, id) {
return request.get(`server/${merId}/template/detail/${id}`, {}, {
login: true
运费模板 -- 添加
export function templateCreate(merId, data) {
return request.post(`server/${merId}/template/create`, data, {
login: true
运费模板 -- 编辑
export function templateUpdate(merId, id, data) {
return request.post(`server/${merId}/template/update/${id}`, data, {
login: true
* 店铺分类 -- 列表
export function storeClassifyLst(merId) {
return request.get(`server/${merId}/category/lst`, {}, {
login: true
* 店铺分类 -- 列表(删除)
export function storeClassifyDel(merId, id) {
return request.post(`server/${merId}/category/delete/${id}`, {}, {
login: true
* 上级分类 -- 商户列表
export function merClassifyLst(merId) {
return request.get(`server/${merId}/category/select`, {}, {
login: true
* 店铺分类 -- 添加
export function merClassifyAdd(merId, data) {
return request.post(`server/${merId}/category/create`, data, {
login: true
* 店铺分类 -- 详情
export function merClassifyDetail(merId, id) {
return request.get(`server/${merId}/category/detail/${id}`, {}, {
login: true
* 店铺分类 -- 编辑
export function merClassifyUpdate(merId, id, data) {
return request.post(`server/${merId}/category/update/${id}`, data, {
login: true
* 商品规格项目 -- 列表
export function specificationLst(merId, data) {
return request.get(`server/${merId}/attr/lst`, data, {
login: true
* 商品规格项目 -- 删除
export function specificationDel(merId, data) {
return request.post(`server/${merId}/attr/delete`, data, {
login: true
* 商品规格项目 -- 添加
export function specificationAdd(merId, data) {
return request.post(`server/${merId}/attr/create`, data, {
login: true
* 商品规格项目 -- 编辑
export function specificationUpdate(merId, id, data) {
return request.post(`server/${merId}/attr/update/${id}`, data, {
login: true
* 商品规格项目 -- 详情
export function specificationDetail(merId, id) {
return request.get(`server/${merId}/attr/detail/${id}`, {}, {
login: true
export function productDetail(merId, id) {
return request.get(`server/${merId}/product/detail/${id}`, {}, {
login: true
export function productUpdate(merId, id, data) {
return request.post(`server/${merId}/product/update/${id}`, data, {
login: true
添加商品 -- 获取送货方式信息
export function getDeliveryType(merId) {
return request.get(`server/${merId}/product/config`, {}, {
login: true
商品 -- 获取交易协议内容
export function business() {
return request.get(`business/agree?type=business_apply_agree`, {}, {
noAuth: true
商品 -- 获取交易申请记录
export function intention(data) {
return request.get(`intention/lst`, data);
商品 -- 同意提交申请
export function intentionbus(data) {
return request.post(`intention/business`, {});
@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
import request from "@/utils/request.js";
import wechat from "@/libs/wechat.js";
* 获取微信sdk配置
* @returns {*}
export function getWechatConfig() {
return request.get(
"wechat/config", {
url: wechat.signLink()
}, {
noAuth: true
* 获取微信sdk配置
* @returns {*}
export function wechatAuth(code, spread, login_type) {
return request.get(
"auth/wechat", {
}, {
noAuth: true
export function commonAuth(data) {
return request.post(
"auth", data, {
noAuth: true
* 获取登录授权login
export function getLogo() {
return request.get('wechat/get_logo', {}, {
noAuth: true
* 小程序用户登录
* @param data object 小程序用户登陆信息
export function login(data) {
return request.post("auth/mp", data, {
noAuth: true
* 绑定小程序账号
* @param data object 小程序用户登陆信息
export function bindMp(data) {
return request.post("auth/bindMp", data, {
noAuth: true
* 绑定极光id
* @param data object 小程序用户登陆信息
export function bindJG(data) {
return request.post("auth/bindJg", data, {
noAuth: true
* 分享
* @returns {*}
export function getShare() {
return request.get("share", {}, {
noAuth: true
* 获取关注海报
* @returns {*}
export function follow() {
return request.get("wechat/follow", {}, {
noAuth: true
* 获取图片base64
* @retins {*}
* */
export function imageBase64(image, code) {
return request.post(
"common/base64", {
image: image,
code: code
}, {
noAuth: true
// 配置
export function getconfig(data) {
return request.get("config",data,{noAuth: true});
// 浏览记录
export function history(data) {
return request.post("common/visit",data);
export function getSubscribe(){
return request.get("subscribe", {}, {
noAuth: true
export function getVersion() {
return request.get("version",{},{noAuth: true});
* 获取组件底部菜单
* @param data object 获取组件底部菜单
export function getNavigation(data) {
return request.get("navigation", data, {
noAuth: true
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
import request from "@/utils/request.js";
* 获取发布管理转售商品列表
* @param numType boolean true 购物车数量,false=购物车产品数量
export function getResale(data) {
return request.get("community/resale/lst", data);
* 清除发布管理转售商品
* @param object ids
export function getResaledelete(id) {
return request.post('community/resale/delete/'+ id);
* 用户是否同意转售商品折扣价
* @param object ids
export function getResalecheck(id,data) {
return request.post('community/resale/check/'+ id,data);
* 获取转售商品详情
* @param object ids
export function getResaleid(id) {
return request.get('community/resale/' + id);
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
import request from "@/utils/requesta.js";
export function getCityCloundShop(data) {
return request.get("city/get_cloud_shop", data);
export function cloudWarehouse(data) {
return request.get("store/product/cloudWarehouse", data);
* 供销市场标签
* @returns {*}
export function supMenuApi(data) {
return request.get('intention/v2/cate', data);
* 获取购物车列表
export function getCartList(data) {
return request.get("user/cart/lst", data);
export function getCartCounts(data) {
return request.get("user/cart/count", data);
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
import request from "@/utils/request.js";
//发布委托商品选择 供应链商家接口
export function supplychain(data) {
return request.get("community/supplychain/list", data);
export function entrustchain(data) {
return request.post("community/entrust", data);
export function entrustlist(data) {
return request.get("community/entrust/list", data);
export function checkchain(id,data) {
return request.post("community/entrust/check/"+id, data);
export function finishchain(id,data) {
return request.post("community/entrust/apply/finish/"+id, data);
export function finishentrust(id,data) {
return request.post("community/entrust/finish/"+id, data);
export function addEntrustCart(data) {
return request.post("community/entrust/addEntrustCart", data);
export function entrustdetail(id) {
return request.get("community/entrust/"+id);
export function editentrust(id,data) {
return request.post("community/entrust/edit/"+id, data);
@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
import request from "@/utils/request.js";
* 短视频列表
export function videoList(data) {
return request.get(
"marketing/short_video",data,{ noAuth: true }
* diy短视频列表
export function diyVideoList(data) {
return request.get(
"diy/video_list",data,{ noAuth: true }
* 短视频点赞、收藏、分享
export function markeVideo(type,id) {
return request.get(
* 短视频评论列表
export function commentList(id,data) {
return request.get(
* 短视频评价、评价回复
export function markeComment(data) {
return request.post(
* 短视频评价回复列表
export function replyCommentList(pid,data) {
return request.get(
* 视频评论点赞
export function replyCommentLike(type,id) {
return request.get(
* 短视频关联商品列表
export function videoProduct(id,data) {
return request.get(
@ -0,0 +1,582 @@
import request from "@/utils/request.js";
* 扫码查询商品
export function microSeachBarCode(data) {
return request.get('micro/seach_bar_code', data);
* 获取收款二维码
* @returns {*}
export function createtApi(data) {
return request.post('v2/micropay/create', data);
* 添加扫码商品
* @returns {*}
export function addCartApi(data) {
return request.post('v2/micropay/addCart', data);
* 获取产品详情
* @param int id
export function getProductDetail(id, data) {
return request.get('store/product/detail/' + id, data, {
noAuth: true
* 获取预览商品详情
* @param int id
export function getPreviewProDetail(data) {
return request.get('store/product/preview', data, {
noAuth: true
* 产品分享二维码 推广员
* @param int id
export function getProductCode(id, data) {
return request.get('store/product/qrcode/' + id, data);
* 添加收藏
* @param int id
* @param string category product=普通产品,product_seckill=秒杀产品
export function collectAdd(data) {
return request.post('user/relation/create', data);
* 删除收藏产品
* @param int id
* @param string category product=普通产品,product_seckill=秒杀产品
export function collectDel(data) {
return request.post('user/relation/delete', data);
* 购车添加
export function postCartAdd(data) {
return request.post('user/cart/create', data);
* 获取分类列表
export function getCategoryList() {
return request.get('store/product/category/lst', {}, {
noAuth: true
* 获取产品列表
* @param object data
export function getProductslist(data) {
if (data.brand_id && Array.isArray(data.brand_id)) {
data = {
data.brand_id = data.brand_id.toString()
return request.get('product/spu/lst', data, {
noAuth: true
* 获取优惠券商品列表
* @param object data
export function getCouponProductlist(data) {
if (data.brand_id && Array.isArray(data.brand_id)) {
data = {
data.brand_id = data.brand_id.toString()
return request.get('product/spu/coupon_product', data, {
noAuth: true
* 获取品牌列表
* @param object data
export function getBrandlist(data) {
return request.get('store/product/brand/lst', data, {
noAuth: true
* 获取推荐产品
export function getProductHot(page, limit) {
return request.get("product/spu/recommend", {
page: page === undefined ? 1 : page,
limit: limit === undefined ? 10 : limit
}, {
noAuth: true
* 获取商户推荐产品
export function getMerProductHot(id, data) {
return request.get(`product/spu/recommend`, {
page: data.page === undefined ? 1 : data.page,
limit: data.limit === undefined ? 10 : data.limit,
mer_id: id || ''
}, {
noAuth: true
* 批量收藏
* @param object id
* @param string category
export function collectAll(data) {
return request.post('user/relation/batch/create', data);
* 首页产品的轮播图和产品信息
* @param int type
export function getGroomList(type, data) {
return request.get('product/spu/hot/' + type, data, {
noAuth: true
* 获取商品收藏列表
* @param object data
export function getCollectUserList(data) {
return request.get('user/relation/product/lst', data)
* 获取商品收藏列表 -- 删除
* @param object data
export function userCollectDel(data) {
return request.post('user/relation/batch/delete', data)
* 获取产品评论
* @param int id
* @param object data
export function getReplyList(id, data) {
return request.get('store/product/reply/lst/' + id, data, {
noAuth: true
* 产品评价数量和好评度
* @param int id
export function getReplyConfig(id) {
return request.get('reply/config/' + id);
* 获取搜索关键字获取
export function getSearchKeyword() {
return request.get('common/hot_keyword', {}, {
noAuth: true
* 门店列表
* @returns {*}
export function storeListApi(data) {
return request.get("store_list", data, {
noAuth: true
* 商户列表
* @returns {*}
export function storeMerchantList(data) {
return request.get("store/merchant/lst", data, {
noAuth: true
* 获取商铺详情
* @param {Object} id 商铺id
* @param {Object} data 商铺数据
export function getStoreDetail(id, data) {
return request.get("store/merchant/detail/" + id, data, {
noAuth: true
* 获取商铺商品列表
* @param {Object} id 商铺 id
* @param {Object} data 商铺商品列表数据
export function getStoreGoods(id, data) {
return request.get("product/spu/merchant/" + id, data, {
noAuth: true
* 获取商铺分类列表
* @param {Object} id 商铺 id
* @param {Object} data
export function getStoreCategory(id, data) {
return request.get("store/merchant/category/lst/" + id, data, {
noAuth: true
* 关注商铺
* @param {Object} type_id 商铺 id
export function followStore(type_id) {
return request.post("user/relation/create", {
type: 10,
type_id: type_id
* 取消商铺关注
* @param {Object} type_id 商铺 id
export function unfollowStore(type_id) {
return request.post("user/relation/delete", {
type: 10,
type_id: type_id
* 获取商铺优惠券
* @param {Object} id
export function getStoreCoupon(id) {
return request.get("coupon/store/" + id, {
noAuth: true
* 获取商铺优惠券
export function getMerchantLst(data) {
return request.get("user/relation/merchant/lst", data, {
noAuth: true
* 物流信息
export function express(id) {
return request.post("ordero/express/" + id, {
noAuth: true
* 子集分类
* @returns {*}
export function storeCategory(pid) {
return request.get("store/product/category", pid, {
noAuth: true
* 分销说明
* @returns {*}
export function bagExplain() {
return request.get("store/product/bag/explain");
* 分销礼包推荐列表
* @returns {*}
export function bagRecommend() {
return request.get("product/spu/bag/recommend");
* 分销礼包列表
* @returns {*}
export function productBag(data) {
return request.get("product/spu/bag", data, {
noAuth: true
* 商铺二维码
* @returns {*}
export function merchantQrcode(id, data) {
return request.get("store/merchant/qrcode/" + id, data, {
noAuth: true
* 推荐商品
* @returns {*}
export function merchantProduct(id, data) {
if (data.brand_id && Array.isArray(data.brand_id)) {
data = {
data.brand_id = data.brand_id.toString()
return request.get("product/spu/merchant/" + id, data, {
noAuth: true
* 推荐商品banner
* @returns {*}
export function getHotBanner(type) {
return request.get("common/hot_banner/" + type, {}, {
noAuth: true
* 商户入驻表单
* @returns {*}
export function create(data) {
return request.post("intention/create", data);
* 商户入驻短信验证码
* @returns {*}
export function verify(data) {
return request.post("auth/verify", data);
* 获取秒杀商品详情
* @param int id
export function getSeckillProductDetail(id) {
return request.get('store/product/seckill/detail/' + id, {}, {
noAuth: true
* 直播推荐列表
* @returns {*}
export function getLiveList(data) {
return request.get(`broadcast/hot`, data, {
noAuth: true
* 直播列表
* @returns {*}
export function getBroadcastListApi(data) {
return request.get("broadcast/lst", data, {
noAuth: true
* 商户分类
* @returns {*}
export function merClassifly() {
return request.get("intention/cate", {}, {
noAuth: true
* 获取预售商品详情
* @param int id
export function getPresellProductDetail(id) {
return request.get('store/product/presell/detail/' + id, {}, {
noAuth: true
* 获取商户申请记录
* @param int id
export function getApplicationRecordList(data) {
return request.get('intention/lst', data);
* 获取商户申请详情
* @param int id
export function getGoodsDetails(id) {
return request.get('intention/detail/' + id, {});
* 修改入驻信息
* @param int id
export function updateGoodsRecord(id, data) {
return request.post('intention/update/' + id, data);
* 获取定位详细地址
* @param int id
export function getGeocoder(data) {
return request.get(`lbs/geocoder?location=${data.lat},${data.long}`, {}, {
noAuth: true
* 获取店铺类型
* @param int id
export function getStoreTypeApi() {
return request.get('intention/type', {
sift_store: 0
}, {
noAuth: true
* 到货通知
export function arrivalNoticeApi(data) {
return request.post('store/product/increase_take', data);
export function getCaptcha() {
return request.get('captcha');
export function storeCertificate(data) {
return request.post(`store/certificate/${data.merId}`, data)
* 本地服务列表
* @returns {*}
export function storeServiceList(id, data) {
return request.get(`product/spu/local/${id}`, data, {
noAuth: true
* 复制口令
* @returns {*}
export function copyPasswordApi(data) {
return request.get(`product/spu/copy`, data, {
noAuth: true
* 口令搜索
* @returns {*}
export function copyPasswordSearch(data) {
return request.get(`command/copy`, data, {
noAuth: true
* 套餐列表
* @returns {*}
export function getDiscountsLst(data) {
return request.get(`discounts/lst`, data, {
noAuth: true
* 套餐--立即购买
* @returns {*}
export function discountsCartAdd(data) {
return request.post('user/cart/batchCreate', data);
* 商品--价格说明
* @returns {*}
export function priceRuleApi(id) {
return request.get(`store/product/price_rule/${id}`, {}, {
noAuth: true
* 供销市场标签
* @returns {*}
export function supMenuApi(data) {
return request.get('intention/v2/cate', data);
* 供销市场标签
* @returns {*}
export function supAgoodsApi(data) {
return request.get('store/merchant/lst', data);
// /api/store / merchant / lst ? page = 1 & limit = 10 & order = & category_id = 22 & type_id = 10 & street_id = &
// credit_buy =
// /api/region/:street_id/merchant
* 附近商家
* @returns {*}
// export function supAgoodsApi(data) {
// return request.get('store/merchant/lst', data);
// }
export function vicinityStoreApi(data) {
return request.get(`region/${data}/merchant`);
商家入驻 -- 获取商户入驻申请协议内容
export function agreeiness() {
return request.get(`business/agree?type=sys_intention_agree`, {}, { noAuth: true });
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
import request from "@/utils/request.js";
* 调货列表
export function getCommunityList(data) {
return request.get('community/lst', data, {
noAuth: true
* 商品详情
export function getCommunityshow(data) {
return request.get('community/show/' + data, {}, {
noAuth: true
* 可转售的订单列表
export function getCommunitygetOrderList(data) {
return request.get('community/product/lst', data, {
noAuth: true
* 发起转售
export function getCommunitycreate(data) {
return request.post(`community/create`, data, {
login: true
* 修改转售
export function getCommunityUpdate(data) {
return request.post(`community/update`, data, {
login: true
* 加入购物车
export function getCommunityaddCart(data) {
return request.post('community/addCart', data, {
noAuth: true
export function getProductDetail(id) {
return request.get('store/product/detail/' + id,
export function getresaleDetail(id) {
return request.get('community/resale/' + id,
export function getresaleEdit(id,data) {
return request.post('community/resale/edit/' + id,data
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
import request from "@/utils/request.js";
* 获取供销平台版本信息
export function getGXconfig(data) {
return request.get("global/config", data);
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
// import base from "@/config/baseUrl";
// let baseUrl = 'https://ceshi.excellentkk.cn/api';
import { HTTP_REQUEST_URL_TWO, HTTP_REQUEST_URL_THREE, HEADER } from '@/config/app';
let header = HEADER;
function uploads(src, type) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// console.log('上传', type === 'img' ? '图片' : '视频', ':', src)
let a = uni.uploadFile({
// url: base.baseUrl + '/upload?token=',
url: HTTP_REQUEST_URL_TWO + '/api' + '/upload?token=',
filePath: src,
name: 'file',
success: (res) => {
let data = JSON.parse(res.data)
if (data.code != 1) {
return false
} else {
resolve(data.data.url) // 返回线上地址
fail: (err) => {
// console.log('upload-上传失败', err)
function oaUploads(src, type) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// console.log('上传', type === 'img' ? '图片' : '视频', ':', src)
let a = uni.uploadFile({
url: HTTP_REQUEST_URL_THREE + '/api/v1/index/upload',
filePath: src,
name: 'file',
header: header,
success: (res) => {
let data = JSON.parse(res.data)
if (data.code == 200) {
resolve(data.data) // 返回线上地址
} else {
return false
fail: (err) => {
// console.log('upload-上传失败', err)
export {
@ -0,0 +1,723 @@
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
import request from "@/utils/request.js";
import Cache from '@/utils/cache'
* 获取版本信息
export function Appversion(data) {
return request.get(`app/version`, data, {
noAuth: true
* 提交提现
export function postCreateApplyAPI(merId, data) {
return request.post(`admin/${merId}/create_apply`, data);
* 申请提现
export function getAdminApplyAPI(merId, data) {
return request.get(`admin/${merId}/apply`, data);
* 提现记录
export function getAdminApplyListAPI(merId) {
return request.get(`admin/${merId}/lis_apply`);
* 获取用户信息
export function getUserInfo() {
return request.get('user');
* 头像
export function editAvatar(data) {
return request.post('user/change/info', data);
// 修改昵称
export function updateInfo(data) {
return request.post('user/change/avatar', data);
* h5用户登录
* @param data object 用户账号密码
export function loginH5(data) {
return request.post("auth/login", data, {
noAuth: true
* h5用户手机号登录
* @param data object 用户手机号 也只能
export function loginMobile(data) {
return request.post("auth/smslogin", data, {
noAuth: true
* h5用户手机号登录
* @param data object 用户手机号 也只能
export function loginMpPhone(data) {
return request.post("auth/mp_phone", data, {
noAuth: true
* 验证码key
export function getCodeApi() {
return request.get("verify_code", {}, {
noAuth: true
* h5用户发送验证码
* @param data object 用户手机号
export function registerVerify(data) {
return request.post("auth/verify", data, {
noAuth: true
* h5用户手机号注册
* @param data object 用户手机号 验证码 密码
export function register(data) {
return request.post("auth/register", data, {
noAuth: true
* 用户手机号修改密码
* @param data object 用户手机号 验证码 密码
export function registerReset(data) {
return request.post("/register/reset", data, {
noAuth: true
* 用户手机号忘记密码
export function registerForget(data) {
return request.post("user/change_pwd", data, {
noAuth: true
* 获取用户中心菜单
export function getMenuList() {
return request.get("common/menus", {}, { noAuth: true });
* 签到用户信息
* */
export function getSignUser() {
return request.get("user/sign/info");
* 获取签到配置
export function getSignConfig() {
return request.get('sign/config')
* 获取签到列表
* @param object data
export function getSignList(data) {
return request.get('user/sign/lst', data);
* 用户签到
export function setSignIntegral() {
return request.post('user/sign/create')
* 签到列表(年月)
* @param object data
export function getSignMonthList(data) {
return request.get('user/sign/month', data)
* 活动状态
export function userActivity() {
return request.get('user/activity');
* 资金明细(types|0=全部,1=消费,2=充值,3=返佣)
* */
export function getCommissionInfo(q, types) {
return request.get("user/bill", q);
* 提现列表
* */
export function extractLst(data) {
return request.get("user/extract/lst", data);
* 积分记录
* */
export function getIntegralList(data) {
return request.get("user/integral/lst", data);
* 获取分销海报图片
export function spreadBanner() {
//#ifdef H5
return request.get('user/spread_image', {
type: 'wechat'
//#ifdef MP
return request.get('user/spread_image', {
type: 'routine'
* 获取推广用户一级和二级
* @param object data
export function spreadPeople(data) {
return request.get('user/spread_list', data);
* 推广佣金/提现总和
* @param int type
export function spreadCount(type) {
return request.get('spread/count/' + type);
* 推广数据
* */
export function getSpreadInfo() {
return request.get("/commission");
* 推广订单
* @param object data
export function spreadOrder(data) {
return request.get('user/spread_order', data);
* 获取推广人排行
* */
export function getRankList(data) {
return request.get("user/spread_top", data);
* 获取佣金排名
* */
export function getBrokerageRank(q) {
return request.get("user/brokerage_top", q);
* 提现申请
* @param object data
export function extractCash(data) {
return request.post('user/extract/create', data)
* 提现银行/提现最低金额
export function extractBank() {
return request.get('user/extract/banklst');
* 会员等级列表
export function userLevelGrade() {
return request.get('user/level/grade');
* 获取某个等级任务
* @param int id 任务id
export function userLevelTask(id) {
return request.get('user/level/task/' + id);
* 检查用户是否可以成为会员
export function userLevelDetection() {
return request.get('user/level/detection');
* 地址列表
* @param object data
export function getAddressList(data) {
return request.get('user/address/lst', data);
* 设置默认地址
* @param int id
export function setAddressDefault(id) {
return request.post('user/address/update/' + id)
* 修改 添加地址
* @param object data
export function editAddress(data) {
return request.post('user/address/create', data);
* 删除地址
* @param int id
export function delAddress(id) {
return request.post('user/address/delete/' + id)
* 获取单个地址
* @param int id
export function getAddressDetail(id) {
return request.get('user/address/detail/' + id);
* 修改用户信息
* @param object
export function userEdit(data) {
return request.post('user/edit', data);
* 退出登录
* */
export function getLogout() {
return request.post("logout");
* 佣金转入
export function rechargeBrokerage(data) {
return request.post('user/recharge/brokerage', data)
* 小程序充值
export function rechargeRoutine(data) {
return request.post('recharge/routine', data)
* 公众号充值
* */
export function rechargeWechat(data) {
return request.post("user/recharge", data);
* 获取默认地址
export function getAddressDefault() {
return request.get('address/default');
* 充值金额选择
export function getRechargeApi() {
return request.get("common/recharge_quota");
* 登陆记录
export function setVisit(data) {
return request.post('user/set_visit', {
}, {
noAuth: true
* 客服列表
export function serviceList(data) {
return request.get("service/list", data);
* 客服列表
export function serviceLogin(key, data) {
return request.post("service/scan_login/" + key, data);
* 客服获取客户列表
export function serviceUserList(mer_id, data) {
return request.get("service/user_list/" + mer_id, data);
* 用户获取聊天记录详情
export function getChatRecord(to_uid, data) {
return request.get("service/history/" + to_uid, data);
* 客服获取聊天记录详情
export function getMerHistory(userid, mer_id, data) {
return request.get("service/mer_history/" + mer_id + '/' + userid, data);
* 静默绑定推广人
* @param {Object} puid
export function spread(puid) {
Cache.set("spread", puid || 0);
return request.post("user/spread", {
spread_spid: puid
* 反馈类型
export function feedbackType() {
return request.get("common/feedback_type");
* 提交反馈
export function feedback(data) {
return request.post("user/feedback", {
* 反馈列表
export function feedbackList(data) {
return request.get("user/feedback/list", data);
* 反馈列表
export function feedbackDetail(id) {
return request.get("user/feedback/detail/" + id);
* 浏览记录
export function historyList(data) {
return request.get("user/history", data);
* 删除浏览记录
export function historyDelete(id) {
return request.post("user/history/delete/" + id);
* 批量删除浏览记录
export function historyBatchDelete(data) {
return request.post("user/history/batch/delete", data);
* 批量收藏浏览记录
export function historyBatchCollect(data) {
return request.post("user/relation/batch/create", data);
* 佣金记录
export function brokerage_list(data) {
return request.get("user/brokerage_list", data);
* 佣金数据
export function spreadInfo() {
return request.get("user/spread_info");
// 图片验证码
export function getCaptcha() {
return request.get('captcha', {}, {
noAuth: true
// 用户账户列表
export function userAcc() {
return request.get('user/account', {}, {
noAuth: true
// 创建发票
export function invoiceSave(data) {
return request.post('user/receipt/create', data);
// 编辑发票
export function invoiceUpdate(id, data) {
return request.post('user/receipt/update/' + id, data);
// 获取默认发票
export function invoiceDefault(id) {
return request.post('user/receipt/is_default/' + id);
// 发票抬头--列表
export function invoice(data) {
return request.get('user/receipt/lst', data);
// 发票抬头--删除
export function invoiceDelete(id) {
return request.post('user/receipt/delete/' + id);
// 发票--详情
export function invoiceDetail(id) {
return request.get('user/receipt/detail/' + id);
* 新版分享海报信息获取
export function spreadMsg(data) {
return request.get('user/v2/spread_image', data);
* 图片链接转base64
export function imgToBase(data) {
return request.post('common/base64', data);
* 获取协议
export function getAgreementApi(key) {
return request.get('agreement/' + key, {}, { noAuth: true });
* 获取协议
export function getIntegralInfo() {
return request.get('user/integral/info');
* 获取店铺列表
export function getStoreList(data) {
return request.get('user/services', data);
export function commissionDescription() {
return request.get('agreement/sys_extension_agree')
export function getBrokerageInfo() {
return request.get('user/brokerage/info')
export function getBrokerageGrade() {
return request.get('user/brokerage/all')
export function brokerageNotice(data) {
return request.get(`user/brokerage/notice`, data)
export function pwdResolution(data) {
return request.get(`command/copy?key=${data}`)
export function getInstructions(key) {
return request.get(`agreement/${key}`)
export function memberInfo() {
return request.get('user/member/info')
* 成长值记录
* @param object data
export function growthValueRecord(data) {
return request.get('user/member/log', data)
* 协议规则列表
* @param object data
export function cacheLst() {
return request.get('agreement_lst', {}, { noAuth: true })
* 协议规则列表对应的数据
* @param object data
export function cacheInfo(key) {
return request.get(`agreement/${key}`, {}, { noAuth: true })
* 注销账户
* @param object data
export function userOut(data) {
return request.post(`user/cancel`, data)
* 获取聊天用户信息
* @param object data
export function serviceUser(merId, uid) {
return request.get(`service/user/${merId}/${uid}`)
* 保存聊天用户备注
* @param object data
export function serviceSaveMark(merId, uid, mark) {
return request.post(`service/mark/${merId}/${uid}`, { mark })
* 获取会员卡类型
* @param object data
export function memberCard() {
return request.get(`svip/pay_lst`)
* 开通付费会员--支付
* @param object data
export function memberCardCreate(id, data) {
return request.post(`svip/pay/${id}`, data)
* 付费会员权益
* @param object data
export function memberEquity() {
return request.get(`svip/user_info`, {}, { noAuth: true })
* 付费会员优惠券
* @param object data
export function memberCouponLst() {
return request.get(`svip/coupon_lst`, {}, { noAuth: true })
* 付费会员优惠券--领取
* @param object data
export function receiveMemberCoupon(id) {
return request.post(`svip/coupon_receive/${id}`)
* 付费会员--会员商品
* @param object data
export function groomList(data) {
return request.get(`svip/product_lst`, data, { noAuth: true })
* 客服聊天--撤回消息
* @param object data
export function chatReverstApi(id) {
return request.post(`service/recall/${id}`)
* 客服聊天--判断店铺是否有在线客服
* @param object data
export function hasServiceApi(id) {
return request.get(`has_service/${id}`)
* 银行卡提现--银行卡信息
* @param object data
export function getBankInfo() {
return request.get(`user/extract/history_bank`)
// 商户账单管理
export function getBillDetil() {
return request.get(`mer/financial_record`)
@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
<view class='mask' v-if='isShowAuth && code' @click='close'></view>
<view class='Popup' v-if='isShowAuth && code' :style="'top:'+top+'px;'">
<!-- <view class="logo-auth">
<image class="image" :src='routine_logo' mode="aspectFit"></image>
</view> -->
<!--#ifdef H5-->
<text v-if="isWeixin" class='title'>授权提醒</text>
<text v-else class='title'>{{title}}</text>
<!--#ifdef APP-PLUS-->
<text class='title'>用户登录</text>
<!--#ifdef MP-->
<text class='title'>{{title}}</text>
<!--#ifdef H5-->
<text v-if="isWeixin" class='tip'>请授权头像等信息,以便为您提供更好的服务!</text>
<text v-else class='tip'>{{info}}</text>
<!--#ifdef APP-PLUS-->
<text class='tip'>请登录,将为您提供更好的服务!</text>
<!--#ifdef MP-->
<text class='tip'>{{info}}</text>
<view class='bottom flex'>
<text class='item' @click='close'>随便逛逛</text>
<!-- #ifdef MP -->
<button class="item grant" hover-class="none" @tap="getUserProfile"><text
<!-- #endif -->
<!-- #ifdef APP-PLUS -->
<button class="item grant" @tap="toWecahtAuth">
<text class="text">去登录</text>
<!-- #endif -->
<!-- #ifdef H5 -->
<button class="item grant" @tap="toWecahtAuth">
<text v-if="isWeixin" class="text">去授权</text>
<text v-else class="text">去登录</text>
<!-- #endif -->
<!-- #ifdef MP -->
<editUserModal :isShow="editModal" @closeEdit="closeEdit" @editSuccess="editSuccess"></editUserModal>
<!-- #endif -->
const app = getApp();
import Cache from '../utils/cache';
import {
} from '../api/public';
import {
} from '../config/cache';
import {
} from 'vuex';
import Routine from '../libs/routine';
import {
} from '@/utils/index';
import Auth from '../libs/wechat';
import {
} from '../libs/login';
// #ifdef MP
import editUserModal from '@/components/eidtUserModal/index.vue'
// #endif
export default {
name: 'Authorize',
props: {
isAuto: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
isGoIndex: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
isShowAuth: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
components: {
// #ifdef MP
// #endif
data() {
return {
title: '用户登录',
info: '请登录,将为您提供更好的服务!',
//#ifdef H5
isWeixin: this.$wechat.isWeixin(),
//#ifdef MP
title: '授权提醒',
info: '请授权头像等信息,以便为您提供更好的服务!',
canUseGetUserProfile: false,
code: null,
top: 0,
mp_is_new: this.$Cache.get('MP_VERSION_ISNEW') || false,
editModal: false, // 编辑头像信息
computed: {
...mapGetters(['isLogin', 'userInfo', 'viewColor']),
watch: {
isLogin(n) {
n === true && this.$emit('onLoadFun', this.userInfo);
isShowAuth(n) {
created() {
// console.log('title' + this.title)
this.top = uni.getSystemInfoSync().windowHeight / 2 - 70
if (wx.getUserProfile) {
this.canUseGetUserProfile = true
methods: {
// #ifdef MP
editSuccess() {
this.editModal = false
this.$emit('onLoadFun', this.userInfo);
closeEdit() {
this.editModal = false
// #endif
setAuthStatus() {
//#ifdef MP
Routine.authorize().then(res => {
if (res.islogin === false)
this.$emit('onLoadFun', this.userInfo);
}).catch(res => {
if (this.isAuto)
this.$emit('authColse', true);
getCode(n) {
// #ifdef MP
if (n) {
title: '正在登录中'
Routine.getCode().then(code => {
this.code = code;
}).catch(e => {
title: '登录失败',
duration: 2000
} else {
this.code = null;
// #endif
// #ifndef MP
if (n) {
this.code = 1;
// #endif
toWecahtAuth() {
getUserProfile() {
// console.log(11);
url: '/pages/users/login/login_copy'
// console.log(22);
let self = this;
.then(res => {
let userInfo = res.userInfo;
userInfo.code = this.code;
userInfo.spread = app.globalData.spid; //获取推广人ID
userInfo.spread_code = app.globalData.code; //获取推广人分享二维码ID
auth: {
type: 'routine',
auth: userInfo
}).then(res => {
if (res.data.status == 200) {
let time = res.data.result.expires_time - Cache.time();
self.$store.commit('UPDATE_USERINFO', res.data.result.user);
self.$store.commit('LOGIN', {
token: res.data.result.token,
time: time
self.$store.commit('SETUID', res.data.result.user.uid);
Cache.set(EXPIRES_TIME, res.data.result.expires_time, time);
Cache.set(USER_INFO, res.data.result.user, time);
this.$emit('onLoadFun', res.data.result.user);
if (res.data.result.user.isNew && this.mp_is_new) {
this.editModal = true;
} else {
uni.setStorageSync('auth_token', res.data.result.key);
return uni.navigateTo({
url: '/pages/users/login/login_copy'
}).catch(res => {
title: res.message,
icon: 'none',
duration: 2000,
.catch(res => {
close() {
let pages = getCurrentPages(),
currPage = pages[pages.length - 1];
this.$emit('authColse', false);
if (this.isGoIndex) {
url: '/pages/index/index'
} else {
this.$emit('authColse', false);
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@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
<view :class="{ line: line, weight: weight }"
:style="{color: '#' + incolor,fontWeight: fontWeight, display:(discount || inline) ? 'inline-block' : 'block', fontFamily: line?'Futura-Light':'Futura' }"
<text v-if="!discount" class="symbol" :style="{'font-size': symbolSize +'rpx'}">¥</text><text class="integer"
:style="{'font-size': integerSize +'rpx'}">{{ integer }}</text>
<text v-if="digits && decimal != '00' && decimal != '0'" class="decimal"
:style="{'font-size': decimalSize +'rpx'}">.{{ decimal }}</text>
export default {
name: 'BaseMoney',
props: {
// 小数位数,为0则不显示
digits: {
type: Number,
default: 2
fontWeight: {
type: Number | String,
default: 'inherit'
money: {
type: String,
default: ""
// 删除线
line: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
// 粗体
weight: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
incolor: {
type: String,
default: '424242'
symbolSize: {
type: String,
default: '20'
integerSize: {
type: String,
default: '26'
decimalSize: {
type: String,
default: '24'
discount: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
inline: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
data() {
return {
integer: 0,
decimal: 0
watch: {
money: {
handler(newValue, oldValue) {
let value = Number(newValue).toFixed(this.digits);
value = value.split('.');
this.integer = value[0].replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ',');
if (value[1]) {
this.decimal = (value[1].length == 2 && value[1].charAt(1) != 0) ? value[1] : (value[1].charAt(
0) || 0);
immediate: true
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.base-money {
font-family: Futura;
// display: inline-block;
&.line {
text-decoration: line-through;
&.weight {
font-weight: 500;
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
<view class="Loads acea-row row-center-wrapper" v-if="loading && !loaded" style="margin-top: .2rem;">
<view v-if="loading">
<view class="iconfont icon-jiazai loading acea-row row-center-wrapper"></view>
<view v-else>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
export default {
name: "Loading",
props: {
loaded: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
loading: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
.Loads {
height: 80upx;
font-size: 25upx;
color: #000;
.Loads .iconfont {
font-size: 30upx;
margin-right: 10upx;
height: 32upx;
line-height: 32upx;
@keyframes load {
from {
transform: rotate(0deg);
to {
transform: rotate(360deg);
.loadingpic {
animation: load 3s linear 1s infinite;
.loading {
animation: load linear 1s infinite;
@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
<view class="priceChange" :class="change === true ? 'on' : ''">
<view class="priceTitle">
{{ status == 0 ? "一键改价" : status == 1 ? "订单备注" : "立即退款" }}
<span class="iconfont icon-guanbi" @click="close"></span>
<view class="listChange" v-if="status == 0">
<view class="item acea-row row-between-wrapper">
<view class="money">
<view class="item acea-row row-between-wrapper">
<view class="money">
class="item acea-row row-between-wrapper"
<view class="money">
{{ Number(this.orderInfo.total_price) + Number(this.orderInfo.pay_postage) - Number(this.orderInfo.coupon_price) - Number(this.orderInfo.integral_price)}}<span class="iconfont icon-suozi"></span>
<view v-if="orderInfo.coupon_price>0" class="item acea-row row-between-wrapper">
<view class="money">
{{ orderInfo.coupon_price }}<span class="iconfont icon-suozi"></span>
<view v-if="orderInfo.integral_price>0" class="item acea-row row-between-wrapper">
<view class="money">
{{ orderInfo.integral_price }}<span class="iconfont icon-suozi"></span>
<view class="listChange" v-else>
:placeholder="orderInfo.remark ? orderInfo.remark : '请填写备注信息...'"
<view class="modify" @click="save">
status == 0 ? "立即修改" : "确认提交"
<view class="mask" @touchmove.prevent v-show="change === true"></view>
.priceChange{position:fixed;width:580upx;background-color:#fff;border-radius:10upx;top:50%;left:50%;margin-left:-290upx;margin-top:-335upx;z-index:666;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s;transform: scale(0);opacity:0;}
.priceChange.on{opacity:1;transform: scale(1);}
.priceChange .priceTitle{background:url("~@/static/images/pricetitle.jpg") no-repeat;background-size:100% 100%;width:100%;height:160upx;border-radius:10upx 10upx 0 0;text-align:center;font-size:40upx;color:#fff;line-height:160upx;position:relative;}
.priceChange .priceTitle .iconfont{position:absolute;font-size:40upx;right:26upx;top:23upx;width:40upx;height:40upx;line-height:40upx;}
.priceChange .listChange{padding:0 40upx;}
.priceChange .listChange textarea{box-sizing: border-box;}
.priceChange .listChange .item{height:103upx;border-bottom:1px solid #e3e3e3;font-size:32upx;color:#333;}
.priceChange .listChange .item .money{color:#666;width:200upx;text-align:right;}
.priceChange .listChange .item .money .color_black{color: #333;}
.priceChange .listChange .item .money .iconfont{font-size:32upx;margin-left:20upx;}
.priceChange .listChange .item .money input{width:100%;height:100%;text-align:right;color:#ccc;}
.priceChange .listChange .item .money input.on{color:#666;}
.priceChange .modify{font-size:32upx;color:#fff;width:490upx;height:90upx;text-align:center;line-height:90upx;border-radius:45upx;background-color:#2291f8;margin:53upx auto;}
.priceChange .modify1{font-size:32upx;color:#312b2b;width:490upx;height:90upx;text-align:center;line-height:90upx;border-radius:45upx;background-color:#eee;margin:30upx auto 0 auto;}
.priceChange .listChange textarea {
border: 1px solid #eee;
width: 100%;
height: 200upx;
margin-top: 50upx;
border-radius: 10upx;
color: #333;
padding: 20upx;
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
export default {
name: "PriceChange",
components: {},
props: {
change: Boolean,
orderInfo: Object,
status: String
data: function() {
return {
focus: false,
price: 0,
actual_price: 0,
refund_price: 0,
remark: ""
watch: {
orderInfo: function(nVal) {
this.price = this.orderInfo.pay_price;
this.actual_price = this.orderInfo.total_price + this.orderInfo.pay_postage - this.orderInfo.coupon_price
this.refund_price = this.orderInfo.pay_price;
this.remark = this.orderInfo.remark;
mounted: function() {
methods: {
priceChange: function() {
this.focus = true;
close: function() {
this.price = this.orderInfo.pay_price;
this.$emit("closechange", false);
setValue: function(){
this.price = this.orderInfo.total_price + this.orderInfo.pay_postage - this.orderInfo.coupon_price
save: function() {
let that = this;
that.$emit("savePrice", {
price: that.price,
refund_price: that.refund_price,
type: 1,
remark: that.remark,
orderInfo: that.orderInfo
refuse: function() {
let that = this;
that.$emit("savePrice", {
price: that.price,
refund_price: that.refund_price,
type: 2,
remark: that.remark
@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
<view :class="'wf-page wf-page'+type">
<!-- left -->
<view id="left" v-if="leftList.length">
<view v-for="(item,index) in leftList" :key="index"
class="wf-item" @tap="itemTap(item)">
<WaterfallsFlowItem :item="item" :isStore="isStore" :type="type" @goShop="goShop"/>
<!-- right -->
<view id="right" v-if="rightList.length">
<view v-for="(item,index) in rightList" :key="index"
class="wf-item" @tap="itemTap(item)">
<WaterfallsFlowItem :item="item" :isStore="isStore" :type="type" @goShop="goShop"/>
import WaterfallsFlowItem from '../WaterfallsFlowItem/WaterfallsFlowItem.vue'
export default {
components: {
props: {
// 瀑布流列表
wfList: {
type: Array,
require: true
updateNum: {
type: Number,
default: 10
type: {
type: Number,
default: 0
isStore: {
type: [String, Number],
default: '1'
data() {
return {
allList: [], // 全部列表
leftList: [], // 左边列表
rightList: [], // 右边列表
mark: 0, // 列表标记
boxHeight: [], // 下标0和1分别为左列和右列高度
watch: {
// 监听列表数据变化
wfList: {
// 如果数据为空或新的列表数据少于旧的列表数据(通常为下拉刷新或切换排序或使用筛选器),初始化变量
if (!this.wfList.length ||
(this.wfList.length === this.updateNum && this.wfList.length <= this.allList.length)) {
this.allList = [];
this.leftList = [];
this.rightList = [];
this.boxHeight = [];
this.mark = 0;
// 如果列表有值,调用waterfall方法
if (this.wfList.length) {
this.allList = this.wfList;
this.leftList = [];
this.rightList = [];
this.boxHeight = [];
this.allList.forEach((v, i) => {
if(this.allList.length < 3 || (this.allList.length <= 7 && this.allList.length - i > 1) || (this.allList.length > 7 && this.allList.length - i > 2)) {
if(i % 2){
if(this.allList.length < 3){
this.mark = this.allList.length+1;
}else if(this.allList.length <= 7){
this.mark = this.allList.length - 1;
this.mark = this.allList.length - 2;
if(this.mark < this.allList.length){
immediate: true,
// 监听标记,当标记发生变化,则执行下一个item排序
mark() {
const len = this.allList.length;
if (this.mark < len && this.mark !== 0 && this.boxHeight.length) {
methods: {
// 瀑布流排序
waterFall() {
const i = this.mark;
if (i == 0) {
// 初始化,从左边开始插入
// 更新左边列表高度
} else if (i == 1) {
// 第二个item插入,默认为右边插入
// 更新右边列表高度
} else {
// 根据左右列表高度判断下一个item应该插入哪边
this.rightList.length < this.leftList.length
? this.rightList.push(this.allList[i])
: this.leftList.push(this.allList[i]);
} else {
const leftOrRight = this.boxHeight[0] > this.boxHeight[1] ? 1 : 0;
if (leftOrRight) {
} else {
// 更新插入列表高度
// 获取列表高度
getViewHeight() {
// 使用nextTick,确保页面更新结束后,再请求高度
this.$nextTick(() => {
uni.createSelectorQuery().in(this).select('#right').boundingClientRect(res => {
res ? this.boxHeight[1] = res.height : '';
uni.createSelectorQuery().in(this).select('#left').boundingClientRect(res => {
res ? this.boxHeight[0] = res.height : '';
this.mark = this.mark + 1;
// item点击
itemTap(item) {
this.$emit('itemTap', item)
// item点击
goShop(item) {
this.$emit('goShop', item)
<style lang="scss" scoped>
$page-padding: 10px;
$grid-gap: 10px;
.wf-page {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;
grid-gap: $grid-gap;
.wf-item {
width: calc((100vw - 2 * #{$page-padding} - #{$grid-gap}) / 2);
padding-bottom: $grid-gap;
.wf-page1 .wf-item{
margin-top: 20rpx;
background-color: #fff;
border-radius: 20rpx;
padding-bottom: 0;
padding-bottom: 20rpx;
@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
<view :class="'wf-page wf-page'+type">
<!-- left -->
<view id="left" v-if="leftList.length">
<view v-for="(item,index) in leftList" :key="index"
class="wf-itema" @tap="itemTap(item)">
<WaterfallsFlowItem :item="item" :isStore="isStore" :type="type" @goShop="goShop"/>
<!-- right -->
<view id="right" v-if="rightList.length">
<view v-for="(item,index) in rightList" :key="index"
class="wf-itemb" @tap="itemTap(item)">
<WaterfallsFlowItem :item="item" :isStore="isStore" :type="type" @goShop="goShop"/>
import WaterfallsFlowItem from '../WaterfallsFlowItem/WaterfallsFlowItemo.vue'
export default {
components: {
props: {
// 瀑布流列表
wfList: {
type: Array,
require: true
updateNum: {
type: Number,
default: 10
type: {
type: Number,
default: 0
isStore: {
type: [String, Number],
default: '1'
data() {
return {
allList: [], // 全部列表
leftList: [], // 左边列表
rightList: [], // 右边列表
mark: 0, // 列表标记
boxHeight: [], // 下标0和1分别为左列和右列高度
watch: {
// 监听列表数据变化
wfList: {
// 如果数据为空或新的列表数据少于旧的列表数据(通常为下拉刷新或切换排序或使用筛选器),初始化变量
if (!this.wfList.length ||
(this.wfList.length === this.updateNum && this.wfList.length <= this.allList.length)) {
this.allList = [];
this.leftList = [];
this.rightList = [];
this.boxHeight = [];
this.mark = 0;
// 如果列表有值,调用waterfall方法
if (this.wfList.length) {
this.allList = this.wfList;
this.leftList = [];
this.rightList = [];
this.boxHeight = [];
this.allList.forEach((v, i) => {
if(this.allList.length < 3 || (this.allList.length <= 7 && this.allList.length - i > 1) || (this.allList.length > 7 && this.allList.length - i > 2)) {
if(i % 2){
if(this.allList.length < 3){
this.mark = this.allList.length+1;
}else if(this.allList.length <= 7){
this.mark = this.allList.length - 1;
this.mark = this.allList.length - 2;
if(this.mark < this.allList.length){
immediate: true,
// 监听标记,当标记发生变化,则执行下一个item排序
mark() {
const len = this.allList.length;
if (this.mark < len && this.mark !== 0 && this.boxHeight.length) {
methods: {
// 瀑布流排序
waterFall() {
const i = this.mark;
if (i == 0) {
// 初始化,从左边开始插入
// 更新左边列表高度
} else if (i == 1) {
// 第二个item插入,默认为右边插入
// 更新右边列表高度
} else {
// 根据左右列表高度判断下一个item应该插入哪边
this.rightList.length < this.leftList.length
? this.rightList.push(this.allList[i])
: this.leftList.push(this.allList[i]);
} else {
const leftOrRight = this.boxHeight[0] > this.boxHeight[1] ? 1 : 0;
if (leftOrRight) {
} else {
// 更新插入列表高度
// 获取列表高度
getViewHeight() {
// 使用nextTick,确保页面更新结束后,再请求高度
this.$nextTick(() => {
uni.createSelectorQuery().in(this).select('#right').boundingClientRect(res => {
res ? this.boxHeight[1] = res.height : '';
uni.createSelectorQuery().in(this).select('#left').boundingClientRect(res => {
res ? this.boxHeight[0] = res.height : '';
this.mark = this.mark + 1;
// item点击
itemTap(item) {
// this.$emit('itemTap', item)
// item点击
goShop(item) {
this.$emit('goShop', item)
<style lang="scss" scoped>
$page-padding: 10px;
$grid-gap: 5px;
.wf-page {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;
grid-gap: $grid-gap;
.wf-itema {
width: 356rpx;
padding-bottom: $grid-gap;
.wf-itemb {
width: 356rpx;
padding-bottom: $grid-gap;
.wf-page1 .wf-item{
margin-top: 20rpx;
background-color: #fff;
border-radius: 20rpx;
padding-bottom: 0;
padding-bottom: 20rpx;
@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
<view :class="'wf-page wf-page'+type">
<!-- left -->
<view id="left" v-if="leftList.length">
<view v-for="(item,index) in leftList" :key="index"
class="wf-itema" @tap="itemTap(item)">
<WaterfallsFlowItem :item="item" :isStore="isStore" :heightx="251" :type="type" @goShop="goShop"/>
<!-- right -->
<view id="right" v-if="rightList.length">
<view v-for="(item,index) in rightList" :key="index"
class="wf-itemb" @tap="itemTap(item)">
<WaterfallsFlowItem :item="item" :isStore="isStore" :heightx="336" :type="type" @goShop="goShop"/>
import WaterfallsFlowItem from '../WaterfallsFlowItem/WaterfallsFlowItems.vue'
export default {
components: {
props: {
// 瀑布流列表
wfList: {
type: Array,
require: true
updateNum: {
type: Number,
default: 10
type: {
type: Number,
default: 0
isStore: {
type: [String, Number],
default: '1'
data() {
return {
allList: [], // 全部列表
leftList: [], // 左边列表
rightList: [], // 右边列表
mark: 0, // 列表标记
boxHeight: [], // 下标0和1分别为左列和右列高度
watch: {
// 监听列表数据变化
wfList: {
// 如果数据为空或新的列表数据少于旧的列表数据(通常为下拉刷新或切换排序或使用筛选器),初始化变量
if (!this.wfList.length ||
(this.wfList.length === this.updateNum && this.wfList.length <= this.allList.length)) {
this.allList = [];
this.leftList = [];
this.rightList = [];
this.boxHeight = [];
this.mark = 0;
// 如果列表有值,调用waterfall方法
if (this.wfList.length) {
this.allList = this.wfList;
this.leftList = [];
this.rightList = [];
this.boxHeight = [];
this.allList.forEach((v, i) => {
if(this.allList.length < 3 || (this.allList.length <= 7 && this.allList.length - i > 1) || (this.allList.length > 7 && this.allList.length - i > 2)) {
if(i % 2){
if(this.allList.length < 3){
this.mark = this.allList.length+1;
}else if(this.allList.length <= 7){
this.mark = this.allList.length - 1;
this.mark = this.allList.length - 2;
if(this.mark < this.allList.length){
immediate: true,
// 监听标记,当标记发生变化,则执行下一个item排序
mark() {
const len = this.allList.length;
if (this.mark < len && this.mark !== 0 && this.boxHeight.length) {
methods: {
// 瀑布流排序
waterFall() {
const i = this.mark;
if (i == 0) {
// 初始化,从左边开始插入
// 更新左边列表高度
} else if (i == 1) {
// 第二个item插入,默认为右边插入
// 更新右边列表高度
} else {
// 根据左右列表高度判断下一个item应该插入哪边
this.rightList.length < this.leftList.length
? this.rightList.push(this.allList[i])
: this.leftList.push(this.allList[i]);
} else {
const leftOrRight = this.boxHeight[0] > this.boxHeight[1] ? 1 : 0;
if (leftOrRight) {
} else {
// 更新插入列表高度
// 获取列表高度
getViewHeight() {
// 使用nextTick,确保页面更新结束后,再请求高度
this.$nextTick(() => {
uni.createSelectorQuery().in(this).select('#right').boundingClientRect(res => {
res ? this.boxHeight[1] = res.height : '';
uni.createSelectorQuery().in(this).select('#left').boundingClientRect(res => {
res ? this.boxHeight[0] = res.height : '';
this.mark = this.mark + 1;
// item点击
itemTap(item) {
this.$emit('itemTap', item)
// item点击
goShop(item) {
this.$emit('goShop', item)
<style lang="scss" scoped>
$page-padding: 10px;
$grid-gap: 5px;
.wf-page {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;
grid-gap: $grid-gap;
.wf-itema {
width: 356rpx;
padding-bottom: $grid-gap;
.wf-itemb {
width: 356rpx;
padding-bottom: $grid-gap;
.wf-page1 .wf-item{
margin-top: 20rpx;
background-color: #fff;
border-radius: 20rpx;
padding-bottom: 0;
padding-bottom: 20rpx;
@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
<view v-if="type == 0" class="wf-item-page wf-page0" :style="viewColor">
<view class='pictrue'>
<easy-loadimage mode="widthFix" :image-src="item.image"></easy-loadimage>
<view v-if="item.stock == 0" class="sell_out">已售罄</view>
<view v-if="item.border_pic" :style="{ backgroundImage: `url(${item.border_pic})` }" class="border-picture"></view>
<view class="text">
<view class='name line2'>{{item.store_name}}</view>
<view class="acea-row row-middle">
<view class='money'>¥<text class='num'>{{item.price}}</text></view>
<view v-if="item.show_svip_info && item.show_svip_info.show_svip_price && item.svip_price" class="acea-row row-middle svip">
<text class='vip-money'>¥{{item.svip_price}}</text>
<view class="vipImg">
<image src="/static/images/svip.png"></image>
<view class="item_tags">
<text v-if="item.product_type == 0 && item.merchant.type_name" class="font-bg-red b-color">{{item.merchant.type_name}}</text>
<text v-else-if="item.product_type == 0 && item.merchant.is_trader" class="font-bg-red b-color">自营</text>
<text v-if="item.product_type != 0" :class="'font_bg-red type'+item.product_type">{{item.product_type == 1 ? "秒杀" : item.product_type == 2 ? "预售" : item.product_type == 3 ? "助力" : item.product_type == 4 ? "拼团" : ""}}</text>
<text class="tags_item ticket" v-if="item.issetCoupon">领券</text>
<text class="tags_item delivery" v-if="item.delivery_free == 1">包邮</text>
<view v-else-if="type == 1" class="wf-page1" :style="viewColor">
<view class='pictrue'>
<easy-loadimage mode="widthFix" :image-src="item.image"></easy-loadimage>
<view v-if="item.stock == 0" class="sell_out">已售罄</view>
<view v-if="item.border_pic" :style="{ backgroundImage: `url(${item.border_pic})` }" class="border-picture"></view>
<view class='text'>
<view class='name line2'>{{item.store_name}}</view>
<view class='money'>
¥<text class='num'>{{item.price}}</text>
<view v-if="item.show_svip_info.show_svip && item.show_svip_info.show_svip_price" class="acea-row row-middle svip">
<text class='vip-money'>¥{{item.svip_price}}</text>
<view class="vipImg">
<image src="/static/images/svip.png"></image>
<view class="item_tags acea-row">
<text v-if="item.merchant.type_name && item.product_type == 0" class="font-bg-red b-color">{{item.merchant.type_name}}</text>
<text v-else-if="item.merchant.is_trader && item.product_type == 0" class="font-bg-red b-color">自营</text>
<text v-if="item.product_type != 0" :class="'font_bg-red type'+item.product_type">{{item.product_type == 1 ? "秒杀" : item.product_type == 2 ? "预售" : item.product_type == 3 ? "助力" : item.product_type == 4 ? "拼团" : ""}}</text>
<text class="tags_item ticket" v-if="item.issetCoupon">领券</text>
<text class="tags_item delivery" v-if="item.delivery_free == 1">包邮</text>
<view class="score">{{item.rate}}评分 {{item.reply_count}}条评论</view>
<view class="company" v-if="item.merchant" @click.stop="goShop(item.merchant.mer_id)">
<text class="line1">{{item.merchant.mer_name}}</text>
<view class="flex" v-if="isStore != '1'">
<text class="iconfont icon-xiangyou"></text>
<!-- 返佣 -->
<block v-if="item.max_extension>0 && (item.product_type == 0 || item.product_type == 2)">
<view class="foot-bar">
<text class="iconfont icon-fenxiang"></text>
最高赚 ¥{{item.max_extension}}
import easyLoadimage from '@/components/easy-loadimage/easy-loadimage.vue'
import {mapGetters} from "vuex";
export default {
computed: mapGetters(['viewColor']),
props: {
item: {
type: Object,
require: true
type: {
type: Number|String,
default: 0
isStore: {
type: [String, Number],
default: '1'
isLogin: {
type: Boolean,
require: false
return {
methods: {
goShop(id) {
this.$emit('goShop', id);
this.$emit('followToggle', item);
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.sell_out {
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content: "";
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display: flex;
align-items: center;
font-size: 26rpx;
font-weight: bold;
margin-top: 8rpx;
color: var(--view-priceColor);
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margin-top: 8rpx;
display: flex;
.item_tags .tags_item {
display: flex;
font-size: 20rpx;
text-align: center;
border-radius: 5rpx;
padding: 0 4rpx;
height: 28rpx;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
margin-right: 8rpx;
.item_tags .tags_item.ticket{
color: var(--view-theme);
border: 1px solid var(--view-theme);
.item_tags .tags_item.delivery{
color: #FF9000;
border: 1px solid #FF9000;
.wf-page1 .text .money .ticket-big {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
max-width: 163rpx;
padding: 0 6rpx;
height: 28rpx;
margin-left: 10rpx;
background-image: url(~static/images/yh.png);
background-size: 100% 100%;
font-size: 20rpx;
font-weight: normal;
.wf-page1 .text .score {
margin-top: 10rpx;
color: #737373;
font-size: 20rpx;
.wf-page1 .text .company {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
color: #737373;
font-size: 20rpx;
margin-top: 10rpx;
max-width: 200rpx;
.flex {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
margin-left: 10rpx;
color: #282828;
.iconfont {
font-size: 16rpx;
margin-top: 4rpx;
.foot-bar {
width: 100%;
height: 52rpx;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
background-image: linear-gradient(-90deg, var(--view-bntColor21) 0%, var(--view-bntColor22) 100%);
border-radius: 0px 0px 16rpx 16rpx;
color: #fff;
font-size: 24rpx;
.icon-fenxiang {
font-size: 24rpx;
margin-right: 10rpx;
@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
<view class="wf-item-page" @click="gogogo(item)">
<view class='pictrue'>
<!-- <image :src="item.image[0]" mode="widthFix" class="item-img" /> -->
<image :src="item.image" mode="aspectFill" class="item-img"></image>
<!-- <easy-loadimage mode="widthFix" :image-src="item.image[0]"></easy-loadimage> -->
<view class="title">{{item.store_name}}</view>
<!-- <view class="tag">
<view class="tag-one">
<view class="tag-two">
<text class="tag-twoa">折</text>
<text class="tag-twob">满20包邮</text>
</view> -->
<view class="relase">
<view class="relase-one">
<view class="relase-two">
<view class="price">
<view class="item-info">
<view class="info-title" style="margin-right: 10rpx;">
<view class="info-img">
<image src="@/static/images/you.png" mode="aspectFit"></image>
export default {
props: {
item: {
type: Object,
require: true
methods: {
gogogo(item) {
url: '/pages/goods_details/index?id=' + item.product_id
<style lang="scss" scoped>
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.item-info {}
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color: #333333;
margin: 12px 0;
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font-weight: 400;
margin-right: 15rpx;
.tag-two {
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width: 130rpx;
text-align: center;
padding-left: 15rpx;
padding-right: 7rpx;
border-radius: 11rpx 0px 0px 0rpx;
border: 1px solid #F84221;
font-size: 19rpx;
font-family: PingFang SC-Regular, PingFang SC;
font-weight: 400;
.tag-twob {
width: 130rpx;
text-align: center;
padding: 2rpx 9rpx;
border-radius: 0px 11rpx 11rpx 0px;
border: 1px solid #F84221;
font-size: 19rpx;
font-family: PingFang SC-Regular, PingFang SC;
font-weight: 400;
.relase {
display: flex;
margin-left: 21rpx;
margin-top: 12rpx;
height: 26rpx;
line-height: 26rpx;
.relase-one {
// font-style: italic;
transform: skewX(-15deg);
font-size: 26rpx;
font-family: SF Pro Display-Regular Italic, SF Pro Display;
font-weight: 600;
color: #FF6D20;
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font-size: 23rpx;
font-family: PingFang SC-Regular, PingFang SC;
font-weight: 500;
color: #B3B3B3;
margin-left: 13rpx;
.price {
margin-left: 21rpx;
margin-bottom: 10rpx;
color: #F84221;
font-size: 44rpx;
font-weight: 600;
span {
color: #F84221;
font-size: 30rpx;
font-weight: 500;
text {
color: #F84221;
font-size: 37rpx;
font-weight: 400;
.item-info {
margin-left: 21rpx;
margin-bottom: 25rpx;
display: flex;
width: 280rpx;
height: 39rpx;
line-height: 39rpx;
background: #F4F7FE;
border-radius: 19rpx 19rpx;
opacity: 1;
font-size: 23rpx;
padding-left: 11rpx;
font-family: PingFang SC-Regular, PingFang SC;
font-weight: 400;
color: #737373;
.info-img {
width: 21rpx;
height: 21rpx;
margin-top: 5rpx;
image {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
<view class="wf-item-page">
<view class='pictrue'>
<!-- <image :src="item.image[0]" mode="widthFix" class="item-img" /> -->
<image :src="item.image[0]" mode="aspectFill" class="item-img"></image>
<!-- <easy-loadimage mode="widthFix" :image-src="item.image[0]"></easy-loadimage> -->
<view class="goods_item_img" v-if="item.video_link.length>0">
<image src="@/static/images/sp.png" mode="aspectFit"></image>
<view class="title">{{item.title}}</view>
<view class="item-info">
<image :src="(item.author && item.author.avatar) || '/static/images/f.png'" mode="aspectFit"
class="info-avatar" />
<view class="info-nickname">{{ item.author.nickname }}</view>
import {
} from '../../plugin/clipboard/clipboard'
export default {
props: {
item: {
type: Object,
require: true
heightx: {
type: string,
require: true
data() {
return {
methods: {
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.wf-item-page {
background: #fff;
overflow: hidden;
border-radius: 5px;
position: relative;
.pictrue {
width: 100% !important;
height: 345rpx;
width: 100% ;
height: 345rpx;
.item-info {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
padding: 5px;
.goods_item_img {
position: absolute;
top: 20rpx;
right: 18rpx;
width: 52rpx;
height: 52rpx;
z-index: 1 !important;
image {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
.title {
font-size: 30rpx;
font-family: PingFang SC-Medium, PingFang SC;
font-weight: 500;
color: #333333;
margin: 12px 0;
width: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
display: -webkit-box;
-webkit-line-clamp: 2;
-webkit-box-orient: vertical;
padding: 0 5px;
.info-avatar {
width: 49rpx;
height: 49rpx;
border-radius: 50%;
margin-right: 5px;
.info-nickname {
font-size: 12px;
color: #333;
@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
<view class="address-window" :class="address.address==true?'on':''">
<view class='title'>选择地址<text class='iconfont icon-guanbi' @tap='close'></text></view>
<view class='list'>
<view class='item acea-row row-between-wrapper' :class='active==index?"font-color":""' v-for="(item,index) in addressList"
@tap='tapAddress(index,item.id)' :key='index'>
<text class='iconfont icon-ditu' :class='active==index?"font-color":""'></text>
<view class='address'>
<view class='name' :class='active==index?"font-color":""'>{{item.real_name}}<text class='phone'>{{item.phone}}</text></view>
<view class='line1'>{{item.province}}{{item.city}}{{item.district}}{{item.detail}}</view>
<text class='iconfont icon-complete' :class='active==index?"font-color":""'></text>
<!-- 无地址 -->
<view class='pictrue' v-if="!is_loading && !addressList.length">
<image src='../../static/images/noAddress.png'></image>
<view class='addressBnt bg-color' @tap='goAddressPages'>选择其地址</view>
<view class='mask' catchtouchmove="true" :hidden='address.address==false' @tap='close'></view>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
import {
} from '@/api/user.js';
export default {
props: {
pagesUrl: {
type: String,
default: '',
address: {
type: Object,
default: function() {
return {
address: true,
addressId: 0,
isLog: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
data() {
return {
active: 0,
addressList: [],
is_loading: true
methods: {
tapAddress: function(e, addressid) {
this.active = e;
this.$emit('OnChangeAddress', addressid);
close: function() {
goAddressPages: function() {
url: this.pagesUrl
getAddressList: function() {
let that = this;
page: 1,
limit: 5
}).then(res => {
let addressList = res.data;
for (let i = 0, leng = addressList.length; i < leng; i++) {
if (addressList[i].id == that.address.addressId) {
that.active = i;
that.$set(that, 'addressList', addressList);
that.is_loading = false;
<style scoped lang="scss">
.address-window {
background-color: #fff;
position: fixed;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
z-index: 101;
transform: translate3d(0, 100%, 0);
transition: all .3s cubic-bezier(.25, .5, .5, .9);
.address-window.on {
transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);
.address-window .title {
font-size: 32rpx;
font-weight: bold;
text-align: center;
height: 123rpx;
line-height: 123rpx;
position: relative;
.address-window .title .iconfont {
position: absolute;
right: 30rpx;
color: #8a8a8a;
font-size: 35rpx;
.address-window .list .item {
margin-left: 30rpx;
padding-right: 30rpx;
border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;
height: 129rpx;
font-size: 25rpx;
color: #333;
.address-window .list .item .iconfont {
font-size: 37rpx;
color: #2c2c2c;
.address-window .list .item .iconfont.icon-complete {
font-size: 30rpx;
color: #fff;
.address-window .list .item .address {
width: 560rpx;
.address-window .list .item .address .name {
font-size: 28rpx;
font-weight: bold;
color: #282828;
margin-bottom: 4rpx;
.address-window .list .item .address .name .phone {
margin-left: 18rpx;
.address-window .addressBnt {
font-size: 30rpx;
font-weight: bold;
color: #fff;
width: 690rpx;
height: 86rpx;
border-radius: 43rpx;
text-align: center;
line-height: 86rpx;
margin: 85rpx auto;
.address-window .pictrue {
width: 414rpx;
height: 336rpx;
margin: 0 auto;
.address-window .pictrue image {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
@ -0,0 +1,598 @@
<view :style="viewColor">
<view class="add_invoicing" :class="invoice.invoice==true?'on':''">
<view class='title'>选择发票<text class='iconfont icon-guanbi' @tap='close'></text></view>
<form @submit="formSubmit" report-submit="true">
<view class="panel">
<view v-if="receipt_title_type == '1'" class="acea-row row-middle">
<input name="receipt_type" :value="typeName" disabled="true" />
<view v-if="receipt_title_type == '2'" class="acea-row row-middle">
<input name="receipt_type" :value="typeName" disabled="true" @click="callType" />
<text class="iconfont icon-xiangyou"></text>
<view class="acea-row row-middle">
<radio-group name="receipt_title_type" @change="changeHeader">
<radio value="1" :checked="receipt_title_type == '1' ? true : false" /><text>个人</text>
<radio value="2" :checked="receipt_title_type == '2' ? true : false" /><text>企业</text>
<view class="acea-row row-middle">
<input v-if="receipt_title_type == 1" name="receipt_title" :value="receipt_title" :maxlength="20" placeholder="需要开具发票的姓名"/>
<input v-else name="receipt_title" :value="receipt_title" :maxlength="20" placeholder="需要开具发票的企业名称"/>
<text class="iconfont icon-xiangyou" @click="callTitle" ></text>
<view v-show="receipt_title_type == '2'" class="acea-row row-middle">
<input name="duty_paragraph" :value="duty_paragraph" placeholder="纳税人识别号" />
<view class="acea-row row-middle">
<input name="email" :value="email" placeholder="您的联系邮箱" />
<view v-show="receipt_title_type == '2' && receipt_type == '2'" class="panel">
<view class="acea-row row-middle">
<input name="bank_name" :value="bank_name" placeholder="您的开户银行" />
<view class="acea-row row-middle">
<input name="bank_code" :value="bank_code" placeholder="您的银行账号" />
<view class="acea-row row-middle">
<input name="address" :value="address" placeholder="您所在的企业地址" />
<view class="acea-row row-middle">
<input name="tel" :value="tel" placeholder="您的企业电话" />
<view class="btn-wrap">
<button class="button" form-type="submit">提交申请</button>
<button class="back" @tap="noInvoice">不开发票</button>
<view :class="{ mask: popupType || popupTitle }"></view>
<view class="popup" :class="{ on: popupType }">
<view class="title">发票类型选择<text class="iconfont icon-guanbi" @click="closeType"></text></view>
<scroll-view scroll-y="true">
<radio-group name="invoice-type" @change="changeType">
<label v-for="item in invoiceTypeList" :key="item.type" class="acea-row row-middle">
<view class="text">
<view>{{ item.name }}</view>
<view class="info">{{ item.info }}</view>
<radio :value="item.type" :checked="receipt_type == item.type ? true : false" />
<button @tap="closeType">确定</button>
<view class="popup" :class="{ on: popupTitle }">
<view class="title">抬头选择<text class="iconfont icon-guanbi" @click="closeTitle"></text></view>
<scroll-view v-if="invoiceList.length > 0" scroll-y="true">
<radio-group name="invoice-title" @change="changeTitle">
<template v-for="item in invoiceList">
<label :key="item.user_receipt_id" class="acea-row row-middle">
<view class="text">
<view class="acea-row row-middle">
<view class="name">{{ item.receipt_title }}</view>
<view v-if="item.is_default" class="label">默认</view>
<view class="type" :class="{ special: item.receipt_type == '2'}">{{ item.receipt_type == 1 ? '普通发票' : '专用发票'}}</view>
<radio :value="item.user_receipt_id" :checked="item.user_receipt_id == invoice_id ? true : false" />
<view v-else class="nothing">
<image src="../../static/images/noInvoice.png"></image>
<view class="nothing_text">您还没有添加发票信息哟~</view>
<button v-if="invoice.add" @tap="addTitle">添加新的抬头</button>
<button v-else @tap="close" class="btn-default">不开发票</button>
<view class='mask' catchtouchmove="true" :hidden='invoice.invoice==false' @tap='close'></view>
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// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
import { invoiceDefault, invoice, invoiceDetail } from '@/api/user.js';
import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
export default {
props: {
invoice: {
type: Object,
default: function() {
return {
invoice: false,
mer_id: 0,
computed: { ...mapGetters(['viewColor'])},
data() {
return {
id: '',
receipt_title_type: '1',
receipt_type: '1',
drawer_phone: '',
receipt_title: '',
duty_paragraph: '',
tel: '',
address: '',
bank_name: '',
bank_code: '',
is_default: 0,
email: '',
isDefault: [],
typeName: '增值税电子普通发票',
popupType: false,
popupTitle: false,
invoiceTypeList: [{
type: '1',
name: '增值税电子普通发票',
info: '默认发送至所提供的电子邮件'
type: '2',
name: '增值税专用发票',
info: '纸质发票开出后将以邮寄形式交付'
special_invoice: true,
invoice_func: true,
invoiceList: [],
invoice_checked: '',
invoice_id: '',
order_id: '',
news: '',
cartId: '',
pinkId: '',
couponId: '',
addressId: '',
invoiceData: {},
formvalidate: false
watch: {
onLoad(option) {
this.news = option.news;
this.cartId = option.cartId;
this.pinkId = option.pinkId;
this.couponId = option.couponId;
this.addressId = option.addressId;
if (option.special_invoice == 'false') {
this.$set(this, 'special_invoice', false);
this.popupTitle = false;
methods: {
getInvoiceList() {
let params = {
// receipt_title_type: this.receipt_title_type,
// receipt_type: this.receipt_type
invoice().then(res => {
for (let i = 0; i < res.data.length; i++) {
res.data[i].user_receipt_id = res.data[i].user_receipt_id.toString();
if (res.data[i].is_default) {
this.invoice_id = res.data[i].user_receipt_id;
this.$set(this, 'invoiceList', res.data);
}).catch(err => {
title: err
getInvoiceDefault() {
let params = {
is_default: 1,
// receipt_title_type: this.receipt_title_type,
// receipt_type: this.receipt_type
invoice(params).then(res => {
let data = res.data[0];
this.typeName = data.receipt_type == '1' ? '增值税电子普通发票' : '增值税专用发票'
this.receipt_title_type = data.receipt_title_type;
this.receipt_type = data.receipt_type ;
this.receipt_title = data.receipt_title;
// this.drawer_phone = res.data.drawer_phone;
this.email = data.email;
this.duty_paragraph = data.duty_paragraph;
this.bank_name = data.bank_name;
this.bank_code = data.bank_code;
this.address = data.address;
this.tel = data.tel;
this.invoice_id = data.user_receipt_id.toString();
}).catch(err => {});
invoiceDetail(id).then(res => {
this.receipt_title_type = res.data.receipt_title_type;
this.receipt_type = res.data.receipt_type;
this.typeName = this.receipt_type == '1' ? '增值税电子普通发票' : '增值税专用发票'
this.receipt_title = res.data.receipt_title;
this.email = res.data.email;
this.duty_paragraph = res.data.duty_paragraph;
this.bank_name = res.data.bank_name;
this.bank_code = res.data.bank_code;
this.address = res.data.address;
this.tel = res.data.tel;
this.is_default = res.data.is_default;
}).catch(err => {
title: err
close: function() {
noInvoice: function(){
success: function(){}
callType() {
this.popupType = true;
changeType(e) {
this.receipt_type = e.detail.value;
this.typeName = this.invoiceTypeList.find(value => {
return value.type == this.receipt_type;
closeType() {
this.popupType = false;
callTitle() {
this.popupTitle = true;
changeTitle(e) {
this.invoice_id = e.detail.value.toString();
this.popupTitle = false;
addTitle() {
this.popupType = false;
this.popupTitle = false;
url: '/pages/users/user_invoice_form/index?mer_id='+this.invoice.mer_id
closeTitle() {
this.popupTitle = false;
changeHeader(e) {
this.receipt_title_type = e.detail.value;
if(e.detail.value == 1){
this.receipt_type = 1;
this.typeName = '增值税电子普通发票'
changeDefault(e) {
this.is_default = e.detail.value.length ? 1 : 0;
// 提交发票数据
formSubmit(e) {
let that = this,
value = e.detail.value;
if (!value.receipt_title_type) return that.$util.Tips({
title: '请填写发票抬头'
if (!value.email) return that.$util.Tips({
title: '请填写邮箱'
if (!/^\w+([-+.]\w+)*@\w+([-.]\w+)*\.\w+([-.]\w+)*$/.test(value.email)) return that.$util.Tips({
title: '请输入正确的邮箱'
if(value.receipt_title_type == 2){
if (!value.duty_paragraph) return that.$util.Tips({
title: '请填写税号'
if(value.receipt_type == '增值税专用发票'){
if (!value.bank_name) return that.$util.Tips({
title: '请填写开户行'
if (!value.bank_code) return that.$util.Tips({
title: '请填写银行账号'
if (!value.address) return that.$util.Tips({
title: '请填写企业地址'
if (!value.tel) return that.$util.Tips({
title: '请填写企业电话'
return this.$util.Tips({
title: '请输入正确的银行账号'
return this.$util.Tips({
title: '请输入正确的电话号码'
that.formvalidate = true;
value.mer_id = that.invoice.mer_id;
value.receipt_type = that.receipt_type;
that.invoiceData = value
data: [that.invoiceData],
success: function(){
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border-radius: 16rpx 16rpx 0 0;
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transition: all .3s cubic-bezier(.25, .5, .5, .9);
.add_invoicing.on {
transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);
.add_invoicing .title {
font-size: 32rpx;
font-weight: bold;
text-align: center;
height: 123rpx;
line-height: 123rpx;
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height: 86rpx;
line-height: 86rpx;
border: 1rpx solid var(--view-theme);
background: none;
color: var(--view-theme);
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.popup.on {
transform: translateY(0);
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position: relative;
height: 137rpx;
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height: 466rpx;
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flex: 1;
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font-size: 28rpx;
color: #282828;
.popup .info {
margin-top: 10rpx;
font-size: 22rpx;
color: #909090;
.popup .icon-guanbi {
position: absolute;
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z-index: 2;
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height: 86rpx;
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background-color: transparent;
color: var(--view-theme);
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color: #E93323;
.popup .type {
width: 124rpx;
height: 42rpx;
margin-top: 14rpx;
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line-height: 42rpx;
text-align: center;
color: #D67300;
.popup .type.special {
background-color: #FDE9E7;
color: #E93323;
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margin: 50rpx 0;
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image, uni-image{
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@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
<view :style="viewColor">
<view class="product-window" :class="(attr.cartAttr === true ? 'on' : '') + ' ' + (iSbnt || destri?'join':'') + ' ' + (isPresell ?'presell-window':'product-window')">
<view class="textpic acea-row row-between-wrapper">
<view class="pictrue">
<image :src="(attr.productSelect&&attr.productSelect.image) ? attr.productSelect.image : ''" @click="loookImg"></image>
<view class="text">
<view class="line1">
{{ attr.productSelect.store_name }}
<view v-if="isPresell" class="money presell_price">
¥<text class="num">{{ attr.productSelect.price }}</text>
<text v-if="presell_type === 2">定金¥<text class="num">{{ attr.productSelect.down_price }}</text></text>
<text class="stock" v-if='isShow'>库存: {{ attr.productSelect.stock }}</text>
<text class='stock' v-if="limitNum">限量: {{attr.productSelect.quota_show}}</text>
<view v-else class="money">
<view class="acea-row row-middle">
<view class="acea-row row-middle">
<text>¥</text><text class="num">{{ attr.productSelect.price }}</text>
<view v-if="attr.productSelect && attr.productSelect.svip_price" class="acea-row row-middle">
<text class='vip-money'>¥{{attr.productSelect.svip_price}}</text>
<view class="vipImg">
<image src="/static/images/svip.png"></image>
<view class="stock_count">
<text class="stock" v-if='isShow'>库存: {{ attr.productSelect.stock }}</text>
<text class='stock' v-if="limitNum">限量: {{attr.productSelect.quota_show}}</text>
<view class="iconfont icon-guanbi" @click="closeAttr"></view>
<view class="productWinList">
<view class="item" v-for="(item, indexw) in attr.productAttr" :key="indexw">
<view class="title">{{ item.attr_name }}</view>
<view class="listn acea-row row-middle">
<view class="itemn" :class="item.index === itemn.attr ? 'on' : ''" v-for="(itemn, indexn) in item.attr_value"
@click="tapAttr(indexw, indexn)" :key="indexn">
{{ itemn.attr }}
<view class="joinBnt b-color" v-if="destri && attr.productSelect.stock>0" @click="goCat">确定</view>
<view class="joinBnt on" v-else-if="destri && attr.productSelect.stock<=0">已售罄</view>
<view class="joinBnt on" v-else-if="(iSbnt && attr.productSelect.stock<=0)">已售罄</view>
<view class="mask" @touchmove.prevent :hidden="attr.cartAttr === false" @click="closeAttr"></view>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
export default {
computed: mapGetters(['viewColor']),
props: {
attr: {
type: Object,
default: () => {}
limitNum: {
type: Number,
value: 0
isShow: {
type: Number,
value: 0
iSbnt: {
type: Number,
value: 0
iSplus: {
type: Number,
value: 0
destri: {
type: Number,
value: 0
isPresell: {
type: Number,
value: 0
presell_type: {
type: Number,
value: 1
image: {
type: String,
value: ''
data() {
return {};
methods: {
// 查看大图
let self = this
let arr = [self.attr.productSelect.image ? self.attr.productSelect.image : self.image]
urls: arr,
goCat: function() {
closeAttr: function() {
tapAttr: function(indexw, indexn) {
let that = this;
that.$emit("attrVal", {
indexw: indexw,
indexn: indexn
this.$set(this.attr.productAttr[indexw], 'index', this.attr.productAttr[indexw].attr_values[indexn]);
let value = that.getCheckedValue().join(",");
that.$emit("ChangeAttr", value);
getCheckedValue: function() {
let productAttr = this.attr.productAttr;
let value = [];
for (let i = 0; i < productAttr.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < productAttr[i].attr_values.length; j++) {
if (productAttr[i].index === productAttr[i].attr_values[j]) {
return value;
<style scoped lang="scss">
.product-window {
position: fixed;
bottom: 0;
width: 100%;
left: 0;
background-color: #fff;
z-index: 10000;
border-radius: 16rpx 16rpx 0 0;
padding-bottom: 140rpx;
padding-bottom: calc(140rpx+ constant(safe-area-inset-bottom)); ///兼容 IOS<11.2/
padding-bottom: calc(140rpx + env(safe-area-inset-bottom)); ///兼容 IOS>11.2/
transform: translate3d(0, 100%, 0);
transition: all .3s cubic-bezier(.25, .5, .5, .9);
&.presell-window {
padding-bottom: 200rpx;
.product-window.on {
transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);
.product-window.join {
padding-bottom: 30rpx;
.product-window .textpic {
padding: 0 80rpx 0 30rpx;
margin-top: 29rpx;
position: relative;
.product-window .textpic .pictrue {
width: 150rpx;
height: 150rpx;
.product-window .textpic .pictrue image {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
border-radius: 10rpx;
.product-window .textpic .text {
width: 460rpx;
font-size: 32rpx;
color: #202020;
.product-window .textpic .text .money {
font-size: 24rpx;
margin-top: 40rpx;
color: var(--view-priceColor);
.product-window .textpic .text .money .num {
font-size: 36rpx;
.product-window .textpic .text .money .stock {
color: #999;
margin-left: 18rpx;
.vip-money {
color: #282828;
font-size: 22rpx;
margin-left: 6rpx;
.vipImg {
width: 65rpx;
height: 28rpx;
margin-left: 4rpx;
image {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
display: block;
.product-window .textpic .text .presell_price {
color: #FF7F00;
.num {
display: inline-block;
margin-right: 20rpx;
.stock {
margin-left: 0;
.product-window .textpic .iconfont {
position: absolute;
right: 30rpx;
top: -5rpx;
font-size: 35rpx;
color: #8a8a8a;
.product-window .productWinList {
max-height: 395rpx;
overflow: auto;
margin-top: 36rpx;
.product-window .productWinList .item~.item {
margin-top: 36rpx;
.product-window .productWinList .item .title {
font-size: 30rpx;
color: #999;
padding: 0 30rpx;
.product-window .productWinList .item .listn {
padding: 0 30rpx 0 16rpx;
.product-window .productWinList .item .listn .itemn {
border: 1px solid #bbb;
font-size: 26rpx;
color: #282828;
padding: 7rpx 33rpx;
border-radius: 6rpx;
margin: 14rpx 0 0 14rpx;
.product-window .productWinList .item .listn .itemn.on {
color: #fff;
background-color: var(--view-theme);
border-color: var(--view-theme);
.product-window .cart {
margin-top: 36rpx;
padding: 0 30rpx;
display: -webkit-box;
display: -webkit-flex;
display: -ms-flexbox;
display: flex;
-webkit-box-pack: justify;
-webkit-justify-content: space-between;
-ms-flex-pack: justify;
justify-content: space-between;
.product-window .cart .title {
font-size: 30rpx;
color: #999;
line-height: 54rpx;
.product-window .cart .carnum {
height: 54rpx;
.product-window .cart .carnum view {
border: 1px solid #a4a4a4;
width: 84rpx;
text-align: center;
height: 100%;
line-height: 54rpx;
color: #a4a4a4;
font-size: 45rpx;
.product-window .cart .carnum .reduce {
border-right: 0;
border-radius: 6rpx 0 0 6rpx;
line-height: 48rpx;
.product-window .cart .carnum .reduce.on {
border-color: #e3e3e3;
color: #dedede;
.product-window .cart .carnum .plus {
border-left: 0;
border-radius: 0 6rpx 6rpx 0;
line-height: 46rpx;
.product-window .cart .carnum .plus.on {
border-color: #e3e3e3;
color: #dedede;
.product-window .cart .carnum .num {
color: #282828;
font-size: 28rpx;
.product-window .joinBnt {
font-size: 30rpx;
width: 620rpx;
height: 86rpx;
border-radius: 50rpx;
text-align: center;
line-height: 86rpx;
color: #fff;
margin: 100rpx auto 0 auto;
background-color: var(--view-theme);
.product-window .joinBnt.on {
background-color: #bbb;
color: #fff;
@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
<view :style="viewColor">
<view class="address-window" :class="address.address==true?'on':''">
<view class='title'>选择地址<text class='iconfont icon-guanbi' @tap='close'></text></view>
<scroll-view scroll-y="true" class='list'>
<view class='item acea-row row-between-wrapper' :class='active==index?"t-color":""' v-for="(item,index) in addressList"
@tap='tapAddress(index,item.address_id)' :key='index'>
<text class='iconfont icon-ditu' :class='active==index?"t-color":""'></text>
<view class='address'>
<view class='name' :class='active==index?"t-color":""'>{{item.real_name}}<text class='phone'>{{item.phone}}</text></view>
<view class='line1'>{{item.province}}{{item.city}}{{item.district}}{{item.street || ''}}{{item.brigade}}{{item.detail}}</view>
<text class='iconfont icon-complete' :class='active==index?"t-color":""'></text>
<!-- 无地址 -->
<view class='pictrue' v-if="!is_loading && !addressList.length">
<image src='../../static/images/noAddress.png'></image>
<view class='addressBnt' @tap='goAddressPages'>添加新地址</view>
<view class='mask' catchtouchmove="true" :hidden='address.address==false' @tap='close'></view>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
import { getAddressList } from '@/api/user.js';
import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
export default {
props: {
pagesUrl: {
type: String,
default: '',
address: {
type: Object,
default: function() {
return {
address: true,
addressId: 0,
isLog: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
computed: mapGetters(['viewColor']),
data() {
return {
active: 0,
addressList: [],
is_loading: true
methods: {
tapAddress: function(e, addressid) {
this.active = e;
this.$emit('OnChangeAddress', addressid);
close: function() {
goAddressPages: function() {
url: this.pagesUrl
getAddressList: function() {
let that = this;
page: 1,
limit: 5
}).then(res => {
let addressList = res.data.list;
for (let i = 0; i < res.data.list.length; i++) {
if (addressList[i].address_id == that.address.addressId) {
that.active = i;
that.$set(that, 'addressList', addressList);
that.is_loading = false;
<style scoped lang="scss">
.address-window {
background-color: #fff;
position: fixed;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
z-index: 101;
transform: translate3d(0, 100%, 0);
transition: all .3s cubic-bezier(.25, .5, .5, .9);
.address-window.on {
transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);
.address-window .title {
font-size: 32rpx;
font-weight: bold;
text-align: center;
height: 123rpx;
line-height: 123rpx;
position: relative;
.address-window .title .iconfont {
position: absolute;
right: 30rpx;
color: #8a8a8a;
font-size: 35rpx;
.address-window .list{
max-height: 650rpx;
.address-window .list .item {
margin-left: 30rpx;
padding-right: 30rpx;
border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;
height: 129rpx;
font-size: 25rpx;
color: #333;
.address-window .list .item .iconfont {
font-size: 37rpx;
color: #2c2c2c;
.address-window .list .item .iconfont.icon-complete {
font-size: 30rpx;
color: #fff;
.address-window .list .item .address {
width: 560rpx;
.address-window .list .item .address .name {
font-size: 28rpx;
font-weight: bold;
color: #282828;
margin-bottom: 4rpx;
.address-window .list .item .address .name .phone {
margin-left: 18rpx;
.address-window .addressBnt {
font-size: 30rpx;
font-weight: bold;
color: #fff;
width: 690rpx;
height: 86rpx;
border-radius: 43rpx;
text-align: center;
line-height: 86rpx;
margin: 85rpx auto;
background-color: var(--view-theme);
.address-window .pictrue {
text-align: center;
.address-window .pictrue image,.address-window .pictrue uni-image {
width: 414rpx;
height: 305rpx;
.address-window .pictrue view{
color: #999;
.t-color {
color: var(--view-theme)!important;
@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
<view class="alert-wrapper" :style="viewColor">
<view class="alert-box">
<image :src="domain+'/static/diy/success'+keyColor+'.png'" mode=""></image>
<view class="txt">{{msg}}</view>
<view class="btn" @click="close">鎴戠煡閬撲簡</view>
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// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
import { HTTP_REQUEST_URL } from '@/config/app';
export default{
data() {
return {
computed: mapGetters(['viewColor','keyColor']),
<style lang="scss">
position: fixed;
left: 0;
top: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.5);
z-index: 10;
position: absolute;
left: 50%;
top: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%,-50%);
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
width: 500rpx;
height: 540rpx;
background-color: #fff;
border-radius: 10rpx;
font-size: 34rpx;
width: 149rpx;
height: 230rpx;
margin-bottom: 20rpx;
line-height: 90rpx;
text-align: center;
background-image:linear-gradient(-90deg,var(--view-bntColor21) 0%,var(--view-bntColor22) 100%);
color: #fff;
@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
<view :style="viewColor">
<view class="address-window" :class="display==true?'on':''">
<view class='title'>请选择所在地区<text class='iconfont icon-guanbi' @tap='close'></text></view>
<view class="address-count">
<view class="address-selected">
<view v-for="(item,index) in selectedArr" :key="index" class="selected-list" :class="{active:index === selectedIndex}" @click="change(item.parent_id, index)">
<text class="iconfont icon-xiangyou"></text>
<view class="selected-list" :class="{active:-1 === selectedIndex}" v-if="showMore" @click="change(-1, -1)">
<text class="iconfont icon-xiangyou"></text>
<scroll-view scroll-y="true" :scroll-top="scrollTop" class="address-list" @scroll="scroll">
<view v-for="(item,index) in addressList" :key="index" class="list" :class="{active:item.id === activeId}" @click="selected(item)">
<text class="item-name">{{item.name}}</text>
<text v-if="item.id === activeId" class="iconfont icon-duihao2"></text>
<view class='mask' catchtouchmove="true" :hidden='display==false' @tap='close'></view>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
import {getAddressList} from '@/api/user.js';
import { getCityV2,village } from '@/api/api.js';
import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
const CACHE_ADDRESS = {};
export default {
props: {
display: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
address: Array,
data() {
return {
active: 0,
addressList: [],
selectedArr: [],
selectedIndex: -1,
is_loading: false,
old: { scrollTop: 0 },
scrollTop: 0
return this.selectedIndex == -1 ? 0 : this.selectedArr[this.selectedIndex].id
return this.selectedArr.length ? this.selectedArr[this.selectedArr.length - 1].snum > 0 : true
this.selectedArr = n ? [...n] : []
if(!n) {
this.addressList = [];
this.selectedArr = this.address ? [...this.address] : [];
this.selectedIndex = -1;
this.is_loading = false;
mounted() {
methods: {
if(this.selectedIndex == index) return;
if(pid === -1){
pid = this.selectedArr.length ? this.selectedArr[this.selectedArr.length -1].id : 0;
this.selectedIndex = index;
this.addressList = CACHE_ADDRESS[pid];
return ;
this.is_loading = true;
// getCityV2(pid).then(res=>{
// this.is_loading = false;
// CACHE_ADDRESS[pid] = res.data;
// this.addressList = res.data;
// })
this.is_loading = false;
CACHE_ADDRESS[pid] = res.data;
this.addressList = res.data;
}else if(type=='city'){
this.is_loading = false;
CACHE_ADDRESS[pid] = res.data;
this.addressList = res.data;
}else if(type=='area'){
this.is_loading = false;
CACHE_ADDRESS[pid] = res.data;
this.addressList = res.data;
this.$emit('submit', [...this.selectedArr]);
}else if(type=='street'){
this.is_loading = false;
CACHE_ADDRESS[pid] = res.data;
this.addressList = res.data;
this.$emit('submit', [...this.selectedArr]);
this.is_loading = false;
CACHE_ADDRESS[pid] = res.data;
this.addressList = res.data;
if(this.is_loading) return;
if(this.selectedIndex > -1){
this.selectedArr.splice(this.selectedIndex + 1,999)
this.selectedArr[this.selectedIndex] = item;
this.selectedIndex = -1;
// else if(!item.parent_id){
// this.selectedArr = [item];
// }else{
// this.selectedArr.push(item);
// }
else if(!item.id){
this.selectedArr = [item];
let arry=[]
}else if(item.type=="city"){
}else if(item.type=="area"){
}else if(item.type=="street"){
} else {
this.$emit('submit', [...this.selectedArr]);
// if(item.snum){
// this.loadAddress(item.id);
// } else {
// this.$emit('submit', [...this.selectedArr]);
// this.$emit('changeClose');
// }
close: function() {
scroll : function(e) {
this.old.scrollTop = e.detail.scrollTop
goTop: function(e) {
this.scrollTop = this.old.scrollTop
this.$nextTick(() => {
this.scrollTop = 0
<style scoped lang="scss">
.address-window {
background-color: #fff;
position: fixed;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
z-index: 101;
border-radius: 30rpx 30rpx 0 0;
transform: translate3d(0, 100%, 0);
transition: all .3s cubic-bezier(.25, .5, .5, .9);
.address-window.on {
transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);
.address-window .title {
font-size: 32rpx;
font-weight: bold;
text-align: center;
height: 123rpx;
line-height: 123rpx;
position: relative;
.address-window .title .iconfont {
position: absolute;
right: 30rpx;
color: #8a8a8a;
font-size: 35rpx;
padding: 0 30rpx;
margin-top: 10rpx;
position: relative;
padding-bottom: 20rpx;
border-bottom: 2rpx solid #f7f7f7;
font-size: 26rpx;
color: #282828;
line-height: 50rpx;
padding-bottom: 10rpx;
padding-left: 60rpx;
position: relative;
color: #e28d54;
content: '';
display: block;
position: absolute;
width: 4rpx;
height: 100%;
background-color: var(--view-theme);
top: 0;
left: 10rpx;
width: 12rpx;
height: 12rpx;
background: var(--view-theme);
border-radius: 100%;
left: 6rpx;
top: 50%;
margin-top: -8rpx;
height: 50%;
top: auto;
bottom: 0;
font-size: 20rpx;
float: right;
color: #dddddd;
height: 550rpx;
padding: 0 30rpx;
margin-top: 20rpx;
box-sizing: border-box;
float: right;
color: #ddd;
font-size: 22rpx;
display: inline-block;
line-height: 50rpx;
margin-bottom: 20rpx;
font-size: 26rpx;
color: #e28d54;
color: #e28d54;
@ -0,0 +1,495 @@
<view class="containers" :style="viewColor">
<view class="header">
<view class="title">
<text :class="isActive == 0 ? 'on' : ''" @click="tabs(0)">已购</text>
<text :class="isActive == 1 ? 'on' : ''" @click="tabs(1)">收藏</text>
<text :class="isActive == 2 ? 'on' : ''" @click="tabs(2)">浏览</text>
<view class="search">
<text class="iconfont icon-xiazai5"></text>
<input type="text" placeholder="请输入商品名称" v-model="searchVal" @input="setValue" confirm-type="search"
@confirm="searchBut()" placeholder-class='placeholder'>
<view class="sub_title">{{isActive == 0 ? '已购宝贝' : isActive == 1 ?'收藏宝贝' : '浏览记录'}}</view>
<text class="iconfont icon-guanbi5" @click="close"></text>
<view class="main">
<scroll-view scroll-y="true">
<block v-if="isActive == 0">
<view v-if="bought.length" @touchmove="onTouchmove" id="goods">
<view class="picTxt acea-row" v-for="(item, index) in bought" :key="index">
<view class="checkbox">
<text @click.stop="goodsCheck(item,index)" v-if="item.check" class="iconfont icon-xuanzhong1"></text>
<text @click.stop="goodsCheck(item,index)" v-else :class="checkedArr.length >=5 ? 'disabled': ''"
class="iconfont icon-weixuanzhong"></text>
<view class='pictrue'>
<image :src='item.image'></image>
<view class='text'>
<view class='line2 name'>{{item.store_name}}</view>
<view class='money'>¥<text>{{item.price}}</text></view>
<view v-else class="empty">
<image src="/static/images/no_thing.png"></image>
<block v-if="isActive == 1">
<view v-if="collect.length" id="collect" @touchmove="onTouchmove1">
<view class="picTxt acea-row" v-for="(item, index) in collect" :key="index">
<view class="checkbox">
<text @click.stop="goodsCheck(item,index)" v-if="item.check" class="iconfont icon-xuanzhong1"></text>
<text @click.stop="goodsCheck(item,index)" v-else :class="checkedArr.length >=5 ? 'disabled': ''"
class="iconfont icon-weixuanzhong"></text>
<view class='pictrue'>
<image :src='item.image'></image>
<view class='text'>
<view class='line2 name'>{{item.store_name}}</view>
<view class='money'>¥<text>{{item.price}}</text></view>
<view v-else class="empty">
<image src="/static/images/no_thing.png"></image>
<block v-if="isActive == 2">
<view v-if="browse.length" id="browse" @touchmove="onTouchmove2">
<view class="picTxt acea-row" v-for="(item, index) in browse" :key="index">
<view class="checkbox">
<text @click.stop="goodsCheck(item,index)" v-if="item.check" class="iconfont icon-xuanzhong1"></text>
<text @click.stop="goodsCheck(item,index)" v-else :class="checkedArr.length >=5 ? 'disabled': ''"
class="iconfont icon-weixuanzhong"></text>
<view class='pictrue'>
<image :src='item.image'></image>
<view class='text'>
<view class='line2 name'>{{item.store_name}}</view>
<view class='money'>¥<text>{{item.price}}</text></view>
<view v-else class="empty">
<image src="/static/images/no_thing.png"></image>
<view class="foot_bar">
<button class="confirm_btn" @click="submit">确定({{checkedArr.length}})</button>
import Loading from '@/components/Loading/index.vue';
import { boughtLstApi, collectLstApi, browseLstApi } from "@/api/community";
import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
export default {
props: {
checkedObj: {
type: Array,
default: []
computed: mapGetters(['viewColor']),
components: { Loading },
data() {
return {
isActive: 0,
loadedb: false,
loadingb: false,
loadedc: false,
loadingc: false,
loadeds: false,
loadings: false,
whereb: {
page: 1,
limit: 10,
keyword: '',
wherec: {
page: 1,
limit: 10,
keyword: '',
wheres: {
page: 1,
limit: 10,
keyword: '',
searchVal: "",
checked: [],
list: [],
collect: [],
bought: [],
browse: [],
checkedArr: [],
watch: {
checkedObj: {
handler(n) {
// this.checkedArr = n
deep: true
mounted() {
this.checkedArr = this.checkedObj
methods: {
// 点击关闭按钮
close() {
tabs(index) {
this.isActive = index
this.$set(this.whereb, 'keyword', '');
this.$set(this.wherec, 'keyword', '');
this.$set(this.wheres, 'keyword', '');
this.searchVal = ''
onTouchmove(e) {
if (this.loadendb) return;
if (this.loadingb) return;
const query = uni.createSelectorQuery().in(this);
query.select('#goods').boundingClientRect(data => {
if (data.bottom < 1500 && data.top < 0) {
// 模拟触底刷新
onTouchmove1(e) {
if (this.loadendc) return;
if (this.loadingc) return;
const query = uni.createSelectorQuery().in(this);
query.select('#collect').boundingClientRect(data => {
if (data.bottom < 1500 && data.top < 0) {
// 模拟触底刷新
onTouchmove2(e) {
if (this.loadends) return;
if (this.loadings) return;
const query = uni.createSelectorQuery().in(this);
query.select('#browse').boundingClientRect(data => {
if (data.bottom < 1500 && data.top < 0) {
// 模拟触底刷新
setValue: function(event) {
this.$set(this.whereb, 'keyword', event.detail.value);
this.$set(this.wherec, 'keyword', event.detail.value);
this.$set(this.wheres, 'keyword', event.detail.value);
searchBut() {
this.loadingb = this.loadingc = this.loadings = this.loadedb = this.loadedc = this.loadeds = false
this.whereb.page = this.wherec.page = this.wheres.page = 1
this.bought = this.collect = this.browse = []
this.isActive == 0 ? this.getBounht() : this.isActive == 1 ? this.getCollect() : this.getBrowse()
getBounht() {
var that = this;
if (that.loadingb || that.loadedb) return;
that.loadingb = true;
res => {
that.loadingb = false;
that.loadedb = res.data.list.length < that.whereb.limit;
that.bought.push.apply(that.bought, res.data.list);
that.whereb.page = that.whereb.page + 1;
error => {
title: error.msg
getCollect() {
var that = this;
if (that.loadingc || that.loadedc) return;
that.loadingc = true;
res => {
that.loadingc = false;
that.loadedc = res.data.list.length < that.wherec.limit;
that.collect.push.apply(that.collect, res.data.list);
that.wherec.page = that.wherec.page + 1;
error => {
title: error.msg
getBrowse() {
var that = this;
if (that.loadings || that.loadeds) return;
that.loadings = true;
res => {
that.loadings = false;
that.loadeds = res.data.list.length < that.wheres.limit;
that.browse.push.apply(that.browse, res.data.list);
that.wheres.page = that.wheres.page + 1;
error => {
title: error.msg
getInitchecked(arr) {
let that = this;
arr.forEach((item, index) => {
that.$set(item, 'check', false);
that.checkedArr.forEach((val, i) => {
if ((item.spu_id == (val.spu && val.spu.spu_id)) || (item.spu_id == val.spu_id)) {
that.$set(item, 'check', true);
getCheckedGoods() {
this.checked = []
this.checkedArr.forEach((item, index) => {
goodsCheck(item, index) {
this.$set(item, 'check', !item.check);
if (item.check) {
} else {
this.checkedArr.splice(this.checkedArr.findIndex(itemn => ((itemn.spu_id == item.spu_id) || (item.spu_id == (
itemn.spu && itemn.spu.spu_id)))), 1)
submit() {
this.$emit('getProduct', this.checkedArr);
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text {
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border-radius: 30rpx;
padding: 12rpx 30rpx 12rpx 66rpx;
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font-size: 24rpx;
color: #939393;
position: absolute;
top: 20rpx;
left: 30rpx;
.placeholder {
color: #999999;
font-size: 26rpx;
.sub_title {
color: #282828;
font-size: 26rpx;
margin-top: 30rpx;
.iconfont {
color: #8A8A8A;
font-size: 28rpx;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
right: 30rpx;
scroll-view {
height: 650rpx;
.main {
height: 650rpx;
margin: 40rpx 0 80rpx;
padding: 0 30rpx;
.picTxt {
width: 100%;
padding: 25rpx 0;
position: relative;
align-items: center;
justify-content: space-between;
margin-bottom: 10rpx;
.checkbox {
margin-right: 30rpx;
.iconfont {
font-size: 38rpx;
color: #CCCCCC;
.icon-xuanzhong1 {
color: var(--view-theme);
.disabled {
pointer-events: none;
cursor: default;
opacity: 0.3;
.pictrue {
width: 160rpx;
height: 160rpx;
image {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
border-radius: 8rpx;
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width: 430rpx;
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font-size: 28rpx;
color: #282828;
position: relative;
height: 160rpx;
.name {
color: #282828;
font-size: 28rpx;
.money {
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
color: var(--view-priceColor);
font-size: 22rpx;
font-weight: bold;
text {
font-size: 26rpx;
.foot_bar {
width: 100%;
position: fixed;
// bottom: 54px;
left: 0;
padding: 20rpx 0;
z-index: 5;
.confirm_btn {
width: 710rpx;
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line-height: 86rpx;
color: #ffffff;
text-align: center;
font-size: 32rpx;
background: var(--view-theme);
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margin: 0 auto;
.empty {
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uni-image {
display: inline-block;
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text {
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@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
<view :style="viewColor">
<view class="container">
<view class="header">
<text class="title">绑定手机号</text>
<text class="iconfont icon-guanbi5" @tap="closePopup"></text>
<view class="main_counts">
<form report-submit='true'>
<view class="ChangePassword">
<view class="list">
<view class="item">
<input type='number' placeholder='输入手机号码' placeholder-class='placeholder' v-model="phone"></input>
<view class="item acea-row row-between-wrapper">
<input type='number' placeholder='输入验证码' placeholder-class='placeholder' class="codeIput" v-model="captcha"></input>
<button class="code" :class="disabled === true ? 'on' : ''" :disabled='disabled' @click="handleVerify">
{{ text }}
<button form-type="submit" @click="editPwd" class="confirmBnt">确认绑定</button>
<!-- #ifdef MP -->
<button v-if="!isCommuity" form-type="submit" class="getPhoneBtn" open-type="getPhoneNumber" @getphonenumber="getPhoneNumber"><text class="iconfont icon-weixin2"></text>使用微信绑定号码</button>
<!-- #endif -->
<Verify @success="success" :captchaType="'blockPuzzle'" :imgSize="{ width: '330px', height: '155px' }" ref="verify"></Verify>
<view class='mask' catchtouchmove="true" :hidden='popup.show==false' @tap="closePopup"></view>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
import sendVerifyCode from "@/mixins/SendVerifyCode";
import {
verifyCode, appletsDecrypt
} from '@/api/api.js';
import { registerVerify } from '@/api/user.js'
import {
} from "vuex";
import Verify from '@/components/verify/verify.vue';
export default {
isCommuity: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
mixins: [sendVerifyCode],
components: {
data() {
return {
isAuto: false, //没有授权的不会自动授权
isShowAuth: false, //是否隐藏授权
key: '',
codeVal: '',
popup: {
show: false
computed: mapGetters(['isLogin','viewColor']),
onLoad() {
methods: {
// 点击关闭按钮
closePopup() {
// #ifdef MP
getPhoneNumber(e) {
let that = this;
}).then(res => {
title: '绑定成功!',
icon: 'success'
url: '/pages/user/index',
// #endif
editPwd: function() {
let that = this;
if (!that.phone) return that.$util.Tips({
title: '请输入手机号码!'
if (!(/^1(3|4|5|7|8|9|6)\d{9}$/i.test(that.phone))) return that.$util.Tips({
title: '请输入正确的手机号码!'
if (!that.captcha) return that.$util.Tips({
title: '请填写验证码'
phone: that.phone,
sms_code: that.captcha
}).then(res => {
if (res.data !== undefined && res.data.is_bind) {
title: '是否绑定手机号',
content: res.msg,
confirmText: '绑定',
success(res) {
if (res.confirm) {
phone: that.phone,
captcha: that.captcha,
step: 1
}).then(res => {
return that.$util.Tips({
title: res.msg,
icon: 'success'
}).catch(err => {
return that.$util.Tips({
title: err
} else if (res.cancel) {
return that.$util.Tips({
title: '您已取消绑定!'
}, {
tab: 5,
url: '/pages/users/user_info/index'
} else
return that.$util.Tips({
title: '绑定成功!',
icon: 'success'
}).catch(err => {
return that.$util.Tips({
title: err
* 发送验证码
async code(data) {
let that = this;
if (!that.phone) return that.$util.Tips({
title: '请填写手机号码!'
if (!(/^1(3|4|5|7|8|9|6)\d{9}$/i.test(that.phone))) return that.$util.Tips({
title: '请输入正确的手机号码!'
this.disabled = true
await registerVerify({
type: 'binding',
captchaType: 'blockPuzzle',
captchaVerification: data.captchaVerification
}).then(res => {
this.disabled = false
title: res.msg
}).catch(err => {
this.disabled = false
return that.$util.Tips({
title: err
success(data) {
handleVerify() {
let that = this;
if (!that.phone) return that.$util.Tips({
title: '请填写手机号码!'
if (!(/^1(3|4|5|7|8|9|6)\d{9}$/i.test(that.phone))) return that.$util.Tips({
title: '请输入正确的手机号码!'
<style lang="scss" scoped>
background-color: #ffffff;
border-radius: 16rpx 16rpx 0 0;
position: relative;
padding-bottom: 30rpx;
position: relative;
padding: 40rpx 30rpx;
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color: #282828;
font-size: 32rpx;
color: #8A8A8A;
font-size: 28rpx;
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right: 20rpx;
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font-size: 30rpx;
line-height: 30rpx;
top: 20rpx;
background-color: transparent;
font-weight: normal;
padding: 0 30rpx 100rpx;
.ChangePassword .phone {
font-size: 32rpx;
font-weight: bold;
text-align: center;
margin-top: 55rpx;
.ChangePassword .list .item {
height: 86rpx;
margin-bottom: 30rpx;
flex-direction: row;
.ChangePassword .list .item input {
height: 100%;
font-size: 32rpx;
border: 1px solid #DCDCDC;
border-radius: 43rpx;
padding: 0 40rpx;
.ChangePassword .list .item .placeholder {
color: #b9b9bc;
.ChangePassword .list .item input.codeIput {
max-width: 400rpx;
.ChangePassword .list .item .code {
font-size: 28rpx;
background-color: var(--view-minorColor);
color: var(--view-theme);
width: 230rpx;
height: 86rpx;
border-radius: 43rpx;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
.ChangePassword .list .item .code.on {
color: #b9b9bc;
.ChangePassword .confirmBnt {
font-size: 32rpx;
width: 580rpx;
height: 90rpx;
border-radius: 45rpx;
color: #fff;
margin: 60rpx auto 0 auto;
text-align: center;
line-height: 90rpx;
background-color: var(--view-theme);
font-size: 32rpx;
width: 580rpx;
height: 90rpx;
border-radius: 45rpx;
border: 1px solid #3CB625;
color: #3CB625;
margin: 40rpx auto 0 auto;
text-align: center;
line-height: 90rpx;
font-size: 32rpx;
margin-right: 12rpx;
top: auto!important;
@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
<view :style="viewColor">
<view class="payment" :class="pay_close ? 'on' : ''">
<view class="title acea-row row-center-wrapper">
选择提现方式<text class="iconfont icon-guanbi" @click='close'></text>
<radio-group @change="radioChange">
<label class="item acea-row row-between-wrapper" v-for="(item,index) in payMode" :key="index">
<view class="acea-row-left">
<view class="icon-left" :style="[{backgroundColor: item.bg_color}]">
<view class="iconfont" :class="item.icon"></view>
<view class="name">{{item.name}}</view>
<radio :value="item.id.toString()" :checked="item.id == order_id" />
<view class="mask" ref="close" @click='close' v-if="pay_close"></view>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
import { orderPay, presellOrderPay } from '@/api/order.js';
import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
export default {
props: {
payMode: {
type: Array,
default: function() {
return [];
pay_close: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
order_id: {
type: String,
default: '0'
computed: mapGetters(['viewColor']),
data() {
return {
type: '0'
methods: {
close: function() {
radioChange(e) {
this.type = e.detail.value
this.$emit('onChangeFun', {
action: 'payClose',
type: this.type
<style scoped lang="scss">
.payment {
position: fixed;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
border-radius: 16rpx 16rpx 0 0;
background-color: #fff;
padding-bottom: 60rpx;
z-index: 99;
transition: all 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.5, 0.5, 0.9);
transform: translate3d(0, 100%, 0);
.payment.on {
transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);
/deep/radio .uni-radio-input.uni-radio-input-checked {
border: 1px solid var(--view-theme) !important;
background-color: var(--view-theme) !important
.payment .title {
text-align: center;
height: 123rpx;
font-size: 32rpx;
color: #282828;
font-weight: bold;
padding-right: 30rpx;
margin-left: 30rpx;
position: relative;
border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;
.payment .title .iconfont {
position: absolute;
right: 30rpx;
top: 50%;
transform: translateY(-50%);
font-size: 43rpx;
color: #8a8a8a;
font-weight: normal;
.payment .item {
border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;
height: 130rpx;
margin-left: 30rpx;
padding-right: 30rpx;
.payment .item .acea-row-left{
display: inline-block;
width: 56rpx;
height: 56rpx;
text-align: center;
line-height: 56rpx;
background-color: #FE960F;
margin-right: 20rpx;
border-radius: 50%;
color: #FFF;
font-size: 36rpx;
display: inline-block;
@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
<view class='coupon-list-window animated' :class='coupon.status==true?"slideInUp":""'>
<view class='title'>
<view class="item">优惠券</view>
<block v-if="couponArr.length">
<view class='coupon-list'>
<view class='item acea-row row-center-wrapper' v-for="(item,index) in couponArr" @click="getCouponUser(index,item)"
<view class='money acea-row row-column row-center-wrapper'>
<view>¥<text class='num'>{{item.coupon_price}}</text></view>
<view class="pic-num">满{{item.use_min_price}}元可用</view>
<view class='text'>
<view class='condition line1'>
<span class='line-title' v-if='item.coupon.type===0'>店铺券</span>
<span class='line-title' v-else-if='item.coupon.type===1'>商品券</span>
<view class='data acea-row row-between-wrapper'>
<view>{{ item.start_time |timeYMD }} ~ {{ item.end_time |timeYMD}}</view>
<view class="iconfont icon-weixuanzhong" v-if="!item.checked"></view>
<view class='iconfont icon-xuanzhong1' v-else></view>
<view class="foot-box">
<view class="left">
<view class="btn" @click="confirm">确定</view>
<!-- 无优惠券 -->
<view class='pictrue' v-else>
<image src='../../static/images/noCoupon.png'></image>
<view class='mask' catchtouchmove="true" :hidden='coupon.status==false' @click='close'></view>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
import {
} from '@/api/api.js';
export default {
props: {
//打开状态 0=领取优惠券,1=使用优惠券
openType: {
type: Number,
default: 0,
coupon: {
type: Object,
default: function() {
return {};
subCoupon: {
type: Object
filters: {
timeYMD: function(value) {
var newDate=/\d{4}-(\d{1,2}\d{1,2}-\d{1,2}\d{1,2})/g.exec(value)
return newDate?.[1]||''
data() {
return {
couponArr: [],
couponData: {},
// 选中的数据存放
active: {},
allNum: 0,
allCouponNum: 0,
// 选中店铺优惠券id
use_store_coupon: 0,
// 单个店铺总价
pay_price: 0,
// 商品有优惠订单
goodsOrder: ''
mounted() {
this.couponData = this.coupon
// 深拷贝数据 不影响原来数据使用
this.couponArr = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.coupon.coupon))
// 深拷贝数据 不影响原来数据使用
this.goodsOrder = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.coupon.order))
let tempObj = this.active[this.couponData.mer_id] = {}
tempObj.product = []
tempObj.store = ''
methods: {
close: function() {
// 使用优惠券
getCouponUser: function(index, item) {
let self = this
// 先判断是哪个券 1商品 0店铺
if (item.coupon.type == 1) {
let order = this.goodsOrder
let orderToalPrice = 0
if (item.checked) {
* 取消选中 并且删除 use_coupon_product里的值
* use_coupon_product 哪些商品可以用的券的id
* */
for (let key in order.use_coupon_product) {
if (order.use_coupon_product[key] == item.coupon_user_id) {
delete order.use_coupon_product[key]
item.checked = false
} else {
* 选中
* @item.product 该优惠券可以使用的商品
* order.product_price 产品的价格 key是id
* */
for (let i = 0; i < item.product.length; i++) {
if (order.product_price[item.product[i].product_id]) {
orderToalPrice = order.product_price[item.product[i].product_id]
if (orderToalPrice >= parseFloat(item.use_min_price)) {
// 可以用
if (!order.use_coupon_product[item.product[i].product_id]) {
item.checked = true
order.use_coupon_product[item.product[i].product_id] = item.coupon_user_id
} else {
// 上个商品用了就取消选中,点击的这个添加选中
this.couponArr.forEach(el => {
if (el.coupon_user_id == order.use_coupon_product[item.product[i].product_id]) {
el.checked = false
item.checked = true
order.use_coupon_product[item.product[i].product_id] = item.coupon_user_id
} else {
let order = this.couponData.order
// 店铺券
if (item.checked) {
item.checked = false
// this.pay_price = order.total_price
} else {
this.couponArr.forEach(el => {
if (el.coupon.type == 0 && el.checked) {
el.checked = false
item.checked = true
this.pay_price = this.$util.$h.Sub(order.total_price, item.coupon_price)
// 选中计算
allActive() {
let tempObj = this.active[this.couponData.mer_id]
let sotreTotal = 0 //商铺券优惠
let goodsTotal = 0 //商品券优惠
tempObj.product = []
tempObj.store = ''
this.couponArr.forEach(el => {
* @el.coupon.type 0店铺 1商品
if (el.coupon.type == 0 && el.checked) {
tempObj.store = el.coupon_user_id
sotreTotal = el.coupon_price
this.use_store_coupon = el.coupon_user_id
if (el.coupon.type == 1 && el.checked) {
goodsTotal = this.$util.$h.Add(goodsTotal, el.coupon_price)
if (tempObj.store) {
this.allNum = this.$util.$h.Add(tempObj.product.length, 1)
} else {
this.allNum = tempObj.product.length
let tempAllCouponNum = this.$util.$h.Add(sotreTotal, goodsTotal)
if (parseFloat(tempAllCouponNum) >= parseFloat(this.couponData.order.total_price)) {
this.allCouponNum = this.couponData.order.total_price
} else {
if(this.allNum !== 0 ){
if(sotreTotal || goodsTotal){
this.allCouponNum = tempAllCouponNum
this.allCouponNum = this.couponData.order.total_price
this.allCouponNum = tempAllCouponNum
// 确认
confirm() {
// 商品类
this.couponData.order = this.goodsOrder
// 店铺类
// 支付价格
let tempTotal = 0
tempTotal = this.$util.$h.Sub(this.couponData.order.total_price, this.allCouponNum)
if (tempTotal > 0) {
this.couponData.order.pay_price = this.$util.$h.Add(tempTotal, this.couponData.order.postage_price)
} else {
// 如果没有用优惠券
if(this.allNum == 0){
this.couponData.order.pay_price = this.$util.$h.Add(this.couponData.order.total_price, this.couponData.order.postage_price)
this.couponData.order.pay_price = this.couponData.order.postage_price
// 列表的优惠总金额
this.couponData.order.coupon_price = this.allCouponNum
this.couponData.order.use_store_coupon = this.use_store_coupon
this.couponData.coupon = this.couponArr
this.active[this.coupon.mer_id].product = this.goodsOrder.use_coupon_product
this.subCoupon[this.coupon.mer_id] = this.active[this.coupon.mer_id]
<style scoped lang="scss">
.animated {
animation-duration: .3s
.title {
display: flex;
.item {
position: relative;
flex: 1;
font-size: 28rpx;
color: #999999;
&::after {
content: ' ';
position: absolute;
left: 50%;
bottom: 18rpx;
width: 50rpx;
height: 5rpx;
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transform: translateX(-50%);
&.on {
color: #282828;
&::after {
background: $theme-color;
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padding: 30rpx;
.item {
box-shadow: 0px 2px 10px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06);
.coupon-list-window {
position: fixed;
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transform: translate3d(0, 100%, 0);
transition: all .3s cubic-bezier(.25, .5, .5, .9);
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animation: aminup;
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height: 106rpx;
width: 100%;
text-align: center;
line-height: 106rpx;
font-size: 32rpx;
font-weight: bold;
position: relative;
border: 1px solid #f5f5f5;
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position: absolute;
right: 30rpx;
top: 50%;
transform: translateY(-50%);
font-size: 35rpx;
color: #8a8a8a;
font-weight: normal;
.coupon-list-window .coupon-list {
margin: 0 0 0rpx 0;
height: 550rpx;
overflow: auto;
.coupon-list-window .pictrue {
width: 414rpx;
height: 336rpx;
margin: 0 auto 50rpx auto;
.coupon-list-window .pictrue image {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
.pic-num {
color: #fff;
font-size: 24rpx;
.line-title {
width: 90rpx;
padding: 0 10rpx;
box-sizing: border-box;
background: rgba(255, 247, 247, 1);
border: 1px solid rgba(232, 51, 35, 1);
opacity: 1;
border-radius: 20rpx;
font-size: 20rpx;
color: #E83323;
margin-right: 12rpx;
.line-title.gray {
border-color: #BBB;
color: #bbb;
background-color: #F5F5F5;
.foot-box {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: space-between;
height: 100rpx;
padding: 0 30rpx;
border-top: 1px solid #F5F5F5;
.btn {
width: 240rpx;
height: 70rpx;
line-height: 70rpx;
text-align: center;
background: $theme-color;
border-radius: 35rpx;
color: #fff;
font-size: 30rpx;
.left {
text {
color: $theme-color;
.coupon-list .item .text .data .iconfont {
font-size: 36rpx;
&.icon-weixuanzhong {
color: #BFBFBF;
&.icon-xuanzhong1 {
color: $theme-color;
@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
<view :style="viewColor">
<!-- 选择送货方式 -->
<view class="mask-box">
<view class="bg" v-if="isShowBox"></view>
<view class="mask-content animated" :class="{slideInUp:isShowBox}">
<view class="title-bar">
<view class="close" @click="closeShowBox"><text class="iconfont icon-guanbi"></text></view>
<view class="box">
<view class="check-item" v-for="(item,index) in radioList" :key="index"
:class="{on:index == radioIndex}">
<view class="radio" @click="bindCheck(item,index)">
<block v-if="index == newData.order.isTake">
<view class="iconfont icon-xuanzhong1"></view>
<block v-else>
<view class="iconfont icon-weixuanzhong"></view>
<view class="foot">
<view class="btn" @click="confirmBtn">确定</view>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
import {
} from "vuex";
export default {
name: 'checkDelivery',
props: {
isShowBox: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
activeObj: {
type: Object,
default: function() {
return {}
deliveryName: {
type: String,
default: '快递配送'
radioList: {
type: Array,
default: [{
title: '快递配送',
check: true
title: '到店核销',
check: false
computed: mapGetters(['viewColor']),
data() {
return {
radioIndex: 0,
oldRadioIndex: '', //旧的索引
newData: {}
created() {
this.newData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.activeObj))
methods: {
// 关闭配送方式弹窗
closeShowBox() {
// 选择配送方式
bindCheck(item, index) {
this.newData.order.isTake = index
confirmBtn() {
this.$emit('confirmBtn', this.newData)
<style lang="scss">
.mask-box {
.bg {
z-index: 30;
position: fixed;
left: 0;
bottom: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
.mask-content {
z-index: 40;
position: fixed;
left: 0;
bottom: 0;
width: 100%;
background-color: #fff;
border-radius: 16rpx 16rpx 0 0;
transform: translate3d(0, 100%, 0);
transition: all .3s cubic-bezier(.25, .5, .5, .9);
.title-bar {
position: relative;
text-align: center;
padding: 30rpx 0;
margin-bottom: 20rpx;
font-size: 32rpx;
color: #282828;
.close {
position: absolute;
right: 30rpx;
top: 50%;
transform: translateY(-50%);
.iconfont {
color: #8A8A8A;
.box {
padding: 0 30rpx;
.check-item {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: space-between;
height: 40rpx;
margin-bottom: 50rpx;
font-size: 28rpx;
.iconfont {
font-size: 38rpx;
color: #CCCCCC;
&.icon-xuanzhong1 {
color: var(--view-theme);
.foot {
padding: 15rpx 30rpx;
border-top: 1px solid #F5F5F5;
.btn {
width: 100%;
height: 70rpx;
line-height: 70rpx;
text-align: center;
border-radius: 35rpx;
color: #fff;
font-size: 30rpx;
background: var(--view-theme);
.animated {
animation-duration: .3s
@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
<view :style="viewColor">
<view class="navTabBox">
<view class="longTab">
<scroll-view scroll-x="true" style="white-space: nowrap; display: flex;" scroll-with-animation :scroll-left="tabLeft"
<view class="longItem" :style='"width:"+isWidth+"px"' :data-index="index" :class="index===tabClick?'click':''"
v-for="(item,index) in tabTitle" :key="index" :id="'id'+index" @click="longClick(index,item.store_category_id)">{{item.cate_name}}
<view class="underlineBox" :style='"transform:translateX("+isLeft+"px);width:"+isWidth+"px"'>
<view class="underline bg-color-white"></view>
<view class='iconfont icon-xiangxia' style="padding: 8rpx 0 0 8rpx;" @click="tabsOpen = true"></view>
<view class="tabs-box" v-if="tabsOpen">
<view class="box-top">
<view class="">
<view class="">
<view class='iconfont icon-xiangshang' @click="tabsOpen = false"></view>
<view class="all-tabs">
<view class="tabs-style" :class="index===tabClick?'active':''" v-for="(tab,index) in tabTitle" :key='index' @click="longClick(index,tab.store_category_id)">
<text class="line1">{{tab.cate_name}}</text>
<view class='mask' v-if="tabsOpen" @click="tabsOpen = false"></view>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
let app = getApp();
export default {
name: 'navTab',
props: {
tabTitle: {
type: Array,
default: () => {
computed: mapGetters(['viewColor']),
data() {
return {
tabClick: 0, //导航栏被点击
isLeft: 0, //导航栏下划线位置
isWidth: 0, //每个导航栏占位
tabLeft: 0,
swiperIndex: 0,
childIndex: 0,
childID: 0,
window: false,
tabsOpen: false
created() {
var that = this
// 获取设备宽度
success(e) {
that.isWidth = e.windowWidth / 5
methods: {
// 导航栏点击
longClick(index, id) {
this.childIndex = 0;
if (this.tabTitle.length > 5) {
var tempIndex = index - 2;
tempIndex = tempIndex <= 0 ? 0 : tempIndex;
this.tabLeft = (index - 2) * this.isWidth //设置下划线位置
this.tabClick = index //设置导航点击了哪一个
this.isLeft = index * this.isWidth //设置下划线位置
let obj = {
index: index,
pid: id
this.tabsOpen = false
parentEmit(obj) {
this.$emit('changeTab', obj);
<style lang="scss">
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0% {
opacity: 0;
100% {
opacity: 1;
.navTabBox {
width: 750rpx;
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top: 0;
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flex-direction: column;
width: 90%;
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border-radius: 24rpx;
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animation: bounce-in .3s;
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padding: 30rpx 20rpx 10rpx 20rpx;
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
color: #666;
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.all-tabs {
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
padding: 20rpx 0;
font-size: 24rpx;
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display: flex;
justify-content: center;
background: #F2F2F2;
border-radius: 29px;
color: #282828;
width: 22%;
padding: 10rpx 20rpx;
white-space: nowrap;
border-radius: 30px;
margin: 10rpx;
.active {
background: var(--view-minorColor);
color: var(--view-theme);
border: 1px solid var(--view-theme);
.nav_toggle {
position: absolute;
top: 8rpx;
right: 20rpx;
.click {
color: white;
.longTab {
display: flex;
width: 95%;
/* #ifdef H5 */
padding-bottom: 20rpx;
/* #endif */
/* #ifdef MP */
padding-top: 12rpx;
padding-bottom: 12rpx;
/* #endif */
.longItem {
height: 50upx;
display: inline-block;
line-height: 50upx;
text-align: center;
font-size: 30rpx;
color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .8);
max-width: 160rpx;
white-space: nowrap;
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
overflow-x: scroll;
overflow-y: hidden;
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&.click {
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 30rpx;
color: #FFFFFF;
.underlineBox {
height: 3px;
width: 20%;
display: flex;
align-content: center;
justify-content: center;
transition: .5s;
.underline {
width: 60rpx;
height: 4rpx;
.bg-color-white {
background-color: #fff;
.child-box {
width: 100%;
position: relative;
background-color: #fff;
/* #ifdef H5 */
box-shadow: 0 2px 5px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.02);
/* #endif */
/* #ifdef MP */
box-shadow: 0 2rpx 3rpx 1rpx #f9f9f9;
/* #endif */
.wrapper {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
padding: 20rpx 0;
background: #fff;
.child-item {
flex-shrink: 0;
width: 140rpx;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
margin-left: 10rpx;
image {
width: 90rpx;
height: 90rpx;
border-radius: 50%;
.txt {
font-size: 24rpx;
color: #282828;
text-align: center;
margin-top: 10rpx;
&.on {
image {
border: 1px solid $theme-color-opacity;
.txt {
color: $theme-color;
.brand-wrapper {
flex: 1;
overflow: hidden;
width: 690rpx;
margin: 0 auto;
background: #ffffff;
border-radius: 12rpx;
padding: 25rpx;
.wrapper {
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
padding-bottom: 20rpx;
.item {
display: block;
width: 146rpx;
height: 58rpx;
line-height: 58rpx;
text-align: center;
background: rgba(242, 242, 242, 1);
border-radius: 28rpx;
margin-top: 25rpx;
padding: 0 10rpx;
margin-right: 19rpx;
color: #282828;
font-size: 24rpx;
&:nth-child(4n) {
margin-right: 0;
&.on {
background: rgba(255, 244, 243, 1);
border: 1px solid rgba(233, 51, 35, 1);
color: rgba(233, 51, 35, 1);
.btns {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
padding-top: 10rpx;
font-size: 22rpx;
color: #999;
.iconfont {
margin-left: 10rpx;
margin-top: 5rpx;
font-size: 20rpx;
.mask {
z-index: 300 !important;
.icon-xiangxia {
font-size: 20px;
@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
<view :style="viewColor">
<view class="container" :class="isShow==true?'on':''" @click.stop="loseFocus">
<view class="main_content">
<view class="header">
<text class="title">评论 {{all}}</text>
<text class="iconfont icon-guanbi5" @click="close"></text>
<view class="main">
<scroll-view scroll-y="true">
<view v-if="list.length > 0" @touchmove="onTouchmove" id="reply">
<view class="common_list" v-for="(item, index) in list" :key="index">
<view class="commen_one">
<image :src="(item.author&&item.author.avatar) || '/static/images/f.png'" class="image"></image>
<view class="info_count">
<view class="info">
<view class="message" @click.stop="toReply(item,index)">
<view v-if="item.author" class="name">{{item.author.nickname}}</view>
<view class="desc">{{item.content}}</view>
<view class="time">{{item.create_time}}</view>
<view class="like" @click.stop="starComment(item)">
<view class="iconfont":class="item.relevance_id ? 'icon-yidianzan' : 'icon-dianzan1'"></view>
<view v-if="item.children && item.children.length > 0" class="reply_count">
<view v-for="(itemn,indexn) in item.children" :key="indexn" class="reply_list">
<view class="item">
<view class="item_count" @click.stop="toReply(itemn,index)">
<image class="image" :src="itemn.author && itemn.author.avatar || '/static/images/f.png'"></image>
<view v-if="itemn.author" class="name_two">{{itemn.author.nickname}}</view>
<view class="desc_two">
<text class="reply_user" v-if="itemn.reply">回复 @{{itemn.reply.nickname}} </text> {{itemn.content}}
<view class="time_two">{{itemn.create_time}}</view>
<view class="like_two" @click.stop="starComment(itemn)">
<view class="iconfont":class="itemn.relevance_id ? 'icon-yidianzan' : 'icon-dianzan1'"></view>
<view class="end"><text>到底了</text></view>
<Loading :loaded="loaded" :loading="loading"></Loading>
<view v-if="list.length == 0 && !loading" class="empty">
<image src="/static/images/no_commen.png"></image>
<view class="release_bar" :style="'bottom:'+bottom+'rpx;'">
<image class="image" :src="userInfo.avatar || '/static/images/f.png'"></image>
<view class="input_count">
<input type="text" :placeholder="placeholder" placeholder-style="color: #999999; font-size: 26rpx;" v-model="content" :focus="focus" confirm-type="search">
<button class="send" @click.stop="submitComment">发送</button>
<!-- 绑定手机号 -->
<uni-popup ref="bindmobile" type="bottom">
<bindmobile @close="closepoup" :isCommuity="true"></bindmobile>
<view class='mask' catchtouchmove="true" :hidden='isShow==false' @tap="close"></view>
<authorize @onLoadFun="onLoadFun" :isAuto="isAuto" :isShowAuth="isShowAuth" @authColse="authColse"></authorize>
import { replyLstApi, starCommentApi, replyCreateApi } from '@/api/community.js';
import Loading from '@/components/Loading/index.vue';
import bindmobile from '@/components/bindmobile.vue';
import { getUserInfo } from '@/api/user.js';
import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
import { configMap } from '@/utils';
import authorize from '@/components/Authorize';
export default {
isShow: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
bottom: {
type: Number,
default: 0
userInfo: {
type: Object,
default: () => {uid:0;avatar:""}
components: {
computed: configMap({community_reply_auth:0},mapGetters(['isLogin', 'viewColor'])),
data() {
return {
content: '',
id: "",
list: [],
loaded: false,
loading: false,
where: {
page: 1,
limit: 10
reply_id: "",
placeholder: "快来说点儿什么吧...",
isChild: false,
index: 0,
listIndex: 0,
focus: false,
all: 0,
isShowAuth: false, //是否隐藏授权
isAuto: false, //没有授权的不会自动授权
methods: {
// 点击关闭按钮
close() {
if (this.loadend || this.loading) return;
const query = uni.createSelectorQuery().in(this);
query.select('#reply').boundingClientRect(data => {
// console.log(data)
if(data.bottom < 1500 && data.top < 0) {
// 模拟触底刷新
// 授权回调
onLoadFun() {
this.isShowAuth = false
// 授权关闭
authColse: function(e) {
this.isShowAuth = e
this.id = item.community_id
this.loading = this.loaded = false
this.where.page = 1
this.list = []
this.listIndex = index
let that = this;
if(that.loading || that.loaded) return;
that.loading = true;
replyLstApi(that.id,that.where).then(res => {
that.loading = false;
that.all = res.data.all;
that.loaded = res.data.list.length < that.where.limit;
that.list.push.apply(that.list, res.data.list);
that.where.page = that.where.page + 1;
error => {
title: error.msg
let that = this;
if (that.isLogin === false) {
that.isAuto = true;
that.isShowAuth = true;
* 获取个人用户信息
getUserInfo: function() {
let that = this;
getUserInfo().then(res => {
if(res.data.phone || that.community_reply_auth == 0){
createReply() {
let that = this;
let reply_id = that.reply_id ? that.reply_id : 0
replyCreateApi(that.id,{content: that.content,reply_id: reply_id}).then(res => {
title: res.message
if(res.data.status == 1){
that.list[that.index]['children'] = [res.data]
that.content = ""
title: res.message
}).catch(err => {
title: err,
icon: 'none'
this.content = ""
this.placeholder = '回复:'+item.author.nickname
this.reply_id = item.reply_id
this.isChild = true
this.index = index;
this.focus = true;
this.focus = false;
this.reply_id = 0;
this.placeholder = "快来说点儿什么吧..."
this.isChild = false
// this.content = ""
let that = this;
let status = item.relevance_id ? 0 : 1
starCommentApi(item.reply_id,{status: status}).then(res => {
if (res.status === 200) {
item.count_start = item.count_start == 0 ? 0 : item.count_start
item.relevance_id = false
item.relevance_id = true
title: res.message
}).catch(err => {
title: err,
icon: 'none'
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bottom: 0;
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position: static;
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margin-bottom: 20rpx;
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position: relative;
padding-right: 90rpx;
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font-size: 26rpx;
color: #282828;
font-size: 28rpx;
margin-top: 10rpx;
font-size: 26rpx;
font-size: 24rpx;
color: #4A8AC9;
margin: 0 6rpx;
color: #BBBBBB;
font-size: 22rpx;
margin-top: 15rpx;
color: #999999;
font-size: 26rpx;
text-align: center;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
right: 0;
width: 75rpx;
color: var(--view-theme);
margin-top: 20rpx;
padding-right: 140rpx;
position: relative;
position: relative;
padding-left: 56rpx;
width: 36rpx;
height: 36rpx;
border-radius: 100%;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
margin-top: 50rpx;
text-align: center;
color: #999999;
font-size: 22rpx;
position: relative;
content: "";
display: inline-block;
width: 22rpx;
height: 1rpx;
background: #999999;
position: absolute;
top: 18rpx;
opacity: .5;
left: -30rpx;
right: -30rpx;
// position: absolute;
width: 100%;
left: 0;
/*#ifndef MP*/
bottom: 0;
/*#ifdef MP*/
bottom: 10rpx;
background: #ffffff;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: space-between;
padding: 15rpx 30rpx;
border-top: 1px solid #F5F5F5;
flex-direction: row;
width: 54rpx;
height: 54rpx;
border-radius: 100%;
width: 480rpx;
background: #F7F7F7;
border-radius: 31rpx;
padding: 12rpx 30rpx;
font-size: 26rpx;
color: #ffffff;
padding: 12rpx 30rpx;
background-image: linear-gradient(126deg, var(--view-bntColor21) 0%, var(--view-bntColor22) 100%);
border-radius: 30rpx;
text-align: center;
display: block;
margin: 130rpx 0 150rpx;
text-align: center;
display: inline-block;
width: 414rpx;
height: 305rpx;
display: block;
color: #999999;
font-size: 26rpx;
@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
<view :style="viewColor">
<view class='copy-list-window' :class='isCopy==true?"on":""'>
<button class="iconfont icon-guanbi" @click='close'></button>
<view class="title">
<text class="iconfont icon-xuanzhong11"></text>
<view class="copy-url">
<!-- #ifdef H5 -->
<text class="copy copy-data" :data-clipboard-text="copyUrl">{{copyUrl}}</text>
<!-- #endif -->
<!-- #ifndef H5 -->
<!-- #endif -->
<!-- #ifdef H5 -->
<button class="button copy-data" :data-clipboard-text="copyUrl">点击复制口令</button>
<!-- #endif -->
<!-- #ifndef H5 -->
<button class="button" @click="copyText">点击复制口令</button>
<!-- #endif -->
<view class='mask' catchtouchmove="true" :hidden='isCopy==false' @click='close'></view>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// #ifdef H5
import ClipboardJS from "@/plugin/clipboard/clipboard.js";
// #endif
import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
export default {
props: {
isCopy: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
copyUrl: {
type: String,
default: '',
computed: mapGetters(['viewColor']),
data() {
return {
title: '复制以下口令'
let that = this
// #ifdef H5
that.$nextTick(function() {
var clipboard = new ClipboardJS('.copy-data');
clipboard.on('success', function(e) {
clipboard.on('error', function(e) {
// #endif
methods: {
//#ifndef H5
let that = this;
uni.setClipboardData({ data: this.copyUrl });
// #endif
close: function(){
<style scoped lang="scss">
.copy-list-window {
position: fixed;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
background-color: #fff;
border-radius: 16rpx 16rpx 0 0;
z-index: 555;
transform: translate3d(0, 100%, 0);
transition: all .1s cubic-bezier(.25, .5, .5, .9);
padding: 50rpx 30rpx 30rpx;
position: absolute;
top: 20rpx;
right: 20rpx;
color: #8A8A8A;
height: 76rpx;
border-radius: 38rpx;
margin: 30rpx 30rpx 0;
background-color: var(--view-theme);
font-size: 30rpx;
line-height: 76rpx;
color: #FFFFFF;
.copy-list-window.on {
transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);
.copy-list-window .title {
width: 100%;
text-align: center;
font-size: 32rpx;
font-weight: bold;
font-family: 'PingFang SC';
.iconfont {
font-size: 30rpx;
color: #FBB324;
margin-right: 12rpx;
margin-top: 30rpx;
background: #F5F5F5;
padding: 20rpx 25rpx;
color: #BBBBBB;
font-size: 28rpx;
@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
<view class="time" :class="{themeColor : isView}" :style="justifyLeft+viewColor+'background-color:'+ bgColor +';color:'+ colors +';background-image:url('+bgImage+');'">
<text class="red" v-if="tipText">{{ tipText }}</text>
<text class="styleAll" v-if="isDay === true">{{ day }}</text>
<text class="timeTxt red" v-if="dayText">{{ dayText }}</text>
<text class="styleAll">{{ hour }}</text>
<text class="timeTxt red" v-if="hourText">{{ hourText }}</text>
<text class="styleAll">{{ minute }}</text>
<text class="timeTxt red" v-if="minuteText">{{ minuteText }}</text>
<text class="styleAll">{{ second }}</text>
<text class="timeTxt red" v-if="secondText">{{ secondText }}</text>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
export default {
name: "countDown",
props: {
justifyLeft: {
type: String,
default: ""
tipText: {
type: String,
default: "倒计时"
dayText: {
type: String,
default: "天"
hourText: {
type: String,
default: "时"
minuteText: {
type: String,
default: "分"
secondText: {
type: String,
default: "秒"
datatime: {
type: Number,
default: 0
isDay: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
type: String | Number,
default: ""
type: String,
default: ""
type: String,
default: ""
bgImage: {
type: String,
default: ""
isView: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
data: function() {
return {
day: "00",
hour: "00",
minute: "00",
second: "00"
created: function() {
mounted: function() {},
methods: {
show_time: function() {
let that = this;
function runTime() {
let intDiff = that.datatime - Date.parse(new Date()) / 1000; //获取数据中的时间戳的时间差;
let day = 0,
hour = 0,
minute = 0,
second = 0;
if (intDiff > 0) {
if (that.isDay === true) {
day = Math.floor(intDiff / (60 * 60 * 24));
} else {
day = 0;
hour = Math.floor(intDiff / (60 * 60)) - day * 24;
minute = Math.floor(intDiff / 60) - day * 24 * 60 - hour * 60;
second =
Math.floor(intDiff) -
day * 24 * 60 * 60 -
hour * 60 * 60 -
minute * 60;
if (hour <= 9) hour = "0" + hour;
if (minute <= 9) minute = "0" + minute;
if (second <= 9) second = "0" + second;
that.day = day;
that.hour = hour;
that.minute = minute;
that.second = second;
} else {
that.day = "00";
that.hour = "00";
that.minute = "00";
that.second = "00";
setInterval(runTime, 1000);
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.styleAll {
padding: 0 6rpx;
margin: 0 4rpx;
.themeColor .red{
color: var(--view-theme);
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
<view :style="viewColor">
<view class='coupon-list-window animated' :class='coupon.coupon==true?"slideInUp":""'>
<view class='title'>
<view class="item">优惠券<text class='iconfont icon-guanbi' @tap='close'></text></view>
<view class='coupon-list' v-if="coupon.list.length">
<view class='item acea-row row-center-wrapper' v-for="(item,index) in coupon.list" @click="getCouponUser(index,item)"
<view class='money acea-row row-column row-center-wrapper' :style="{ 'background-image': `url(${domain}/static/diy/couponBg${keyColor}.png)` }">
<view>¥<text class='num'>{{item.coupon_price}}</text></view>
<view class="pic-num">满{{item.use_min_price}}元可用</view>
<view class='text'>
<view class='condition line1'>
<span class='line-title' v-if='item.type===0'>店铺券</span>
<span class='line-title' v-else-if='item.type===1'>商品券</span>
<view class='data acea-row row-between-wrapper'>
<block v-if="item.coupon_type == 1">
<view>{{ item.use_start_time |timeYMD }}-{{ item.use_end_time |timeYMD}}</view>
<block v-if="item.coupon_type == 0">
<view>领取后{{ item.coupon_time}}天内可用</view>
<view class='gray iconfont icon-yilingqu2' v-if="item.issue"></view>
<view class='bnt b-color' v-else>{{coupon.statusTile || '立即领取'}}</view>
<!-- 无优惠券 -->
<view class='pictrue' v-else>
<image src='../../static/images/noCoupon.png'></image>
<view class='mask' catchtouchmove="true" :hidden='coupon.coupon==false' @click='close'></view>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
import { setCouponReceive } from '@/api/api.js';
import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
import { HTTP_REQUEST_URL } from '@/config/app';
export default {
props: {
//打开状态 0=领取优惠券,1=使用优惠券
openType: {
type: Number,
default: 0,
coupon: {
type: Object,
default: function() {
return {};
showTitle: {
type: Number,
default: 1,
isShop: {
type: Number,
default: 0,
filters: {
timeYMD: function (value) {
var newDate=/\d{4}-\d{1,2}-\d{1,2}/g.exec(value)
return newDate[0]
computed: mapGetters(['viewColor','keyColor']),
data() {
return {
mounted() {
this.couponArr = this.coupon.list
methods: {
close: function() {
getCouponUser: function(index, item) {
let that = this;
if (item.issue) return true;
switch (this.openType) {
case 0:
setCouponReceive(item.coupon_id).then(res => {
item.issue = true
that.$emit('ChangCouponsUseState', index);
title: "领取成功"
that.$emit('ChangCoupons', item);
case 1:
that.$emit('ChangCoupons', index);
this.tabIndex = index
<style scoped lang="scss">
display: flex;
border-radius: 16rpx 16rpx 0 0;
position: relative;
flex: 1;
font-size: 28rpx;
color: #999999;
content: ' ';
position: absolute;
left: 50%;
bottom: 18rpx;
transform: translateX(-50%);
color: #282828;
background: var(--view-theme);
.b-color {
background-color: var(--view-theme);
padding: 30rpx;
box-shadow:0px 2px 10px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06);
.coupon-list-window {
position: fixed;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
background-color: #fff;
border-radius: 16rpx 16rpx 0 0;
z-index: 555;
transform: translate3d(0, 100%, 0);
transition: all .3s cubic-bezier(.25, .5, .5, .9);
.coupon-list-window.on {
animation: aminup ;
.coupon-list-window .title {
height: 106rpx;
width: 100%;
text-align: center;
line-height: 106rpx;
font-size: 32rpx;
font-weight: bold;
position: relative;
border: 1px solid #f5f5f5;
.coupon-list-window .title .iconfont {
position: absolute;
right: 30rpx;
top: 50%;
transform: translateY(-50%);
font-size: 35rpx;
color: #8a8a8a;
font-weight: normal;
.coupon-list-window .coupon-list {
margin: 0 0 50rpx 0;
height: 550rpx;
overflow: auto;
.coupon-list-window .pictrue {
width: 414rpx;
height: 336rpx;
margin: 0 auto 50rpx auto;
.coupon-list-window .pictrue image {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
.pic-num {
color: #fff;
font-size: 24rpx;
.line-title {
width: 90rpx;
padding: 0 10rpx;
box-sizing: border-box;
background: var(--view-minorColor);
border: 1px solid var(--view-theme);
opacity: 1;
border-radius: 20rpx;
font-size: 20rpx;
color: var(--view-theme);
margin-right: 12rpx;
.line-title.gray {
border-color: #BBB;
color: #bbb;
background-color: #F5F5F5;
@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
<!-- tab选项卡滑动切换 -->
<view class="my-tab" ref="myTabRef">
<view class="my-tab-item" v-for="(item, index) in tabs" :ref="`tab${item.name}Ref`"
:class="{ active: item.name === activeItem }" :key="index">
<view class="my-tab-text" ref="tabName" @click="tabClick(item,index)">
<view class="name">{{ item.label }}</view>
<view class="xian" v-if='isshow'></view>
tabs -- 传入标签名 array类型 : tabs: [{name: "tabOne",label: "全部"},{...}]
activeItem -- 默认第一个class名 string
@tabClick -- 自定义点击事件 回传用到 做逻辑判断
export default {
name: "cx-navTitle",
props: {
tabs: { //所有标签名
type: Array,
default: []
activeItem: { //默认第一个 选中的class类名
type: String,
default: ''
show: {
type: Boolean,
default: ''
data() {
return {
isshow: true,
mounted() {
this.isshow = this.show
methods: {
// tab点击
tabClick(item, index) {
this.$emit('tabClick', item) //回传数据
// 触发滑动方法
// 滑动
scrollLeftTo(name) {
const ref = `tab${name}Ref`;
// 获取myTabRef的DOM元素,即类名为my-tab的标签
const nav = this.$refs.myTabRef.$el;
// 获取当前点击的某一个tab的的DOM元素,即类名为my-tab-item的标签
const title = this.$refs[ref][0].$el;
// 计算位移偏差
// #ifdef H5
const to = title.offsetLeft - (nav.offsetWidth - title.offsetWidth) / 2;
nav.scrollLeft = to;
// #endif
<style lang="scss">
.my-tab {
width: 720rpx;
margin: 0 auto;
// height:80rpx;
// background: #ffffff;
// line-height:80rpx;
// border:1px solid red;
display: flex;
overflow-x: scroll;
padding-right: 0rpx;
scroll-behavior: smooth; //平稳的滑动效果
font-size: 32rpx;
font-family: PingFang-SC-Heavy;
.my-tab-item {
padding: 20rpx 35rpx; //标签上下左右距离 -- 在这里改
color: #707070; //标签默认颜色 -- 在这里改
// height: 0rpx;
text-align: center;
flex: 1 0 auto;
&.active {
color: #333333; //标签选中颜色 -- 在这里改
font-family: PingFang-SC-Heavy;
font-weight: 600;
position: relative;
.my-tab-text {
.xian {
position: relative;
top: 0rpx; //下边框线和标签距离 -- 在这里改
z-index: 8;
width: 26px;
margin: 0 auto;
border: 1rpx solid #F84221; //标签底部下边框线 -- 在这里改
border-radius: 50rpx;
padding: 0rpx 30rpx;
opacity: 0.6; //下边框线透明度 -- 在这里改
.name {
position: relative;
z-index: 9;
font-size: 32rpx;
font-family: PingFang SC;
font-weight: 500;
color: #F84221;
color: #F84221;
// 隐藏滚动条
::-webkit-scrollbar {
height: 0;
width: 0;
color: transparent;
@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
<view :style="viewColor">
<!-- 选择送货方式 -->
<view class="mask-box">
<view class="bg" v-if="isShowDiscount"></view>
<view class="mask-content animated" :class="{slideInUp:isShowDiscount}">
<view class="title-bar">
<view class="close" @click="closeShowBox"><text class="iconfont icon-guanbi"></text></view>
<view class="box">
<view class="check-item">
<view class="radio">
<view v-if="couponData.order_total_integral_price>0" class="check-item">
<view class="radio">
<view v-if="couponData.total_platform_coupon_price>0" class="check-item">
<view class="radio">
-¥{{ couponData.total_platform_coupon_price }}
<view v-if="couponData.order_coupon_price>0" class="check-item">
<view class="radio">
-¥{{ couponData.order_coupon_price }}
<view v-if="couponData.order_svip_discount>0" class="check-item">
<view class="radio">
-¥{{ couponData.order_svip_discount }}
<view v-if="couponData.total_coupon>0" class="check-item total">
<view class="radio">
-¥{{ couponData.total_coupon}}
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
export default{
return {}
computed: mapGetters(['viewColor']),
return {}
created() {},
// 关闭配送方式弹窗
<style lang="scss">
z-index: 9;
position: fixed;
left: 0;
bottom: 100rpx;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
z-index: 10;
position: fixed;
left: 0;
bottom: 100rpx;
width: 100%;
background-color: #f5f5f5;
border-radius: 16rpx 16rpx 0 0;
transform: translate3d(0, 200%, 0);
transition: all .3s cubic-bezier(.25, .5, .5, .9);
position: relative;
text-align: center;
padding: 30rpx 0;
margin-bottom: 20rpx;
font-size: 32rpx;
color: #282828;
position: absolute;
right: 30rpx;
top: 50%;
transform: translateY(-50%);
color: #8A8A8A;
padding: 0 30rpx 60rpx;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: space-between;
height: 40rpx;
margin-bottom: 50rpx;
font-size: 28rpx;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 32rpx;
color: var(--view-priceColor);
.animated {
animation-duration: .3s
@ -0,0 +1,448 @@
:style="{ width: width, minWidth: minWidth }">
<!-- 主体区域 -->
<view class="e-select-main">
:class="{ 'e-select-disabled': disabled }">
<!-- 微信小程序input组件在部分安卓机型上会出现文字重影,placeholder抖动问题,2019年时微信小程序就有这个问题,一直没修复,估计短时间内也别指望修复了 -->
v-if="search && !disabled" />
{{ currentData || currentData === 0 ? currentData : placeholder }}
<!-- 用一个更大的盒子包裹图标,便于点击 -->
v-if="currentData && clear && !disabled">
:class="showSelector ? 'top' : 'bottom'"></uni-icons>
<!-- 全屏遮罩-->
@click="toggleSelector" />
<!-- 选项列表 这里用v-show是因为微信小程序会报警告 [Component] slot "" is not found,v-if会导致开发工具不能正确识别到slot -->
<!-- https://developers.weixin.qq.com/community/minihome/doc/000c8295730700d1cd7c81b9656c00 -->
<!-- 三角小箭头 -->
<view class="e-popper__arrow"></view>
v-if="currentOptions.length === 0">
<text>{{ emptyTips }}</text>
<!-- 非空,渲染选项列表 -->
{ highlight: currentData == item[props.text] },
'e-select__selector-item-disabled': item[props.disabled],
v-for="(item, index) in currentOptions"
@click="change(item, index)">
<text>{{ item[props.text] }}</text>
v-if="currentData == item[props.text]"></view>
<slot />
export default {
name: 'e-select',
data() {
return {
// 是否显示下拉选择列表
showSelector: false,
// 当前选项
currentOptions: [],
// 当前值
currentData: '',
// 旧的滚动高度
oldScrollTop: 0,
// 最新的滚动高度
scrollTop: 0,
// 滚动至的id
scrollToId: '',
// 滚动动画
scrollWithAnimation: false,
props: {
// 选项列表
options: {
type: Array,
default() {
return [];
// 配置选项
props: {
type: Object,
default: function () {
return {
text: 'text',
value: 'value',
disabled: 'disabled',
// vue2 v-model传值方式
value: {
type: [String, Number],
default: '',
// vue3 v-model传值方式
modelValue: {
type: [String, Number],
default: '',
// 占位
placeholder: {
type: String,
default: '请选择',
// 宽度
width: {
type: String,
default: '100%',
// 最小宽度
minWidth: {
type: String,
default: '120rpx',
// 空值占位
emptyTips: {
type: String,
default: '暂无选项',
// 是否可清除
clear: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
// 是否禁用
disabled: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
// 开启搜索
search: {
type: Boolean,
default: true,
// 搜索开启滚动动画
animation: {
type: Boolean,
default: true,
watch: {
options: {
handler() {
this.currentOptions = this.options;
immediate: true,
deep: true,
modelValue: {
handler() {
immediate: true,
value: {
handler() {
immediate: true,
methods: {
/** 处理数据,此函数用于兼容vue2 vue3 */
initData() {
this.currentData = '';
// vue2
if (this.value || this.value === 0) {
for (let item of this.options) {
if (item[this.props.value] === this.value) {
this.currentData = item[this.props.text];
this.$emit('getText', this.currentData);
// vue3
if (this.modelValue || this.modelValue === 0) {
for (let item of this.options) {
if (item[this.props.value] === this.modelValue) {
this.currentData = item[this.props.text];
this.$emit('getText', this.currentData);
/** 过滤选项列表,会自动回到顶部 */
filter() {
this.$emit('getText', this.currentData);
if (this.currentData) {
this.currentOptions = this.options.filter((item) => {
return item[this.props.text].indexOf(this.currentData) > -1;
} else {
this.currentOptions = this.options;
// scrollTop变化,才能触发滚动顶部
this.scrollTop = 1;
this.$nextTick(() => {
this.scrollTop = 0;
/** 改变值 */
change(item, index) {
if (item[this.props.disabled]) return;
const data = {
this.$emit('change', data);
/** 传递父组件值 */
emit(item) {
this.$emit('input', item[this.props.value]);
this.$emit('update:modelValue', item[this.props.value]);
/** 清空值 */
clearVal() {
this.$emit('change', 'clear');
this.$emit('input', '');
this.$emit('update:modelValue', '');
/** 切换下拉显示 */
toggleSelector() {
if (this.disabled) return;
this.showSelector = !this.showSelector;
if (this.showSelector) {
this.currentOptions = this.options;
// scrollToId变化,才能触发scroll-to-view的滚动
this.scrollToId = '';
this.$nextTick(() => {
this.scrollToId = 'scrollToId';
// 设计理念:只在filter时触发滚动动画,因为每次打开就触发,用户体验不好
if (this.animation) {
setTimeout(() => {
// 开启滚动动画
this.scrollWithAnimation = true;
}, 100);
} else {
// 关闭时关闭动画
this.scrollWithAnimation = false;
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.e-stat__select {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
cursor: pointer;
box-sizing: border-box;
width: 100%;
-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
.e-select-main {
width: 100%;
.e-select-disabled {
background-color: #f5f7fa;
cursor: not-allowed;
.e-select {
font-size: 14px;
box-sizing: border-box;
border-radius: 4px;
padding: 0 5px;
position: relative;
display: flex;
user-select: none;
flex-direction: row;
align-items: center;
border: 1px solid #dcdfe6;
border-bottom: solid 1px #dddddd;
.e-select__input-box {
width: 100%;
min-height: 34px;
position: relative;
display: flex;
flex: 1;
flex-direction: row;
align-items: center;
.e-select-icon {
width: 50px;
height: 100%;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
.arrowAnimation {
transition: transform 0.3s;
.top {
transform: rotateZ(0deg);
.bottom {
transform: rotateZ(180deg);
.e-select__input-text {
color: #303030;
padding-left: 7px;
width: 100%;
color: #333;
white-space: nowrap;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
-o-text-overflow: ellipsis;
overflow: hidden;
.e-select__input-placeholder {
padding-left: 7px;
color: #666;
.e-select--mask {
position: fixed;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
right: 0;
left: 0;
z-index: 999;
.e-select__selector {
box-sizing: border-box;
position: absolute;
top: calc(100% + 12px);
left: 0;
width: 100%;
background-color: #ffffff;
border: 1px solid #ebeef5;
border-radius: 6px;
box-shadow: 0 2px 12px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
z-index: 999;
padding: 4px 4px;
transition: all 2s;
.e-popper__arrow::after {
position: absolute;
display: block;
width: 0;
height: 0;
left: 50%;
border-color: transparent;
border-style: solid;
border-width: 6px;
.e-popper__arrow {
filter: drop-shadow(0 2px 12px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.03));
top: -6px;
left: 50%;
transform: translateX(-50%);
margin-right: 3px;
border-top-width: 0;
border-bottom-color: #ebeef5;
.e-popper__arrow::after {
content: ' ';
top: 1px;
margin-left: -6px;
border-top-width: 0;
border-bottom-color: #fff;
.e-select__selector-scroll {
max-height: 200px;
box-sizing: border-box;
.e-select__selector-item {
display: flex;
cursor: pointer;
line-height: 34px;
font-size: 14px;
text-align: center;
padding: 0px 10px;
.e-select__selector-item:hover {
background-color: #f9f9f9;
.e-select__selector-item:last-child {
border-bottom: none;
.e-select__selector-item-disabled {
color: #b1b1b1;
cursor: not-allowed;
.highlight {
color: #409eff;
font-weight: bold;
background-color: #f5f7fa;
border-radius: 3px;
@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
<view class="easy-loadimage" :id="uid">
<image class="origin-img" :src="imageSrc" mode="aspectFill" v-if="loadImg&&!isLoadError" v-show="showImg"
@load="handleImgLoad" @error="handleImgError">
<view class="loadfail-img" v-else-if="isLoadError"></view>
<view :class="['loading-img','spin-circle',loadingMode]" v-show="!showImg&&!isLoadError"></view>
import { throttle } from '@/libs/uniApi';
// 生成全局唯一id
function generateUUID() {
return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) {
let r = Math.random()*16|0, v = c == 'x' ? r : (r&0x3|0x8);
return v.toString(16);
export default{
type: String,
type: String,
type: String,
type: Boolean,
default() {
return uni.getSystemInfoSync().windowHeight;
const that = this;
return {
uid: 'uid-' + generateUUID(),
loadImg: false,
showImg: false,
isLoadError: false,
borderLoaded: 0,
showTransition: false,
scrollFn: throttle(function() {
// 加载img时才执行滚动监听判断是否可加载
if (that.loadImg || that.isLoadError) return;
const id = that.uid
const query = uni.createSelectorQuery().in(that);
query.select('#' + id).boundingClientRect(data => {
if (!data) return;
if (data.top - that.viewHeight < 0) {
that.loadImg = !!that.imageSrc;
that.isLoadError = !that.loadImg;
}, 200)
init() {
this.borderLoaded = 1;
this.borderLoaded = 2;
handleImgLoad(e) {
this.showImg = true;
setTimeout(() => {
this.showTransition = true
}, 50)
handleImgError(e) {
this.isLoadError = true;
onScroll() {
mounted() {
uni.$on('scroll', this.scrollFn);
beforeDestroy() {
uni.$off('scroll', this.scrollFn);
<style scoped>
/* 官方优化图片tips */
/* will-change: transform */
/* 渐变过渡效果处理 */
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
opacity: 0.3;
max-height: 360rpx;
/* transition: opacity .5s; */
opacity: 1;
opacity: 1;
/* 加载失败、加载中的占位图样式控制 */
height: 100%;
background: url('~@/static/easy-loadimage/loadfail.png') no-repeat center;
background-size: 50%;
height: 100%;
/* 转圈 */
background: url('~@/static/easy-loadimage/loading.gif') no-repeat center;
background-size: 60%;
/* 动态灰色若隐若现 */
animation: looming-gray 1s infinite linear;
background-color: #e3e3e3;
@keyframes looming-gray{
0% {background-color:#e3e3e3aa;}
50% {background-color:#e3e3e3;}
100% {background-color:#e3e3e3aa;}
/* 骨架屏1 */
background-color: #e3e3e3;
background-image: linear-gradient(100deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0), rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2) 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) 80%);
background-size: 100rpx 100%;
background-repeat: repeat-y;
background-position:0 0;
animation: skeleton-1 .6s infinite;
@keyframes skeleton-1 {
to {
background-position: 200% 0;
/* 骨架屏2 */
background-image: linear-gradient(-90deg, #fefefe 0%, #e6e6e6 50%,#fefefe 100%);
background-size: 400% 400%;
background-position:0 0;
animation: skeleton-2 1.2s ease-in-out infinite;
@keyframes skeleton-2{
to {
background-position: -135% 0;
@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
<view :style="viewColor">
<view class="product-window" :class="{'on':isShow}">
<view class="iconfont icon-guanbi" @click="closeAttr"></view>
<view class="mp-data">
<image :src="routine_logo" mode=""></image>
<text class="mp-name">{{site_name}} 申请</text>
<view class="trip-msg">
<view class="title">
<view class="trip">
<form @submit="formSubmit">
<view class="edit">
<view class="avatar edit-box">
<view class="left">
<view class="head">头像</view>
<!-- <image :src="userInfo.avatar || defaultAvatar" mode=""></image> -->
<view class="avatar-box" v-if="!mp_is_new" @click.stop='uploadpic'>
<image :src="userInfo.avatar || defHead"></image>
<button v-else class="avatar-box" open-type="chooseAvatar" @chooseavatar="onChooseAvatar">
<image :src="userInfo.avatar || defHead"></image>
<view class="nickname edit-box">
<view class="left">
<view class="head">昵称</view>
<view class='input'><input type='nickname' placeholder-class="pl-sty"
placeholder="请输入昵称" name='nickname' :maxlength="16"
<view class="bottom">
<button class="save" formType="submit" :class="{'open': userInfo.avatar}">
<canvas canvas-id="canvas" v-if="canvasStatus"
:style="{width: canvasWidth + 'px', height: canvasHeight + 'px',position: 'absolute',left:'-100000px',top:'-100000px'}"></canvas>
<view class="mask" @touchmove.prevent v-if="isShow" @click="closeAttr"></view>
import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
import { configMap } from '@/utils';
import Cache from '@/utils/cache';
import { editAvatar } from '@/api/user.js';
export default {
props: {
isShow: {
type: Number,
value: 0
data() {
return {
defHead: require('@/static/images/def_avatar.png'),
mp_is_new: this.$Cache.get('MP_VERSION_ISNEW') || false,
userInfo: {
avatar: '',
nickname: '',
canvasStatus: false,
computed: configMap({routine_logo: '',site_name: ''} ,mapGetters(['viewColor','keyColor'])),
mounted() {
methods: {
* 上传文件
uploadpic: function() {
let that = this;
this.canvasStatus = true
that.$util.uploadImageChange('upload/image', (res) => {
let userInfo = that.userInfo;
if (userInfo !== undefined) {
that.userInfo.avatar = res.data.url;
this.canvasStatus = false
}, (res) => {
this.canvasStatus = false
}, (res) => {
this.canvasWidth = res.w
this.canvasHeight = res.h
// 微信头像获取
onChooseAvatar(e) {
const {avatarUrl} = e.detail
this.$util.uploadImgs('upload/image', avatarUrl, (res) => {
this.userInfo.avatar = res.data.path
}, (err) => {
// console.log(err)
closeAttr: function() {
* 提交修改
formSubmit(e) {
let that = this
if (!this.userInfo.avatar) return that.$util.Tips({
title: '请上传头像'
if (!e.detail.value.nickname) return that.$util.Tips({
title: '请输入昵称'
this.userInfo.nickname = e.detail.value.nickname
editAvatar(this.userInfo).then(res => {
return that.$util.Tips({
title: res.message,
icon: 'success'
}, {
tab: 3
}).catch(msg => {
return that.$util.Tips({
title: msg || '保存失败'
}, {
tab: 3,
url: 1
.pl-sty {
color: #999999;
font-size: 30rpx;
<style scoped lang="scss">
.product-window.on {
transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);
.mask {
z-index: 99;
.product-window {
position: fixed;
bottom: 0;
width: 100%;
left: 0;
background-color: #fff;
z-index: 1000;
border-radius: 20rpx 20rpx 0 0;
transform: translate3d(0, 100%, 0);
transition: all .3s cubic-bezier(.25, .5, .5, .9);
padding: 38rpx 40rpx;
.icon-guanbi {
position: absolute;
top: 40rpx;
right: 40rpx;
font-size: 24rpx;
font-weight: bold;
color: #999;
.mp-data {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
margin-bottom: 30rpx;
.mp-name {
font-size: 28rpx;
font-weight: bold;
color: #000000;
image {
width: 48rpx;
height: 48rpx;
border-radius: 50%;
margin-right: 16rpx;
.trip-msg {
padding-bottom: 32rpx;
border-bottom: 1px solid #F5F5F5;
.title {
font-size: 30rpx;
font-weight: bold;
color: #000;
margin-bottom: 6rpx;
.trip {
font-size: 26rpx;
color: #777777;
.edit {
border-bottom: 1px solid #F5F5F5;
.avatar {
border-bottom: 1px solid #F5F5F5;
.nickname {
.input {
width: 100%;
input {
height: 80rpx;
.edit-box {
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
align-items: center;
font-size: 30rpx;
padding: 22rpx 0;
.left {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
flex: 1;
.head {
color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9);
white-space: nowrap;
margin-right: 60rpx;
button {
flex: 1;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
image {
width: 80rpx;
height: 80rpx;
border-radius: 6rpx;
.icon-xiangyou {
color: #cfcfcf;
.bottom {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
.save {
border: 1px solid #F5F5F5;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
width: 368rpx;
height: 80rpx;
border-radius: 12rpx;
margin-top: 52rpx;
background-color: #F5F5F5;
color: #ccc;
font-size: 30rpx;
font-weight: bold;
.save.open {
border: 1px solid #fff;
background-color: #07C160;
color: #fff;
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
<view class="empty-box">
<image src="/static/images/empty-box.png"></image>
<view class="txt">{{title}}</view>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
export default{
props: {
title: {
type: String,
default: '暂无记录',
<style lang="scss">
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
margin-top: 200rpx;
width: 414rpx;
height: 240rpx;
font-size: 26rpx;
color: #999;
@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
<view :style="viewColor">
<view class="guaranee_tel">
<view class="popup" :class="{ on: isGuarantee }">
<view class="title">保障说明<text class="iconfont icon-guanbi" @click="close"></text></view>
<view v-if="guarantee.length" class="content">
<view v-for="(item,index) in guarantee" class="item">
<view class="name"><image :src='item.image' class="image"></image>{{item.guarantee_name}}</view>
<view class="info" style="white-space: pre-line;">{{item.guarantee_info}}</view>
<button @tap="close">确定</button>
<view class="popup" :class="{ on: isShipping }">
<view class="title">运费说明<text class="iconfont icon-guanbi" @click="close"></text></view>
<view class="content" style="white-space: pre-line;">
<button @tap="close">确定</button>
<view class='mask' catchtouchmove="true" :hidden='showMask==false' @tap='close'></view>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
export default {
props: {
shipping: {
type: String,
guarantee: {
type: Array,
computed: mapGetters(['viewColor']),
data() {
return {
isShipping: false,
isGuarantee: false,
showMask: false,
watch: {
onLoad(option) {
methods: {
showShippingTel() {
this.isShipping = true;
this.showMask = true;
showGuaranteeTel() {
this.isGuarantee = true;
this.showMask = true;
close: function() {
this.isShipping = false;
this.isGuarantee = false;
this.showMask = false;
<style scoped lang="scss">
position: fixed;
bottom: 0;
width: 100%;
left: 0;
background-color: #fff;
z-index: 300;
border-radius: 16rpx 16rpx 0 0;
padding-bottom: 20rpx;
transform: translate3d(0, 100%, 0);
transition: all .3s cubic-bezier(.25, .5, .5, .9);
.guaranee_tel.on {
transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);
.guaranee_tel .title {
font-size: 32rpx;
font-weight: bold;
text-align: center;
height: 123rpx;
line-height: 123rpx;
position: relative;
.guaranee_tel .title .iconfont {
position: absolute;
right: 30rpx;
color: #8a8a8a;
font-size: 35rpx;
.popup {
position: fixed;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
z-index: 99;
width: 100%;
padding-bottom: 40rpx;
border-top-left-radius: 16rpx;
border-top-right-radius: 16rpx;
background-color: #F5F5F5;
overflow: hidden;
transform: translateY(100%);
transition: 0.3s;
.popup.on {
transform: translateY(0);
.popup .title {
position: relative;
height: 137rpx;
font-size: 32rpx;
line-height: 137rpx;
text-align: center;
.popup scroll-view {
height: 466rpx;
padding-right: 30rpx;
padding-left: 30rpx;
box-sizing: border-box;
.popup .icon-guanbi {
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
right: 30rpx;
z-index: 2;
transform: translateY(-50%);
font-size: 30rpx;
color: #707070;
cursor: pointer;
.popup .content{
padding: 0 50rpx;
color: #999999;
max-height: 800rpx;
overflow-y: scroll;
margin-bottom: 70rpx;
width: 30rpx;
height: 30rpx;
margin-right: 20rpx;
position: relative;
top: 4rpx;
color: #282828;
flex: 1;
overflow: hidden;
white-space: nowrap;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
margin-top: 15rpx;
.popup button {
height: 86rpx;
border-radius: 43rpx;
margin-right: 30rpx;
margin-left: 30rpx;
background-image: linear-gradient(to right, var(--view-bntColor21) 0%, var(--view-bntColor22) 100%);;
font-size: 30rpx;
line-height: 86rpx;
color: #FFFFFF;
margin-top: 80rpx;
.popup .text .acea-row {
display: inline-flex;
max-width: 100%;
.popup .label {
width: 56rpx;
height: 28rpx;
border: 1px solid #E93323;
margin-left: 18rpx;
font-size: 20rpx;
line-height: 26rpx;
text-align: center;
color: #E93323;
.popup .type {
width: 124rpx;
height: 42rpx;
margin-top: 14rpx;
background-color: #FCF0E0;
font-size: 24rpx;
line-height: 42rpx;
text-align: center;
color: #D67300;
.popup .type.special {
background-color: #FDE9E7;
color: #E93323;
@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
<view class='goodList' :style="viewColor">
<block v-for="(item,index) in bastList" :key="index">
<view @click="goDetail(item)" class='item acea-row' hover-class="none">
<view class='pictrue'>
<image :src='item.image'></image>
<text class="pictrue_log pictrue_log_class" v-if="item.activity && item.activity.type === '1'">秒杀</text>
<text class="pictrue_log pictrue_log_class" v-if="item.activity && item.activity.type === '2'">砍价</text>
<text class="pictrue_log pictrue_log_class" v-if="item.activity && item.activity.type === '3'">拼团</text>
<view class='underline'>
<view class='line1'>
<view class="item_line">
<text v-if="item.merchant.type_name && item.product_type == 0" class="font-bg-red bt-color">{{item.merchant.type_name}}</text>
<text v-else-if="item.merchant.is_trader && item.product_type == 0" class="font-bg-red bt-color">自营</text>
<text v-if="item.product_type != 0" :class="'font_bg-red bt-color type'+item.product_type">{{item.product_type == 1 ? "秒杀" : item.product_type == 2 ? "预售" : item.product_type == 3 ? "助力" : item.product_type == 4 ? "拼团" : ""}}</text>
<text v-if="item.issetCoupon" class="coupon">领券购买更优惠</text>
<view class='money'>¥<text class='num'>{{item.price}}</text></view>
<view class='gobuy acea-row row-center-wrapper'>去购买</view>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
import {mapGetters} from "vuex";
import { goShopDetail } from '@/libs/order.js'
import {initiateAssistApi} from '@/api/activity.js';
import { toLogin } from '@/libs/login.js';
export default {
computed: mapGetters(['uid','viewColor']),
props: {
status: {
type: Number,
default: 0,
bastList: {
type: Array,
default: function() {
return [];
type: Boolean,
default: false
data() {
return {
methods: {
goShopDetail(item, this.uid).then(res => {
if (this.isLogin) {
initiateAssistApi(item.activity_id).then(res => {
let id = res.data.product_assist_set_id;
url: '/pages/activity/assist_detail/index?id=' + id
}).catch((err) => {
title: err,
icon: 'none'
} else {
// #ifdef H5 || APP-PLUS
// #endif
// #ifdef MP
this.$emit('isShowAuth', true);
this.$emit('isAuto', true);
// #endif
<style scoped lang='scss'>
.bt-color {
background-color: var(--view-theme);
border: 1rpx solid var(--view-theme);
background-color: #FD6523;
border: 1rpx solid #FD6523;
.goodList .item {
position: relative;
padding: 20rpx;
margin-bottom: 20rpx;
background: #fff;
justify-content: space-between;
border-radius: 16rpx;
.goodList .item .pictrue {
width: 180rpx;
height: 180rpx;
position: relative;
.goodList .item .pictrue image {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
border-radius: 6rpx;
.goodList .item .pictrue .numPic {
position: absolute;
left: 7rpx;
top: 7rpx;
width: 50rpx;
height: 50rpx;
border-radius: 50%;
.goodList .item .underline{
width: 450rpx;
font-size: 30rpx;
color: #222;
position: relative;
.goodList .item .item_line{
margin-top: 10rpx;
.goodList .item .item_line .coupon{
font-size: 22rpx;
margin-left: 4rpx;
.goodList .item .money {
font-size: 26rpx;
font-weight: bold;
position: absolute;
bottom: 10rpx;
left: 0;
color: var(--view-priceColor);
.goodList .item .money .num {
font-size: 34rpx;
.goodList .item .vip-money {
font-size: 24rpx;
color: #282828;
font-weight: bold;
margin-top: 15rpx;
.goodList .item .vip-money image {
width: 46rpx;
height: 21rpx;
margin-left: 5rpx;
.goodList .item .vip-money .num {
font-size: 22rpx;
color: #aaa;
font-weight: normal;
margin: -2rpx 0 0 22rpx;
.goodList .item .gobuy {
position: absolute;
right: 30rpx;
padding: 6rpx 20rpx;
border-radius: 50%;
font-size: 22rpx;
bottom: 30rpx;
color: #fff;
background: var(--view-theme);
border-radius: 27rpx;
@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
<view class='lists'>
<view v-for="(item,index) in productList" class="card" :key="index" @click="godDetail(item)">
<view class='pictrue on'>
<u-image :src='item.image' width="336.45rpx" height="336.45rpx"> </u-image>
<view class="goods_content">
<view class='name line1'>
<text class="text-ellipsis">{{item.store_name}}</text>
<view class="item_tags">
<text v-if="item.merchant.type_name && item.product_type == 0"
<text v-else-if="item.merchant.is_trader && item.product_type == 0"
<text v-if="item.product_type != 0"
:class="'font_bg-red bt-color type'+item.product_type">{{item.product_type == 1 ? "秒杀" : item.product_type == 2 ? "预售" : item.product_type == 3 ? "助力" : item.product_type == 4 ? "拼团" : ""}}</text>
<text class="tags_item ticket" v-if="item.issetCoupon">领券</text>
<text class="tags_item delivery" v-if="item.delivery_free == 1">包邮</text>
<view class="score"><text
style="font-style: italic;color: #FF6D20;margin-right: 20rpx;font-size: 30rpx;">{{item.rate}}</text>
<view class='money'>¥
class='num'>{{item.price.substring(0, item.price.length - 2)}}</text><text>{{item.price.slice(-2)}}</text>
<view class="company" v-if="item.merchant" @click.stop="goShop(item.mer_id)">
<text class="line1">{{item.merchant.mer_name}}</text>
<view class="flex">
<text class="iconfont icon-xiangyou"></text>
<!-- 返佣 -->
<!-- <block v-if="item.max_extension>0 && (item.product_type == 0 || item.product_type == 2)">
<view class="foot-bar on">
最高赚 ¥{{item.max_extension}}
</block> -->
<!-- <view class='noCommodity' v-if="productList.length==0">
<view class='pictrue' style=" margin: 60rpx auto;">
<image src='/static/images/noCart.png'></image>
<recommend v-if="recommend_switch == 1" :hostProduct="hostProduct" :isLogin="isLogin"></recommend>
</view> -->
import {
} from '@/api/api.js'
import {
} from '@/libs/order.js'
export default {
name: "goodsCard",
props: {
where: {
type: Object,
required: true
data() {
return {
is_switch: false,
productList: "",
mounted() {
this.$watch('where', (newValue, oldValue) => {
newValue.category_id ? this.get_product_list() : this.productList = []
}, {
deep: true
methods: {
test() {
// this.get_product_list()
// console.log(this.where)
godDetail(item) {
goShopDetail(item, this.uid).then(res => {
if (this.isLogin) {
initiateAssistApi(item.activity_id).then(res => {
let id = res.data.product_assist_set_id;
url: '/pages/activity/assist_detail/index?id=' + id
}).catch((err) => {
title: err,
icon: 'none'
} else {
this.isAuto = true;
this.isShowAuth = true
// 去店铺
goShop(id) {
if (this.hide_mer_status != 1) {
url: `/pages/store/home/index?id=${id}`
get_product_list: function() {
let that = this;
cloudWarehouse(that.where).then(res => {
that.productList = res.data.list
}).catch(err => {
that.loading = false;
that.loadTitle = '加载更多';
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.lists {
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
justify-content: space-between;
background-color: #F4F7FE;
.card {
border-radius: 21.03rpx 21.03rpx 21.03rpx 21.03rpx;
overflow: hidden;
margin-top: 20rpx;
background-color: white;
// width: 336.45rpx;
.store_type {
background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #6DD5FA, #3274F9);
color: white;
border-radius: 10.51rpx 10.51rpx 10.51rpx 10.51rpx;
padding: 2rpx 8rpx;
font-size: 22rpx;
.goods_content {
background-color: white;
padding: 25rpx 15rpx;
.name {
font-weight: bold;
.textellipsis {
display: -webkit-box;
-webkit-line-clamp: 2;
-webkit-box-orient: vertical;
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
// font-weight: bold;
.item_tags {
margin: 5rpx 0;
.score {
color: #B3B3B3;
font-size: 22.78rpx;
.money {
color: red;
margin: 5rpx 0;
.num {
font-size: 36rpx;
font-weight: bold;
.company {
background-color: #F4F7FE;
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
padding: 5rpx 14rpx;
border-radius: 19.28rpx 19.28rpx 19.28rpx 19.28rpx;
// width: 40vw;
@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
<view style="touch-action: none;" :style="viewColor">
<view class="home" style="position:fixed;" :style="{ top: top + 'px', bottom: bottom }" id="right-nav"
<view class="homeCon" :class="homeActive === true ? 'on' : ''" v-if="homeActive">
<navigator hover-class='none' url='/pages/index/index' open-type='switchTab'
class='iconfont icon-shouye-xianxing'></navigator>
<navigator hover-class='none' url='/pages/order_addcart/order_addcart' open-type='navigate'
class='iconfont icon-caigou-xianxing'></navigator>
<navigator hover-class='none' url='/pages/user/index' open-type='switchTab' class='iconfont icon-yonghu1'>
<view @click="open" class="pictrueBox">
<view class="pictrue">
<image :src="homeActive === true ? '/static/images/navbtn_open.gif' : '/static/images/navbtn_close.gif'"
class="image pictruea" />
import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
import { HTTP_REQUEST_URL } from '@/config/app';
export default {
name: "Home",
props: {},
data: function() {
return {
top: "",
bottom: ""
computed: mapGetters(["homeActive", "viewColor", "keyColor"]),
methods: {
setTouchMove(e) {
var that = this;
if (e.touches[0].clientY < 545 && e.touches[0].clientY > 66) {
that.top = e.touches[0].clientY
that.bottom = "auto";
open: function() {
this.homeActive ? this.$store.commit("CLOSE_HOME") : this.$store.commit("OPEN_HOME");
created() {
this.bottom = "50px";
<style scoped>
.pictrueBox {
width: 130rpx;
height: 120rpx;
.home {
position: fixed;
color: white;
text-align: center;
z-index: 9999;
right: 15rpx;
display: flex;
.home .homeCon {
border-radius: 50rpx;
opacity: 0;
height: 0;
color: #e93323;
width: 0;
.home .homeCon.on {
opacity: 1;
animation: bounceInRight 0.5s cubic-bezier(0.215, 0.610, 0.355, 1.000);
width: 300rpx;
height: 86rpx;
margin-bottom: 20rpx;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
background: var(--view-theme);
.home .homeCon .iconfont {
font-size: 48rpx;
color: #fff;
display: inline-block;
margin: 0 auto;
.home .pictrue {
width: 86rpx;
height: 86rpx;
border-radius: 50%;
margin: 0 auto;
background-color: var(--view-theme);
box-shadow: 0 5rpx 12rpx rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
.home .pictrue .image {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
.pictruea {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
display: block;
object-fit: cover;
vertical-align: middle;
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
<view class="orderGoods" :style="viewColor">
<view class='goodWrapper'>
<view class="title">共{{cartInfo.length}}件商品</view>
<view v-for="(item,index) in cartInfo" :key="index">
<view class='item acea-row row-between-wrapper'>
<view class='pictrue' @click="jumpCon(item.product_id)">
<image :src='(item.cart_info.productAttr && item.cart_info.productAttr.image) || item.cart_info.product.image' ></image>
<view class='text'>
<view class='acea-row row-between-wrapper'>
<view class='name line1'>{{item.cart_info.product.store_name}}</view>
<view class='num'>x {{item.product_num}}</view>
<view class='attr line1' v-if="item.cart_info.productAttr.sku">{{item.cart_info.productAttr.sku}}</view>
<view class='money' >¥{{item.cart_info.productAttr.price}}</view>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
import { openOrderRefundSubscribe } from '@/utils/SubscribeMessage.js';
import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
export default {
props: {
evaluate: {
type: Number,
default: 0,
activityType: {
type: Number,
default: 0,
cartInfo: {
type: Array,
default: function() {
return [];
orderId: {
type: String,
default: '',
jump: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
orderData: {
type: Object,
default: function() {
return {};
computed: mapGetters(['viewColor']),
data() {
return {
isTimePay: false, //是否到支付时间
let num = 0
num += item.cart_num
this.totalNmu = num
onShow() {
mounted() {},
methods: {
// 判断是否到支付尾款时间
let that = this;
if(that.orderData.status === 10){
if(new Date() < new Date(that.orderData.presellOrder.final_start_time)){
that.isTimePay = false; //未开始
}else if((new Date() >= new Date(that.orderData.presellOrder.final_start_time)) && (new Date() <= new Date(that.orderData.presellOrder.final_start_time)) ){
that.isTimePay = true; //立即支付
if(this.activityType == 2){
url: `/pages/activity/presell_details/index?id=${id}`
url: `/pages/goods_details/index?id=${id}`
// 退款
// #ifdef MP
openOrderRefundSubscribe().then(() => {
if(this.evaluate == 0){
}).catch(() => {
// #endif
// #ifdef H5
if(this.evaluate == 0){
// #endif
<style scoped lang="scss">
.orderGoods {
background-color: #fff;
margin-top: 12rpx;
padding: 0 32rpx;
border-bottom: 1px solid #f0f0f0;
height: 86rpx;
line-height: 86rpx;
position: absolute;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: flex-end;
position: static;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
margin-left: 20rpx;
border:1px solid rgba(187,187,187,1);
font-size: 24rpx;
color: #282828;
border-color: rgba(220,220,220,1);
border-color: rgba(247,247,247,1);
color: #AAAAAA;
background: #FF7F00;
color: #FF7F00;
.money {
color: var(--view-priceColor);
height: auto;
padding-bottom: 15rpx;
margin-top: 20rpx;
background: #fff;
.progress_name {
padding-left: 30rpx;
height: 60rpx;
line-height: 60rpx;
font-size: 24rpx;
font-weight: bold;
position: relative;
content: "";
display: inline-block;
width: 5rpx;
height: 34rpx;
background: #E93323;
position: absolute;
top: 15rpx;
left: 0;
float: right;
font-weight: bold;
padding: 20rpx 30rpx;
color: #999999;
font-size: 22rpx;
padding: 25rpx 30rpx;
background: var(--view-minorColor);
font-size: 26rpx;
color: #282828;
display: inline-block;
margin-right: 9rpx;
color: #fff;
font-size: 20rpx;
padding: 0 8rpx;
line-height: 30rpx;
text-align: center;
border-radius: 6rpx;
font-size: 20rpx;
margin-top: 10rpx;
@ -0,0 +1,815 @@
parser 主模块组件
<slot v-if="!nodes.length" />
<!--#ifdef APP-PLUS-NVUE-->
<web-view id="top" ref="web" :src="src" :style="'margin-top:-2px;height:'+height+'px'" @onPostMessage="_message" />
<!--#ifndef APP-PLUS-NVUE-->
<view id="top" :style="showAm+(selectable?';user-select:text;-webkit-user-select:text':'')" :animation="scaleAm" @tap="_tap"
@touchstart="_touchstart" @touchmove="_touchmove">
<!--#ifdef H5-->
<div :id="'rtf'+uid"></div>
<!--#ifndef H5-->
<trees :nodes="nodes" :lazy-load="lazyLoad" :loadVideo="loadVideo" />
<image v-for="(item, index) in imgs" v-bind:key="index" :id="index" :src="item" hidden @load="_load" />
<image v-for="(item, index) in imgs" v-bind:key="index" :id="index" :src="item" hidden @load="_load" />
// #ifndef H5 || APP-PLUS-NVUE
import trees from './libs/trees';
var cache = {},
fs = uni.getFileSystemManager ? uni.getFileSystemManager() : null,
// #endif
Parser = require('./libs/MpHtmlParser.js');
var document; // document 补丁包 https://jin-yufeng.github.io/Parser/#/instructions?id=document
// 计算 cache 的 key
function hash(str) {
for (var i = str.length, val = 5381; i--;)
val += (val << 5) + str.charCodeAt(i);
return val;
// #endif
// #ifdef H5 || APP-PLUS-NVUE
var rpx = uni.getSystemInfoSync().screenWidth / 750,
cfg = require('./libs/config.js');
// #endif
// #ifdef APP-PLUS-NVUE
var dom = weex.requireModule('dom');
// #endif
export default {
name: 'parser',
data() {
return {
// #ifdef APP-PLUS
loadVideo: false,
// #endif
// #ifdef H5
uid: this._uid,
// #endif
// #ifdef APP-PLUS-NVUE
src: '',
height: 1,
// #endif
// #ifndef APP-PLUS-NVUE
scaleAm: '',
showAm: '',
imgs: [],
// #endif
nodes: []
// #ifndef H5 || APP-PLUS-NVUE
components: {
// #endif
props: {
'html': null,
// #ifndef MP-ALIPAY
'autopause': {
type: Boolean,
default: true
// #endif
'autosetTitle': {
type: Boolean,
default: true
// #ifndef H5 || APP-PLUS-NVUE
'compress': Number,
'useCache': Boolean,
'xml': Boolean,
// #endif
'domain': String,
// #ifndef MP-BAIDU || MP-ALIPAY || APP-PLUS
'gestureZoom': Boolean,
// #endif
// #ifdef MP-WEIXIN || MP-QQ || H5 || APP-PLUS
'lazyLoad': Boolean,
// #endif
'selectable': Boolean,
'tagStyle': Object,
'showWithAnimation': Boolean,
'useAnchor': Boolean
watch: {
html(html) {
mounted() {
// 图片数组
this.imgList = [];
this.imgList.each = function(f) {
for (var i = 0, len = this.length; i < len; i++)
this.setItem(i, f(this[i], i, this));
this.imgList.setItem = function(i, src) {
if (i == void 0 || !src) return;
// #ifndef MP-ALIPAY || APP-PLUS
// 去重
if (src.indexOf('http') == 0 && this.includes(src)) {
var newSrc = '';
for (var j = 0, c; c = src[j]; j++) {
if (c == '/' && src[j - 1] != '/' && src[j + 1] != '/') break;
newSrc += Math.random() > 0.5 ? c.toUpperCase() : c;
newSrc += src.substr(j);
return this[i] = newSrc;
// #endif
this[i] = src;
// 暂存 data src
if (src.includes('data:image')) {
var filePath, info = src.match(/data:image\/(\S+?);(\S+?),(.+)/);
if (!info) return;
filePath = `${wx.env.USER_DATA_PATH}/${Date.now()}.${info[1]}`;
fs && fs.writeFile({
data: info[3],
encoding: info[2],
success: () => this[i] = filePath
// #endif
// #ifdef APP-PLUS
filePath = `_doc/parser_tmp/${Date.now()}.${info[1]}`;
var bitmap = new plus.nativeObj.Bitmap();
bitmap.loadBase64Data(src, () => {
bitmap.save(filePath, {}, () => {
this[i] = filePath;
// #endif
if (this.html) this.setContent(this.html);
beforeDestroy() {
// #ifdef H5
if (this._observer) this._observer.disconnect();
// #endif
this.imgList.each(src => {
// #ifdef APP-PLUS
if (src && src.includes('_doc')) {
plus.io.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(src, entry => {
// #endif
if (src && src.includes(uni.env.USER_DATA_PATH))
fs && fs.unlink({
filePath: src
// #endif
methods: {
// #ifdef H5 || APP-PLUS-NVUE
_Dom2Str(nodes) {
var str = '';
for (var node of nodes) {
if (node.type == 'text')
str += node.text;
else {
str += ('<' + node.name);
for (var attr in node.attrs || {})
str += (' ' + attr + '="' + node.attrs[attr] + '"');
if (!node.children || !node.children.length) str += '>';
else str += ('>' + this._Dom2Str(node.children) + '</' + node.name + '>');
return str;
_handleHtml(html, append) {
if (typeof html != 'string') html = this._Dom2Str(html.nodes || html);
// 处理 rpx
if (html.includes('rpx'))
html = html.replace(/[0-9.]+\s*rpx/g, $ => parseFloat($) * rpx + 'px');
if (!append) {
// 处理 tag-style 和 userAgentStyles
var style = '<style>@keyframes show{0%{opacity:0}100%{opacity:1}}';
for (var item in cfg.userAgentStyles)
style += `${item}{${cfg.userAgentStyles[item]}}`;
for (item in this.tagStyle)
style += `${item}{${this.tagStyle[item]}}`;
style += '</style>';
html = style + html;
return html;
// #endif
setContent(html, append) {
// #ifdef APP-PLUS-NVUE
if (!html) {
this.src = '';
this.height = 1;
if (append) return;
plus.io.resolveLocalFileSystemURL('_doc', entry => {
entry.getDirectory('parser_tmp', {
create: true
}, entry => {
var fileName = Date.now() + '.html';
entry.getFile(fileName, {
create: true
}, entry => {
entry.createWriter(writer => {
writer.onwriteend = () => {
this.nodes = [1];
this.src = '_doc/parser_tmp/' + fileName;
this.$nextTick(function() {
html =
'<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1,minimum-scale=1' +
(this.selectable ? '' : ',user-scalable=no') +
'"><script type="text/javascript" src="https://js.cdn.aliyun.dcloud.net.cn/dev/uni-app/uni.webview.1.5.2.js"></' +
'script><base href="' + this.domain + '">' + this._handleHtml(html) +
'<script>"use strict";function post(t){uni.postMessage({data:t})}' +
(this.showWithAnimation ? 'document.body.style.animation="show .5s",' : '') +
'document.addEventListener("UniAppJSBridgeReady",function(){post({action:"load",text:document.body.innerText});var t=document.getElementsByTagName("title");t.length&&post({action:"getTitle",title:t[0].innerText});for(var e,o=document.getElementsByTagName("img"),n=[],i=0,r=0;e=o[i];i++)e.onerror=function(){post({action:"error",source:"img",target:this})},e.hasAttribute("ignore")||"A"==e.parentElement.nodeName||(e.i=r++,n.push(e.src),e.onclick=function(){post({action:"preview",img:{i:this.i,src:this.src}})});post({action:"getImgList",imgList:n});for(var a,s=document.getElementsByTagName("a"),c=0;a=s[c];c++)a.onclick=function(){var t,e=this.getAttribute("href");if("#"==e[0]){var r=document.getElementById(e.substr(1));r&&(t=r.offsetTop)}return post({action:"linkpress",href:e,offset:t}),!1};;for(var u,m=document.getElementsByTagName("video"),d=0;u=m[d];d++)u.style.maxWidth="100%;",u.onerror=function(){post({action:"error",source:"video",target:this})}' +
(this.autopause ? ',u.onplay=function(){for(var t,e=0;t=m[e];e++)t!=this&&t.pause()}' : '') +
';for(var g,l=document.getElementsByTagName("audio"),p=0;g=l[p];p++)g.onerror=function(){post({action:"error",source:"audio",target:this})};window.onload=function(){post({action:"ready",height:document.body.scrollHeight})}});</' +
// #endif
// #ifdef H5
if (!html) {
if (this.rtf && !append) this.rtf.parentNode.removeChild(this.rtf);
var div = document.createElement('div');
if (!append) {
if (this.rtf) this.rtf.parentNode.removeChild(this.rtf);
this.rtf = div;
} else {
if (!this.rtf) this.rtf = div;
else this.rtf.appendChild(div);
div.innerHTML = this._handleHtml(html, append);
for (var styles = this.rtf.getElementsByTagName('style'), i = 0, style; style = styles[i++];) {
style.innerHTML = style.innerHTML.replace(/body/g, '#rtf' + this._uid);
style.setAttribute('scoped', 'true');
// 懒加载
if (!this._observer && this.lazyLoad && IntersectionObserver) {
this._observer = new IntersectionObserver(changes => {
for (let item, i = 0; item = changes[i++];) {
if (item.isIntersecting) {
item.target.src = item.target.getAttribute('data-src');
}, {
rootMargin: '900px 0px 900px 0px'
var _ts = this;
// 获取标题
var title = this.rtf.getElementsByTagName('title');
if (title.length && this.autosetTitle)
title: title[0].innerText
// 图片处理
this.imgList.length = 0;
var imgs = this.rtf.getElementsByTagName('img');
for (let i = 0, j = 0, img; img = imgs[i]; i++) {
img.style.maxWidth = '100%';
var src = img.getAttribute('src');
if (this.domain && src) {
if (src[0] == '/') {
if (src[1] == '/')
img.src = (this.domain.includes('://') ? this.domain.split('://')[0] : '') + ':' + src;
else img.src = this.domain + src;
} else if (!src.includes('://')) img.src = this.domain + '/' + src;
if (!img.hasAttribute('ignore') && img.parentElement.nodeName != 'A') {
img.i = j++;
_ts.imgList.push(img.src || img.getAttribute('data-src'));
img.onclick = function() {
var preview = true;
this.ignore = () => preview = false;
_ts.$emit('imgtap', this);
if (preview) {
current: this.i,
urls: _ts.imgList
img.onerror = function() {
_ts.$emit('error', {
source: 'img',
target: this
if (_ts.lazyLoad && this._observer && img.src && img.i != 0) {
img.setAttribute('data-src', img.src);
// 链接处理
var links = this.rtf.getElementsByTagName('a');
for (var link of links) {
link.onclick = function() {
var jump = true,
href = this.getAttribute('href');
_ts.$emit('linkpress', {
ignore: () => jump = false
if (jump && href) {
if (href[0] == '#') {
if (_ts.useAnchor) {
id: href.substr(1)
} else if (href.indexOf('http') == 0 || href.indexOf('//') == 0)
return true;
else {
url: href
return false;
// 视频处理
var videos = this.rtf.getElementsByTagName('video');
_ts.videoContexts = videos;
for (let video, i = 0; video = videos[i++];) {
video.style.maxWidth = '100%';
video.onerror = function() {
_ts.$emit('error', {
source: 'video',
target: this
video.onplay = function() {
if (_ts.autopause)
for (let item, i = 0; item = _ts.videoContexts[i++];)
if (item != this) item.pause();
// 音频处理
var audios = this.rtf.getElementsByTagName('audios');
for (var audio of audios)
audio.onerror = function() {
_ts.$emit('error', {
source: 'audio',
target: this
this.document = this.rtf;
if (!append) document.getElementById('rtf' + this._uid).appendChild(this.rtf);
this.$nextTick(() => {
this.nodes = [1];
setTimeout(() => this.showAm = '', 500);
// #endif
// #ifndef H5 || APP-PLUS-NVUE
var nodes;
if (!html)
return this.nodes = [];
else if (typeof html == 'string') {
let parser = new Parser(html, this);
// 缓存读取
if (this.useCache) {
var hashVal = hash(html);
if (cache[hashVal])
nodes = cache[hashVal];
else {
nodes = parser.parse();
cache[hashVal] = nodes;
} else nodes = parser.parse();
this.$emit('parse', nodes);
} else if (Object.prototype.toString.call(html) == '[object Array]') {
// 非本插件产生的 array 需要进行一些转换
if (html.length && html[0].PoweredBy != 'Parser') {
let parser = new Parser(html, this);
(function f(ns) {
for (var i = 0, n; n = ns[i]; i++) {
if (n.type == 'text') continue;
n.attrs = n.attrs || {};
for (var item in n.attrs)
if (typeof n.attrs[item] != 'string') n.attrs[item] = n.attrs[item].toString();
parser.matchAttr(n, parser);
if (n.children && n.children.length) {
} else n.children = void 0;
nodes = html;
} else if (typeof html == 'object' && html.nodes) {
nodes = html.nodes;
console.warn('错误的 html 类型:object 类型已废弃');
} else
return console.warn('错误的 html 类型:' + typeof html);
// #ifdef APP-PLUS
this.loadVideo = false;
// #endif
if (document) this.document = new document(this.nodes, 'nodes', this);
if (append) this.nodes = this.nodes.concat(nodes);
else this.nodes = nodes;
if (nodes.length && nodes[0].title && this.autosetTitle)
title: nodes[0].title
this.$nextTick(() => {
this.imgList.length = 0;
this.videoContexts = [];
// #ifdef MP-TOUTIAO
setTimeout(() => {
// #endif
var f = (cs) => {
for (let i = 0, c; c = cs[i++];) {
if (c.$options.name == 'trees') {
for (var j = c.nodes.length, item; item = c.nodes[--j];) {
if (item.c) continue;
if (item.name == 'img') {
this.imgList.setItem(item.attrs.i, item.attrs.src);
// #ifndef MP-ALIPAY
if (!c.observer && !c.imgLoad && item.attrs.i != '0') {
if (this.lazyLoad && uni.createIntersectionObserver) {
c.observer = uni.createIntersectionObserver(c);
top: 900,
bottom: 900
}).observe('._img', () => {
c.imgLoad = true;
} else
c.imgLoad = true;
// #endif
// #ifndef MP-ALIPAY
else if (item.name == 'video') {
var ctx = uni.createVideoContext(item.attrs.id, c);
ctx.id = item.attrs.id;
// #endif
if (item.attrs && item.attrs.id) {
this.anchors = this.anchors || [];
id: item.attrs.id,
node: c
// #endif
if (c.$children.length)
// #ifdef MP-TOUTIAO
}, 200)
// #endif
// #ifdef APP-PLUS
setTimeout(() => {
this.loadVideo = true;
}, 3000);
// #endif
// #endif
// #ifndef APP-PLUS-NVUE
var height;
this._timer = setInterval(() => {
// #ifdef H5
var res = [this.rtf.getBoundingClientRect()];
// #endif
// #ifndef H5
// #ifdef APP-PLUS
// #endif
// #ifndef APP-PLUS
// #endif
.select('#top').boundingClientRect().exec(res => {
// #endif
this.width = res[0].width;
if (res[0].height == height) {
this.$emit('ready', res[0])
height = res[0].height;
// #ifndef H5
// #endif
}, 350)
if (this.showWithAnimation && !append) this.showAm = 'animation:show .5s';
// #endif
getText(ns = this.nodes) {
// #ifdef APP-PLUS-NVUE
return this._text;
// #endif
// #ifdef H5
return this.rtf.innerText;
// #endif
// #ifndef H5 || APP-PLUS-NVUE
var txt = '';
for (var i = 0, n; n = ns[i++];) {
if (n.type == 'text') txt += n.text.replace(/ /g, '\u00A0').replace(/</g, '<').replace(/>/g, '>')
.replace(/&/g, '&');
else if (n.type == 'br') txt += '\n';
else {
// 块级标签前后加换行
var block = n.name == 'p' || n.name == 'div' || n.name == 'tr' || n.name == 'li' || (n.name[0] == 'h' && n.name[1] >
'0' && n.name[1] < '7');
if (block && txt && txt[txt.length - 1] != '\n') txt += '\n';
if (n.children) txt += this.getText(n.children);
if (block && txt[txt.length - 1] != '\n') txt += '\n';
else if (n.name == 'td' || n.name == 'th') txt += '\t';
return txt;
// #endif
navigateTo(obj) {
if (!this.useAnchor)
return obj.fail && obj.fail({
errMsg: 'Anchor is disabled'
// #ifdef APP-PLUS-NVUE
if (!obj.id)
this.$refs.web.evalJs('var pos=document.getElementById("' + obj.id +
return obj.success && obj.success({
errMsg: 'pageScrollTo:ok'
// #endif
// #ifdef H5
if (!obj.id) {
window.scrollTo(0, this.rtf.offsetTop);
return obj.success && obj.success({
errMsg: 'pageScrollTo:ok'
var target = document.getElementById(obj.id);
if (!target) return obj.fail && obj.fail({
errMsg: 'Label not found'
obj.scrollTop = this.rtf.offsetTop + target.offsetTop;
// #endif
// #ifndef H5
var Scroll = (selector, component) => {
uni.createSelectorQuery().in(component ? component : this).select(selector).boundingClientRect().selectViewport()
.exec(res => {
if (!res || !res[0])
return obj.fail && obj.fail({
errMsg: 'Label not found'
obj.scrollTop = res[1].scrollTop + res[0].top;
if (!obj.id) Scroll('#top');
else {
// #ifndef MP-BAIDU || MP-ALIPAY || APP-PLUS
Scroll('#top >>> #' + obj.id + ', #top >>> .' + obj.id);
// #endif
for (var anchor of this.anchors)
if (anchor.id == obj.id)
Scroll('#' + obj.id + ', .' + obj.id, anchor.node);
// #endif
// #endif
getVideoContext(id) {
// #ifndef APP-PLUS-NVUE
if (!id) return this.videoContexts;
for (var i = this.videoContexts.length; i--;)
if (this.videoContexts[i].id == id) return this.videoContexts[i];
// #endif
// 预加载
preLoad(html, num) {
// #ifdef H5 || APP-PLUS-NVUE
if (html.constructor == Array)
html = this._Dom2Str(html);
var script = "var contain=document.createElement('div');contain.innerHTML='" + html.replace(/'/g, "\\'") +
"';for(var imgs=contain.querySelectorAll('img'),i=imgs.length-1;i>=" + num +
// #endif
// #ifdef APP-PLUS-NVUE
// #endif
// #ifdef H5
// #endif
// #ifndef H5 || APP-PLUS-NVUE
if (typeof html == 'string') {
var id = hash(html);
html = new Parser(html, this).parse();
cache[id] = html;
var wait = [];
(function f(ns) {
for (var i = 0, n; n = ns[i++];) {
if (n.name == 'img' && n.attrs.src && !wait.includes(n.attrs.src))
f(n.children || []);
if (num) wait = wait.slice(0, num);
this._wait = (this._wait || []).concat(wait);
if (!this.imgs) this.imgs = this._wait.splice(0, 15);
else if (this.imgs.length < 15)
this.imgs = this.imgs.concat(this._wait.splice(0, 15 - this.imgs.length));
// #endif
// #ifdef APP-PLUS-NVUE
_message(e) {
// 接收 web-view 消息
var data = e.detail.data[0];
if (data.action == 'load') {
this._text = data.text;
} else if (data.action == 'getTitle') {
if (this.autosetTitle)
title: data.title
} else if (data.action == 'getImgList') {
this.imgList.length = 0;
for (var i = data.imgList.length; i--;)
this.imgList.setItem(i, data.imgList[i]);
} else if (data.action == 'preview') {
var preview = true;
data.img.ignore = () => preview = false;
this.$emit('imgtap', data.img);
if (preview)
current: data.img.i,
urls: this.imgList
} else if (data.action == 'linkpress') {
var jump = true,
href = data.href;
this.$emit('linkpress', {
ignore: () => jump = false
if (jump && href) {
if (href[0] == '#') {
if (this.useAnchor)
dom.scrollToElement(this.$refs.web, {
offset: data.offset
} else if (href.includes('://'))
url: href
} else if (data.action == 'error')
this.$emit('error', {
source: data.source,
target: data.target
else if (data.action == 'ready') {
this.height = data.height;
this.$nextTick(() => {
uni.createSelectorQuery().in(this).select('#top').boundingClientRect().exec(res => {
this.rect = res[0];
this.$emit('ready', res[0]);
// #endif
// #ifndef APP-PLUS-NVUE
// #ifndef H5
_load(e) {
if (this._wait.length)
this.$set(this.imgs, e.target.id, this._wait.shift());
// #endif
_tap(e) {
// #ifndef MP-BAIDU || MP-ALIPAY || APP-PLUS
if (this.gestureZoom && e.timeStamp - this._lastT < 300) {
var initY = e.touches[0].pageY - e.currentTarget.offsetTop;
if (this._zoom) {
scrollTop: (initY + this._initY) / 2 - e.touches[0].clientY,
duration: 400
} else {
var initX = e.touches[0].pageX - e.currentTarget.offsetLeft;
this._initY = initY;
this._scaleAm = uni.createAnimation({
transformOrigin: `${initX}px ${this._initY}px 0`,
timingFunction: 'ease-in-out'
// #ifdef MP-TOUTIAO
// #endif
this._tMax = initX / 2;
this._tMin = (initX - this.width) / 2;
this._tX = 0;
this._zoom = !this._zoom;
this.scaleAm = this._scaleAm.export();
this._lastT = e.timeStamp;
// #endif
_touchstart(e) {
// #ifndef MP-BAIDU || MP-ALIPAY || APP-PLUS
if (e.touches.length == 1)
this._initX = this._lastX = e.touches[0].pageX;
// #endif
_touchmove(e) {
// #ifndef MP-BAIDU || MP-ALIPAY || APP-PLUS
var diff = e.touches[0].pageX - this._lastX;
if (this._zoom && e.touches.length == 1 && Math.abs(diff) > 20) {
this._lastX = e.touches[0].pageX;
if ((this._tX <= this._tMin && diff < 0) || (this._tX >= this._tMax && diff > 0))
this._tX += (diff * Math.abs(this._lastX - this._initX) * 0.05);
if (this._tX < this._tMin) this._tX = this._tMin;
if (this._tX > this._tMax) this._tX = this._tMax;
this.scaleAm = this._scaleAm.export();
// #endif
// #endif
@keyframes show {
0% {
opacity: 0
100% {
opacity: 1;
/* #ifdef MP-WEIXIN */
:host {
display: block;
overflow: scroll;
-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
/* #endif */
@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
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// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
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// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
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// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
解析和匹配 Css 的选择器
var cfg = require('./config.js');
class CssHandler {
constructor(tagStyle) {
var styles = Object.assign({}, cfg.userAgentStyles);
for (var item in tagStyle)
styles[item] = (styles[item] ? styles[item] + ';' : '') + tagStyle[item];
this.styles = styles;
getStyle = data => this.styles = new CssParser(data, this.styles).parse();
match(name, attrs) {
var tmp, matched = (tmp = this.styles[name]) ? tmp + ';' : '';
if (attrs.class) {
var items = attrs.class.split(' ');
for (var i = 0, item; item = items[i]; i++)
if (tmp = this.styles['.' + item])
matched += tmp + ';';
if (tmp = this.styles['#' + attrs.id])
matched += tmp + ';';
return matched;
module.exports = CssHandler;
class CssParser {
constructor(data, init) {
this.data = data;
this.floor = 0;
this.i = 0;
this.list = [];
this.res = init;
this.state = this.Space;
parse() {
for (var c; c = this.data[this.i]; this.i++)
return this.res;
section = () => this.data.substring(this.start, this.i);
isLetter = c => (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z');
// 状态机
Space(c) {
if (c == '.' || c == '#' || this.isLetter(c)) {
this.start = this.i;
this.state = this.Name;
} else if (c == '/' && this.data[this.i + 1] == '*')
else if (!cfg.blankChar[c] && c != ';')
this.state = this.Ignore;
Comment() {
this.i = this.data.indexOf('*/', this.i) + 1;
if (!this.i) this.i = this.data.length;
this.state = this.Space;
Ignore(c) {
if (c == '{') this.floor++;
else if (c == '}' && !--this.floor) this.state = this.Space;
Name(c) {
if (cfg.blankChar[c]) {
this.state = this.NameSpace;
} else if (c == '{') {
} else if (c == ',') {
} else if (!this.isLetter(c) && (c < '0' || c > '9') && c != '-' && c != '_')
this.state = this.Ignore;
NameSpace(c) {
if (c == '{') this.Content();
else if (c == ',') this.Comma();
else if (!cfg.blankChar[c]) this.state = this.Ignore;
Comma() {
while (cfg.blankChar[this.data[++this.i]]);
if (this.data[this.i] == '{') this.Content();
else {
this.start = this.i--;
this.state = this.Name;
Content() {
this.start = ++this.i;
if ((this.i = this.data.indexOf('}', this.i)) == -1) this.i = this.data.length;
var content = this.section();
for (var i = 0, item; item = this.list[i++];)
if (this.res[item]) this.res[item] += ';' + content;
else this.res[item] = content;
this.list = [];
this.state = this.Space;
@ -0,0 +1,586 @@
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
将 html 解析为适用于小程序 rich-text 的 DOM 结构
var cfg = require('./config.js'),
blankChar = cfg.blankChar,
CssHandler = require('./CssHandler.js'),
} = wx.getSystemInfoSync();
var entities = {
lt: '<',
gt: '>',
amp: '&',
quot: '"',
apos: "'",
nbsp: '\xA0',
ensp: '\u2002',
emsp: '\u2003',
ndash: '–',
mdash: '—',
middot: '·',
lsquo: '‘',
rsquo: '’',
ldquo: '“',
rdquo: '”',
bull: '•',
hellip: '…',
permil: '‰',
copy: '©',
reg: '®',
trade: '™',
times: '×',
divide: '÷',
cent: '¢',
pound: '£',
yen: '¥',
euro: '€',
sect: '§'
// #endif
var emoji; // emoji 补丁包 https://jin-yufeng.github.io/Parser/#/instructions?id=emoji
class MpHtmlParser {
constructor(data, options = {}) {
this.attrs = {};
this.compress = options.compress;
this.CssHandler = new CssHandler(options.tagStyle, screenWidth);
this.data = data;
this.domain = options.domain;
this.DOM = [];
this.i = this.start = this.audioNum = this.imgNum = this.videoNum = 0;
this.protocol = this.domain && this.domain.includes('://') ? this.domain.split('://')[0] : '';
this.state = this.Text;
this.STACK = [];
this.useAnchor = options.useAnchor;
this.xml = options.xml;
parse() {
if (emoji) this.data = emoji.parseEmoji(this.data);
for (var c; c = this.data[this.i]; this.i++)
if (this.state == this.Text) this.setText();
while (this.STACK.length) this.popNode(this.STACK.pop());
// #ifdef MP-BAIDU || MP-TOUTIAO
// 将顶层标签的一些样式提取出来给 rich-text
(function f(ns) {
for (var i = ns.length, n; n = ns[--i];) {
if (n.type == 'text') continue;
if (!n.c) {
var style = n.attrs.style;
if (style) {
var j, k, res;
if ((j = style.indexOf('display')) != -1)
res = style.substring(j, (k = style.indexOf(';', j)) == -1 ? style.length : k);
if ((j = style.indexOf('float')) != -1)
res += ';' + style.substring(j, (k = style.indexOf(';', j)) == -1 ? style.length : k);
n.attrs.contain = res;
} else f(n.children);
// #endif
if (this.DOM.length) {
this.DOM[0].PoweredBy = 'Parser';
if (this.title) this.DOM[0].title = this.title;
return this.DOM;
// 设置属性
setAttr() {
var name = this.getName(this.attrName);
if (cfg.trustAttrs[name]) {
if (!this.attrVal) {
if (cfg.boolAttrs[name]) this.attrs[name] = 'T';
} else if (name == 'src') this.attrs[name] = this.getUrl(this.attrVal.replace(/&/g, '&'));
else this.attrs[name] = this.attrVal;
this.attrVal = '';
while (blankChar[this.data[this.i]]) this.i++;
if (this.isClose()) this.setNode();
else {
this.start = this.i;
this.state = this.AttrName;
// 设置文本节点
setText() {
var back, text = this.section();
if (!text) return;
text = (cfg.onText && cfg.onText(text, () => back = true)) || text;
if (back) {
this.data = this.data.substr(0, this.start) + text + this.data.substr(this.i);
let j = this.start + text.length;
for (this.i = this.start; this.i < j; this.i++) this.state(this.data[this.i]);
if (!this.pre) {
// 合并空白符
var tmp = [];
for (let i = text.length, c; c = text[--i];)
if (!blankChar[c] || (!blankChar[tmp[0]] && (c = ' '))) tmp.unshift(c);
text = tmp.join('');
if (text == ' ') return;
// 处理实体
var siblings = this.siblings(),
i = -1,
j, en;
while (1) {
if ((i = text.indexOf('&', i + 1)) == -1) break;
if ((j = text.indexOf(';', i + 2)) == -1) break;
if (text[i + 1] == '#') {
en = parseInt((text[i + 2] == 'x' ? '0' : '') + text.substring(i + 2, j));
if (!isNaN(en)) text = text.substr(0, i) + String.fromCharCode(en) + text.substring(j + 1);
} else {
en = text.substring(i + 1, j);
// #ifdef MP-WEIXIN || MP-QQ || APP-PLUS
if (en == 'nbsp') text = text.substr(0, i) + '\xA0' + text.substr(j + 1); // 解决 失效
else if (en != 'lt' && en != 'gt' && en != 'amp' && en != 'ensp' && en != 'emsp' && en != 'quot' && en != 'apos') {
i && siblings.push({
type: 'text',
text: text.substr(0, i)
type: 'text',
text: `&${en};`,
en: 1
text = text.substr(j + 1);
i = -1;
// #endif
if (entities[en]) text = text.substr(0, i) + entities[en] + text.substr(j + 1);
// #endif
text && siblings.push({
type: 'text',
// 设置元素节点
setNode() {
var node = {
name: this.tagName.toLowerCase(),
attrs: this.attrs
close = cfg.selfClosingTags[node.name] || (this.xml && this.data[this.i] == '/');
this.attrs = {};
if (!cfg.ignoreTags[node.name]) {
if (!close) {
node.children = [];
if (node.name == 'pre' && cfg.highlight) {
this.pre = node.pre = true;
} else if (!cfg.filter || cfg.filter(node, this) != false)
} else {
if (!close) this.remove(node);
else if (node.name == 'source') {
var parent = this.STACK[this.STACK.length - 1],
attrs = node.attrs;
if (parent && attrs.src)
if (parent.name == 'video' || parent.name == 'audio')
else {
var i, media = attrs.media;
if (parent.name == 'picture' && !parent.attrs.src && !(attrs.src.indexOf('.webp') && system.includes('iOS')) &&
(!media || (media.includes('px') &&
(((i = media.indexOf('min-width')) != -1 && (i = media.indexOf(':', i + 8)) != -1 && screenWidth > parseInt(
media.substr(i + 1))) ||
((i = media.indexOf('max-width')) != -1 && (i = media.indexOf(':', i + 8)) != -1 && screenWidth < parseInt(
media.substr(i + 1)))))))
parent.attrs.src = attrs.src;
} else if (node.name == 'base' && !this.domain) this.domain = node.attrs.href;
if (this.data[this.i] == '/') this.i++;
this.start = this.i + 1;
this.state = this.Text;
// 移除标签
remove(node) {
var name = node.name,
j = this.i;
while (1) {
if ((this.i = this.data.indexOf('</', this.i + 1)) == -1) {
if (name == 'pre' || name == 'svg') this.i = j;
else this.i = this.data.length;
this.start = (this.i += 2);
while (!blankChar[this.data[this.i]] && !this.isClose()) this.i++;
if (this.getName(this.section()) == name) {
// 代码块高亮
if (name == 'pre') {
this.data = this.data.substr(0, j + 1) + cfg.highlight(this.data.substring(j + 1, this.i - 5), node.attrs) +
this.data.substr(this.i - 5);
return this.i = j;
} else if (name == 'style')
this.CssHandler.getStyle(this.data.substring(j + 1, this.i - 7));
else if (name == 'title')
this.title = this.data.substring(j + 1, this.i - 7);
if ((this.i = this.data.indexOf('>', this.i)) == -1) this.i = this.data.length;
// 处理 svg
if (name == 'svg') {
var src = this.data.substring(j, this.i + 1);
if (!node.attrs.xmlns) src = ' xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"' + src;
var i = j;
while (this.data[j] != '<') j--;
src = this.data.substring(j, i) + src;
var parent = this.STACK[this.STACK.length - 1];
if (node.attrs.width == '100%' && parent && (parent.attrs.style || '').includes('inline'))
parent.attrs.style = 'width:300px;max-width:100%;' + parent.attrs.style;
name: 'img',
attrs: {
src: 'data:image/svg+xml;utf8,' + src.replace(/#/g, '%23'),
ignore: 'T'
// 处理属性
matchAttr(node) {
var attrs = node.attrs,
style = this.CssHandler.match(node.name, attrs, node) + (attrs.style || ''),
styleObj = {};
if (attrs.id) {
if (this.compress & 1) attrs.id = void 0;
else if (this.useAnchor) this.bubble();
if ((this.compress & 2) && attrs.class) attrs.class = void 0;
switch (node.name) {
case 'img':
if (attrs['data-src']) {
attrs.src = attrs.src || attrs['data-src'];
attrs['data-src'] = void 0;
if (attrs.src && !attrs.ignore) {
if (this.bubble()) attrs.i = (this.imgNum++).toString();
else attrs.ignore = 'T';
case 'a':
case 'ad':
// #ifdef APP-PLUS
case 'iframe':
case 'embed':
// #endif
case 'font':
if (attrs.color) {
styleObj['color'] = attrs.color;
attrs.color = void 0;
if (attrs.face) {
styleObj['font-family'] = attrs.face;
attrs.face = void 0;
if (attrs.size) {
var size = parseInt(attrs.size);
if (size < 1) size = 1;
else if (size > 7) size = 7;
var map = ['xx-small', 'x-small', 'small', 'medium', 'large', 'x-large', 'xx-large'];
styleObj['font-size'] = map[size - 1];
attrs.size = void 0;
case 'video':
case 'audio':
if (!attrs.id) attrs.id = node.name + (++this[`${node.name}Num`]);
else this[`${node.name}Num`]++;
if (node.name == 'video') {
if (attrs.width) {
style = `width:${parseFloat(attrs.width) + (attrs.width.includes('%') ? '%' : 'px')};${style}`;
attrs.width = void 0;
if (attrs.height) {
style = `height:${parseFloat(attrs.height) + (attrs.height.includes('%') ? '%' : 'px')};${style}`;
attrs.height = void 0;
if (this.videoNum > 3) node.lazyLoad = true;
attrs.source = [];
if (attrs.src) attrs.source.push(attrs.src);
if (!attrs.controls && !attrs.autoplay)
console.warn(`存在没有 controls 属性的 ${node.name} 标签,可能导致无法播放`, node);
case 'td':
case 'th':
if (attrs.colspan || attrs.rowspan)
for (var k = this.STACK.length, item; item = this.STACK[--k];)
if (item.name == 'table') {
item.c = void 0;
if (attrs.align) {
styleObj['text-align'] = attrs.align;
attrs.align = void 0;
// 压缩 style
var styles = style.replace(/"/g, '"').replace(/&/g, '&').split(';');
style = '';
for (var i = 0, len = styles.length; i < len; i++) {
var info = styles[i].split(':');
if (info.length < 2) continue;
let key = info[0].trim().toLowerCase(),
value = info.slice(1).join(':').trim();
if (value.includes('-webkit') || value.includes('-moz') || value.includes('-ms') || value.includes('-o') || value
style += `;${key}:${value}`;
else if (!styleObj[key] || value.includes('import') || !styleObj[key].includes('import'))
styleObj[key] = value;
if (node.name == 'img' && parseInt(styleObj.width || attrs.width) > screenWidth)
styleObj.height = 'auto';
for (var key in styleObj) {
var value = styleObj[key];
if (key.includes('flex') || key == 'order' || key == 'self-align') node.c = 1;
// 填充链接
if (value.includes('url')) {
var j = value.indexOf('(');
if (j++ != -1) {
while (value[j] == '"' || value[j] == "'" || blankChar[value[j]]) j++;
value = value.substr(0, j) + this.getUrl(value.substr(j));
// 转换 rpx
else if (value.includes('rpx'))
value = value.replace(/[0-9.]+\s*rpx/g, $ => parseFloat($) * screenWidth / 750 + 'px');
else if (key == 'white-space' && value.includes('pre'))
this.pre = node.pre = true;
style += `;${key}:${value}`;
style = style.substr(1);
if (style) attrs.style = style;
// 节点出栈处理
popNode(node) {
// 空白符处理
if (node.pre) {
node.pre = this.pre = void 0;
for (let i = this.STACK.length; i--;)
if (this.STACK[i].pre)
this.pre = true;
if (node.name == 'head' || (cfg.filter && cfg.filter(node, this) == false))
return this.siblings().pop();
var attrs = node.attrs;
// 替换一些标签名
if (node.name == 'picture') {
node.name = 'img';
if (!attrs.src && (node.children[0] || '').name == 'img')
attrs.src = node.children[0].attrs.src;
if (attrs.src && !attrs.ignore)
attrs.i = (this.imgNum++).toString();
return node.children = void 0;
if (cfg.blockTags[node.name]) node.name = 'div';
else if (!cfg.trustTags[node.name]) node.name = 'span';
// 处理列表
if (node.c) {
if (node.name == 'ul') {
var floor = 1;
for (let i = this.STACK.length; i--;)
if (this.STACK[i].name == 'ul') floor++;
if (floor != 1)
for (let i = node.children.length; i--;)
node.children[i].floor = floor;
} else if (node.name == 'ol') {
for (let i = 0, num = 1, child; child = node.children[i++];)
if (child.name == 'li') {
child.type = 'ol';
child.num = ((num, type) => {
if (type == 'a') return String.fromCharCode(97 + (num - 1) % 26);
if (type == 'A') return String.fromCharCode(65 + (num - 1) % 26);
if (type == 'i' || type == 'I') {
num = (num - 1) % 99 + 1;
var one = ['I', 'II', 'III', 'IV', 'V', 'VI', 'VII', 'VIII', 'IX'],
ten = ['X', 'XX', 'XXX', 'XL', 'L', 'LX', 'LXX', 'LXXX', 'XC'],
res = (ten[Math.floor(num / 10) - 1] || '') + (one[num % 10 - 1] || '');
if (type == 'i') return res.toLowerCase();
return res;
return num;
})(num++, attrs.type) + '.';
// 处理表格的边框
if (node.name == 'table') {
var padding = attrs.cellpadding,
spacing = attrs.cellspacing,
border = attrs.border;
if (node.c) {
if (!padding) padding = 2;
if (!spacing) spacing = 2;
if (border) attrs.style = `border:${border}px solid gray;${attrs.style || ''}`;
if (spacing) attrs.style = `border-spacing:${spacing}px;${attrs.style || ''}`;
if (border || padding)
(function f(ns) {
for (var i = 0, n; n = ns[i]; i++) {
if (n.name == 'th' || n.name == 'td') {
if (border) n.attrs.style = `border:${border}px solid gray;${n.attrs.style}`;
if (padding) n.attrs.style = `padding:${padding}px;${n.attrs.style}`;
} else f(n.children || []);
this.CssHandler.pop && this.CssHandler.pop(node);
// 自动压缩
if (node.name == 'div' && !Object.keys(attrs).length) {
var siblings = this.siblings();
if (node.children.length == 1 && node.children[0].name == 'div')
siblings[siblings.length - 1] = node.children[0];
// 工具函数
bubble() {
for (var i = this.STACK.length, item; item = this.STACK[--i];) {
if (cfg.richOnlyTags[item.name]) {
if (item.name == 'table' && !Object.hasOwnProperty.call(item, 'c')) item.c = 1;
return false;
item.c = 1;
return true;
getName = val => this.xml ? val : val.toLowerCase();
getUrl(url) {
if (url[0] == '/') {
if (url[1] == '/') url = this.protocol + ':' + url;
else if (this.domain) url = this.domain + url;
} else if (this.domain && url.indexOf('data:') != 0 && !url.includes('://'))
url = this.domain + '/' + url;
return url;
isClose = () => this.data[this.i] == '>' || (this.data[this.i] == '/' && this.data[this.i + 1] == '>');
section = () => this.data.substring(this.start, this.i);
siblings = () => this.STACK.length ? this.STACK[this.STACK.length - 1].children : this.DOM;
// 状态机
Text(c) {
if (c == '<') {
var next = this.data[this.i + 1],
isLetter = c => (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z');
if (isLetter(next)) {
this.start = this.i + 1;
this.state = this.TagName;
} else if (next == '/') {
if (isLetter(this.data[++this.i + 1])) {
this.start = this.i + 1;
this.state = this.EndTag;
} else
} else if (next == '!') {
Comment() {
var key;
if (this.data.substring(this.i + 2, this.i + 4) == '--') key = '-->';
else if (this.data.substring(this.i + 2, this.i + 9) == '[CDATA[') key = ']]>';
else key = '>';
if ((this.i = this.data.indexOf(key, this.i + 2)) == -1) this.i = this.data.length;
else this.i += key.length - 1;
this.start = this.i + 1;
this.state = this.Text;
TagName(c) {
if (blankChar[c]) {
this.tagName = this.section();
while (blankChar[this.data[this.i]]) this.i++;
if (this.isClose()) this.setNode();
else {
this.start = this.i;
this.state = this.AttrName;
} else if (this.isClose()) {
this.tagName = this.section();
AttrName(c) {
var blank = blankChar[c];
if (blank) {
this.attrName = this.section();
c = this.data[this.i];
if (c == '=') {
if (!blank) this.attrName = this.section();
while (blankChar[this.data[++this.i]]);
this.start = this.i--;
this.state = this.AttrValue;
} else if (blank) this.setAttr();
else if (this.isClose()) {
this.attrName = this.section();
AttrValue(c) {
if (c == '"' || c == "'") {
if ((this.i = this.data.indexOf(c, this.i + 1)) == -1) return this.i = this.data.length;
this.attrVal = this.section();
} else {
for (; !blankChar[this.data[this.i]] && !this.isClose(); this.i++);
this.attrVal = this.section();
EndTag(c) {
if (blankChar[c] || c == '>' || c == '/') {
var name = this.getName(this.section());
for (var i = this.STACK.length; i--;)
if (this.STACK[i].name == name) break;
if (i != -1) {
var node;
while ((node = this.STACK.pop()).name != name);
} else if (name == 'p' || name == 'br')
attrs: {}
this.i = this.data.indexOf('>', this.i);
this.start = this.i + 1;
if (this.i == -1) this.i = this.data.length;
else this.state = this.Text;
module.exports = MpHtmlParser;
@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
/* 配置文件 */
// #ifdef MP-WEIXIN
const canIUse = wx.canIUse('editor'); // 高基础库标识,用于兼容
// #endif
module.exports = {
// 过滤器函数
filter: null,
// 代码高亮函数
highlight: null,
// 文本处理函数
onText: null,
blankChar: makeMap(' ,\xA0,\t,\r,\n,\f'),
// 块级标签,将被转为 div
blockTags: makeMap('address,article,aside,body,caption,center,cite,footer,header,html,nav,section' + (
// #ifdef MP-WEIXIN
canIUse ? '' :
// #endif
// 将被移除的标签
ignoreTags: makeMap(
// #ifdef MP-WEIXIN
+ (canIUse ? ',rp' : '')
// #endif
// #ifndef APP-PLUS
+ ',embed,iframe'
// #endif
// 只能被 rich-text 显示的标签
richOnlyTags: makeMap('a,colgroup,fieldset,legend,picture,table'
// #ifdef MP-WEIXIN
+ (canIUse ? ',bdi,bdo,caption,rt,ruby' : '')
// #endif
// 自闭合的标签
selfClosingTags: makeMap(
// 信任的属性
trustAttrs: makeMap(
// bool 型的属性
boolAttrs: makeMap('autoplay,controls,ignore,loop,muted'),
// 信任的标签
trustTags: makeMap(
// #ifdef MP-WEIXIN
+ (canIUse ? ',bdi,bdo,caption,pre,rt,ruby' : '')
// #endif
// #ifdef APP-PLUS
+ ',embed,iframe'
// #endif
// 默认的标签样式
userAgentStyles: {
address: 'font-style:italic',
big: 'display:inline;font-size:1.2em',
blockquote: 'background-color:#f6f6f6;border-left:3px solid #dbdbdb;color:#6c6c6c;padding:5px 0 5px 10px',
caption: 'display:table-caption;text-align:center',
center: 'text-align:center',
cite: 'font-style:italic',
dd: 'margin-left:40px',
img: 'max-width:100%',
mark: 'background-color:yellow',
picture: 'max-width:100%',
pre: 'font-family:monospace;white-space:pre;overflow:scroll',
s: 'text-decoration:line-through',
small: 'display:inline;font-size:0.8em',
u: 'text-decoration:underline'
function makeMap(str) {
var map = {},
list = str.split(',');
for (var i = list.length; i--;)
map[list[i]] = true;
return map;
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
var inlineTags = {
abbr: 1,
b: 1,
big: 1,
code: 1,
del: 1,
em: 1,
i: 1,
ins: 1,
label: 1,
q: 1,
small: 1,
span: 1,
strong: 1
export default {
// 从顶层标签的样式中取出一些给 rich-text
getStyle: function(style) {
if (style) {
var i, j, res = '';
if ((i = style.indexOf('display')) != -1)
res = style.substring(i, (j = style.indexOf(';', i)) == -1 ? style.length : j);
if ((i = style.indexOf('float')) != -1)
res += ';' + style.substring(i, (j = style.indexOf(';', i)) == -1 ? style.length : j);
return res;
getNode: function(item) {
return [item];
// 是否通过 rich-text 显示
useRichText: function(item) {
return !item.c && !inlineTags[item.name] && (item.attrs.style || '').indexOf('display:inline') == -1;
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
var inlineTags = {
abbr: 1,
b: 1,
big: 1,
code: 1,
del: 1,
em: 1,
i: 1,
ins: 1,
label: 1,
q: 1,
small: 1,
span: 1,
strong: 1
module.exports = {
// 从顶层标签的样式中取出一些给 rich-text
getStyle: function(style) {
if (style) {
var i, j, res = '';
if ((i = style.indexOf('display')) != -1)
res = style.substring(i, (j = style.indexOf(';', i)) == -1 ? style.length : j);
if ((i = style.indexOf('float')) != -1)
res += ';' + style.substring(i, (j = style.indexOf(';', i)) == -1 ? style.length : j);
return res;
// 处理懒加载
getNode: function(item, imgLoad) {
if (!imgLoad && item.attrs.i != '0') {
var img = {
name: 'img',
attrs: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(item.attrs))
delete img.attrs.src;
img.attrs.style += ';width:20px;height:20px';
return [img];
} else return [item];
// 是否通过 rich-text 显示
useRichText: function(item) {
return !item.c && !inlineTags[item.name] && (item.attrs.style || '').indexOf('display:inline') == -1;
@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
trees 递归显示组件
<view class="interlayer">
<block v-for="(n, index) in nodes" v-bind:key="index">
<!--#ifdef MP-WEIXIN || MP-QQ || MP-ALIPAY || APP-PLUS-->
<rich-text v-if="n.name=='img'" :id="n.attrs.id" class="_img" :style="''+handler.getStyle(n.attrs.style)" :nodes="handler.getNode(n,!lazyLoad||imgLoad)"
:data-attrs="n.attrs" @tap="imgtap" @longpress="imglongtap" />
<!--#ifdef MP-BAIDU || MP-TOUTIAO-->
<rich-text v-if="n.name=='img'" :id="n.attrs.id" class="_img" :style="n.attrs.contain" :nodes='[n]' :data-attrs="n.attrs"
@tap="imgtap" @longpress="imglongtap" />
<!--#ifdef MP-WEIXIN || MP-QQ || APP-PLUS-->
<rich-text v-else-if="n.decode" class="_entity" :nodes="[n]"></rich-text>
<text v-else-if="n.type=='text'" decode>{{n.text}}</text>
<text v-else-if="n.name=='br'">\n</text>
<view v-else-if="n.name=='video'">
<view v-if="(!loadVideo||n.lazyLoad)&&!(controls[n.attrs.id]&&controls[n.attrs.id].play)" :id="n.attrs.id" :class="'_video '+(n.attrs.class||'')"
:style="n.attrs.style" @tap="_loadVideo" />
<video v-else :id="n.attrs.id" :class="n.attrs.class" :style="n.attrs.style" :autoplay="n.attrs.autoplay||(controls[n.attrs.id]&&controls[n.attrs.id].play)"
:controls="n.attrs.controls" :loop="n.attrs.loop" :muted="n.attrs.muted" :poster="n.attrs.poster" :src="n.attrs.source[(controls[n.attrs.id]&&controls[n.attrs.id].index)||0]"
:unit-id="n.attrs['unit-id']" :data-id="n.attrs.id" data-from="video" data-source="source" @error="error" @play="play" />
<audio v-else-if="n.name=='audio'" :class="n.attrs.class" :style="n.attrs.style" :author="n.attrs.author" :autoplay="n.attrs.autoplay"
:controls="n.attrs.controls" :loop="n.attrs.loop" :name="n.attrs.name" :poster="n.attrs.poster" :src="n.attrs.source[(controls[n.attrs.id]&&controls[n.attrs.id].index)||0]"
:data-id="n.attrs.id" data-from="audio" data-source="source" @error="error" @play="play" />
<view v-else-if="n.name=='a'" :class="'_a '+(n.attrs.class||'')" hover-class="_hover" :style="n.attrs.style"
:data-attrs="n.attrs" @tap="linkpress">
<trees class="_span" :nodes="n.children" />
<!--#ifdef MP-WEIXIN || MP-QQ || MP-TOUTIAO-->
<!--<ad v-else-if="n.name=='ad'" :class="n.attrs.class" :style="n.attrs.style" :unit-id="n.attrs['unit-id']"
data-from="ad" @error="error" />-->
<!--#ifdef MP-BAIDU-->
<!--<ad v-else-if="n.name=='ad'" :class="n.attrs.class" :style="n.attrs.style" :appid="n.attrs.appid"
:apid="n.attrs.apid" :type="n.attrs.type" data-from="ad" @error="error" />-->
<!--#ifdef APP-PLUS-->
<!--<ad v-else-if="n.name=='ad'" :class="n.attrs.class" :style="n.attrs.style" :adpid="n.attrs.adpid"
data-from="ad" @error="error" />-->
<view v-else-if="n.name=='li'" :id="n.attrs.id" :class="n.attrs.class" :style="(n.attrs.style||'')+';display:flex'">
<view v-if="n.type=='ol'" class="_ol-bef">{{n.num}}</view>
<view v-else class="_ul-bef">
<view v-if="n.floor%3==0" class="_ul-p1">█</view>
<view v-else-if="n.floor%3==2" class="_ul-p2" />
<view v-else class="_ul-p1" style="border-radius:50%">█</view>
<!--#ifdef MP-ALIPAY-->
<view class="_li">
<trees :nodes="n.children" />
<!--#ifndef MP-ALIPAY-->
<trees class="_li" :nodes="n.children" :lazyLoad="lazyLoad" :loadVideo="loadVideo" />
<view v-else-if="n.name=='table'&&n.c" :id="n.attrs.id" :class="n.attrs.class" :style="(n.attrs.style||'')+';display:table'">
<view v-for="(tbody, i) in n.children" v-bind:key="i" :class="tbody.attrs.class" :style="(tbody.attrs.style||'')+(tbody.name[0]=='t'?';display:table-'+(tbody.name=='tr'?'row':'row-group'):'')">
<view v-for="(tr, j) in tbody.children" v-bind:key="j" :class="tr.attrs.class" :style="(tr.attrs.style||'')+(tr.name[0]=='t'?';display:table-'+(tr.name=='tr'?'row':'cell'):'')">
<trees v-if="tr.name=='td'" :nodes="tr.children" :lazyLoad="lazyLoad" :loadVideo="loadVideo" />
<block v-else>
<!--#ifdef MP-ALIPAY-->
<view v-for="(td, k) in tr.children" v-bind:key="k" :class="td.attrs.class" :style="(td.attrs.style||'')+(td.name[0]=='t'?';display:table-'+(td.name=='tr'?'row':'cell'):'')">
<trees :nodes="td.children" />
<!--#ifndef MP-ALIPAY-->
<trees v-for="(td, k) in tr.children" v-bind:key="k" :class="td.attrs.class" :style="(td.attrs.style||'')+(td.name[0]=='t'?';display:table-'+(td.name=='tr'?'row':'cell'):'')"
:nodes="td.children" :lazyLoad="lazyLoad" :loadVideo="loadVideo" />
<!--#ifdef APP-PLUS-->
<iframe v-else-if="n.name=='iframe'" :style="n.attrs.style" :allowfullscreen="n.attrs.allowfullscreen" :frameborder="n.attrs.frameborder"
:width="n.attrs.width" :height="n.attrs.height" :src="n.attrs.src" />
<embed v-else-if="n.name=='embed'" :style="n.attrs.style" :width="n.attrs.width" :height="n.attrs.height" :src="n.attrs.src" />
<!--#ifdef MP-WEIXIN || MP-QQ || MP-ALIPAY || APP-PLUS-->
<rich-text v-else-if="handler.useRichText(n)" :id="n.attrs.id" :class="'_p __'+n.name" :nodes="[n]" />
<!--#ifdef MP-BAIDU || MP-TOUTIAO-->
<rich-text v-else-if="!(n.c||n.continue)" :id="n.attrs.id" :class="_p" :style="n.attrs.contain" :nodes="[n]" />
<!--#ifdef MP-ALIPAY-->
<view v-else :id="n.attrs.id" :class="'_'+n.name+' '+(n.attrs.class||'')" :style="n.attrs.style">
<trees :nodes="n.children" />
<!--#ifndef MP-ALIPAY-->
<trees v-else :class="(n.attrs.id||'')+' _'+n.name+' '+(n.attrs.class||'')" :style="n.attrs.style" :nodes="n.children"
:lazyLoad="lazyLoad" :loadVideo="loadVideo" />
<script module="handler" lang="wxs" src="./handler.wxs"></script>
<script module="handler" lang="sjs" src="./handler.sjs"></script>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
global.Parser = {};
import trees from './trees'
export default {
components: {
name: 'trees',
data() {
return {
controls: {},
// #ifdef MP-WEIXIN || MP-QQ || APP-PLUS
imgLoad: false,
// #endif
// #ifndef APP-PLUS
loadVideo: true
// #endif
props: {
nodes: Array,
// #ifdef MP-WEIXIN || MP-QQ || H5 || APP-PLUS
lazyLoad: Boolean,
// #endif
// #ifdef APP-PLUS
loadVideo: Boolean
// #endif
mounted() {
// 获取顶层组件
this.top = this.$parent;
while (this.top.$options.name != 'parser') {
if (this.top.top) {
this.top = this.top.top;
this.top = this.top.$parent;
// #ifdef MP-WEIXIN || MP-QQ || APP-PLUS
beforeDestroy() {
if (this.observer)
// #endif
methods: {
// #ifndef MP-ALIPAY
play(e) {
if (this.top.videoContexts.length > 1 && this.top.autopause)
for (var i = this.top.videoContexts.length; i--;)
if (this.top.videoContexts[i].id != e.currentTarget.dataset.id)
// #endif
imgtap(e) {
var attrs = e.currentTarget.dataset.attrs;
if (!attrs.ignore) {
var preview = true, data = {
id: e.target.id,
src: attrs.src,
ignore: () => preview = false
global.Parser.onImgtap && global.Parser.onImgtap(data);
this.top.$emit('imgtap', data);
if (preview) {
var urls = this.top.imgList,
current = urls[attrs.i] ? parseInt(attrs.i) : (urls = [attrs.src], 0);
imglongtap(e) {
var attrs = e.item.dataset.attrs;
if (!attrs.ignore)
this.top.$emit('imglongtap', {
id: e.target.id,
src: attrs.src
linkpress(e) {
var jump = true,
attrs = e.currentTarget.dataset.attrs;
attrs.ignore = () => jump = false;
global.Parser.onLinkpress && global.Parser.onLinkpress(attrs);
this.top.$emit('linkpress', attrs);
if (jump) {
// #ifdef MP
if (attrs['app-id']) {
return uni.navigateToMiniProgram({
appId: attrs['app-id'],
path: attrs.path
// #endif
if (attrs.href) {
if (attrs.href[0] == '#') {
if (this.top.useAnchor)
id: attrs.href.substring(1)
} else if (attrs.href.indexOf('http') == 0 || attrs.href.indexOf('//') == 0) {
// #ifdef APP-PLUS
// #endif
// #ifndef APP-PLUS
data: attrs.href,
success: () =>
title: '链接已复制'
// #endif
} else
url: attrs.href
error(e) {
var context, target = e.currentTarget,
source = target.dataset.from;
if (source == 'video' || source == 'audio') {
// 加载其他 source
var index = this.controls[target.id] ? this.controls[target.id].index + 1 : 1;
if (index < target.dataset.source.length)
this.$set(this.controls, target.id + '.index', index);
if (source == 'video') context = uni.createVideoContext(target.id, this);
this.top && this.top.$emit('error', {
errMsg: e.detail.errMsg,
errCode: e.detail.errCode,
_loadVideo(e) {
this.$set(this.controls, e.currentTarget.id, {
play: true,
index: 0
/* 在这里引入自定义样式 */
/* 链接和图片效果 */
._a {
display: inline;
color: #366092;
word-break: break-all;
padding: 1.5px 0 1.5px 0;
._hover {
opacity: 0.7;
text-decoration: underline;
._img {
display: inline-block;
text-indent: 0;
/* #ifdef MP-WEIXIN */
:host {
display: inline;
/* #endif */
/* #ifdef MP */
.interlayer {
align-content: inherit;
align-items: inherit;
display: inherit;
flex-direction: inherit;
flex-wrap: inherit;
justify-content: inherit;
width: 100%;
white-space: inherit;
/* #endif */
._strong {
font-weight: bold;
._li {
display: block;
._code {
font-family: monospace;
._del {
text-decoration: line-through;
._i {
font-style: italic;
._h1 {
font-size: 2em;
._h2 {
font-size: 1.5em;
._h3 {
font-size: 1.17em;
._h5 {
font-size: 0.83em;
._h6 {
font-size: 0.67em;
._h6 {
display: block;
font-weight: bold;
._ins {
text-decoration: underline;
._li {
flex: 1;
width: 0;
._ol-bef {
margin-right: 5px;
text-align: right;
width: 36px;
._ul-bef {
line-height: normal;
margin: 0 12px 0 23px;
._ul_bef {
flex: none;
user-select: none;
._ul-p1 {
display: inline-block;
height: 0.3em;
line-height: 0.3em;
overflow: hidden;
width: 0.3em;
._ul-p2 {
border: 0.05em solid black;
border-radius: 50%;
display: inline-block;
height: 0.23em;
width: 0.23em;
._q::before {
content: '"';
._q::after {
content: '"';
._sub {
font-size: smaller;
vertical-align: sub;
._sup {
font-size: smaller;
vertical-align: super;
/* #ifndef MP-WEIXIN */
._sup {
display: inline;
/* #endif */
/* #ifdef MP-WEIXIN || MP-QQ || MP-ALIPAY */
._entity {
display: inline-block;
/* #endif */
._video {
background-color: black;
display: inline-block;
height: 225px;
position: relative;
width: 300px;
._video::after {
border-color: transparent transparent transparent white;
border-style: solid;
border-width: 15px 0 15px 30px;
content: '';
left: 50%;
margin: -15px 0 0 -15px;
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
@ -0,0 +1,463 @@
<view class="m-tabbar-box" :style="tabbarBoxStyle" v-if="isShowTabBar">
<view class="m-tabbar__fill" v-if="fill || native" :class="{'m-tabbar__safe': (safeBottom || native)}"
<view id="m-tabbar" class="m-tabbar" :class="{'fixed': (fixed || native), 'm-tabbar__safe': (safeBottom || native)}"
<view class="m-tabbar__border" v-if="borderStyle === 'black' "></view>
<view class="m-tabbar__flex">
<view @click="tabChange(index)" v-for="(item, index) in tabbarList" :key="index" class="m-tabbar__item" :class="{
'm-tabbar__item__active': index === currentIndex,
<slot :name="`tabbar_index_${index}`">
<view class="m-tabbar__icon">
<view class="m-tabbar__badge" v-if="item.dot">{{item.dot}}</view>
<image :src="currentIndex === index ? item.selectedIconPath : item.iconPath" class="m-tabbar__icon_img" />
<view class="m-tabbar__label"
:style="{'color': index === currentIndex ? tabbarConfig.selectedColor : tabbarConfig.color }">
{{ item.text }}
<view :style="{ paddingBottom: systemInfo.tabbarPaddingB + 'px', background: '#fff' }"></view>
const obj2strStyle = (obj) => {
let style = ''
for (let key in obj) {
style += `${key}:${obj[key]};`
return style
const padFirstSymbol = (str, smb) => {
if (str.startsWith(smb) || str.startsWith('http')) {
return str
return `/${str}`
const replaceTabbarList = (list) => {
if (!list.length > 0) {
return []
return list.map(item => {
if (item.iconPath) {
item.iconPath = padFirstSymbol(item.iconPath, '/')
if (item.pagePath) {
item.pagePath = padFirstSymbol(item.pagePath, '/')
if (item.selectedIconPath) {
item.selectedIconPath = padFirstSymbol(item.selectedIconPath, '/')
return item
// import base from '@/config/baseUrl.js';
import PageConfig from '@/pages.json'
export default {
emits: ['change', 'click'],
props: {
current: {
type: [Number, String],
default: 0
tabbar: {
type: Object,
default () {
return {}
fixed: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
fill: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
zIndex: {
type: [Number, String],
default: 9999
native: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
safeBottom: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
beforeChange: {
type: Function,
default: null
tabbarHeight: {
type: [Number, String],
default: 100
data() {
return {
systemInfo: {},
isShowTabBar: false,
currentIndex: 0,
beforeData: {},
reload: false
watch: {
current(val) {
this.currentIndex = val * 1
computed: {
tabbarConfig() {
const {
} = this
if (reload) {}
if (native) {
const {
} = PageConfig
if (!tabBar) {
console.error('Native mode, Pages.json no tabbar config')
return {
borderStyle: 'black',
list: []
return tabBar
return this.tabbar
tabbarList() {
const {
} = this
const {
} = this.tabbarConfig
if (reload) {}
if (list) {
return replaceTabbarList(list)
console.error('No tabbar config')
return []
borderStyle() {
const {
} = this
const {
} = this.tabbarConfig
if (reload) {}
return borderStyle
tabbarBoxStyle() {
const {
} = this
if (reload) {}
return obj2strStyle({
'z-index': zIndex,
tabbarFillStyle() {
const {
} = this
if (reload) {}
return obj2strStyle({
'height': `${tabbarHeight}rpx`
tabbarStyle() {
const {
} = this
const {
} = this.tabbarConfig
if (reload) {}
return obj2strStyle({
// 'height': `${tabbarHeight}rpx`,
'background-color': backgroundColor || '#fff',
tabbarItemStyle() {
const {
} = this
const {
} = this.tabbarConfig
if (reload) {}
return obj2strStyle({
'color': currentIndex ? selectedColor : color
mounted() {
methods: {
getTabbarHeight() {
var systemInfo = uni.getSystemInfoSync()
var data = {
tabbarH: 50, //tabbar高度--单位px
tabbarPaddingB: 0, //tabbar底部安全距离高度--单位px
device: systemInfo.system.indexOf('iOS') != -1 ? 'iOS' : 'Android', //苹果或者安卓设备
let modelArr = ['10,3', '10,6', 'X', 'XR', 'XS', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16'];
let model = systemInfo.model;
model && modelArr.forEach(item => {
if (model.indexOf(item) != -1 && (model.indexOf('iPhone') != -1 || model.indexOf('iphone') != -1)) {
data.tabbarH = 70
data.tabbarPaddingB = 20
this.systemInfo = data
initTabbar() {
const {
} = this
this.currentIndex = current * 1
if (native) {
const currentPage = `/${getCurrentPages()[0].route}`
const currentIndex = tabbarList.findIndex(item => item.pagePath === currentPage)
this.currentIndex = currentIndex
if (tabbarList.length > 0) {
setTimeout(() => {
this.isShowTabBar = true
reLoad() {
this.reload = true
setTimeout(() => {
this.reload = false
checkMaxIndex(index) {
if (!this.tabbarConfig.list[index]) {
console.error('Max tabbar index')
return false
return true
setTabBarBadge(obj) {
const {
} = obj
if (this.checkMaxIndex(index)) {
this.tabbarConfig.list[index].dot = text
setTabBarItem(obj) {
const {
pagePath: newPagePath,
} = obj
const {
pagePath: oldPagePath
} = this.tabbarConfig.list[index]
if (this.checkMaxIndex(index)) {
this.tabbarConfig.list[index] = {
pagePath: newPagePath ? newPagePath : oldPagePath,
showTabBar() {
this.isShowTabBar = true
hideTabBar() {
this.isShowTabBar = false
tabChange(index) {
const { currentIndex } = this
this.$emit('click', index)
if (index === currentIndex) {
index === 3 ? uni.$emit('resetLocation') : ''
this.beforeData = {
newIndex: index,
oldIndex: currentIndex,
next: this.jumpPage
if (this.beforeChange) {
} else {
jumpPage() {
const {
tabbarList: list
} = this
const {
newIndex: index
} = beforeData
const {
pagePath: url,
} = list[index]
if (url) {
if (native) {
} else {
this.currentIndex = index
switch (openType) {
case 'navigate':
case 'redirect':
case 'reLaunch':
case 'switchTab':
case 'navigateBack':
delta: 1
this.$emit('change', index)
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.m-tabbar-box {
position: relative;
z-index: 9999;
.m-tabbar {
position: relative;
&.fixed {
position: fixed;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100vw;
&__safe {
// padding-bottom: env(safe-area-inset-bottom);
.m-tabbar__fill {
pointer-events: none;
opacity: 0;
.m-tabbar__flex {
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
.m-tabbar__border {
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.33);
width: 100%;
height: 1rpx;
transform: scaleY(0.5);
.m-tabbar__item {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
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@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
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<view class="name line2">{{item.spu && item.spu.store_name}}</view>
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<view class="price">¥<text>{{item.spu && item.spu.price}}</text></view>
<view class="buy-btn">立即购买</view>
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import {
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import {
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export default {
computed: {
props: {
list: {
type: Array,
default: []
uid: {
type: Number,
isHome: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
data() {
return {
popup: {
show: false
methods: {
// 点击关闭按钮
closePopup() {
this.$set(this.popup, 'show', false);
showPopup() {
this.$set(this.popup, 'show', true);
goDetail(item) {
if (item.product_type === 1) {
url: `/pages/activity/goods_seckill_details/index?id=${item.product_id}&time=${item.stop_time}&spid=${this.uid}`
} else if (item.product_type === 2) {
url: `/pages/activity/presell_details/index?id=${item.activity_id}&spid=${this.uid}`
} else if (item.product_type === 0) {
url: `/pages/goods_details/index?id=${item.product_id}&spid=${this.uid}`
} else if (item.product_type === 4) {
url: `/pages/activity/combination_details/index?id=${item.activity_id}&spid=${this.uid}`
} else if (item.product_type === 40) {
url: `/pages/activity/combination_status/index?id=${item.activity_id}&spid=${this.uid}`
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@ -0,0 +1,524 @@
* @1900-2100区间内的公历、农历互转
* @charset UTF-8
* @Author Jea杨(JJonline@JJonline.Cn)
* @Time 2014-7-21
* @Time 2016-8-13 Fixed 2033hex、Attribution Annals
* @Time 2016-9-25 Fixed lunar LeapMonth Param Bug
* @Version 1.0.2
* @公历转农历:calendar.solar2lunar(1987,11,01); //[you can ignore params of prefix 0]
* @农历转公历:calendar.lunar2solar(1987,09,10); //[you can ignore params of prefix 0]
var calendar = {
* 农历1900-2100的润大小信息表
* @Array Of Property
* @return Hex
/**Add By JJonline@JJonline.Cn**/
0x14b63,0x09370,0x049f8,0x04970,0x064b0,0x168a6,0x0ea50, 0x06b20,0x1a6c4,0x0aae0,//2050-2059
* 公历每个月份的天数普通表
* @Array Of Property
* @return Number
* 天干地支之天干速查表
* @Array Of Property trans["甲","乙","丙","丁","戊","己","庚","辛","壬","癸"]
* @return Cn string
* 天干地支之地支速查表
* @Array Of Property
* @trans["子","丑","寅","卯","辰","巳","午","未","申","酉","戌","亥"]
* @return Cn string
* 天干地支之地支速查表<=>生肖
* @Array Of Property
* @trans["鼠","牛","虎","兔","龙","蛇","马","羊","猴","鸡","狗","猪"]
* @return Cn string
* 24节气速查表
* @Array Of Property
* @trans["小寒","大寒","立春","雨水","惊蛰","春分","清明","谷雨","立夏","小满","芒种","夏至","小暑","大暑","立秋","处暑","白露","秋分","寒露","霜降","立冬","小雪","大雪","冬至"]
* @return Cn string
* 1900-2100各年的24节气日期速查表
* @Array Of Property
* @return 0x string For splice
* 数字转中文速查表
* @Array Of Property
* @trans ['日','一','二','三','四','五','六','七','八','九','十']
* @return Cn string
* 日期转农历称呼速查表
* @Array Of Property
* @trans ['初','十','廿','卅']
* @return Cn string
* 月份转农历称呼速查表
* @Array Of Property
* @trans ['正','一','二','三','四','五','六','七','八','九','十','冬','腊']
* @return Cn string
* 返回农历y年一整年的总天数
* @param lunar Year
* @return Number
* @eg:var count = calendar.lYearDays(1987) ;//count=387
lYearDays:function(y) {
var i, sum = 348;
for(i=0x8000; i>0x8; i>>=1) { sum += (calendar.lunarInfo[y-1900] & i)? 1: 0; }
* 返回农历y年闰月是哪个月;若y年没有闰月 则返回0
* @param lunar Year
* @return Number (0-12)
* @eg:var leapMonth = calendar.leapMonth(1987) ;//leapMonth=6
leapMonth:function(y) { //闰字编码 \u95f0
return(calendar.lunarInfo[y-1900] & 0xf);
* 返回农历y年闰月的天数 若该年没有闰月则返回0
* @param lunar Year
* @return Number (0、29、30)
* @eg:var leapMonthDay = calendar.leapDays(1987) ;//leapMonthDay=29
leapDays:function(y) {
if(calendar.leapMonth(y)) {
return((calendar.lunarInfo[y-1900] & 0x10000)? 30: 29);
* 返回农历y年m月(非闰月)的总天数,计算m为闰月时的天数请使用leapDays方法
* @param lunar Year
* @return Number (-1、29、30)
* @eg:var MonthDay = calendar.monthDays(1987,9) ;//MonthDay=29
monthDays:function(y,m) {
if(m>12 || m<1) {return -1}//月份参数从1至12,参数错误返回-1
return( (calendar.lunarInfo[y-1900] & (0x10000>>m))? 30: 29 );
* 返回公历(!)y年m月的天数
* @param solar Year
* @return Number (-1、28、29、30、31)
* @eg:var solarMonthDay = calendar.leapDays(1987) ;//solarMonthDay=30
solarDays:function(y,m) {
if(m>12 || m<1) {return -1} //若参数错误 返回-1
var ms = m-1;
if(ms==1) { //2月份的闰平规律测算后确认返回28或29
return(((y%4 == 0) && (y%100 != 0) || (y%400 == 0))? 29: 28);
}else {
* 农历年份转换为干支纪年
* @param lYear 农历年的年份数
* @return Cn string
toGanZhiYear:function(lYear) {
var ganKey = (lYear - 3) % 10;
var zhiKey = (lYear - 3) % 12;
if(ganKey == 0) ganKey = 10;//如果余数为0则为最后一个天干
if(zhiKey == 0) zhiKey = 12;//如果余数为0则为最后一个地支
return calendar.Gan[ganKey-1] + calendar.Zhi[zhiKey-1];
* 公历月、日判断所属星座
* @param cMonth [description]
* @param cDay [description]
* @return Cn string
toAstro:function(cMonth,cDay) {
var s = "\u9b54\u7faf\u6c34\u74f6\u53cc\u9c7c\u767d\u7f8a\u91d1\u725b\u53cc\u5b50\u5de8\u87f9\u72ee\u5b50\u5904\u5973\u5929\u79e4\u5929\u874e\u5c04\u624b\u9b54\u7faf";
var arr = [20,19,21,21,21,22,23,23,23,23,22,22];
return s.substr(cMonth*2 - (cDay < arr[cMonth-1] ? 2 : 0),2) + "\u5ea7";//座
* 传入offset偏移量返回干支
* @param offset 相对甲子的偏移量
* @return Cn string
toGanZhi:function(offset) {
return calendar.Gan[offset%10] + calendar.Zhi[offset%12];
* 传入公历(!)y年获得该年第n个节气的公历日期
* @param y公历年(1900-2100);n二十四节气中的第几个节气(1~24);从n=1(小寒)算起
* @return day Number
* @eg:var _24 = calendar.getTerm(1987,3) ;//_24=4;意即1987年2月4日立春
getTerm:function(y,n) {
if(y<1900 || y>2100) {return -1;}
if(n<1 || n>24) {return -1;}
var _table = calendar.sTermInfo[y-1900];
var _info = [
parseInt('0x'+_table.substr(0,5)).toString() ,
var _calday = [
return parseInt(_calday[n-1]);
* 传入农历数字月份返回汉语通俗表示法
* @param lunar month
* @return Cn string
* @eg:var cnMonth = calendar.toChinaMonth(12) ;//cnMonth='腊月'
toChinaMonth:function(m) { // 月 => \u6708
if(m>12 || m<1) {return -1} //若参数错误 返回-1
var s = calendar.nStr3[m-1];
s+= "\u6708";//加上月字
return s;
* 传入农历日期数字返回汉字表示法
* @param lunar day
* @return Cn string
* @eg:var cnDay = calendar.toChinaDay(21) ;//cnMonth='廿一'
toChinaDay:function(d){ //日 => \u65e5
var s;
switch (d) {
case 10:
s = '\u521d\u5341'; break;
case 20:
s = '\u4e8c\u5341'; break;
case 30:
s = '\u4e09\u5341'; break;
default :
s = calendar.nStr2[Math.floor(d/10)];
s += calendar.nStr1[d%10];
* 年份转生肖[!仅能大致转换] => 精确划分生肖分界线是“立春”
* @param y year
* @return Cn string
* @eg:var animal = calendar.getAnimal(1987) ;//animal='兔'
getAnimal: function(y) {
return calendar.Animals[(y - 4) % 12]
* 传入阳历年月日获得详细的公历、农历object信息 <=>JSON
* @param y solar year
* @param m solar month
* @param d solar day
* @return JSON object
* @eg:console.log(calendar.solar2lunar(1987,11,01));
solar2lunar:function (y,m,d) { //参数区间1900.1.31~2100.12.31
if(y<1900 || y>2100) {return -1;}//年份限定、上限
if(y==1900&&m==1&&d<31) {return -1;}//下限
if(!y) { //未传参 获得当天
var objDate = new Date();
}else {
var objDate = new Date(y,parseInt(m)-1,d)
var i, leap=0, temp=0;
var y = objDate.getFullYear(),m = objDate.getMonth()+1,d = objDate.getDate();
var offset = (Date.UTC(objDate.getFullYear(),objDate.getMonth(),objDate.getDate()) - Date.UTC(1900,0,31))/86400000;
for(i=1900; i<2101 && offset>0; i++) { temp=calendar.lYearDays(i); offset-=temp; }
if(offset<0) { offset+=temp; i--; }
var isTodayObj = new Date(),isToday=false;
if(isTodayObj.getFullYear()==y && isTodayObj.getMonth()+1==m && isTodayObj.getDate()==d) {
isToday = true;
var nWeek = objDate.getDay(),cWeek = calendar.nStr1[nWeek];
if(nWeek==0) {nWeek =7;}//数字表示周几顺应天朝周一开始的惯例
var year = i;
var leap = calendar.leapMonth(i); //闰哪个月
var isLeap = false;
for(i=1; i<13 && offset>0; i++) {
if(leap>0 && i==(leap+1) && isLeap==false){
isLeap = true; temp = calendar.leapDays(year); //计算农历闰月天数
temp = calendar.monthDays(year, i);//计算农历普通月天数
if(isLeap==true && i==(leap+1)) { isLeap = false; }
offset -= temp;
if(offset==0 && leap>0 && i==leap+1)
isLeap = false;
isLeap = true; --i;
if(offset<0){ offset += temp; --i; }
var month = i;
var day = offset + 1;
var sm = m-1;
var gzY = calendar.toGanZhiYear(year);
//月柱 1900年1月小寒以前为 丙子月(60进制12)
var firstNode = calendar.getTerm(year,(m*2-1));//返回当月「节」为几日开始
var secondNode = calendar.getTerm(year,(m*2));//返回当月「节」为几日开始
var gzM = calendar.toGanZhi((y-1900)*12+m+11);
if(d>=firstNode) {
gzM = calendar.toGanZhi((y-1900)*12+m+12);
var isTerm = false;
var Term = null;
if(firstNode==d) {
isTerm = true;
Term = calendar.solarTerm[m*2-2];
if(secondNode==d) {
isTerm = true;
Term = calendar.solarTerm[m*2-1];
//日柱 当月一日与 1900/1/1 相差天数
var dayCyclical = Date.UTC(y,sm,1,0,0,0,0)/86400000+25567+10;
var gzD = calendar.toGanZhi(dayCyclical+d-1);
var astro = calendar.toAstro(m,d);
return {'lYear':year,'lMonth':month,'lDay':day,'Animal':calendar.getAnimal(year),'IMonthCn':(isLeap?"\u95f0":'')+calendar.toChinaMonth(month),'IDayCn':calendar.toChinaDay(day),'cYear':y,'cMonth':m,'cDay':d,'gzYear':gzY,'gzMonth':gzM,'gzDay':gzD,'isToday':isToday,'isLeap':isLeap,'nWeek':nWeek,'ncWeek':"\u661f\u671f"+cWeek,'isTerm':isTerm,'Term':Term,'astro':astro};
* 传入农历年月日以及传入的月份是否闰月获得详细的公历、农历object信息 <=>JSON
* @param y lunar year
* @param m lunar month
* @param d lunar day
* @param isLeapMonth lunar month is leap or not.[如果是农历闰月第四个参数赋值true即可]
* @return JSON object
* @eg:console.log(calendar.lunar2solar(1987,9,10));
lunar2solar:function(y,m,d,isLeapMonth) { //参数区间1900.1.31~2100.12.1
var isLeapMonth = !!isLeapMonth;
var leapOffset = 0;
var leapMonth = calendar.leapMonth(y);
var leapDay = calendar.leapDays(y);
if(isLeapMonth&&(leapMonth!=m)) {return -1;}//传参要求计算该闰月公历 但该年得出的闰月与传参的月份并不同
if(y==2100&&m==12&&d>1 || y==1900&&m==1&&d<31) {return -1;}//超出了最大极限值
var day = calendar.monthDays(y,m);
var _day = day;
//bugFix 2016-9-25
//if month is leap, _day use leapDays method
if(isLeapMonth) {
_day = calendar.leapDays(y,m);
if(y < 1900 || y > 2100 || d > _day) {return -1;}//参数合法性效验
var offset = 0;
for(var i=1900;i<y;i++) {
var leap = 0,isAdd= false;
for(var i=1;i<m;i++) {
leap = calendar.leapMonth(y);
if(!isAdd) {//处理闰月
if(leap<=i && leap>0) {
offset+=calendar.leapDays(y);isAdd = true;
//转换闰月农历 需补充该年闰月的前一个月的时差
if(isLeapMonth) {offset+=day;}
var stmap = Date.UTC(1900,1,30,0,0,0);
var calObj = new Date((offset+d-31)*86400000+stmap);
var cY = calObj.getUTCFullYear();
var cM = calObj.getUTCMonth()+1;
var cD = calObj.getUTCDate();
return calendar.solar2lunar(cY,cM,cD);
export default calendar
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Load Diff
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.calendar-info>div.mc-month .mc-month-inner{
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color: #fff;
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line-height: 1.2;
z-index: 4;
.mpvue-calendar td .isGregorianFestival,
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.mpvue-calendar td .isLunarFestival{
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z-index: 9;
opacity: 1;
pointer-events: auto;
transform: translateY(0px);
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box-sizing: border-box;
margin-bottom: 4%;
.mpvue-calendar-change span.active{
background-color: #587dff;
box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px rgba(88, 125, 255, 0.7);
.mpvue-calendar-change .calendar-week-switch-months{
height: 100%;
padding: 10rpx 20rpx;
.mpvue-calendar-change .calendar-week-switch-months span {
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margin-top: 0px;
font-size: 26rpx;
line-height: 40rpx;
.calendar-years, .calendar-months{
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padding: 10px;
box-sizing: border-box;
position: relative;
.calendar-years:after {
content: '';
display: block;
width: 86%;
height: 1rpx;
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position: absolute;
bottom: 2%;
left: 7%;
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content: '';
display: block;
width: 110rpx;
height: 80rpx;
background-color: #01a1ed;
position: absolute;
top: 0rpx;
left: 50%;
.mpvue-calendar .mc-range-mode .selected .calendar-date{
background-color: transparent;
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background-color: #01a1ed;
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background-color: transparent;
border-radius: 6rpx;
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display: none;
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background-color: #3b75fb;
color: #fff;
border-radius: 50%;
.mc-range-mode .mc-range-row-first.mc-range-end .mc-range-bg{
display: block;
border-radius: 6rpx;
width: 40rpx;
left: 5px;
.mpvue-calendar .mc-range-row-first.mc-range-end.month-first-date .mc-range-bg{
margin-left: 0px;
.mc-range-mode .mc-range-row-last.mc-range-begin .mc-range-bg{
display: block;
border-radius: 4rpx;
width: 40rpx;
right: 10px;
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display: block;
width: 40rpx;
border-radius: 6rpx;
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left: 10rpx;
.mpvue-calendar .mc-range-mode .mc-range-select-one div.mc-range-bg{
display: none !important;
.mc-body .mc-today-element .calendar-date{
background-color: rgba(25, 47, 89, 0.1);
border-radius: 6rpx;
/*week switch*/
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width: 130%;
border-radius: 0px 20% 20% 0px;
.mpvue-calendar .mc-range-mode.week-switch .mc-range-month-last .mc-range-bg{
background-color: #01a1ed;
border-radius: 0px 20% 20% 0px;
/*month range*/
.mpvue-calendar .month-range-mode{
border-bottom: 1px solid #f2f2f2;
position: relative;
.mpvue-calendar .mc-month-range-mode-head{
box-shadow: 0 4px 8px rgba(25,47,89,.1);
padding: 15rpx 0rpx;
position: sticky;
top: 0px;
background-color: #fff;
z-index: 9;
.month-range-mode .month-rang-head {
text-align: left;
margin: 20rpx 0px;
padding-left: 40rpx;
font-size: 28rpx;
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opacity: 0 !important;
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font-size: 140px;
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@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
<view :style="viewColor">
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<view class="item">{{couponTitle}}<text class='iconfont icon-guanbi' @tap='close'></text></view>
<block v-if="couponArr.length">
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v-for="(item,index) in couponArr" @click="getCouponUser(index,item)" :key='index'>
<view v-if="item.coupon.send_type == 5" class='money acea-row row-column row-center-wrapper vip-coupon'>
<view>¥<text class='num'>{{item.coupon_price}}</text></view>
<view class="pic-num">满{{item.use_min_price}}元可用</view>
<view v-else class='money acea-row row-column row-center-wrapper' :style="{ 'background-image': `url(${domain}/static/diy/couponBg${keyColor}.png)` }">
<view>¥<text class='num'>{{item.coupon_price}}</text></view>
<view class="pic-num">满{{item.use_min_price}}元可用</view>
<view class='text'>
<view class='condition line1'>
<span class='line-title' v-if='item.coupon.type===0'>店铺券</span>
<span class='line-title' v-else-if='item.coupon.type===1'>商品券</span>
<view class='data acea-row row-between-wrapper'>
<view>{{ item.start_time | timeYMD }} ~ {{ item.end_time | timeYMD}}</view>
<view class="iconfont icon-weixuanzhong" v-if="!item.checked"></view>
<view class='iconfont icon-xuanzhong1' v-else></view>
<view class="foot-box">
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<!-- 无优惠券 -->
<view class='pictrue' v-else>
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import { setCouponReceive } from '@/api/api.js';
import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
import { HTTP_REQUEST_URL } from '@/config/app';
export default {
props: {
//打开状态 0=领取优惠券,1=使用优惠券
openType: {
type: Number,
default: 0,
coupon: {
type: Object,
default: function() {
return {};
coupon_amount: {
type: Number
coupon_number: {
type: Number
couponTitle: {
type: String,
default: '优惠券',
filters: {
timeYMD: function(value) {
var newDate=/\d{4}-(\d{1,2}\d{1,2}-\d{1,2}\d{1,2})/g.exec(value)
return newDate?.[0]||''
computed: mapGetters(['viewColor','keyColor']),
data() {
return {
couponArr: [],
couponData: {},
// 选中的数据存放
active: {},
allNum: 0,
allCouponNum: 0,
// 选中店铺优惠券id
use_store_coupon: 0,
// 单个店铺总价
pay_price: 0,
// 商品有优惠订单
goodsOrder: '',
moneyBg: '/static/images/couponBg',
watch: {
this.couponArr = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(nVal.coupon))
immediate: true,
mounted() {
this.couponData = this.coupon
// 深拷贝数据 不影响原来数据使用
this.couponArr = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.coupon.coupon))
// 深拷贝数据 不影响原来数据使用
// this.goodsOrder = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.coupon.order))
let tempObj = this.active[this.couponData.mer_id] = {}
tempObj.product = []
tempObj.store = ''
methods: {
close: function() {
// 使用优惠券
getCouponUser: function(index, item) {
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color: var(--view-theme);
margin-right: 12rpx;
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@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
<view class="orderGoods" :style="viewColor">
<view class='goodWrapper' :class="'item'+orderData.order_type">
<view v-if="orderData.order_type == 1" class="title acea-row row-between-wrapper">
<view class="item-status" :class="'status'+evaluate">{{evaluate == 0 ? '待核销' : '已核销'}}</view>
<view v-if="evaluate != 0 && orderData.verify_time" class="item-date">{{orderData.verify_time}}</view>
<view v-for="(item,index) in cartInfo" :key="index">
<view v-if="activityType === 2">
<view class='item presell_item'>
<view class="acea-row row-between-wrapper">
<view class='pictrue' @click="jumpCon(item)">
:src='(item.cart_info.productAttr && item.cart_info.productAttr.image) || item.cart_info.product.image'>
<view class='text'>
<view class='acea-row row-between-wrapper'>
<view class='name line1' style="width: 360rpx;"><text
class="event_name event_bg">预售</text>{{item.cart_info.product.store_name}}
<view class='num'><text
class="p-color">¥{{item.cart_info.productPresellAttr.presell_price}}</text><br />x
<view class='attr line1' v-if="item.cart_info.productAttr.sku" style="margin-top: 0;">
<view v-if="evaluate === 0 || evaluate === 10 || evaluate === 11"
class="event_ship event_color">发货时间:
v-if="item.cart_info.productPresell.presell_type === 1">{{ item.cart_info.productPresell.delivery_type === 1 ? '支付成功后' : '预售结束后' }}{{ item.cart_info.productPresell.delivery_day }}天内</text>
v-if="item.cart_info.productPresell.presell_type === 2">{{ item.cart_info.productPresell.delivery_type === 1 ? '支付尾款后' : '预售结束后' }}{{ item.cart_info.productPresell.delivery_day }}天内</text>
<view class="right-btn-box event_box">
<view class="btn-item"
v-if="(item.is_refund ==0 && (evaluate != 10 && evaluate != 11) && orderData.refund_status || item.refund_num > 0)&&evaluate>=0 && evaluate != 1&& evaluate == 2"
<view class="btn-item err" v-if="item.is_refund ==1">退款中 x
{{item.product_num - item.refund_num}}</view>
<view class='btn-item err' v-if="item.is_refund >1">已退款 x
{{item.product_num - item.refund_num}}</view>
<view class='btn-item' v-if='item.is_reply==0 && evaluate==2 && item.is_refund==0'
<view class='btn-item on' v-else-if="item.is_reply==1 && evaluate==2">已评价</view>
<view v-if="orderData.status >= 10" class="event_progress">
<view class="progress_list">
<view class="progress_name">阶段一: 买家已付款</view>
<view class="progress_price">商品定金 <text
class="align_right">¥{{ orderData.pay_price }}</text></view>
<view class="progress_pay">定金实付款<text
class="align_right t-color">¥{{ orderData.pay_price }}</text></view>
<view class="progress_list">
<view class="progress_name">阶段二:
v-if="orderData.status == 10 && orderData.presellOrder.activeStatus == 0">未开始</text>
v-if="orderData.status == 10 && orderData.presellOrder.activeStatus == 1">等待买家付尾款</text>
v-if="orderData.status == 11 || orderData.presellOrder.activeStatus == 2">交易已关闭</text>
<view class="progress_price">商品尾款 <text
class="align_right">¥{{ orderData.presellOrder.pay_price }}</text></view>
<view class="progress_pay">尾款需付款<text
class="align_right t-color">¥{{ orderData.presellOrder.pay_price }}</text></view>
<view v-else class='item'>
<view class="acea-row row-between-wrapper">
<view class='pictrue' @click="jumpCon(item)">
:src='(item.cart_info.productAttr && item.cart_info.productAttr.image) || item.cart_info.product.image'>
<view class='text'>
<view class='acea-row row-between-wrapper'>
<view class='name line1'><text v-if="item.product_type != 0 && item.product_type != 10"
:class="'font_bg-red type'+item.product_type">{{item.product_type == 1 ? "秒杀" : item.product_type == 2 ? "预售" : item.product_type == 3 ? "助力" : item.product_type == 4 ? "拼团" : ""}}</text>{{item.cart_info.product.store_name}}
<view class='num'>x {{item.product_num}}</view>
<view class='attr line1' v-if="item.cart_info.productAttr.sku">
<view class='money p-color' v-if="item.cart_info.product_type ==3">
<view class='money p-color' v-else-if="item.cart_info.product_type ==4">
<view class='money acea-row row-middle' v-else>
<image v-if="item.cart_info.productAttr.show_svip_price" class="svip-img"
<view class="right-btn-box">
<view class="btn-item err" v-if="item.is_refund ==1">退款中 x
{{item.product_num - item.refund_num}}</view>
<view class='btn-item err' v-if="item.is_refund >1">已退款 x {{item.product_num - item.refund_num}}
<view class="btn-item"
v-if="(item.is_refund ==0 && (evaluate != 10 && evaluate != 11) && orderData.refund_status || item.refund_num > 0)&& evaluate!=9 &&evaluate != 1&&evaluate !=4&& evaluate!=3 || evaluate==2"
<view class='btn-item'
v-if='item.is_reply==0 && evaluate!=2&& evaluate!=3&& evaluate!=7&& evaluate!=8&& evaluate!=9&& item.refund_num > 0'
<view class='btn-item on' v-else-if="item.is_reply==1 && evaluate==2">已评价</view>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
import {
} from '@/utils/SubscribeMessage.js';
import {
} from '@/libs/order.js'
import {
} from '@/api/activity.js';
import {
} from "vuex";
export default {
props: {
evaluate: {
type: Number,
default: 0,
activityType: {
type: Number,
default: 0,
cartInfo: {
type: Array,
default: function() {
return [];
orderId: {
type: String,
default: '',
jump: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
orderData: {
type: Object,
default: function() {
return {};
computed: mapGetters(['viewColor']),
data() {
return {
totalNmu: '',
isTimePay: false, //是否到支付时间
watch: {
cartInfo: function(nVal, oVal) {
let num = 0
nVal.forEach((item, index) => {
num += item.cart_num
this.totalNmu = num
onShow() {
mounted() {},
methods: {
evaluateTap: function(unique, orderId) {
url: `/pages/users/goods_comment_con/index?uni=${unique}&order_id=${orderId}`
// 判断是否到支付尾款时间
isPayBalance() {
let that = this;
if (that.orderData.status === 10) {
if (new Date() < new Date(that.orderData.presellOrder.final_start_time)) {
that.isTimePay = false; //未开始
} else if ((new Date() >= new Date(that.orderData.presellOrder.final_start_time)) && (new Date() <=
new Date(that.orderData.presellOrder.final_start_time))) {
that.isTimePay = true; //立即支付
jumpCon: function(item) {
if (item.product_type == 4) item.activity_id = item.cart_info && item.cart_info.activeSku
if (item.product_type == 3) item.activity_id = item.cart_info && item.cart_info.productAssistAttr
goShopDetail(item).then(res => {
initiateAssistApi(item.activity_id).then(res => {
let id = res.data.product_assist_set_id;
url: '/pages/activity/assist_detail/index?id=' + id
}).catch((err) => {
title: err,
icon: 'none'
// 退款
refund(item) {
// #ifdef MP
openOrderRefundSubscribe().then(() => {
if (this.evaluate == 0 || this.evaluate == 9 || this.orderData.is_virtual == 1) {
url: '/pages/users/refund/confirm?order_id=' + this.orderId + '&type=1' +
'&ids=' + item.order_product_id + '&refund_type=1&order_type=' + this
} else {
url: '/pages/users/refund/select?order_id=' + this.orderId +
'&type=1&order_type=' + this.orderData.order_type + '&ids=' + item
}).catch(() => {
// #endif
// #ifdef H5 || APP-PLUS
if (this.evaluate == 0 || this.evaluate == 9 || this.orderData.is_virtual == 1) {
url: '/pages/users/refund/confirm?order_id=' + this.orderId + '&type=1' + '&ids=' + item
.order_product_id + '&refund_type=1&order_type=' + this.orderData.order_type
} else {
url: '/pages/users/refund/select?order_id=' + this.orderId + '&type=1&order_type=' + this
.orderData.order_type + '&ids=' + item.order_product_id
// #endif
<style scoped lang="scss">
.orderGoods {
background-color: #fff;
.p-color {
color: var(--view-priceColor);
.t-color {
color: var(--view-theme);
.svip-img {
width: 65rpx;
height: 28rpx;
margin: 4rpx 0 0 4rpx;
.title {
height: 86rpx;
position: relative;
padding: 0 30rpx;
&::after {
content: "";
width: 750rpx;
border-bottom: 2rpx dotted #D8D8D8;
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
.item-status {
color: #999999;
font-size: 30rpx;
&.status0 {
color: #2291F8;
.item-date {
color: #666666;
font-size: 28rpx;
.right-btn-box {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: flex-end;
&.event_box {
position: static;
.btn-item {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
width: 140rpx;
height: 46rpx;
margin-left: 10rpx;
border: 1px solid rgba(187, 187, 187, 1);
border-radius: 23rpx;
font-size: 24rpx;
color: #282828;
&.on {
background: rgba(220, 220, 220, 1);
border-color: rgba(220, 220, 220, 1);
&.err {
background: rgba(247, 247, 247, 1);
border-color: rgba(247, 247, 247, 1);
color: #AAAAAA;
.event_bg {
background: #FF7F00;
.event_color {
color: #FF7F00;
.presell_item {
height: auto;
padding-bottom: 15rpx;
.event_progress {
margin-top: 20rpx;
background: #fff;
.progress_name {
padding-left: 30rpx;
height: 60rpx;
line-height: 60rpx;
font-size: 24rpx;
font-weight: bold;
position: relative;
color: var(--view-theme);
&::before {
content: "";
display: inline-block;
width: 5rpx;
height: 34rpx;
background: var(--view-theme);
position: absolute;
top: 15rpx;
left: 0;
.align_right {
float: right;
font-weight: bold;
.progress_price {
padding: 20rpx 30rpx;
color: #999999;
font-size: 22rpx;
.progress_pay {
padding: 25rpx 30rpx;
background: var(--view-minorColor);
font-size: 26rpx;
color: #282828;
.event_name {
display: inline-block;
margin-right: 9rpx;
color: #fff;
font-size: 20rpx;
padding: 0 8rpx;
line-height: 30rpx;
text-align: center;
border-radius: 6rpx;
.event_ship {
font-size: 20rpx;
margin-top: 10rpx;
.goodWrapper.item1 {
&::after {
content: "";
display: block;
width: 750rpx;
height: 14rpx;
background: #F0F0F0;
@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
<view class='productSort'>
<view class="title">
<text class="iconfont icon-guanbi5" @click="close"></text>
<view class="con-box">
<view class='aside'>
<scroll-view scroll-y="true" style="height: 100%; overflow: hidden;">
<view v-for="(item,index) in productList" :key="item.category_id">
<view v-show="item.children && item.children.length > 0" class='item acea-row row-center-wrapper'
:class='index==navActive?"on":""' @click='tap(index,"b"+index)'><text
<view class='conter'>
<scroll-view scroll-y="true" style="height: 100%; overflow: hidden;">
<view v-for="(item,index) in childList" :key="item.topic_id">
<view class='list' @click.stop="confirmTopic(item)">
<view class='item acea-row'>
<view class='picture'>
<image :src='item.pic'></image>
<view class="name line1">{{item.topic_name}}</view>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
let app = getApp();
import { getTopicList } from '@/api/community.js';
export default {
data() {
return {
navlist: [],
productList: [],
navActive: 0,
childList: []
watch: {},
mounted() {
if (!this.productList.length) {
methods: {
// 点击关闭按钮
close() {
tap: function(index, id) {
this.navActive = index;
this.childList = this.productList[index].children
getAllCategory: function() {
let that = this;
let value = ""
getTopicList().then(res => {
let arr = [
// {category_id: "",count_use: 0,count_view: 0,pic: null,topic_id: '',topic_name: "不添加任何话题"}
that.productList = res.data;
if (that.productList[0].children && that.productList[0].children.length > 0) {
that.productList[0].children = [...arr, ...that.productList[0].children]
} else {
that.productList[0].children = arr
that.childList = that.productList[0].children;
confirmTopic(item) {
this.$emit('getTopic', item);
<style scoped lang="scss">
.productSort {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
width: 100%;
height: 70vh;
background: #ffffff;
border-radius: 16rpx 16rpx 0 0;
.title {
text-align: center;
padding: 40rpx 0;
position: relative;
color: #333333;
font-size: 34rpx;
font-weight: bold;
.iconfont {
color: #8A8A8A;
font-size: 28rpx;
position: absolute;
right: 30rpx;
top: 42rpx;
font-weight: normal;
.con-box {
flex: 1;
display: flex;
overflow: hidden;
.productSort .aside {
overflow-y: auto;
overflow-x: hidden;
border-right: 1px solid #EEEEEE;
width: 202rpx;
height: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
.productSort .aside .item {
line-height: 100rpx;
width: 100%;
font-size: 26rpx;
color: #666666;
.productSort .aside .item_text {
padding-left: 20rpx;
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
display: -webkit-box;
-webkit-line-clamp: 2;
-webkit-box-orient: vertical;
.productSort .aside .item.on {
width: 100%;
text-align: center;
font-weight: bold;
color: #333333;
.productSort .conter {
flex: 1;
height: 100%;
padding: 0 30rpx;
background-color: #ffffff;
margin-top: 20rpx;
.productSort .conter .list {
flex-wrap: wrap;
.productSort .conter .list .item {
margin-top: 26rpx;
margin-bottom: 40rpx;
align-items: center;
.productSort .conter .list .item .picture {
width: 88rpx;
height: 88rpx;
border-radius: 100%;
position: relative;
&::before {
content: "#";
display: block;
width: 88rpx;
height: 88rpx;
line-height: 88rpx;
border-radius: 100%;
color: #ffffff;
font-size: 40rpx;
text-align: center;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .3);
.productSort .conter .listw:first-child .picture {
&::before {
content: "\\";
background: #D8D8D8;
.productSort .conter .list .item .picture image {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
border-radius: 100%;
.productSort .conter .list .name {
margin-left: 30rpx;
font-size: 28rpx;
color: #282828;
font-weight: bold;
max-width: 300rpx;
@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
<view class='password-window' :class='window==true?"on":""'>
<view class='passwordCount'>
<view class="title1 acea-row row-between-wrapper">
<image :src="userInfo.avatar" class="picture"></image>
<text class="name line1">{{userInfo.nickname}}</text>
<view class="banner">
<image :src="storeInfo.image"></image>
<view class="pro-info">
<view class="price acea-row">¥<text class="money">{{storeInfo.price}}</text>
<text v-if="storeInfo.product_type == 0" class="pro_type">普通商品</text>
<view class="name line1">{{storeInfo.store_name}}</view>
<button v-if="storeInfo.product_type != 3" class="go_btn" @click="goDetail(storeInfo)">查看详情</button>
<button v-if="storeInfo.product_type == 3" class="go_btn btn1" @click="goDetail(storeInfo)">帮他助力</button>
<view class='lid'>
<view class='iconfont icon-guanbi3' @click="close"></view>
<view class='mask' catchtouchmove="true" :hidden="window==false" style="z-index: 999;"></view>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
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// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
import { pwdResolution } from '@/api/user.js'
import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
import {toLogin} from '@/libs/login.js';
import { goShopDetail } from '@/libs/order.js'
import {initiateAssistApi} from '@/api/activity.js';
export default {
props: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
data() {
return {
window: false,
couponList: [],
userInfo: {
storeInfo: {
pwdInfo: {}
computed: mapGetters(["copyPwd", "uid"]),
watch: {
immediate: true,
methods: {
this.window = false
let com = uni.getStorageSync('pwdKey')
pwdResolution(data).then(res => {
if(res.data.user && res.data.user.uid != this.uid && com !=res.data.com){
this.window = true;
this.pwdInfo = res.data;
this.userInfo = res.data.user;
this.storeInfo = res.data.data;
if(res.data.activity_id )this.storeInfo.activity_id = res.data.activity_id
if(res.data.product_type )this.storeInfo.product_type = res.data.product_type
this.$store.commit("PARSE_PWD", null)
uni.setStorageSync('pwdKey', res.data.com);
goShopDetail(item, this.uid).then(res => {
this.$store.commit("PARSE_PWD", null)
if (this.isLogin) {
initiateAssistApi(item.activity_id).then(res => {
let id = res.data.product_assist_set_id;
url: '/pages/activity/assist_detail/index?id=' + id
}).catch((err) => {
title: err,
icon: 'none'
} else {
// #ifdef H5 || APP-PLUS
// #endif
// #ifdef MP
this.$emit('isShowAuth', true);
this.$emit('isAuto', true);
// #endif
<style scoped lang="scss">
.password-window {
background-image: url('/static/images/passwordPop.png');
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: 100% 100%;
background-color: #fff;
width: 580rpx;
height: 910rpx;
position: fixed;
top: 50%;
z-index: 1000;
left: 50%;
margin-left: -290rpx;
margin-top: -455rpx;
transform: translate3d(0, -200%, 0);
transition: all .3s cubic-bezier(.25, .5, .5, .9);
border-radius: 24rpx;
padding: 25rpx 30rpx 40rpx;
.password-window.on {
transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);
.passwordCount .title1{
width: 350rpx;
margin: 0 auto;
height: 42rpx;
background: #F1F1F1;
border-radius: 23rpx;
padding: 0 15rpx;
color: #666666;
font-size: 24rpx;
width: 36rpx;
height: 36rpx;
border-radius: 100%;
width: 36rpx;
height: 36rpx;
color: #282828;
font-weight: bold;
max-width: 100rpx;
margin: 0 10rpx;
.password-window .banner{
width: 520rpx;
height: 520rpx;
margin-top: 25rpx;
width: 520rpx;
height: 520rpx;
border-radius: 16rpx;
.password-window .pro-info{
margin-top: 15rpx;
color: #E93323;
font-size: 26rpx;
justify-content: left;
align-items: center;
font-size: 42rpx;
display: inline-block;
width: 100rpx;
height: 28rpx;
text-align: center;
line-height: 28rpx;
background: #FDEAE8;
margin-left: 30rpx;
font-size: 18rpx;
position: relative;
content: "";
display: inline-block;
width: 0;
height: 0;
border-width: 15rpx 15rpx 15rpx 0;
border-style: solid;
border-color: transparent #FDEAE8 transparent transparent;
position: absolute;
left: -16rpx;
content: "";
display: inline-block;
width: 6rpx;
height: 6rpx;
background: #fff;
border-radius: 100%;
position: absolute;
top: 12.5rpx;
left: -4rpx;
z-index: 10;
margin-top: 15rpx;
color: #282828;
font-size: 30rpx;
.password-window .lid {
position: absolute;
bottom: -100rpx;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
text-align: center;
margin-top: 50rpx;
width: 520rpx;
height: 80rpx;
line-height: 80rpx;
text-align: center;
background: #E93323;
color: #ffffff;
border-radius: 40rpx;
font-size: 28rpx;
background: #FC8327
.password-window .lid .iconfont {
color: #fff;
font-size: 60rpx;
text-align: center;
margin-left: -30rpx;
@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
<view class="payment" :class="pay_close ? 'on' : ''">
<view class="title acea-row row-center-wrapper">
选择付款方式<text class="iconfont icon-guanbi" @click='close'></text>
<view class="item acea-row row-between-wrapper" @click='goPay(item.number || 0 , item.value)'
v-for="(item,index) in payMode" :key="index" v-if="item.payStatus == 1">
<view class="left acea-row row-between-wrapper">
<view class="iconfont" :class="item.icon"></view>
<view class="text">
<view class="name">{{item.name}}</view>
<view class="info" v-if="item.number">
{{item.title}} <span class="money">¥{{ item.number }}</span>
<view class="info" v-else>{{item.title}}</view>
<view class="iconfont icon-xiangyou"></view>
<view class="mask" ref="close" @click='close' v-if="pay_close"></view>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
import {
} from '@/api/order.js';
export default {
props: {
payMode: {
type: Array,
default: function() {
return [];
pay_close: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
order_id: {
type: String,
default: ''
totalPrice: {
type: String,
default: '0'
order_type: {
type: Number,
default: 0,
isCall: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
data() {
return {
methods: {
close: function() {
this.$emit('onChangeFun', {
action: 'payClose'
goPay: function(number, paytype) {
if (this.isCall) {
return this.$emit('onChangeFun', {
action: 'payCheck',
value: paytype
let that = this;
let type = ''
if (paytype == 'wechat') {
// #ifdef H5
type = this.$wechat.isWeixin() ? 'weixin' : 'h5';
// #endif
// #ifdef APP-PLUS
type = 'weixin';
// #endif
// #ifdef MP
type = 'routine';
// #endif
} else if (paytype == 'balance') {
type = 'balance';
} else if (paytype == 'alipay') {
// #ifndef MP
type = 'alipay';
// #endif
// #ifdef MP
type = 'alipayQr';
// #endif
} else if (paytype == 'creditBuy') {
type = 'creditBuy'
if (!that.order_id) return that.$util.Tips({
title: '请选择要支付的订单'
if (paytype == 'balance' && parseFloat(number) < parseFloat(that.totalPrice)) return that.$util.Tips({
title: '余额不足!'
title: '支付中'
let orderApi = that.order_type === 1 ? presellOrderPay : orderPay
orderApi(that.order_id, {
type: type,
// #ifdef H5
return_url: this.order_type == 98 ? 'http://' + window.location.host +
'/pages/users/order_list/indexCopy' : 'http://' + window.location.host +
// #endif
}).then(res => {
let status = res.data.status,
orderId = res.data.result.order_id,
jsConfig = res.data.result.config,
callback_key = res.data.result.pay_key,
goPages = this.order_type == 98 ? '/pages/users/order_list/indexCopy' :
switch (status) {
case 'PAY_ERROR':
case 'error':
this.$emit('onChangeFun', {
action: 'payClose'
return that.$util.Tips({
title: res.message
case 'success':
this.$emit('onChangeFun', {
action: 'payClose'
return that.$util.Tips({
title: '支付成功',
icon: 'success'
}, {
tab: 5,
url: goPages + '?status=2'
case 'alipay':
case 'alipayQr':
this.$emit('onChangeFun', {
action: 'payClose'
url: '/pages/order_pay_back/index?keyCode=' + callback_key + '&url=' +
// #ifndef MP
case "wechat":
case "weixin":
case "weixinApp":
jsConfig.timeStamp = jsConfig.timestamp;
// #ifndef APP-PLUS
that.$wechat.pay(jsConfig).then(res => {
// console.log('测试支付数据无效的success:'+res.data)
this.$emit('onChangeFun', {
action: 'payClose'
return that.$util.Tips({
title: '支付成功',
icon: 'success'
}, {
tab: 5,
url: goPages + 'status=2'
}).catch(res => {
// console.log('测试支付数据无效的catch:'+res.data)
if (res.errMsg == 'chooseWXPay:cancel') {
if (that.isCall) {
return that.$util.Tips({
title: '取消支付'
} else {
return that.$util.Tips({
title: '取消支付'
}, {
tab: 5,
url: goPages + '?status=1'
// #endif
// #ifdef APP-PLUS
let mp_pay_name = ''
if (uni.requestOrderPayment) {
mp_pay_name = 'requestOrderPayment'
} else {
mp_pay_name = 'requestPayment'
console.log(mp_pay_name, jsConfig)
provider: 'wxpay',
orderInfo: jsConfig,
success: (e) => {
this.$emit('onChangeFun', {
action: 'payClose'
return that.$util.Tips({
title: '支付成功',
icon: 'success'
}, {
tab: 5,
url: goPages + 'status=2'
fail: (e) => {
if (that.isCall) {
return that.$util.Tips({
title: '取消支付'
} else {
return that.$util.Tips({
title: '取消支付'
}, {
tab: 5,
url: goPages + '?status=1'
complete: () => {
// #endif
// #endif
// #ifdef MP
case "routine":
jsConfig.timeStamp = jsConfig.timestamp;
that.toPay = true;
let mp_pay_name = ''
if (uni.requestOrderPayment) {
mp_pay_name = 'requestOrderPayment'
} else {
mp_pay_name = 'requestPayment'
success: function(res) {
that.$emit('onChangeFun', {
action: 'payClose'
if (that.BargainId || that.combinationId || that.pinkId || that
return that.$util.Tips({
title: '支付成功',
icon: 'success'
}, {
tab: 5,
url: goPages + '?status=2'
return that.$util.Tips({
title: '支付成功',
icon: 'success'
}, {
tab: 5,
url: goPages + '?status=2'
fail: function(e) {
that.$emit('onChangeFun', {
action: 'payClose'
return that.$util.Tips({
title: '取消支付'
complete: function(e) {
if (res.errMsg == 'requestPayment:cancel') return that.$util
title: '取消支付'
that.$emit('onChangeFun', {
action: 'payClose'
// #endif
case "balance":
that.$emit('onChangeFun', {
action: 'payClose'
return that.$util.Tips({
title: res.message
// #ifdef H5
case 'h5':
let host = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host;
let url = `${host}/pages/order_pay_status/index?order_id=${orderId}`
let eUrl = encodeURIComponent(url)
let jsurl = jsConfig.mweb_url || jsConfig.h5_url
let locations = `${jsurl}&redirect_url=${eUrl}`
setTimeout(() => {
location.href = locations;
}, 100);
// #endif
// #ifdef APP-PLUS
case 'alipayApp':
provider: 'alipay',
orderInfo: jsConfig,
success: (e) => {
that.$emit('onChangeFun', {
action: 'payClose'
return that.$util.Tips({
title: '支付成功',
icon: 'success'
}, {
tab: 5,
url: goPages + 'status=2'
fail: (e) => {
return that.$util.Tips({
title: '取消支付'
complete: () => {
// #endif
}).catch(err => {
return that.$util.Tips({
title: err
<style scoped lang="scss">
.payment {
position: fixed;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
max-height: 600rpx;
border-radius: 16rpx 16rpx 0 0;
background-color: #fff;
padding-bottom: 60rpx;
z-index: 99999;
transition: all 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.5, 0.5, 0.9);
transform: translate3d(0, 100%, 0);
.payment.on {
transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);
.payment .title {
text-align: center;
height: 123rpx;
font-size: 32rpx;
color: #282828;
font-weight: bold;
padding-right: 30rpx;
margin-left: 30rpx;
position: relative;
border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;
.payment .title .iconfont {
position: absolute;
right: 30rpx;
top: 50%;
transform: translateY(-50%);
font-size: 43rpx;
color: #8a8a8a;
font-weight: normal;
.payment .item {
border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;
height: 130rpx;
margin-left: 30rpx;
padding-right: 30rpx;
.payment .item .left {
width: 610rpx;
.payment .item .left .text {
width: 540rpx;
.payment .item .left .text .name {
font-size: 32rpx;
color: #282828;
.payment .item .left .text .info {
font-size: 24rpx;
color: #999;
.payment .item .left .text .info .money {
color: #ff9900;
.payment .item .left .iconfont {
font-size: 45rpx;
color: #09bb07;
.payment .item .left .iconfont.icon-zhifubao {
color: #00aaea;
.payment .item .left .iconfont.icon-yuezhifu {
color: #ff9900;
.payment .item .left .iconfont.icon-yuezhifu1 {
color: #eb6623;
.payment .item .iconfont {
font-size: 0.3rpx;
color: #999;
@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
<view class='product-bg'>
<swiper :indicator-dots="indicatorDots" indicator-active-color="#e93323" :circular="circular"
:interval="interval" :duration="duration">
<block v-for="(item,index) in imgUrls" :key='index'>
<image :src="item" class="slide-image" mode="aspectFit" />
<!-- <view class="stop" v-if="isType == 2">
<image class="image" src="/static/images/stop.png"></image>
</view> -->
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
export default {
props: {
imgUrls: {
type: Array,
default: function() {
return [];
videoline: {
type: String,
value: ""
isType: {
type: Number,
default: 1
data() {
return {
indicatorDots: true,
circular: true,
autoplay: true,
interval: 5000,
duration: 500,
currents: "1",
controls: true,
isPlay: true,
videoContext: ''
created() {},
watch: {
mounted() {
// #ifndef APP-PLUS
this.videoContext = uni.createVideoContext('myVideo', this);
// #endif
methods: {
videoPause(e) {
// #ifdef APP-PLUS
this.isPlay = true
this.autoplay = true
// #endif
bindPause: function() {
// #ifndef APP-PLUS
this.$set(this, 'controls', false)
this.autoplay = false
// #endif
// #ifdef APP-PLUS
this.isPlay = false
this.videoContext = uni.createVideoContext('myVideo', this);
this.$nextTick(() => {
// #endif
change: function(e) {
this.$set(this, 'currents', e.detail.current + 1);
<style scoped lang="scss">
.product-bg {
width: 710rpx;
height: 710rpx;
position: relative;
.product-bg swiper {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
position: relative;
.product-bg .slide-image {
width: 100vw;
height: 100%;
border-radius: 16rpx;
.product-bg .pages {
position: absolute;
background-color: #fff;
height: 34rpx;
padding: 0 10rpx;
border-radius: 3rpx;
right: 30rpx;
bottom: 30rpx;
line-height: 34rpx;
font-size: 24rpx;
color: #050505;
#myVideo {
width: 100%;
height: 100%
.product-bg .item {
position: relative;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
.product-bg .item .poster {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
height: 750rpx;
width: 100%;
z-index: 9;
.product-bg .item .poster .image {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
.product-bg .item .stop {
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
width: 136rpx;
height: 136rpx;
margin-top: -68rpx;
margin-left: -68rpx;
z-index: 9;
.product-bg .item .stop .image {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
<view class="wf-page">
<view id="left" v-if="leftList.length">
<view v-for="(item,index) in leftList" :key="index"
class="wf-item" @tap="itemTap(item)">
<WaterfallsFlowItem :item="item" :isAuth="isAuth" :uid="uid" :isShow="isShow" :tab="tab" @likeToggle="(item)=>likeToggle(false, index, item)"/>
<view id="right" v-if="rightList.length">
<view v-for="(item,index) in rightList" :key="index"
class="wf-item" @tap="itemTap(item)">
<WaterfallsFlowItem :item="item" :isAuth="isAuth" :uid="uid" :isShow="isShow" :tab="tab" @likeToggle="(item)=>likeToggle(true, index, item)"/>
<authorize @onLoadFun="onLoadFun" :isAuto="isAuto" :isShowAuth="isShowAuth" @authColse="authColse"></authorize>
import WaterfallsFlowItem from '../plantWaterfallsFlowItem/WaterfallsFlowItem.vue'
import { graphicStartApi } from '@/api/community.js';
import authorize from '@/components/Authorize';
import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
export default {
components: {
props: {
// 瀑布流列表
wfList: {
type: Array,
require: true
updateNum: {
type: Number,
default: 10
isAuth: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
tab: {
type: Number,
default: 1
uid: {
type: Number,
default: 0
isShow: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
data() {
return {
allList: [], // 全部列表
leftList: [], // 左边列表
rightList: [], // 右边列表
mark: 0, // 列表标记
boxHeight: [], // 下标0和1分别为左列和右列高度
isShowAuth: false,
isAuto: false
watch: {
// 监听列表数据变化
'wfList.length': {
// 如果数据为空或新的列表数据少于旧的列表数据(通常为下拉刷新或切换排序或使用筛选器),初始化变量
if (!this.wfList.length ||
(this.wfList.length === this.updateNum && this.wfList.length <= this.allList.length)) {
this.allList = [];
this.leftList = [];
this.rightList = [];
this.boxHeight = [];
this.mark = 0;
// 如果列表有值,调用waterfall方法
if (this.wfList.length) {
this.allList = this.wfList;
this.leftList = [];
this.rightList = [];
this.boxHeight = [];
this.allList.forEach((v, i) => {
if(this.allList.length < 3 || (this.allList.length <= 7 && this.allList.length - i > 1) || (this.allList.length > 7 && this.allList.length - i > 2)) {
if(i % 2){
if(this.allList.length < 3){
this.mark = this.allList.length+1;
}else if(this.allList.length <= 7){
this.mark = this.allList.length - 1;
this.mark = this.allList.length - 2;
if(this.mark < this.allList.length){
immediate: true,
// 监听标记,当标记发生变化,则执行下一个item排序
mark() {
const len = this.allList.length;
if (this.mark < len && this.mark !== 0 && this.boxHeight.length) {
computed: {
methods: {
// 瀑布流排序
waterFall() {
const i = this.mark;
if(!this.allList[i]) return ;
if (i == 0) {
// 初始化,从左边开始插入
// 更新左边列表高度
} else if (i == 1) {
// 第二个item插入,默认为右边插入
// 更新右边列表高度
} else {
// 根据左右列表高度判断下一个item应该插入哪边
this.rightList.length < this.leftList.length
? this.rightList.push(this.allList[i])
: this.leftList.push(this.allList[i]);
} else {
const leftOrRight = this.boxHeight[0] > this.boxHeight[1] ? 1 : 0;
if (leftOrRight) {
} else {
// 更新插入列表高度
// 获取列表高度
getViewHeight() {
// 使用nextTick,确保页面更新结束后,再请求高度
this.$nextTick(() => {
uni.createSelectorQuery().in(this).select('#right').boundingClientRect(res => {
res ? this.boxHeight[1] = res.height : '';
uni.createSelectorQuery().in(this).select('#left').boundingClientRect(res => {
res ? this.boxHeight[0] = res.height : '';
this.mark = this.mark + 1;
// item点击
itemTap(item) {
this.$emit('itemTap', item)
let status = item.relevance_id ? 0 : 1
graphicStartApi(item.community_id,{status: status}).then(res => {
item.relevance_id = !item.relevance_id;
item.count_start = item.count_start == 0 ? 0 : item.count_start
item.relevance_id = !item.relevance_id;
}).catch(err => {
title: err,
icon: 'none'
// 授权回调
onLoadFun() {
this.isShowAuth = false
// 授权关闭
authColse: function(e) {
this.isShowAuth = e
// 打开授权
authOpen: function() {
let that = this;
if (that.isLogin === false) {
this.isAuto = true;
this.isShowAuth = true
likeToggle(type, index){
if(this.isLogin == true){
<style lang="scss" scoped>
$page-padding: 20rpx;
$grid-gap: 20rpx;
.wf-page {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;
grid-gap: $grid-gap;
.wf-item {
width: calc((100vw - 2 * #{$page-padding} - #{$grid-gap}) / 2);
margin-bottom: $grid-gap;
background: #fff;
border-radius: 16rpx;
padding-bottom: 20rpx;
@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
<view v-if="item" @click="goDetail(item)" class="wf-page2" :style="viewColor">
<view class='pictrue skeleton-rect'>
<!-- <image :src='item.image[0]' mode="widthFix"></image> -->
<easy-loadimage class="image" mode="widthFix" :image-src="item.image[0]"></easy-loadimage>
<view v-if="isShow" class="plant-show">
<text v-if="item.is_type == 1" class="iconfont icon-tuwen1"></text>
<text v-else-if="item.is_type == 2" class="iconfont icon-shipin1"></text>
<view v-else-if="item.is_type == 2" class="video_img">
<image class="image" src="../../static/images/stop.png" mode=""></image>
<view v-if="isAuth && tab == 0 && item.status != 1" class="approval_status">
<view v-if="item.status == -1" class="approval_title">审核未通过</view>
<view v-else-if="item.status == -2" class="approval_title">已下架</view>
<view v-else-if="item.status == 0" class="approval_title">正在审核</view>
<text v-if="item.status == -1 || item.status == -2" class="approval_info">查看未通过原因</text>
<text v-if="item.status == 0" class="approval_info">通过后将展示在列表</text>
<view class='text'>
<view class='name skeleton-rect'>
<text class="text_name line2">{{item.title}}
<view class="count acea-row skeleton-rect">
<view v-if="!isAuth" class="author acea-row">
<image class="image" :src="(item.author && item.author.avatar) || '/static/images/f.png'" mode="widthFix"></image>
<text class="author_name line1">{{item.author && item.author.nickname}}</text>
<view v-else class="author acea-row">
<text class="author_time">
<view class="like">
<button class="like_count" hover-class="none" @click.stop="likeToggle(item)">
<text class="iconfont" :class="item.relevance_id ? 'icon-shoucang1' : 'icon-dianzan'"></text>
<text class="collect">{{item.count_start}}</text>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
import easyLoadimage from '@/components/easy-loadimage/easy-loadimage.vue'
import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
export default {
computed: {...mapGetters(['viewColor'])},
props: {
item: {
type: Object,
require: true
type: {
type: Number,
default: 0
isAuth: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
uid: {
type: Number || String,
default: 0
tab: {
type: Number,
default: 1
isFind: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
isShow: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
data() {
return {
isShowAuth: false,
isAuto: false
methods: {
url: '/pages/plantGrass/plant_featured/index?id='+item.topic_id
if(item.is_type == 1){
url: '/pages/plantGrass/plant_detail/index?id='+item.community_id
let user = this.isAuth ? 1 : 0;
// console.log(this.uid)
//#ifdef APP
url: '/pages/short_video/appSwiper/index?id='+item.community_id+'&user='+user+'&uid='+this.uid+'&tab='+this.tab
//#ifndef APP
url: '/pages/short_video/nvueSwiper/index?id='+item.community_id+'&user='+user+'&uid='+this.uid+'&tab='+this.tab
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.wf-page2 .pictrue{
width: 345rpx;
height: 345rpx;
border-radius: 16rpx;
position: relative;
width: 100%;
max-width: 345rpx;
height: 345rpx;
border-radius: 16rpx;
width: 40rpx;
height: 40rpx;
position: absolute;
top: 10rpx;
right: 10rpx;
z-index: 100;
width: 40rpx;
height: 40rpx;
width: 42rpx;
height: 42rpx;
border-radius: 100%;
background: rgba(0,0,0,.5);
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
position: absolute;
top: 10rpx;
left: 10rpx;
font-size: 20rpx;
color: #fff;
width: 100%;
height: 345rpx;
.wf-page2 .text{
padding: 20rpx;
width: 345rpx;
color: #333333;
font-size: 28rpx;
font-weight: bold;
margin-top: 20rpx;
justify-content: space-between;
align-items: center;
margin-left: 10rpx;
max-width: 120rpx;
font-size: 24rpx;
color: #333333;
max-width: 180rpx;
color: #666666;
font-size: 24rpx;
color: #999999;
display: flex;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
font-size: 30rpx;
color: var(--view-priceColor);
font-size: 24rpx;
margin-left: 5rpx;
.wf-page2 .author .image,.wf-page2 .author uni-image{
width: 46rpx;
height: 46rpx;
border-radius: 100%;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background: rgba(0,0,0,.4);
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
border-radius: 16rpx;
color: #fff;
text-align: center;
z-index: 5;
font-size: 28rpx;
margin-top: 135rpx;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 24rpx;
margin-top: 24rpx;
@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
<view class='product-bg'>
<swiper :indicator-dots="indicatorDots" indicator-active-color="#e93323" :autoplay="autoplay" :circular="circular"
:interval="interval" :duration="duration" @change="change" v-if="isPlay">
<!-- #ifndef APP-PLUS -->
<swiper-item v-if="videoline && videoline != '' && videoline != 'https:'">
<view class="item">
<video id="myVideo" :src='videoline && (videoline.substring(0,4) == "http" || videoline.substring(0,5) == "https") ? videoline : ("http:" + videoline)'
objectFit="cover" controls style="width:100%;height:100% " show-mute-btn="true"
auto-pause-if-navigate @ended="endedFun()"></video>
<view class="poster" v-if="controls">
<image class="image" :src="videoCoverImg"></image>
<view class="stop" v-if="controls" @tap="bindPause">
<image class="image" src="../../static/images/stop.png"></image>
<!-- #endif -->
<!-- #ifdef APP-PLUS -->
<swiper-item v-if="videoline">
<view class="item">
<view class="poster" v-show="controls">
<image class="image" :src="videoCoverImg"></image>
<view class="stop" v-show="controls" @tap="bindPause">
<image class="image" src="../../static/images/stop.png"></image>
<!-- #endif -->
<block v-for="(item,index) in imgUrls" :key='index'>
<image :src="item" class="slide-image" @click='getpreviewImage(item)' />
<!-- #ifdef APP-PLUS -->
<view v-if="!isPlay" style="width: 100%; height: 750rpx;">
<video id="myVideo" :src='videoline && (videoline.substring(0,4) == "http" || videoline.substring(0,5) == "https") ? videoline : "http:" + videoline'
objectFit="cover" controls style="width:100%;height:100% " show-center-play-btn show-mute-btn="true"
auto-pause-if-navigate :enable-progress-gesture="false" :poster="videoCoverImg" @pause="videoPause" @ended="endedFun()"></video>
<!-- #endif -->
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
export default {
props: {
imgUrls: {
type: Array,
default: function() {
return [];
videoline: {
type: String,
value: ""
videoCoverImg: {
type: String,
data() {
return {
indicatorDots: true,
circular: true,
autoplay: true,
interval: 5000,
duration: 500,
currents: "1",
controls: true,
isPlay: true,
videoContext: ''
created() {
watch: {
mounted() {
// #ifndef APP-PLUS
this.videoContext = uni.createVideoContext('myVideo', this);
// #endif
methods: {
getpreviewImage: function(item) {
urls: this.imgUrls,
current: item
videoPause(e) {
// #ifdef APP-PLUS
this.isPlay = true
this.autoplay = true
// #endif
bindPause: function() {
// #ifndef APP-PLUS
this.$set(this, 'controls', false)
this.autoplay = false
// #endif
// #ifdef APP-PLUS
this.isPlay = false
this.videoContext = uni.createVideoContext('myVideo', this);
// #endif
change: function(e) {
this.$set(this, 'currents', e.detail.current + 1);
endedFun() {
this.controls = true
<style scoped lang="scss">
.product-bg {
width: 100%;
height: 750rpx;
position: relative;
.product-bg swiper {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
position: relative;
.product-bg .slide-image {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
.product-bg .pages {
position: absolute;
background-color: #fff;
height: 34rpx;
padding: 0 10rpx;
border-radius: 3rpx;
right: 30rpx;
bottom: 30rpx;
line-height: 34rpx;
font-size: 24rpx;
color: #050505;
#myVideo {
width: 100%;
height: 100%
.product-bg .item {
position: relative;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
.product-bg .item .poster {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
height: 750rpx;
width: 100%;
z-index: 9;
.product-bg .item .poster .image {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
.product-bg .item .stop {
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
width: 136rpx;
height: 136rpx;
margin-top: -68rpx;
margin-left: -68rpx;
z-index: 9;
.product-bg .item .stop .image {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
<view :style="viewColor">
<view class="product-window" :class="(attr.cartAttr === true ? 'on' : '') + ' ' + (iSbnt || destri?'join':'') + ' ' + (isPresell ?'presell-window':'product-window')">
<view class="textpic acea-row row-between-wrapper">
<view class="pictrue">
<image :src="attr.productSelect.image ? attr.productSelect.image : image" @click="loookImg"></image>
<view class="text">
<view class="line1">
{{ attr.productSelect.store_name }}
<view v-if="isPresell" class="money presell_price">
¥<text class="num">{{ attr.productSelect.price }}</text>
<text v-if="presell_type === 2">定金¥<text class="num">{{ attr.productSelect.down_price }}</text></text>
<text class="stock" v-if='isShow'>库存: {{ attr.productSelect.stock }}</text>
<text class='stock' v-if="limitNum">限量: {{attr.productSelect.quota_show}}</text>
<view v-else class="money">
<view class="acea-row row-middle">
<view class="acea-row row-middle">
<text>¥</text><text class="num">{{ attr.productSelect.price }}</text>
<view v-if="svipPrice" class="acea-row row-middle">
<text class='vip-money'>¥{{attr.productSelect.svip_price}}</text>
<view class="vipImg">
<image src="/static/images/svip.png"></image>
<view class="stock_count">
<text class="stock" v-if='isShow'>库存: {{ attr.productSelect.stock }}</text>
<text class='stock' v-if="limitNum">限量: {{attr.productSelect.quota_show}}</text>
<view class="iconfont icon-guanbi" @click="closeAttr"></view>
<view class="productWinList">
<view class="item" v-for="(item, indexw) in attr.productAttr" :key="indexw">
<view class="title">{{ item.attr_name }}</view>
<view class="listn acea-row row-middle">
<view class="itemn" :class="item.index === itemn.attr ? 'on' : ''" v-for="(itemn, indexn) in item.attr_value"
@click="tapAttr(indexw, indexn)" :key="indexn">
{{ itemn.attr }}
<view class="cart acea-row">
<view class="title">数量</view>
<view class="carnum acea-row row-left">
<view class="buy_limit" v-if="minCount>0 || maxCount>0">
(<text v-if="minCount>0">{{minCount}}件起购<text v-if="minCount>0 && maxCount>0">,</text></text><text v-if="maxCount>0">最多{{maxCount}}件</text>)
<view class="item reduce" :class="attr.productSelect.cart_num <= 1 ? 'on' : ''" @click="CartNumDes">
<view class='item num'>
<input type="number" v-model="attr.productSelect.cart_num" data-name="productSelect.cart_num" @input="bindCode(attr.productSelect.cart_num)" @keydown="btKeyDown" @keyup="btKeyUp"></input>
<view v-if="iSplus" class="item plus" :class=" attr.productSelect.cart_num >= attr.productSelect.stock || destri ? 'on' : ''"
<view v-else class='item plus' :class='(attr.productSelect.cart_num >= attr.productSelect.quota_show)
|| (attr.productSelect.cart_num >= attr.productSelect.product_stock)? "on":""'
<view class="joinBnt b-color" v-if="destri && attr.productSelect.stock>0" @click="goCat">立即购买</view>
<view class="joinBnt on" v-else-if="destri && attr.productSelect.stock<=0">已售罄</view>
<view class="joinBnt b-color" v-if="iSbnt && attr.productSelect.stock>0"
<view class="joinBnt on" v-else-if="(iSbnt && attr.productSelect.stock<=0)">已售罄</view>
<view class="mask" @touchmove.prevent :hidden="attr.cartAttr === false" @click="closeAttr"></view>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
export default {
props: {
attr: {
type: Object,
default: () => {}
limitNum: {
type: Number,
value: 0
isShow: {
type: Number,
value: 0
iSbnt: {
type: Number,
value: 0
iSplus: {
type: Number,
value: 0
destri: {
type: Number,
value: 0
isPresell: {
type: Number,
value: 0
presell_type: {
type: Number,
value: 1
image: {
type: String,
value: ''
maxCount: {
type: Number,
value: 0
minCount: {
type: Number,
value: 0
svipPrice: {
type: Boolean,
value: false
computed: mapGetters(['viewColor']),
data() {
return {};
methods: {
// 查看大图
let self = this
let arr = [self.attr.productSelect.image ? self.attr.productSelect.image : self.image]
urls: arr,
goCat: function() {
* 购物车手动输入数量
bindCode: function(e) {
let num = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(e))
this.$emit('iptCartNum', num);
btKeyDown(e) {
e.target.value = e.target.value.replace(/[^\a-\z\A-\Z0-9\u4E00-\u9FA5]/g,"");
btKeyUp(e) {
e.target.value = e.target.value.replace(/[`~!@#$%^&*()_\-+=<>?:"{}|,.\/;'\\[\]·~!@#¥%……&*()——\-+={}|《》?:“”【】、;‘’,。、]/g,"")
closeAttr: function() {
CartNumDes: function() {
if (!this.destri) {
this.$emit('ChangeCartNum', false);
CartNumAdd: function() {
if (!this.destri) {
this.$emit('ChangeCartNum', true);
tapAttr: function(indexw, indexn) {
let that = this;
that.$emit("attrVal", {
indexw: indexw,
indexn: indexn
this.$set(this.attr.productAttr[indexw], 'index', this.attr.productAttr[indexw].attr_values[indexn]);
let value = that.getCheckedValue().join(",");
that.$emit("ChangeAttr", value);
getCheckedValue: function() {
let productAttr = this.attr.productAttr;
let value = [];
for (let i = 0; i < productAttr.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < productAttr[i].attr_values.length; j++) {
if (productAttr[i].index === productAttr[i].attr_values[j]) {
return value;
<style scoped lang="scss">
.product-window {
position: fixed;
bottom: 0;
width: 100%;
left: 0;
background-color: #fff;
z-index: 77;
border-radius: 16rpx 16rpx 0 0;
padding-bottom: 140rpx;
padding-bottom: calc(140rpx+ constant(safe-area-inset-bottom)); ///兼容 IOS<11.2/
padding-bottom: calc(140rpx + env(safe-area-inset-bottom)); ///兼容 IOS>11.2/
transform: translate3d(0, 100%, 0);
transition: all .3s cubic-bezier(.25, .5, .5, .9);
&.presell-window {
padding-bottom: 200rpx;
.product-window.on {
transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);
.product-window.join {
padding-bottom: 30rpx;
.product-window .textpic {
padding: 0 80rpx 0 30rpx;
margin-top: 29rpx;
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width: 150rpx;
height: 150rpx;
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width: 100%;
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width: 460rpx;
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color: #202020;
.product-window .textpic .text .money {
font-size: 24rpx;
margin-top: 26rpx;
font-weight: 700;
color: var(--view-priceColor);
.product-window .stock_count{
margin-top: 5rpx;
.product-window .textpic .text .money .num {
font-size: 36rpx;
.product-window .textpic .text .money .stock {
color: #999;
margin-left: 18rpx;
font-weight: normal;
.product-window .textpic .text .presell_price {
color: #FF7F00;
.num {
display: inline-block;
margin-right: 20rpx;
.stock {
margin-left: 0;
.vip-money {
color: #282828;
font-size: 22rpx;
margin-left: 6rpx;
.vipImg {
width: 65rpx;
height: 28rpx;
margin-left: 4rpx;
image {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
display: block;
.product-window .textpic .iconfont {
position: absolute;
right: 30rpx;
top: -5rpx;
font-size: 35rpx;
color: #8a8a8a;
.product-window .productWinList {
max-height: 395rpx;
overflow: auto;
margin-top: 36rpx;
.product-window .productWinList .item~.item {
margin-top: 36rpx;
.product-window .productWinList .item .title {
font-size: 30rpx;
color: #999;
padding: 0 30rpx;
.product-window .productWinList .item .listn {
padding: 0 30rpx 0 16rpx;
.product-window .productWinList .item .listn .itemn {
border: 1px solid #bbb;
font-size: 26rpx;
color: #282828;
padding: 7rpx 33rpx;
border-radius: 6rpx;
margin: 14rpx 0 0 14rpx;
.product-window .productWinList .item .listn .itemn.on {
color: #fff;
background-color: var(--view-theme);
border-color: var(--view-theme);
.product-window .cart {
margin-top: 36rpx;
padding: 0 30rpx;
display: -webkit-box;
display: -webkit-flex;
display: -ms-flexbox;
display: flex;
-webkit-box-pack: justify;
-webkit-justify-content: space-between;
-ms-flex-pack: justify;
justify-content: space-between;
.product-window .cart .title {
font-size: 30rpx;
color: #999;
line-height: 54rpx;
.product-window .cart .carnum {
height: 54rpx;
align-items: center;
.product-window .cart .carnum .buy_limit {
font-size: 22rpx;
color: var(--view-theme);
margin-right: 30rpx;
.product-window .cart .carnum .item {
width: 63rpx;
text-align: center;
height: 100%;
line-height: 42rpx;
color: #333333;
font-weight: 400;
font-size: 26rpx;
.product-window .cart .carnum .reduce {
border: 1px solid #a4a4a4;
width: 44rpx;
height: 42rpx;
// border-right: 0;
border-radius: 0 7rpx 7rpx 0;
line-height: 30rpx;
.product-window .cart .carnum .reduce.on {
border-color: #e3e3e3;
color: #dedede;
.product-window .cart .carnum .plus {
border: 1px solid #a4a4a4;
width: 44rpx;
height: 42rpx;
// border-right: 0;
border-radius: 0 7rpx 7rpx 0;
line-height: 30rpx
.product-window .cart .carnum .plus.on {
border-color: #e3e3e3;
color: #dedede;
.product-window .cart .carnum .num {
color: #282828;
font-size: 28rpx;
.product-window .joinBnt {
font-size: 30rpx;
width: 620rpx;
height: 86rpx;
border-radius: 50rpx;
text-align: center;
line-height: 86rpx;
color: #fff;
margin: 21rpx auto 0 auto;
background-color: var(--view-theme);
.product-window .joinBnt.on {
background-color: #bbb;
color: #fff;
@ -0,0 +1,627 @@
<view class="containers" :style="viewColor">
<view class="header">
<view class="search">
<text class="iconfont icon-xiazai5"></text>
<input type="text" placeholder="请输入商品名称" v-model="searchVal" @input="setValue" confirm-type="search"
@confirm="searchBut()" placeholder-class='placeholder'>
<view class="iconclose" @click="close">
<image src="@/static/images/wt_close.png" mode="aspectFit"></image>
<view class="main">
<scroll-view scroll-y="true" @touchmove.stop>
<view v-if="bought.length" @touchmove="onTouchmove" id="goods" class="goods">
<view class="picTxt acea-row" v-for="(item, i) in bought" :key="i">
<view class="checkbox">
<text @click.stop="goodsCheck(item)" v-if="item.check"
class="iconfont icon-xuanzhong1"></text>
<text @click.stop="goodsCheck(item)" v-else
:class="checkedArr.length >=5 ? 'disabled': ''"
class="iconfont icon-weixuanzhong"></text>
<view class='pictrue'>
<image :src='item.image'></image>
<view class='text'>
<view class='line2 name'>{{item.store_name}}</view>
<view class="picTxt_one" v-if="item.attrValue.length>0">
<picker class="slecte" v-if="item.attrValue.length>1"
@change="bindPickerChange($event,item.attrValue,i)" :value="index"
:range="item.attrValue" :range-key="'sku'">
<view class="uni-input">{{item.attrValue[index].sku}}</view>
<view class="" style="margin-top: 10rpx;">
<view class="picTxt_price">
<view class="price">
<input type="text" :value="item.price" placeholder="输入出售价格"
@input="producrprice($event,i,item)" adjust-position=""
placeholder-style="color: #CCCCCC;" />
<view class="price_num">
<subtractive v-if='item.number==0' style="margin-top: 10rpx;margin-left: 20rpx;"
class="step" :min="0" :max="item.attrValue[index].stock" :value="peicenumber"
:isMax="true" :isMin="true" index="11" @eventChange="numberChange($event,i)">
<subtractive v-else style="margin-top: 10rpx;margin-left: 20rpx;" class="step"
:min="0" :max="item.attrValue[index].stock" :value="item.number" :isMax="true"
:isMin="true" index="11" @increment="incrementTotal($event,i,item)"
<view v-else class="empty">
<image src="/static/images/no_thing.png"></image>
<view class="foot_bar">
<button class="confirm_btn" @click="submit">确定({{checkedArr.length}})</button>
import Loading from '@/components/Loading/index.vue';
import subtractive from '@/components/subtractive/subtractive.vue';
import {
} from "@/api/trading-floor";
import {
} from "vuex";
export default {
props: {
checkedObj: {
type: Array,
default: []
computed: mapGetters(['viewColor']),
components: {
data() {
return {
isActive: 0,
loadedb: false,
loadingb: false,
loadedc: false,
loadingc: false,
loadeds: false,
loadings: false,
whereb: {
page: 1,
limit: 10,
keyword: '',
peicenumber: 0,
searchVal: "",
checked: [],
list: [],
bought: [],
checkedArr: [],
aryys: [],
// picker下拉数据源
storageCustomList: [{
CustGoodsCode: "TEST001",
CustGoodsName: "测试货主001",
IfBoxId: 0,
IfProductId: 0,
}, {
CustGoodsCode: "TEST002",
CustGoodsName: "测试货主002",
IfBoxId: 0,
IfProductId: 0,
}, {
CustGoodsCode: "TEST003",
CustGoodsName: "测试货主003",
IfBoxId: 0,
IfProductId: 0,
index: 0,
pickerData: '请选择',
itstock: '',
watch: {
checkedObj: {
handler(n) {
this.checkedArr = n
deep: true
mounted() {
this.checkedArr = this.checkedObj
this.aryys = this.checkedObj
methods: {
producrprice(e, i, item) {
this.bought[i].price = e.detail.value
this.$set(item, 'check', false);
for (let i in this.checkedArr) {
if (this.checkedArr[i].product_id == item.product_id) {
this.checkedArr.splice(i, 1)
incrementTotal(e, i, item) {
this.$set(item, 'check', false);
for (let i in this.checkedArr) {
if (this.checkedArr[i].product_id == item.product_id) {
this.checkedArr.splice(i, 1)
// picker修改事件
bindPickerChange: function(e, storage, num) {
this.bought[num].attrValue[this.index].sku = storage[e.detail.value].sku
this.bought[num].attrValue[this.index].stock = storage[e.detail.value].stock
this.bought[num].product_attr_unique = storage[e.detail.value].unique
this.pickerData = storage[this.index] // 这里就是选中的对象
if (this.bought[num].attrValue[this.index].stock == 0) {
title: '库存不足'
// 点击关闭按钮
close() {
numberChange(data, i) {
this.peicenumber = data.number;
this.bought[i].number = data.number
tabs(index) {
this.isActive = index
this.$set(this.whereb, 'keyword', '');
this.searchVal = ''
onTouchmove(e) {
if (this.loadendb) return;
if (this.loadingb) return;
const query = uni.createSelectorQuery().in(this);
query.select('#goods').boundingClientRect(data => {
if (data.bottom < 1500 && data.top < 0) {
// 模拟触底刷新
setValue: function(event) {
this.$set(this.whereb, 'keyword', event.detail.value);
if (!event.detail.value) {
this.whereb.page = 1
this.loadedb = false
searchBut() {
this.bought = []
this.whereb.page = 1
this.loadedb = false
getBounht() {
var that = this;
// console.log('1111111', that.loadingb, that.loadedb)
if (that.loadingb || that.loadedb) return;
that.loadingb = true;
res => {
that.loadingb = false;
that.loadedb = res.data.list.length < that.whereb.limit;
that.bought.push.apply(that.bought, res.data.list);
that.whereb.page = that.whereb.page + 1;
error => {
title: error.msg
getInitchecked(arr) {
let that = this;
arr.forEach((item, index) => {
that.$set(item, 'check', false);
that.checkedArr.forEach((val, i) => {
if (item.product_id == val.product_id) {
that.$set(item, 'check', true);
that.$set(item, 'number', val.number);
that.$set(item, 'price', val.price);
getCheckedGoods() {
this.checked = []
this.checkedArr.forEach((item, index) => {
goodsCheck(item) {
this.$set(item, 'check', !item.check);
if (item.check) {
if (this.peicenumber == 0) {
item.number = 1
if (!item.product_attr_unique) {
item.product_attr_unique = item.attrValue[0].unique
this.arrayUnique(this.checkedArr, 'product_id')
} else {
this.checkedArr.splice(this.checkedArr.findIndex(itemn => ((itemn.product_id == item.product_id))), 1)
arrayUnique(arr, name) {
let hash = {}
const result = arr.reduce((acc, cru, index) => {
if (!hash[cru[name]]) {
hash[cru[name]] = {
index: acc.length
} else {
console.log(acc, hash[cru[name]])
acc.splice(hash[cru[name]]['index'], 1, cru)
return acc;
}, [])
this.checkedArr = result
submit() {
this.$emit('getProduct', this.checkedArr);
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background: #ffffff;
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font-size: 26rpx;
margin-top: 30rpx;
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color: #8A8A8A;
font-size: 28rpx;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
right: 30rpx;
scroll-view {
height: 650rpx;
.main {
height: 650rpx;
margin: 40rpx 0 80rpx;
padding: 0 30rpx;
.picTxt {
width: 100%;
padding: 25rpx 0;
position: relative;
align-items: center;
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color: #959595;
background-color: #E7E6E4;
border-radius: 10rpx 10rpx 10rpx 10rpx;
white-space: nowrap;
overflow: hidden;
.picTxt_price {
display: flex;
margin-top: 37rpx;
height: 70rpx;
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.price {
display: flex;
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input {
width: 210rpx;
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height: 70rpx;
background: #F5F5F5;
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font-size: 28rpx;
font-family: PingFang SC-Regular, PingFang SC;
font-weight: 400;
margin-left: 20rpx;
.price_num {
display: flex;
.checkbox {
margin-right: 30rpx;
.iconfont {
font-size: 38rpx;
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.icon-xuanzhong1 {
color: var(--view-theme);
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font-size: 28rpx;
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position: relative;
height: 160rpx;
.name {
color: #282828;
font-size: 28rpx;
.money {
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
color: var(--view-priceColor);
font-size: 22rpx;
font-weight: bold;
text {
font-size: 26rpx;
.foot_bar {
width: 100%;
position: fixed;
// bottom: 54px;
left: 0;
padding: 20rpx 0;
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.confirm_btn {
width: 710rpx;
height: 86rpx;
line-height: 86rpx;
color: #ffffff;
text-align: center;
font-size: 32rpx;
background: var(--view-theme);
border-radius: 43rpx;
margin: 0 auto;
.empty {
margin: 130rpx 0 150rpx;
text-align: center;
uni-image {
display: inline-block;
width: 414rpx;
height: 305rpx;
text {
display: block;
color: #999999;
font-size: 26rpx;
@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
<view class='recommend'>
<view class="common-hd">
<view class="title">为你推荐</view>
<view class='recommendList' :class="indexP?'on':''">
<WaterfallsFlow :wfList='hostProduct' @itemTap="goDetail" :type="0" />
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
import {mapGetters} from "vuex";
import { goShopDetail } from '@/libs/order.js'
import {initiateAssistApi} from '@/api/activity.js';
import {toLogin} from '@/libs/login.js';
import WaterfallsFlow from '@/components/WaterfallsFlow/WaterfallsFlow.vue'
export default {
computed: mapGetters(['uid']),
props: {
hostProduct: {
type: Array,
default: function() {
return [];
type: Boolean,
default: false
type: Boolean,
default: false
data() {
return {
mounted() {
// 模拟上拉刷新
const newList = this.hostProduct.reverse();
this.hostProduct = newList;
methods: {
goShopDetail(item, this.uid).then(res => {
if (this.isLogin) {
initiateAssistApi(item.activity_id).then(res => {
let id = res.data.product_assist_set_id;
url: '/pages/activity/assist_detail/index?id=' + id
}).catch((err) => {
title: err,
icon: 'none'
} else {
// #ifdef H5 || APP-PLUS
// #endif
// #ifdef MP
this.$emit('isShowAuth', true);
this.$emit('isAuto', true);
// #endif
<style scoped lang="scss">
.common-hd {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
height: 118rpx;
.title {
padding: 0 80rpx;
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color: $theme-color;
font-weight: bold;
background-image: url("~@/static/images/index-title.png");
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: 100% auto;
background-position: left center;
.recommend .recommendList {
padding: 0 20rpx;
min-height: 100rpx;
.recommend .recommendList.on{
padding: 0;
border-radius: 16rpx 16rpx 0 0;
@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
<view class="mark" v-if="isShow" @click="close">
<view class="release">
<view class="release_content" v-for="(item,i) in list" :key="i" @click="navigtion(item)">
<view class="release_content_left">
<view :class="i==1?'release_imga':'release_img'">
<image :src="item.img" mode="aspectFit"></image>
<view class="title">
<view class="title1">
<view class="title2">
<view class="release_content_right ">
<text class="iconfont icon-xiangyou"></text>
<view class="release_close" @click="close">
<image src="@/static/images/trad-close.png" mode="aspectFit"></image>
import {
} from '../../libs/uniApi'
export default {
props: {
isShow: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
// 子组件接收一个布尔类型的bottom,如果为true则弹窗则在页面的底部,false为默认居中显示
bottom: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
data() {
return {
list: [{
img: require('@/static/images/season.png'),
title1: '发布调货商品',
title2: '镇街店铺快捷调货',
img: require('@/static/images/discounts.png'),
title1: '发布打折商品',
title2: '发布店铺打折商品',
methods: {
navigtion(item) {
if (item.title1 =='发布调货商品') {
url: '/pages/trading_hall/transfer_goods/index'
} else {
url: '/pages/trading_hall/adddiscounts/index'
close() {
cancel() {
confirm() {
<style lang="scss">
.mark {
position: fixed;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
left: 0;
bottom: 0;
top: 0;
right: 0;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
.release {
position: absolute;
bottom: 0px;
.release_content {
width: 694rpx;
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background: #FCF3EE;
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height: 96rpx;
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image {
width: 111rpx;
height: 96rpx;
.release_imga {
width: 76rpx;
height: 113rpx;
margin-top: 5rpx;
margin-right: 50rpx;
image {
width: 76rpx;
height: 113rpx;
.title {
margin-top: 23rpx;
.title1 {
font-size: 32rpx;
font-family: PingFang SC-Medium, PingFang SC;
font-weight: 500;
color: #333333;
.title2 {
font-size: 28rpx;
font-family: PingFang SC-Regular, PingFang SC;
font-weight: 400;
color: #666666;
margin-top: 11rpx;
.release_close {
width: 248rpx;
height: 248rpx;
margin: 0 auto;
image {
width: 248rpx;
height: 248rpx;
@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
<view class="right-wrapper" @touchmove.stop.prevent="moveStop" :style="viewColor">
<view class="control-wrapper animated" :class="showBox?'slideInRight':''">
<view class="header">
<view class="title">价格区间</view>
<view class="input-wrapper">
<input placeholder="最低价" v-model="min" type="number"/>
<view class="line"></view>
<input placeholder="最高价" v-model="max" type="number"/>
<view class="store_type">
<view class="title">店铺类型</view>
<view class="brand-wrapper">
<view class="wrapper">
<view class="item line1" v-for="(item,index) in storeTypeList" :key="index" :class="item.check?'on':''" @tap="bindChenckType(item,index)">
<view class="content-box">
<view class="title">品牌</view>
<view class="brand-wrapper">
<scroll-view :style="{'height':isShow?'90%':'250rpx'}" :scroll-y="isShow">
<view class="wrapper">
<view class="item line1" v-for="(item,index) in list" :key="index" :class="item.check?'on':''" @tap="bindChenck(item)">
<view class="btns" v-if="!isShow && list.length>9" @click="isShow = true">展开全部<text class="iconfont icon-xiangxia"></text></view>
<view class="btns" v-if="isShow && list.length>9" @click="isShow = false">收起<text class="iconfont icon-xiangshang"></text></view>
<view class="foot-btn">
<view class="btn-item" @click="reset">重置</view>
<view class="btn-item confirm" @click="confirm">确定</view>
<view class="right-bg" @click="close"></view>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
export default{
props: {
brandList: {
type: Array,
computed: mapGetters(['viewColor']),
return {
min: '',
is_trader: '',
storeTypeList: [
{name: '全部', value: '',check: true},
{name: '自营', value: 'trader',check: false},
{name: '非自营', value: 'trader',check: false},
index: this.activeIndex
mounted() {
// 重要组件挂载后
this.list = this.brandList
this.showBox = this.status
this.min = this.price_on
this.max = this.price_off
this.storeTypeList = [
{name: '全部', value: '',check: false},
{name: '自营', value: 'trader',check: false},
{name: '非自营', value: 'trader',check: false}
this.storeTypeList[this.index]['check'] = true
this.is_trader = this.storeTypeList[0]['check'] ? '' : this.storeTypeList[1]['check'] ? 1 : 0
item.check = !item.check
this.storeTypeList = [
{name: '全部', value: '',check: false},
{name: '自营', value: 'trader',check: false},
{name: '非自营', value: 'trader',check: false},
this.storeTypeList[index]['check'] = true
this.is_trader = this.storeTypeList[0]['check'] ? '' : this.storeTypeList[1]['check'] ? 1 : 0
this.index = index
this.activeList = this.list.filter(item=>{
return item.check == true
el.check = false
this.storeTypeList = [
{name: '全部', value: 'trader',check: true},
{name: '自营', value: 'trader',check: false},
{name: '非自营', value: 'trader',check: false}
this.min = this.max = ''
let obj = {
is_trader: this.is_trader,
this.showBox = false
this.showBox = false
<style lang="scss">
z-index: 99;
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height: 100%;
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padding-bottom: 20rpx;
display: block;
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padding: 0 10rpx;
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margin-right: 0;
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margin-top: 5rpx;
font-size: 20rpx;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: space-between;
padding-bottom: 30rpx;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
border:1px solid rgba(170,170,170,1);
font-size: 26rpx;
color: #282828;
background: var(--view-theme);
border-color: var(--view-theme);
color: #fff;
position: relative;
margin-top: 20rpx;
padding: 0 26rpx;
background-color: #fff;
overflow: hidden;
padding: 40rpx 0 20rpx;
font-size: 26rpx;
font-weight: bold;
color: #282828;
overflow: hidden;
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
padding-bottom: 20rpx;
display: block;
line-height: 56rpx;
text-align: center;
margin-top: 25rpx;
padding: 0 10rpx;
margin-right: 12rpx;
margin-right: 0;
background: var(--view-minorColor);
border:1px solid var(--view-theme);
color: var(--view-theme);
position: absolute;
left: 0;
top: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.5);
@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
<view class="right-wrapper" @touchmove.stop.prevent="moveStop" :style="viewColor">
<view class="control-wrapper animated" :class="showBox?'slideInRight':''">
<view class="content-box">
<view class="title">店铺类型</view>
<view class="brand-wrapper">
<scroll-view style="max-height: 400rpx;" :scroll-y="isShow">
<view class="wrapper">
<view class="item line1" v-for="(item,index) in list" :key="index" :class="item.check?'on':''" @tap="bindChenck1(item)">
<view class="btns" v-if="!isShow && list.length>9" @click="isShow = true">展开全部<text class="iconfont icon-xiangxia"></text></view>
<view class="btns" v-if="isShow && list.length>9" @click="isShow = false">收起<text class="iconfont icon-xiangshang"></text></view>
<view class="title">商户分类</view>
<view class="brand-wrapper">
<scroll-view style="max-height: 400rpx;" :scroll-y="isShow">
<view class="wrapper">
<view class="item line1" v-for="(item,index) in merCate" :key="index" :class="item.check?'on':''" @tap="bindChenck2(item)">
<view class="btns" v-if="!isShow && merCate.length>9" @click="isShow = true">展开全部<text class="iconfont icon-xiangxia"></text></view>
<view class="foot-btn">
<view class="btn-item" @click="reset">重置</view>
<view class="btn-item confirm" @click="confirm">确定</view>
<view class="right-bg" @click="close"></view>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
export default{
props: {
storeTypeArr: { //店铺类型
type: Array,
merList: { //商户分类
type: Array,
computed: mapGetters(['viewColor']),
return {
min: '',
merCate: [],
selectList: [],
mounted() {
// 重要组件挂载后
this.list = this.storeTypeArr //店铺类型
this.merCate = this.merList //商户分类
this.showBox = this.status
item.check = !item.check
item.check = !item.check
this.selectList = this.list.filter(item=>{
return item.check == true
this.activeList = this.merCate.filter(item=>{
return item.check == true
el.check = false
el.check = false
// console.log(this.activeList)
let obj = {
merList: this.activeList,
this.showBox = false
this.showBox = false
<style lang="scss">
z-index: 99;
position: fixed;
left: 0;
top: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
z-index: 90;
position: absolute;
right: 0;
top: 0;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
width: 635rpx;
height: 100%;
background-color: #F5F5F5;
padding: 50rpx 26rpx 40rpx;
background-color: #fff;
font-size: 26rpx;
font-weight: bold;
color: #282828;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: space-between;
margin-top: 28rpx;
padding: 0 10rpx;
font-size: 22rpx;
text-align: center;
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flex: 1;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
margin-top: 20rpx;
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overflow: hidden;
padding: 40rpx 0 20rpx;
font-size: 26rpx;
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color: #282828;
// flex: 1;
overflow: hidden;
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
padding-bottom: 20rpx;
display: block;
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margin-top: 25rpx;
padding: 0 10rpx;
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margin-right: 0;
background: var(--view-minorColor);
border:1px solid var(--view-theme);
color: var(--view-theme);
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
padding-top: 10rpx;
font-size: 22rpx;
color: #999;
margin-left: 10rpx;
margin-top: 5rpx;
font-size: 20rpx;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: space-between;
position: absolute;
// width: 100%;
// text-align: center;
bottom: 30rpx;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
border:1px solid rgba(170,170,170,1);
font-size: 26rpx;
color: #282828;
background: var(--view-theme);
border-color: var(--view-theme);
color: #fff;
margin-left: 20rpx;
position: absolute;
left: 0;
top: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.5);
@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
<view class="right-wrapper" @touchmove.stop.prevent="moveStop" :style="viewColor">
<view class="control-wrapper animated" :class="showBox?'slideInRight':''">
<view class="header">
<view class="title">价格区间</view>
<view class="input-wrapper">
<input placeholder="最低价" v-model="min" type="number"/>
<view class="line"></view>
<input placeholder="最高价" v-model="max" type="number"/>
<view class="content-box">
<view class="title">品牌</view>
<view class="brand-wrapper">
<scroll-view :style="{'height':isShow?'90%':'250rpx'}" :scroll-y="isShow">
<view class="wrapper">
<view class="item line1" v-for="(item,index) in list" :key="index" :class="item.check?'on':''" @tap="bindChenck(item)">
<view class="btns" v-if="!isShow && list.length>9" @click="isShow = true">展开全部<text class="iconfont icon-xiangxia"></text></view>
<view class="btns" v-if="isShow && list.length>9" @click="isShow = false">收起<text class="iconfont icon-xiangshang"></text></view>
<view class="foot-btn">
<view class="btn-item" @click="reset">重置</view>
<view class="btn-item confirm" @click="confirm">确定</view>
<view class="right-bg" @click="close"></view>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
export default{
props: {
brandList: {
type: Array,
computed: mapGetters(['viewColor']),
return {
min: '',
is_trader: '',
storeTypeList: [
{name: '全部', value: '',check: true},
{name: '自营', value: 'trader',check: false},
mounted() {
// 重要组件挂载后
this.list = this.brandList
this.showBox = this.status
this.min = this.price_on
this.max = this.price_off
item.check = !item.check
this.storeTypeList = [
{name: '全部', value: '',check: false},
{name: '自营', value: 'trader',check: false},
this.storeTypeList[index]['check'] = true
this.is_trader = this.storeTypeList[0]['check'] ? '' : 1
this.activeList = this.list.filter(item=>{
return item.check == true
el.check = false
this.storeTypeList = [
{name: '全部', value: '',check: true},
{name: '自营', value: 'trader',check: false}
this.min = this.max = ''
// console.log(this.activeList)
let obj = {
is_trader: this.is_trader
this.showBox = false
// this.list.forEach((el,index)=>{
// el.check = false
// })
// this.arrFilter()
this.showBox = false
<style lang="scss">
z-index: 99;
position: fixed;
left: 0;
top: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
z-index: 90;
position: absolute;
right: 0;
top: 0;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
width: 635rpx;
height: 100%;
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padding: 50rpx 26rpx 40rpx;
background-color: #fff;
font-size: 26rpx;
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color: #282828;
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align-items: center;
justify-content: space-between;
margin-top: 28rpx;
padding: 0 10rpx;
font-size: 22rpx;
text-align: center;
position: relative;
flex: 1;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
margin-top: 20rpx;
padding: 0 26rpx;
background-color: #fff;
overflow: hidden;
padding: 40rpx 0 20rpx;
font-size: 26rpx;
font-weight: bold;
color: #282828;
flex: 1;
overflow: hidden;
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
padding-bottom: 20rpx;
display: block;
line-height: 56rpx;
text-align: center;
margin-top: 25rpx;
padding: 0 10rpx;
margin-right: 12rpx;
margin-right: 0;
background: var(--view-minorColor);
border:1px solid var(--view-theme);
color: var(--view-theme);
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
padding-top: 10rpx;
font-size: 22rpx;
color: #999;
margin-left: 10rpx;
margin-top: 5rpx;
font-size: 20rpx;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: space-between;
padding-bottom: 30rpx;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
border:1px solid rgba(170,170,170,1);
font-size: 26rpx;
color: #282828;
background: var(--view-theme);
border-color: var(--view-theme);
color: #fff;
position: relative;
margin-top: 20rpx;
padding: 0 26rpx;
background-color: #fff;
overflow: hidden;
padding: 40rpx 0 20rpx;
font-size: 26rpx;
font-weight: bold;
color: #282828;
overflow: hidden;
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
padding-bottom: 20rpx;
display: block;
line-height: 56rpx;
text-align: center;
margin-top: 25rpx;
padding: 0 10rpx;
margin-right: 12rpx;
margin-right: 0;
background: var(--view-minorColor);
border:1px solid var(--view-theme);
color: var(--view-theme);
position: absolute;
left: 0;
top: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.5);
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
<view v-if="shareInfoStatus" class="poster-first">
<view class="mask-share">
<image src="/static/images/share-info.png" @click="shareInfoClose" @touchmove.stop.prevent="false"></image>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
export default {
props: {
shareInfoStatus: {
type: Boolean,
data: function() {
return {};
mounted: function() {},
methods: {
shareInfoClose: function() {
<style scoped lang="scss">
.poster-first {
overscroll-behavior: contain;
.mask-share {
position: fixed;
top: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
z-index: 99;
.mask-share image {
width: 100%;
@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
<view class='sharing-packets' :class='isAnimate==true?"":"right"'>
<view class='sharing-con' @click='goShare'>
<image src='/static/images/red-packets.png'></image>
<view class='text font-color'>
<!-- <view class="title">分享赚佣金</view> -->
<!-- <view class='money'><text class='label'>¥</text>{{sharePacket.priceName}}</view> -->
<view class='money'><text class='label'>¥</text>{{parseFloat(sharePacket.max)}}</view>
<!-- <view class='tip'>下单即返佣金</view>
<view class='shareBut'>立即分享</view> -->
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
export default {
props: {
sharePacket: {
type: Object,
default: function() {
return {
isState: true,
priceName: ''
type: Boolean,
this.isAnimate = nVal
data() {
return {
methods: {
closeShare: function() {
goShare: function() {
this.isAnimate = true
<style scoped lang="scss">
.sharing-packets {
position: fixed;
right: 30rpx;
bottom: 200rpx;
z-index: 5;
transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s;
opacity: 1;
transform: scale(1);
right: -170rpx;
.sharing-packets.on {
transform: scale(0);
opacity: 0;
.sharing-packets .iconfont {
width: 44rpx;
height: 44rpx;
border-radius: 50%;
text-align: center;
line-height: 44rpx;
background-color: #999;
font-size: 20rpx;
color: #fff;
margin: 0 auto;
box-sizing: border-box;
padding-left: 1px;
.sharing-packets .line {
width: 2rpx;
height: 40rpx;
background-color: #999;
margin: 0 auto;
.sharing-packets .sharing-con {
width: 197rpx;
height: 195rpx;
position: relative;
.sharing-packets .sharing-con image {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
.sharing-packets .sharing-con .text {
position: absolute;
top: 20rpx;
font-size: 20rpx;
width: 100%;
text-align: center;
.sharing-packets .sharing-con .text .money {
font-size: 32rpx;
font-weight: bold;
margin-top: 24rpx;
.sharing-packets .sharing-con .text .money .label {
font-size: 16rpx;
.sharing-packets .sharing-con .text .tip {
font-size: 18rpx;
color: #AA6E56;
margin-top: 5rpx;
.sharing-packets .sharing-con .text .shareBut {
width: 60%;
font-size: 20rpx;
color: #F13926;
margin-top: 18rpx;
height: 30rpx;
line-height: 30rpx;
background: #FFE8BB;
border-radius: 30rpx;
margin: 26rpx auto 0;
@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
<view class="store_content" :class="isShow?'on':''">
<view class="popup" :class="{ on: isShow }">
<scroll-view scroll-y="true">
<radio-group name="store_name" @change="changeStore">
<template v-for="item in storeList">
<div v-if="item.merchant" class="store-list">
<!-- <div class="invoice-list"> -->
<label :key="item.merchant.mer_id" class="acea-row row-middle">
<view class="text">
<view class="acea-row row-middle">
<image class="mer_logo" v-if="item.merchant.mer_avatar"
:src="item.merchant.mer_avatar" mode=""></image>
<view class="name line1">{{ item.merchant.mer_name }}</view>
<radio class="radio" :value="item.merchant.mer_id.toString()" :checked="item.merchant.mer_id == id ? true : false" />
<!-- </div> -->
<view class='mask' catchtouchmove="true" :hidden='!isShow' @tap='close'></view>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
import {
} from '@/api/user.js';
export default {
data() {
return {
isShow: false,
id: '',
storeList: [],
watch: {
methods: {
this.isShow = !this.isShow;
close: function() {
this.isShow = false;
changeStore(e) {
getStoreList(parmas).then(res => {
this.storeList = res.data;
let serMerId = this.is_sys !== '' ? null : uni.getStorageSync('serMerId')
let storeInfo = null;
let flag = false
if(flag) return;
if(this.is_sys && !item['merchant']['mer_id']){
storeInfo = item;
flag = true;
}else if(this.is_sys == '0' && item['merchant']['mer_id']){
storeInfo = item;
flag = true;
}else if(serMerId == item['merchant']['mer_id']){
storeInfo = item;
flag = true;
storeInfo = this.storeList[0]
this.id = storeInfo ? storeInfo['mer_id'] : ''
this.$emit('getStoreInfo', storeInfo['merchant'])
this.$emit('getService', storeInfo);
for (let i = 0; i < this.storeList.length; i++) {
if (this.storeList[i]['merchant']['mer_id'] == id) {
uni.setStorageSync('storeInfo', this.storeList[i]['merchant']);
<style lang="scss" scoped>
position: fixed;
bottom: 0;
width: 100%;
left: 0;
background-color: #fff;
z-index: 77;
border-radius: 16rpx 16rpx 0 0;
padding-bottom: 60rpx;
transform: translate3d(0, 100%, 0);
transition: all .3s cubic-bezier(.25, .5, .5, .9);
.store_content.on {
transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);
.store_content .title {
font-size: 32rpx;
font-weight: bold;
text-align: center;
height: 123rpx;
line-height: 123rpx;
position: relative;
.store_content .title .iconfont {
position: absolute;
right: 30rpx;
color: #8a8a8a;
font-size: 35rpx;
.store_content .store-list{
height: 120rpx;
line-height: 120rpx;
.store_content .store-list .mer_logo{
width: 60rpx;
height: 60rpx;
margin-right: 20rpx;
form {
font-size: 28rpx;
color: #282828;
form input,
form radio-group {
flex: 1;
text-align: right;
form input {
font-size: 26rpx;
form label {
margin-right: 50rpx;
form radio {
margin-right: 8rpx;
form checkbox-group {
height: 90rpx;
form checkbox {
margin-right: 20rpx;
form button {
height: 76rpx;
border-radius: 38rpx;
margin: 16rpx 30rpx;
background-color: #E93323;
font-size: 30rpx;
line-height: 76rpx;
color: #FFFFFF;
.panel {
padding-right: 30rpx;
padding-left: 30rpx;
background-color: #FFFFFF;
.panel~.panel {
margin-top: 14rpx;
.panel .acea-row {
height: 90rpx;
.panel .acea-row~.acea-row {
border-top: 1px solid #EEEEEE;
.input-placeholder {
font-size: 26rpx;
color: #BBBBBB;
.icon-xiangyou {
margin-left: 25rpx;
font-size: 18rpx;
color: #BFBFBF;
.btn-wrap {
width: 100%;
padding: 8px 16px;
border-top: 1px solid #F5F5F5;
.btn-wrap .back {
border: 1px solid #E93323;
background: none;
color: #E93323;
.popup {
width: 100%;
border-top-left-radius: 16rpx;
border-top-right-radius: 16rpx;
background-color: #FFFFFF;
overflow: hidden;
.popup scroll-view {
height: 466rpx;
padding-right: 30rpx;
padding-left: 30rpx;
box-sizing: border-box;
.popup .text {
flex: 1;
min-width: 0;
font-size: 28rpx;
color: #282828;
.popup .info {
margin-top: 10rpx;
font-size: 22rpx;
color: #909090;
.popup .icon-guanbi {
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
right: 30rpx;
z-index: 2;
transform: translateY(-50%);
font-size: 30rpx;
color: #707070;
cursor: pointer;
.popup button {
height: 86rpx;
border-radius: 43rpx;
margin-right: 30rpx;
margin-left: 30rpx;
background-color: #E93323;
font-size: 30rpx;
line-height: 86rpx;
color: #FFFFFF;
.popup .text .acea-row {
display: inline-flex;
max-width: 100%;
.popup .name {
flex: 1;
overflow: hidden;
white-space: nowrap;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
font-size: 30rpx;
.popup .label {
width: 56rpx;
height: 28rpx;
border: 1px solid #E93323;
margin-left: 18rpx;
font-size: 20rpx;
line-height: 26rpx;
text-align: center;
color: #E93323;
.popup .type {
width: 124rpx;
height: 42rpx;
margin-top: 14rpx;
background-color: #FCF0E0;
font-size: 24rpx;
line-height: 42rpx;
text-align: center;
color: #D67300;
.popup .type.special {
background-color: #FDE9E7;
color: #E93323;
@ -0,0 +1,607 @@
<view class="containers" :style="viewColor">
<view class="header">
<view class="search">
<text class="iconfont icon-xiazai5"></text>
<input type="text" placeholder="请输入商品名称" v-model="searchVal" @input="setValue" confirm-type="search"
@confirm="searchBut()" placeholder-class='placeholder'>
<view class="iconclose" @click="close">
<image src="@/static/images/wt_close.png" mode="aspectFit"></image>
<view class="main">
<scroll-view scroll-y="true" @touchmove.stop>
<view v-if="bought.length" @touchmove="onTouchmove" id="goods" class="goods">
<view class="picTxt acea-row" v-for="(item, i) in bought" :key="i">
<view class="checkbox">
<text @click.stop="goodsCheck(item)" v-if="item.check"
class="iconfont icon-xuanzhong1"></text>
<text @click.stop="goodsCheck(item)" v-else
:class="checkedArr.length >=5 ? 'disabled': ''"
class="iconfont icon-weixuanzhong"></text>
<view class='pictrue'>
<image :src='item.image'></image>
<view class='text'>
<view class='line2 name'>{{item.store_name}}</view>
<view class="picTxt_one" v-if="item.attrValue.length>0">
<picker class="slecte" v-if="item.attrValue.length>1"
@change="bindPickerChange($event,item.attrValue,i)" :value="index"
:range="item.attrValue" :range-key="'sku'">
<view class="uni-input">{{item.attrValue[index].sku}}</view>
<view class="" style="margin-top: 10rpx;">
<view class="picTxt_price">
<view class="price">
<input type="text" :value="item.price" placeholder="输入出售价格"
@input="producrprice($event,i,item)" adjust-position=""
placeholder-style="color: #CCCCCC;" />
<view class="price_num">
<subtractive v-if='item.number==0' style="margin-top: 10rpx;margin-left: 20rpx;"
class="step" :min="0" :max="item.attrValue[index].stock" :value="peicenumber"
:isMax="true" :isMin="true" index="11" @eventChange="numberChange($event,i)">
<subtractive v-else style="margin-top: 10rpx;margin-left: 20rpx;" class="step"
:min="0" :max="item.attrValue[index].stock" :value="item.number" :isMax="true"
:isMin="true" index="11" @increment="incrementTotal($event,i,item)"
<view v-else class="empty">
<image src="/static/images/no_thing.png"></image>
<view class="foot_bar">
<button class="confirm_btn" @click="submit">确定({{checkedArr.length}})</button>
import Loading from '@/components/Loading/index.vue';
import subtractive from '@/components/subtractive/subtractive.vue';
import {
} from "@/api/trading-floor";
import {
} from "vuex";
export default {
props: {
checkedObj: {
type: Array,
default: []
computed: mapGetters(['viewColor']),
components: {
data() {
return {
isActive: 0,
loadedb: false,
loadingb: false,
loadedc: false,
loadingc: false,
loadeds: false,
loadings: false,
whereb: {
page: 1,
limit: 10,
keyword: '',
peicenumber: 0,
searchVal: "",
checked: [],
list: [],
bought: [],
checkedArr: [],
aryys: [],
// picker下拉数据源
storageCustomList: [{
CustGoodsCode: "TEST001",
CustGoodsName: "测试货主001",
IfBoxId: 0,
IfProductId: 0,
}, {
CustGoodsCode: "TEST002",
CustGoodsName: "测试货主002",
IfBoxId: 0,
IfProductId: 0,
}, {
CustGoodsCode: "TEST003",
CustGoodsName: "测试货主003",
IfBoxId: 0,
IfProductId: 0,
index: 0,
pickerData: '请选择',
itstock: '',
watch: {
checkedObj: {
handler(n) {
this.checkedArr = n
deep: true
mounted() {
this.checkedArr = this.checkedObj
this.aryys = this.checkedObj
methods: {
producrprice(e, i, item) {
this.bought[i].price = e.detail.value
this.$set(item, 'check', false);
for (let i in this.checkedArr) {
if (this.checkedArr[i].product_id == item.product_id) {
this.checkedArr.splice(i, 1)
incrementTotal(e, i, item) {
// console.log(e, i, item)
this.$set(item, 'check', false);
for (let i in this.checkedArr) {
if (this.checkedArr[i].product_id == item.product_id) {
this.checkedArr.splice(i, 1)
// picker修改事件
bindPickerChange: function(e, storage, num) {
this.bought[num].attrValue[this.index].sku = storage[e.detail.value].sku
this.bought[num].attrValue[this.index].stock = storage[e.detail.value].stock
this.bought[num].product_attr_unique = storage[e.detail.value].unique
this.pickerData = storage[this.index] // 这里就是选中的对象
if (this.bought[num].attrValue[this.index].stock == 0) {
title: '库存不足'
// 点击关闭按钮
close() {
numberChange(data, i) {
this.peicenumber = data.number;
this.bought[i].number = data.number
tabs(index) {
this.isActive = index
this.$set(this.whereb, 'keyword', '');
this.searchVal = ''
onTouchmove(e) {
if (this.loadendb) return;
if (this.loadingb) return;
const query = uni.createSelectorQuery().in(this);
query.select('#goods').boundingClientRect(data => {
if (data.bottom < 1500 && data.top < 0) {
// 模拟触底刷新
setValue: function(event) {
this.$set(this.whereb, 'keyword', event.detail.value);
if (!event.detail.value) {
this.whereb.page = 1
this.loadedb = false
searchBut() {
this.bought = []
this.whereb.page = 1
this.loadedb = false
getBounht() {
var that = this;
// console.log('1111111', that.loadingb, that.loadedb)
if (that.loadingb || that.loadedb) return;
that.loadingb = true;
res => {
that.loadingb = false;
that.loadedb = res.data.list.length < that.whereb.limit;
that.bought.push.apply(that.bought, res.data.list);
that.whereb.page = that.whereb.page + 1;
error => {
title: error.msg
getInitchecked(arr) {
let that = this;
arr.forEach((item, index) => {
that.$set(item, 'check', false);
that.checkedArr.forEach((val, i) => {
if (item.product_id == val.product_id) {
that.$set(item, 'check', true);
that.$set(item, 'number', val.number);
that.$set(item, 'price', val.price);
getCheckedGoods() {
this.checked = []
this.checkedArr.forEach((item, index) => {
goodsCheck(item) {
this.$set(item, 'check', !item.check);
if (item.check) {
if (this.peicenumber == 0) {
item.number = 1
if (!item.product_attr_unique) {
item.product_attr_unique = item.attrValue[0].unique
} else {
this.checkedArr.splice(this.checkedArr.findIndex(itemn => ((itemn.product_id == item.product_id))), 1)
submit() {
this.$emit('getProduct', this.checkedArr);
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.containers {
background: #ffffff;
border-radius: 16rpx 16rpx 0 0;
padding: 40rpx 0;
position: relative;
.header {
position: relative;
padding: 0 30rpx;
.title {
width: 100%;
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text {
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&.on {
color: #333333;
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&::after {
content: "";
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image {
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position: relative;
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font-size: 24rpx;
color: #939393;
position: absolute;
top: 20rpx;
left: 30rpx;
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color: #999999;
font-size: 26rpx;
.sub_title {
color: #282828;
font-size: 26rpx;
margin-top: 30rpx;
.iconfont {
color: #8A8A8A;
font-size: 28rpx;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
right: 30rpx;
scroll-view {
height: 650rpx;
.main {
height: 650rpx;
margin: 40rpx 0 80rpx;
padding: 0 30rpx;
.picTxt {
width: 100%;
padding: 25rpx 0;
position: relative;
align-items: center;
justify-content: space-between;
border-top: 2rpx solid #E7E6E4;
.picTxt_one {
white-space: nowrap;
overflow: hidden;
.picTxt_one {
display: flex;
margin-top: 20rpx;
.slecte {
margin-right: 30rpx;
width: 280rpx;
height: 60rpx;
line-height: 60rpx;
text-align: center;
font-size: 28rpx;
font-family: PingFang SC-Regular, PingFang SC;
font-weight: 400;
color: #959595;
background-color: #E7E6E4;
border-radius: 10rpx 10rpx 10rpx 10rpx;
white-space: nowrap;
overflow: hidden;
.picTxt_price {
display: flex;
margin-top: 37rpx;
height: 70rpx;
line-height: 70rpx;
.price {
display: flex;
margin-right: 15rpx;
input {
width: 210rpx;
text-align: center;
height: 70rpx;
background: #F5F5F5;
border-radius: 7rpx 7rpx 7rpx 7rpx;
font-size: 28rpx;
font-family: PingFang SC-Regular, PingFang SC;
font-weight: 400;
margin-left: 20rpx;
.price_num {
display: flex;
.checkbox {
margin-right: 30rpx;
.iconfont {
font-size: 38rpx;
color: #CCCCCC;
.icon-xuanzhong1 {
color: var(--view-theme);
.disabled {
pointer-events: none;
cursor: default;
opacity: 0.3;
.pictrue {
width: 160rpx;
height: 160rpx;
image {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
border-radius: 8rpx;
.text {
width: 430rpx;
margin-left: 30rpx;
font-size: 28rpx;
color: #282828;
position: relative;
height: 160rpx;
.name {
color: #282828;
font-size: 28rpx;
.money {
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
color: var(--view-priceColor);
font-size: 22rpx;
font-weight: bold;
text {
font-size: 26rpx;
.foot_bar {
width: 100%;
position: fixed;
// bottom: 54px;
left: 0;
padding: 20rpx 0;
z-index: 5;
.confirm_btn {
width: 710rpx;
height: 86rpx;
line-height: 86rpx;
color: #ffffff;
text-align: center;
font-size: 32rpx;
background: var(--view-theme);
border-radius: 43rpx;
margin: 0 auto;
.empty {
margin: 130rpx 0 150rpx;
text-align: center;
uni-image {
display: inline-block;
width: 414rpx;
height: 305rpx;
text {
display: block;
color: #999999;
font-size: 26rpx;
@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
<view v-if="show"
:style="{width: systemInfo.width + 'px', height: systemInfo.height + 'px', backgroundColor: bgcolor, position: 'absolute', left: 0, top: 0, zIndex: 9998}">
<view v-for="(item,rect_idx) in skeletonRectLists" :key="rect_idx + 'rect'"
:class="[loading == 'chiaroscuro' ? 'chiaroscuro' : '']"
:style="{width: item.width + 'px', height: item.height + 'px', backgroundColor: 'rgb(194, 207, 214,.3)', position: 'absolute', left: item.left + 'px', top: item.top + 'px'}">
<view v-for="(item,circle_idx) in skeletonCircleLists" :key="circle_idx + 'circle'"
:class="loading == 'chiaroscuro' ? 'chiaroscuro' : ''"
:style="{width: item.width + 'px', height: item.height + 'px', backgroundColor: 'rgb(194, 207, 214,.3)', borderRadius: item.width + 'px', position: 'absolute', left: item.left + 'px', top: item.top + 'px'}">
<view class="spinbox" v-if="loading == 'spin'">
<view class="spin"></view>
export default {
name: "skeleton",
props: {
bgcolor: {
type: String,
value: '#FFF'
selector: {
type: String,
value: 'skeleton'
loading: {
type: String,
value: 'spin'
show: {
type: Boolean,
value: false
isNodes: {
type: Number,
value: false
} //控制什么时候开始抓取元素节点,只要数值改变就重新抓取
data() {
return {
loadingAni: ['spin', 'chiaroscuro'],
systemInfo: {},
skeletonRectLists: [],
skeletonCircleLists: []
watch: {
isNodes(val) {
mounted() {
methods: {
attachedAction: function() {
const systemInfo = uni.getSystemInfoSync();
this.systemInfo = {
width: systemInfo.windowWidth,
height: systemInfo.windowHeight
this.loading = this.loadingAni.includes(this.loading) ? this.loading : 'spin';
readyAction: function() {
const that = this;
uni.createSelectorQuery().selectAll(`.${this.selector}`).boundingClientRect().exec(function(res) {
that.systemInfo.height = res[0][0].height + res[0][0].top;
rectHandle: function() {
const that = this;
uni.createSelectorQuery().selectAll(`.${this.selector}-rect`).boundingClientRect().exec(function(res) {
that.skeletonRectLists = res[0];
radiusHandle() {
const that = this;
uni.createSelectorQuery().selectAll(`.${this.selector}-radius`).boundingClientRect().exec(function(res) {
that.skeletonCircleLists = res[0];
.spinbox {
position: fixed;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
z-index: 9999
.spin {
display: inline-block;
width: 64rpx;
height: 64rpx;
.spin:after {
content: " ";
display: block;
width: 46rpx;
height: 46rpx;
margin: 1rpx;
border-radius: 50%;
border: 5rpx solid #409eff;
border-color: #409eff transparent #409eff transparent;
animation: spin 1.2s linear infinite;
@keyframes spin {
0% {
transform: rotate(0deg);
100% {
transform: rotate(360deg);
.chiaroscuro {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background: rgb(194, 207, 214);
animation-duration: 2s;
animation-name: blink;
animation-iteration-count: infinite;
@keyframes blink {
0% {
opacity: .4;
50% {
opacity: 1;
100% {
opacity: .4;
@keyframes flush {
0% {
left: -100%;
50% {
left: 0;
100% {
left: 100%;
.shine {
animation: flush 2s linear infinite;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
width: 100%;
background: linear-gradient(to left,
rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) 0%,
rgba(255, 255, 255, .85) 50%,
rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) 100%)
@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
<!-- 产品参数 -->
<view class="specs" :class="specsInfo.show === true ? 'on' : ''">
<view class="title">商品参数<text class="iconfont icon-guanbi5" @click="closeSpecs"></text></view>
<view class="list">
<view class="item acea-row" v-for="(item,index) in specsInfo.params" :key="index">
<view class="name">{{item.name}}</view>
<view class="val">{{item.value}}</view>
<view class="bnt" @click="closeSpecs">完成</view>
<slot name="bottom"></slot>
<view class="mask" @touchmove.prevent :hidden="specsInfo.show === false" @click="closeSpecs"></view>
export default {
props: {
specsInfo: {
type: Object,
default: () => {}
data() {
return {};
mounted() {},
methods: {
<style scoped lang="scss">
position: fixed;
bottom: 0;
width: 100%;
left: 0;
background-color: #fff;
z-index: 280;
border-radius: 16rpx 16rpx 0 0;
transform: translate3d(0, 100%, 0);
transition: all .3s cubic-bezier(.25, .5, .5, .9);
padding-bottom: 22rpx;
padding-bottom: calc(22rpx+ constant(safe-area-inset-bottom)); ///兼容 IOS<11.2/
padding-bottom: calc(22rpx + env(safe-area-inset-bottom)); ///兼容 IOS>11.2/
font-size: 32rpx;
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font-weight: normal;
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margin: 0 30rpx;
color: #999999;
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word-break: break-all;
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word-break: break-all;
color: #282828;
width: 690rpx;
height: 86rpx;
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line-height: 86rpx;
border-radius: 43rpx;
background-color: var(--view-theme);
font-size: 30rpx;
color: #fff;
margin: 0 auto;
transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);
@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
<view class="uni-numbox">
<!-- -部分 -->
<view class="uni-numbox-minus" @click="_calcValue('subtract')">
<text :class="minDisabled?'uni-numbox-disabled': ''">-</text>
<!-- 中间输入数值部分 -->
<input class="uni-numbox-value" type="number" :disabled="disabled" :value="inputValue" @blur="_onBlur">
<!-- + 部分 -->
<view class="uni-numbox-plus" @click="_calcValue('add')">
<text :class="maxDisabled?'uni-numbox-disabled': ''">+</text>
export default {
name: 'uni-number-box',
props: {
// isMax 是否有上限设置
isMax: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
// isMin 是否有下限设置
isMin: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
// index 唯一值,如果一个页面有多个数量增减组件时,起到唯一的作用
index: {
type: String,
default: 0
// value 是数值
value: {
type: Number,
default: 0
// min 最小值
min: {
type: Number,
default: -Infinity
// max 最大值
max: {
type: Number,
default: Infinity
// step 步长
step: {
type: Number,
default: 1
// disabled 是否禁用
disabled: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
data() {
return {
inputValue: this.value,
minDisabled: false,
maxDisabled: false
created() {
this.maxDisabled = this.isMax;
this.minDisabled = this.isMin;
computed: {
watch: {
inputValue(number) {
const data = {
number: number,
index: this.index
this.$emit('eventChange', data);
methods: {
_calcValue(type) {
const scale = this._getDecimalScale();
let value = this.inputValue * scale;
let newValue = 0;
let step = this.step * scale;
if (type === 'subtract') {
newValue = value - step;
if (newValue <= this.min) {
this.minDisabled = true;
if (newValue < this.min) {
newValue = this.min
title: '达到最小值了',
icon: 'error'
if (newValue < this.max && this.maxDisabled === true) {
this.maxDisabled = false;
} else if (type === 'add') {
newValue = value + step;
if (newValue >= this.max) {
this.maxDisabled = true;
if (newValue > this.max) {
title: '达到最大值了',
icon: 'error'
newValue = this.max
if (newValue > this.min && this.minDisabled === true) {
this.minDisabled = false;
if (newValue === value) {
this.inputValue = newValue / scale;
this.$emit('increment', this.inputValue)
_getDecimalScale() {
let scale = 1;
// 浮点型
if (~~this.step !== this.step) {
scale = Math.pow(10, (this.step + '').split('.')[1].length);
return scale;
_onBlur(event) {
let value = event.detail.value;
if (!value) {
this.inputValue = 0;
value = +value;
if (value > this.max) {
value = this.max;
} else if (value < this.min) {
value = this.min
this.inputValue = value
.uni-numbox {
/* position:absolute; */
/* left: 30upx;
bottom: 0; */
display: flex;
justify-content: flex-start;
align-items: center;
width: 200upx;
height: 50upx;
/* background:#f5f5f5; */
.uni-numbox-minus {
background: #EEEEEE !important;
color: #909399 !important;
.uni-numbox-plus {
margin: 0;
width: 53rpx;
height: 53rpx;
background-color: #F84221;
opacity: 1;
line-height: 53rpx;
text-align: center;
position: relative;
color: #fff;
font-size: 40upx;
.uni-numbox-minus .yticon,
.uni-numbox-plus .yticon {
font-size: 36upx;
color: #555;
.uni-numbox-minus {
/* border-right: none;
border-top-left-radius: 6upx;
border-bottom-left-radius: 6upx; */
.uni-numbox-plus {
/* border-left: none;
border-top-right-radius: 6upx;
border-bottom-right-radius: 6upx; */
.uni-numbox-value {
position: relative;
/* background-color: #f5f5f5; */
width: 90upx;
height: 50upx;
text-align: center;
padding: 0;
font-size: 30upx;
.uni-numbox-disabled.yticon {
color: #d6d6d6;
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
<view class='swiper'>
<swiper :autoplay="autoplay" :circular="circular" :interval="interval" :duration="duration" @change="swiperChange">
<block v-for="(item,index) in imgUrls" :key="index">
<navigator :url="item.link" style='width:100%;height:100%;' hover-class='none'><image :src="item.img" class="slide-image"/></navigator>
<view class="dots acea-row">
<view class="dot" :class="index == currentSwiper ? 'active' : ''" v-for="(item,index) in imgUrls" :key="index"></view>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
export default {
props: {
imgUrls: {
type: Array,
default: function(){
return [];
data() {
return {
circular: true,
autoplay: true,
interval: 3000,
duration: 500,
currentSwiper: 0
methods: {
swiperChange: function (e) {
this.currentSwiper = e.detail.current
<style scoped lang="scss">
.swiper swiper{width:100%;height:100%;position:relative;}
.swiper swiper .slide-image{width:100%;height:100%;}
.swiper .dots{position:absolute;right:40rpx;bottom:20rpx;}
.swiper .dots .dot{width:12rpx;height:12rpx;border:2rpx solid #fff;border-radius:50%;margin-right:15rpx;}
.swiper .dots .dot.active{border-color:#e93323;background-color:#e93323;}
@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
<canvas v-if="canvasId" :id="canvasId" :canvasId="canvasId" :style="{'width':cWidth*pixelRatio+'px','height':cHeight*pixelRatio+'px', 'transform': 'scale('+(1/pixelRatio)+')','margin-left':-cWidth*(pixelRatio-1)/2+'px','margin-top':-cHeight*(pixelRatio-1)/2+'px'}"
@touchstart="touchStart" @touchmove="touchMove" @touchend="touchEnd" @error="error">
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2021 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
import uCharts from './u-charts.js';
var canvases = {};
export default {
props: {
chartType: {
required: true,
type: String,
default: 'column'
opts: {
required: true,
type: Object,
default () {
return null;
canvasId: {
type: String,
default: 'u-canvas',
cWidth: {
default: 375,
cHeight: {
default: 250,
pixelRatio: {
type: Number,
default: 1,
mounted() {
methods: {
init() {
switch (this.chartType) {
case 'column':
case 'line':
initColumnChart() {
canvases[this.canvasId] = new uCharts({
$this: this,
canvasId: this.canvasId,
type: 'column',
legend: true,
fontSize: 11,
background: '#FFFFFF',
pixelRatio: this.pixelRatio,
animation: true,
categories: this.opts.categories,
series: this.opts.series,
enableScroll: true,
xAxis: {
disableGrid: true,
itemCount: 4,
scrollShow: true
yAxis: {
dataLabel: true,
width: this.cWidth * this.pixelRatio,
height: this.cHeight * this.pixelRatio,
extra: {
column: {
type: 'group',
initLineChart() {
canvases[this.canvasId] = new uCharts({
$this: this,
canvasId: this.canvasId,
type: 'line',
fontSize: 11,
legend: true,
dataLabel: false,
dataPointShape: true,
background: '#FFFFFF',
pixelRatio: this.pixelRatio,
categories: this.opts.categories,
series: this.opts.series,
animation: true,
enableScroll: true,
xAxis: {
type: 'grid',
gridColor: '#CCCCCC',
gridType: 'dash',
dashLength: 8,
itemCount: 4,
scrollShow: true
yAxis: {
gridType: 'dash',
gridColor: '#CCCCCC',
dashLength: 8,
splitNumber: 5,
min: 10,
max: 180,
format: (val) => {
return val.toFixed(0) + '元'
width: this.cWidth * this.pixelRatio,
height: this.cHeight * this.pixelRatio,
extra: {
line: {
type: 'straight'
// 这里仅作为示例传入两个参数,cid为canvas-id,newdata为更新的数据,需要更多参数请自行修改
changeData(cid,newdata) {
series: newdata.series,
categories: newdata.categories
touchStart(e) {
canvases[this.canvasId].showToolTip(e, {
format: function(item, category) {
return category + ' ' + item.name + ':' + item.data
touchMove(e) {
touchEnd(e) {
error(e) {}
<style scoped>
.charts {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
flex: 1;
background-color: #FFFFFF;
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