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* @Descripttion : FOXCMS 是一款高效的 PHP 多端跨平台内容管理系统
* @Author : FoxCMS Team
* @Date : 2023/6/26 15:02
* @version : V1.08
* @copyright : ©2021-现在 贵州黔狐科技股份有限公司 版权所有
* @LastEditTime : 2023/6/26 15:02
namespace app\admin\controller;
use app\admin\util\Zipdown;
use app\common\controller\AdminBase;
use app\common\model\AuthRule;
use app\common\model\Template;
use app\common\model\UploadFiles as UploadFilesModel;
use OSS\Core\OssException;
use think\facade\View;
use think\File;
// 本地模板
class LocalTemplate extends AdminBase
public function index($page = 1, $pageSize = 10)
$param = $this->request->param();
$runStatus = 1; //默认的选择模板
if (array_key_exists('runStatus', $param)) {
$runStatus = $param["runStatus"];
View::assign("runStatus", $runStatus);
if ($this->request->isAjax()) {
$where = array();
if (array_key_exists('runStatus', $param) && !empty($param['runStatus'])) {
if (intval($param['runStatus']) == 2) {
array_push($where, ['run_status', '=', 2]);
} else {
array_push($where, ['run_status', '<>', 2]);
array_push($where, ['status', '=', 1]);
$condition = array();
if (array_key_exists('keyword', $param) && !empty($param['keyword'])) {
array_push($condition, ['title|code', 'like', '%' . $param['keyword'] . '%']);
$list = (new Template())->where([$where])->where($condition)->order("sort", "desc")->paginate(['page' => $page, 'list_rows' => $pageSize])->toArray();
$this->success('查询成功', '', $list);
return view('index');
// 模板设置
public function localTemplateSet()
$param = $this->request->param();
$id = $param['id'];
$bcid = $param['bcid'];
View::assign('bcid', $bcid);
$ids = explode('_', $bcid);
$authRuleId = $ids[sizeof($ids) - 1]; //栏目id
$authRule = AuthRule::find($authRuleId);
$bcidStr = str_replace(",", "_", $authRule->tier);
$breadcrumb = AuthRule::getBreadcrumb($bcidStr);
array_push($breadcrumb, ['id' => '', 'title' => '模板信息', 'name' => DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . config('adminconfig.admin_path') . '/LocalTemplate/templateSet', 'url' => 'javascript:void(0)']);
View::assign("breadcrumb", $breadcrumb);
$template = Template::find($id);
View::assign("template", $template);
return view('local_template_set');
// 模板导入
public function importTemplate()
$param = $this->request->param();
$columnId = $param['columnId'];
$runStatus = $param['runStatus']; //当选的模板
View::assign("runStatus", $runStatus);
View::assign("columnId", $columnId);
$authRule = AuthRule::find($columnId);
$bcidStr = str_replace(",", "_", $authRule->tier);
$breadcrumb = AuthRule::getBreadcrumb($bcidStr);
array_push($breadcrumb, ['id' => '', 'title' => '本地模板导入', 'name' => DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . config('adminconfig.admin_path') . '/LocalTemplate/import', 'url' => 'javascript:void(0)']);
View::assign("breadcrumb", $breadcrumb);
return view('import_template');
// 启用模板
public function startUse()
if ($this->request->isGet()) {
$param = $this->request->param();
if (array_key_exists("id", $param)) {
$id = $param['id'];
$templateeModel = new Template();
$oldTemp = $templateeModel->where('run_status', 1)->find();
$isUpdateAll = false;
$skinPath = config('filesystem.disks.public.root') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'templates' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "skin"; //静态路径文件
if ($oldTemp) { //原模板
$isUpdateAll = $templateeModel->update(["id" => $oldTemp->id, 'run_status' => 0, 'sort' => 0]);
$oldTempName = $oldTemp->template; //原模板
$oldTempDir = config('filesystem.disks.public.root') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'templates' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $oldTempName . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "skin"; //原模板路径
if (tp_mkdir($oldTempDir)) {
xCopy($skinPath, $oldTempDir); //复制静态文件
$isUpdate = $templateeModel->update(['sort' => 1, 'run_status' => 1, 'id' => $id]);
if ($isUpdateAll) {
if ($isUpdate) {
$curTemp = $templateeModel->find($id);
if ($curTemp) {
$curTempName = $curTemp->template; //当前模板
$curTempDir = config('filesystem.disks.public.root') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'templates' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $curTempName . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "skin"; //当前模板路径
delDir($skinPath); //先清空
if (tp_mkdir($skinPath)) {
xCopy($curTempDir, $skinPath); //复制静态文件
} else {
} else {
} else {
// 安装模板
public function installTemplate()
if ($this->request->isGet()) {
$param = $this->request->param();
if (array_key_exists("id", $param)) {
$id = $param['id'];
$templateeModel = new Template();
$isUpdate = $templateeModel->update(['sort' => 0, 'run_status' => 0, 'id' => $id]);
if ($isUpdate) {
} else {
} else {
// 导入模板
public function import()
$allowedExts = array("zip");
$temp = explode(".", $_FILES["file"]["name"]);
$extension = end($temp); // 获取文件后缀名
if (in_array($extension, $allowedExts)) {
if ($_FILES["file"]["error"] > 0) {
return ['code' => 0, 'msg' => "错误:: " . $_FILES["file"]["error"]];
} else {
// 判断当期目录下的 upload 目录是否存在该文件
// 如果没有 upload 目录你需要创建它upload 目录权限为 777
if (file_exists("uploads" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $_FILES["file"]["name"])) {
return ['code' => 0, 'msg' => $_FILES["file"]["name"] . " 文件已经存在。 "];
} else {
$zipdown = new Zipdown();
$fileName = $_FILES["file"]["name"]; //上传文件名
$fName = $zipdown->cutStr($fileName); //去掉后缀的文件名
$tem = Template::where('template', $fName)->find();
if ($tem) {
return ['code' => 0, 'msg' => $fName . " 模型已经存在。 "];
$result = UploadFilesModel::uploadFile(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "template" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "files");
if ($result['id'] > 0) {
$type = $this->request->param("type");
if ($type == "template") { //模型
$file_path = config('filesystem.disks.public.root') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $result['file'];
$file = new File($file_path); //减压文件
$dirname = config('filesystem.disks.public.root') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'templates' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; //解压目录
$r = $zipdown->unZipFile($file, $dirname);
if ($r) { //解压成功
$decTemplate = $dirname . $fName; //解压的模型文件夹
$explainFilePath = $decTemplate . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . config('filesystem.template.explain'); //模板说明文件
$contentArr = $zipdown->getTxtContent($explainFilePath);
$saveData = []; //保存数据
foreach ($contentArr as $k => $content) {
if (strpos($content, "#") !== false) { //存在
$posNum = strpos($content, '-') + 1;
$saveCont = substr($content, $posNum, strlen($content));
$contentV = $contentArr[($k + 1)];
if ($saveCont == "type") {
$contentVArr = [];
if (strpos($contentV, "电脑") !== false) {
array_push($contentVArr, 1);
if (strpos($contentV, "手机") !== false) {
array_push($contentVArr, 2);
if (strpos($contentV, "自适应") !== false) {
array_push($contentVArr, 4);
if ((sizeof($contentVArr) == 2)) {
$contentVArr = [3];
$contentV = implode(',', $contentVArr);
$saveData[$saveCont] = $contentV;
} else {
$thumbFilePath = getFile($decTemplate, config('filesystem.template.thumb'), false);
$rtuf = UploadFilesModel::saveUpload(new File($thumbFilePath));
if ($rtuf && $rtuf['code'] == 1) {
$saveData['thumb_id'] = $rtuf['id'];
$detailFilePath = getFile($decTemplate, config('filesystem.template.detail'), false);
$rdfp = UploadFilesModel::saveUpload(new File($detailFilePath));
if ($rdfp && $rdfp['code'] == 1) {
$saveData['detail_id'] = $rdfp['id'];
$saveData['template'] = $fName;
$saveData['directory'] = "templates" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fName;
$saveData['run_status'] = 2; //未安装
if ($result && $result["code"] == 1) {
$saveData['upload_template_id'] = $result["id"]; //上传模板文件id
(new Template())->save($saveData);
return json($result);
} else {
return ['code' => 0, 'msg' => $_FILES["file"]["name"] . "非法的文件格式"];
// 导出模板
public function export($id)
$templateModel = Template::find($id);
$zipName = $templateModel->template;
$dirname = config('filesystem.disks.public.root') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'templates' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $zipName;
$hh = "\r\n";
$explain = "#模板标题-title" . $hh; //标题说明
$explain .= $templateModel->title . $hh; //标题
$explain .= "#模板编号-code" . $hh; //编码说明
$explain .= $templateModel->code . $hh; //编码
$explain .= "#模板作者-author" . $hh; //作者说明
$explain .= $templateModel->author . $hh; //作者
$explain .= "#发布时间-release_time" . $hh; //发布时间说明
$explain .= $templateModel->release_time . $hh; //发布时间
$explain .= "#模板类型-type" . $hh; //模板类型说明
$typeCont = "自适应";
if ($templateModel->type == 1) {
$typeCont = "电脑";
} elseif ($templateModel->type == 2) {
$typeCont = "手机";
} elseif ($templateModel->type == 3) {
$typeCont = "电脑、手机";
$explain .= $typeCont . $hh; //类型
$explain .= "#模板描述-describe" . $hh; //模板描述说明
$explain .= $templateModel->describe . $hh; //模板描述
$pfile = write($dirname . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, "explain.txt", $explain, FILE_USE_INCLUDE_PATH); //写说明文件
$suffix_t = pathinfo($templateModel->thumb_url, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); //缩略图后缀名
$suffix_d = pathinfo($templateModel->detail_url, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); //详细图后缀名
$uf = new UploadFilesModel();
if ((strpos($templateModel->thumb_url, 'https:') !== false) || (strpos($templateModel->thumb_url, 'http:') !== false)) { //判断地址 缩略图
$uf->download($templateModel->thumb_url, 'thumb.' . $suffix_t, $dirname);
} else {
$thumbUrlF = config('filesystem.disks.public.root') . $templateModel->thumb_url; //缩略图
copyFile($thumbUrlF, $dirname . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "thumb." . $suffix_t); //缩略图路径
if ((strpos($templateModel->detail_url, 'https:') !== false) || (strpos($templateModel->detail_url, 'http:') !== false)) { //判断地址 详细图
$uf->download($templateModel->detail_url, 'detail.' . $suffix_d, $dirname);
} else {
$detailUrlF = config('filesystem.disks.public.root') . $templateModel->detail_url; //详细图
copyFile($detailUrlF, $dirname . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "detail." . $suffix_d); //缩略图路径
$templateFiles = dirFile($dirname, $dirname); //获取模板下所有文件
(new Zipdown())->zipTemplate($templateFiles, $zipName);
// 删除模板
public function delete()
$id = intval($this->request->get('id'));
!($id > 0) && $this->error('参数错误');
$templateModel = Template::find($id);
$upload_template_id = $templateModel->upload_template_id; //模型文件id
if (!empty($upload_template_id)) {
$delDir = config('filesystem.disks.public.root') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "templates" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $templateModel->template;
delDir($delDir); //删除模型文件