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2023-11-08 18:02:55 +08:00
require_once __DIR__ . '/Common.php';
use OSS\OssClient;
use OSS\Core\OssException;
use OSS\Model\RestoreConfig;
$bucket = Common::getBucketName();
$ossClient = Common::getOssClient();
if (is_null($ossClient)) exit(1);
//******************************* Simple usage ***************************************************************
// Upload the in-memory string (hi, oss) to an OSS file
$result = $ossClient->putObject($bucket, "b.file", "hi, oss");
Common::println("b.file is created");
// Uploads a local file to an OSS file
$result = $ossClient->uploadFile($bucket, "c.file", __FILE__);
Common::println("c.file is created");
Common::println("b.file is created");
// Download an oss object as an in-memory variable
$content = $ossClient->getObject($bucket, "b.file");
Common::println("b.file is fetched, the content is: " . $content);
// Add a symlink to an object
$content = $ossClient->putSymlink($bucket, "test-symlink", "b.file");
Common::println("test-symlink is created");
// Get a symlink
$content = $ossClient->getSymlink($bucket, "test-symlink");
Common::println("test-symlink refer to : " . $content[OssClient::OSS_SYMLINK_TARGET]);
// Download an object to a local file.
$options = array(
OssClient::OSS_FILE_DOWNLOAD => "./c.file.localcopy",
$ossClient->getObject($bucket, "c.file", $options);
Common::println("b.file is fetched to the local file: c.file.localcopy");
Common::println("b.file is created");
// Restore Object
$day = 3;
$tier = 'Expedited';
$config = new RestoreConfig($day,$tier);
$options = array(
OssClient::OSS_RESTORE_CONFIG => $config
$ossClient->restoreObject($bucket, 'b.file',$options);
// Copy an object
$result = $ossClient->copyObject($bucket, "c.file", $bucket, "c.file.copy");
Common::println("lastModifiedTime: " . $result[0]);
Common::println("ETag: " . $result[1]);
// Check whether an object exists
$doesExist = $ossClient->doesObjectExist($bucket, "c.file.copy");
Common::println("file c.file.copy exist? " . ($doesExist ? "yes" : "no"));
// Delete an object
$result = $ossClient->deleteObject($bucket, "c.file.copy");
Common::println("c.file.copy is deleted");
Common::println("b.file is created");
// Check whether an object exists
$doesExist = $ossClient->doesObjectExist($bucket, "c.file.copy");
Common::println("file c.file.copy exist? " . ($doesExist ? "yes" : "no"));
// Delete multiple objects in batch
$result = $ossClient->deleteObjects($bucket, array("b.file", "c.file"));
foreach($result as $object)
// Normal upload and download speed limit
$object= "b.file";
$content = "hello world";
// The speed limit is 100 KB/s, which is 819200 bit/s.
$options = array(
OssClient::OSS_HEADERS => array(
OssClient::OSS_TRAFFIC_LIMIT => 819200,
// Speed limit upload.
$ossClient->putObject($bucket, $object, $content, $options);
// Speed limit download.
$ossClient->getObject($bucket, $object, $options);
// Signed URL upload and download speed limit
// Create a URL for uploading with a limited rate, and the validity period is 60s.
$timeout = 60;
$signedUrl = $ossClient->signUrl($bucket, $object, $timeout, "PUT", $options);
Common::println("b.file speed limit upload url:".$signedUrl.PHP_EOL);
// Create a URL for speed-limited downloads, with a validity period of 120s.
$timeout = 120;
$signedUrl = $ossClient->signUrl($bucket, $object, $timeout, "GET", $options);
Common::println("b.file speed limit download url:".$signedUrl.PHP_EOL);
//******************************* For complete usage, see the following functions ****************************************************
listObjects($ossClient, $bucket);
listObjectsV2($ossClient, $bucket);
listAllObjects($ossClient, $bucket);
createObjectDir($ossClient, $bucket);
putObject($ossClient, $bucket);
uploadFile($ossClient, $bucket);
getObject($ossClient, $bucket);
getObjectToLocalFile($ossClient, $bucket);
copyObject($ossClient, $bucket);
modifyMetaForObject($ossClient, $bucket);
getObjectMeta($ossClient, $bucket);
deleteObject($ossClient, $bucket);
deleteObjects($ossClient, $bucket);
doesObjectExist($ossClient, $bucket);
getSymlink($ossClient, $bucket);
putSymlink($ossClient, $bucket);
putObjectSpeed($ossClient, $bucket);
getObjectSpeed($ossClient, $bucket);
signUrlSpeedUpload($ossClient, $bucket);
signUrlSpeedDownload($ossClient, $bucket);
* Create a 'virtual' folder
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
function createObjectDir($ossClient, $bucket)
try {
$ossClient->createObjectDir($bucket, "dir");
} catch (OssException $e) {
printf(__FUNCTION__ . ": FAILED\n");
printf($e->getMessage() . "\n");
print(__FUNCTION__ . ": OK" . "\n");
* Upload in-memory data to oss
* Simple upload---upload specified in-memory data to an OSS object
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
function putObject($ossClient, $bucket)
$object = "oss-php-sdk-test/upload-test-object-name.txt";
$content = file_get_contents(__FILE__);
$options = array();
try {
$ossClient->putObject($bucket, $object, $content, $options);
} catch (OssException $e) {
printf(__FUNCTION__ . ": FAILED\n");
printf($e->getMessage() . "\n");
print(__FUNCTION__ . ": OK" . "\n");
* Uploads a local file to OSS
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
function uploadFile($ossClient, $bucket)
$object = "oss-php-sdk-test/upload-test-object-name.txt";
$filePath = __FILE__;
$options = array();
try {
$ossClient->uploadFile($bucket, $object, $filePath, $options);
} catch (OssException $e) {
printf(__FUNCTION__ . ": FAILED\n");
printf($e->getMessage() . "\n");
print(__FUNCTION__ . ": OK" . "\n");
* Lists all files and folders in the bucket.
* Note if there's more items than the max-keys specified, the caller needs to use the nextMarker returned as the value for the next call's maker paramter.
* Loop through all the items returned from ListObjects.
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
function listObjects($ossClient, $bucket)
$prefix = 'oss-php-sdk-test/';
$delimiter = '/';
$nextMarker = '';
$maxkeys = 1000;
$options = array(
'delimiter' => $delimiter,
'prefix' => $prefix,
'max-keys' => $maxkeys,
'marker' => $nextMarker,
try {
$listObjectInfo = $ossClient->listObjects($bucket, $options);
} catch (OssException $e) {
printf(__FUNCTION__ . ": FAILED\n");
printf($e->getMessage() . "\n");
print(__FUNCTION__ . ": OK" . "\n");
$objectList = $listObjectInfo->getObjectList(); // object list
$prefixList = $listObjectInfo->getPrefixList(); // directory list
if (!empty($objectList)) {
foreach ($objectList as $objectInfo) {
print($objectInfo->getKey() . "\n");
if($objectInfo->getOwner() != null){
printf("owner id:".$objectInfo->getOwner()->getId() . "\n");
printf("owner name:".$objectInfo->getOwner()->getDisplayName() . "\n");
if (!empty($prefixList)) {
print("prefixList: \n");
foreach ($prefixList as $prefixInfo) {
print($prefixInfo->getPrefix() . "\n");
* Lists all files and folders in the bucket.
* Note if there's more items than the max-keys specified, the caller needs to use the nextMarker returned as the value for the next call's maker paramter.
* Loop through all the items returned from ListObjects.
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
function listObjectsV2($ossClient, $bucket)
$prefix = 'oss-php-sdk-test/';
$delimiter = '/';
$maxkeys = 1000;
$options = array(
'delimiter' => $delimiter,
'prefix' => $prefix,
'max-keys' => $maxkeys,
'start-after' =>'test-object',
'fetch-owner' =>'true',
try {
$listObjectInfo = $ossClient->listObjectsV2($bucket, $options);
} catch (OssException $e) {
printf(__FUNCTION__ . ": FAILED\n");
printf($e->getMessage() . "\n");
print(__FUNCTION__ . ": OK" . "\n");
$objectList = $listObjectInfo->getObjectList(); // object list
$prefixList = $listObjectInfo->getPrefixList(); // directory list
if (!empty($objectList)) {
foreach ($objectList as $objectInfo) {
print($objectInfo->getKey() . "\n");
if($objectInfo->getOwner() != null){
printf("owner id:".$objectInfo->getOwner()->getId() . "\n");
printf("owner name:".$objectInfo->getOwner()->getDisplayName() . "\n");
if (!empty($prefixList)) {
print("prefixList: \n");
foreach ($prefixList as $prefixInfo) {
print($prefixInfo->getPrefix() . "\n");
* Lists all folders and files under the bucket. Use nextMarker repeatedly to get all objects.
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
function listAllObjects($ossClient, $bucket)
// Create dir/obj 'folder' and put some files into it.
for ($i = 0; $i < 100; $i += 1) {
$ossClient->putObject($bucket, "dir/obj" . strval($i), "hi");
$ossClient->createObjectDir($bucket, "dir/obj" . strval($i));
$prefix = 'dir/';
$delimiter = '/';
$nextMarker = '';
$maxkeys = 30;
while (true) {
$options = array(
'delimiter' => $delimiter,
'prefix' => $prefix,
'max-keys' => $maxkeys,
'marker' => $nextMarker,
try {
$listObjectInfo = $ossClient->listObjects($bucket, $options);
} catch (OssException $e) {
printf(__FUNCTION__ . ": FAILED\n");
printf($e->getMessage() . "\n");
// Get the nextMarker, and it would be used as the next call's marker parameter to resume from the last call
$nextMarker = $listObjectInfo->getNextMarker();
$listObject = $listObjectInfo->getObjectList();
$listPrefix = $listObjectInfo->getPrefixList();
if ($nextMarker === '') {
* Get the content of an object.
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
function getObject($ossClient, $bucket)
$object = "oss-php-sdk-test/upload-test-object-name.txt";
$options = array();
try {
$content = $ossClient->getObject($bucket, $object, $options);
} catch (OssException $e) {
printf(__FUNCTION__ . ": FAILED\n");
printf($e->getMessage() . "\n");
print(__FUNCTION__ . ": OK" . "\n");
if (file_get_contents(__FILE__) === $content) {
print(__FUNCTION__ . ": FileContent checked OK" . "\n");
} else {
print(__FUNCTION__ . ": FileContent checked FAILED" . "\n");
* Put symlink
* @param OssClient $ossClient The Instance of OssClient
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
function putSymlink($ossClient, $bucket)
$symlink = "test-samples-symlink";
$object = "test-samples-object";
try {
$ossClient->putObject($bucket, $object, 'test-content');
$ossClient->putSymlink($bucket, $symlink, $object);
$content = $ossClient->getObject($bucket, $symlink);
} catch (OssException $e) {
printf(__FUNCTION__ . ": FAILED\n");
printf($e->getMessage() . "\n");
print(__FUNCTION__ . ": OK" . "\n");
if ($content == 'test-content') {
print(__FUNCTION__ . ": putSymlink checked OK" . "\n");
} else {
print(__FUNCTION__ . ": putSymlink checked FAILED" . "\n");
* Get symlink
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
function getSymlink($ossClient, $bucket)
$symlink = "test-samples-symlink";
$object = "test-samples-object";
try {
$ossClient->putObject($bucket, $object, 'test-content');
$ossClient->putSymlink($bucket, $symlink, $object);
$content = $ossClient->getSymlink($bucket, $symlink);
} catch (OssException $e) {
printf(__FUNCTION__ . ": FAILED\n");
printf($e->getMessage() . "\n");
print(__FUNCTION__ . ": OK" . "\n");
if ($content[OssClient::OSS_SYMLINK_TARGET]) {
print(__FUNCTION__ . ": getSymlink checked OK" . "\n");
} else {
print(__FUNCTION__ . ": getSymlink checked FAILED" . "\n");
* Get_object_to_local_file
* Get object
* Download object to a specified file.
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
function getObjectToLocalFile($ossClient, $bucket)
$object = "oss-php-sdk-test/upload-test-object-name.txt";
$localfile = "upload-test-object-name.txt";
$options = array(
OssClient::OSS_FILE_DOWNLOAD => $localfile,
try {
$ossClient->getObject($bucket, $object, $options);
} catch (OssException $e) {
printf(__FUNCTION__ . ": FAILED\n");
printf($e->getMessage() . "\n");
print(__FUNCTION__ . ": OK, please check localfile: 'upload-test-object-name.txt'" . "\n");
if (file_get_contents($localfile) === file_get_contents(__FILE__)) {
print(__FUNCTION__ . ": FileContent checked OK" . "\n");
} else {
print(__FUNCTION__ . ": FileContent checked FAILED" . "\n");
if (file_exists($localfile)) {
* Copy object
* When the source object is same as the target one, copy operation will just update the metadata.
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
function copyObject($ossClient, $bucket)
$fromBucket = $bucket;
$fromObject = "oss-php-sdk-test/upload-test-object-name.txt";
$toBucket = $bucket;
$toObject = $fromObject . '.copy';
$options = array();
try {
$ossClient->copyObject($fromBucket, $fromObject, $toBucket, $toObject, $options);
} catch (OssException $e) {
printf(__FUNCTION__ . ": FAILED\n");
printf($e->getMessage() . "\n");
print(__FUNCTION__ . ": OK" . "\n");
* Update Object Meta
* it leverages the feature of copyObject when the source object is just the target object, the metadata could be updated via copy
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
function modifyMetaForObject($ossClient, $bucket)
$fromBucket = $bucket;
$fromObject = "oss-php-sdk-test/upload-test-object-name.txt";
$toBucket = $bucket;
$toObject = $fromObject;
$copyOptions = array(
OssClient::OSS_HEADERS => array(
'Cache-Control' => 'max-age=60',
'Content-Disposition' => 'attachment; filename="xxxxxx"',
try {
$ossClient->copyObject($fromBucket, $fromObject, $toBucket, $toObject, $copyOptions);
} catch (OssException $e) {
printf(__FUNCTION__ . ": FAILED\n");
printf($e->getMessage() . "\n");
print(__FUNCTION__ . ": OK" . "\n");
* Get object meta, that is, getObjectMeta
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
function getObjectMeta($ossClient, $bucket)
$object = "oss-php-sdk-test/upload-test-object-name.txt";
try {
$objectMeta = $ossClient->getObjectMeta($bucket, $object);
} catch (OssException $e) {
printf(__FUNCTION__ . ": FAILED\n");
printf($e->getMessage() . "\n");
print(__FUNCTION__ . ": OK" . "\n");
if (isset($objectMeta[strtolower('Content-Disposition')]) &&
'attachment; filename="xxxxxx"' === $objectMeta[strtolower('Content-Disposition')]
) {
print(__FUNCTION__ . ": ObjectMeta checked OK" . "\n");
} else {
print(__FUNCTION__ . ": ObjectMeta checked FAILED" . "\n");
* Delete an object
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
function deleteObject($ossClient, $bucket)
$object = "oss-php-sdk-test/upload-test-object-name.txt";
try {
$ossClient->deleteObject($bucket, $object);
} catch (OssException $e) {
printf(__FUNCTION__ . ": FAILED\n");
printf($e->getMessage() . "\n");
print(__FUNCTION__ . ": OK" . "\n");
* Delete multiple objects in batch
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
function deleteObjects($ossClient, $bucket)
$objects = array();
$objects[] = "oss-php-sdk-test/upload-test-object-name.txt";
$objects[] = "oss-php-sdk-test/upload-test-object-name.txt.copy";
try {
$ossClient->deleteObjects($bucket, $objects);
} catch (OssException $e) {
printf(__FUNCTION__ . ": FAILED\n");
printf($e->getMessage() . "\n");
print(__FUNCTION__ . ": OK" . "\n");
* Check whether an object exists
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
function doesObjectExist($ossClient, $bucket)
$object = "oss-php-sdk-test/upload-test-object-name.txt";
try {
$exist = $ossClient->doesObjectExist($bucket, $object);
} catch (OssException $e) {
printf(__FUNCTION__ . ": FAILED\n");
printf($e->getMessage() . "\n");
print(__FUNCTION__ . ": OK" . "\n");
* Speed limit upload.
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
function putObjectSpeed($ossClient, $bucket)
$object = "upload-test-object-name.txt";
$content = file_get_contents(__FILE__);
$options = array(
OssClient::OSS_HEADERS => array(
OssClient::OSS_TRAFFIC_LIMIT => 819200,
try {
$ossClient->putObject($bucket, $object, $content, $options);
} catch (OssException $e) {
printf(__FUNCTION__ . ": FAILED\n");
printf($e->getMessage() . "\n");
print(__FUNCTION__ . ": OK" . "\n");
* Speed limit download.
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
function getObjectSpeed($ossClient, $bucket)
$object = "upload-test-object-name.txt";
$options = array(
OssClient::OSS_HEADERS => array(
OssClient::OSS_TRAFFIC_LIMIT => 819200,
try {
$ossClient->getObject($bucket, $object, $options);
} catch (OssException $e) {
printf(__FUNCTION__ . ": FAILED\n");
printf($e->getMessage() . "\n");
print(__FUNCTION__ . ": OK" . "\n");
* Speed limit download.
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
function signUrlSpeedUpload($ossClient, $bucket)
$object = "upload-test-object-name.txt";
$timeout = 120;
$options = array(
OssClient::OSS_TRAFFIC_LIMIT => 819200,
$timeout = 60;
$signedUrl = $ossClient->signUrl($bucket, $object, $timeout, "PUT", $options);
* Speed limit download.
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
function signUrlSpeedDownload($ossClient, $bucket)
$object = "upload-test-object-name.txt";
$timeout = 120;
$options = array(
OssClient::OSS_TRAFFIC_LIMIT => 819200,
$signedUrl = $ossClient->signUrl($bucket, $object, $timeout, "GET", $options);
print(__FUNCTION__ . ": OK" . "\n");
* Restore object
* @param OssClient $ossClient OssClient instance
* @param string $bucket bucket name
* @return null
function restoreObject($ossClient, $bucket)
$object = "oss-php-sdk-test/upload-test-object-name.txt";
$day = 3;
$tier = 'Expedited';
$config = new RestoreConfig($day,$tier);
$options = array(
OssClient::OSS_RESTORE_CONFIG => $config
try {
$ossClient->restoreObject($bucket, $object,$options);
} catch (OssException $e) {
printf(__FUNCTION__ . ": FAILED\n");
printf($e->getMessage() . "\n");
print(__FUNCTION__ . ": OK" . "\n");