null, 'filter' => ['text', 'binary'], 'fragment_size' => 4096, 'headers' => null, 'logger' => null, 'origin' => null, // @deprecated 'persistent' => false, 'return_obj' => false, 'timeout' => 5, ]; private $socket_uri; private $connection; private $options = []; private $listen = false; private $last_opcode = null; /* ---------- Magic methods ------------------------------------------------------ */ /** * @param UriInterface|string $uri A ws/wss-URI * @param array $options * Associative array containing: * - context: Set the stream context. Default: empty context * - timeout: Set the socket timeout in seconds. Default: 5 * - fragment_size: Set framgemnt size. Default: 4096 * - headers: Associative array of headers to set/override. */ public function __construct($uri, array $options = []) { $this->socket_uri = $this->parseUri($uri); $this->options = array_merge(self::$default_options, [ 'logger' => new NullLogger(), ], $options); $this->setLogger($this->options['logger']); } /** * Get string representation of instance. * @return string String representation. */ public function __toString(): string { return sprintf( "%s(%s)", get_class($this), $this->getName() ?: 'closed' ); } /* ---------- Client option functions -------------------------------------------- */ /** * Set timeout. * @param int $timeout Timeout in seconds. */ public function setTimeout(int $timeout): void { $this->options['timeout'] = $timeout; if (!$this->isConnected()) { return; } $this->connection->setTimeout($timeout); $this->connection->setOptions($this->options); } /** * Set fragmentation size. * @param int $fragment_size Fragment size in bytes. * @return self. */ public function setFragmentSize(int $fragment_size): self { $this->options['fragment_size'] = $fragment_size; $this->connection->setOptions($this->options); return $this; } /** * Get fragmentation size. * @return int $fragment_size Fragment size in bytes. */ public function getFragmentSize(): int { return $this->options['fragment_size']; } /* ---------- Connection operations ---------------------------------------------- */ /** * Send text message. * @param string $payload Content as string. */ public function text(string $payload): void { $this->send($payload); } /** * Send binary message. * @param string $payload Content as binary string. */ public function binary(string $payload): void { $this->send($payload, 'binary'); } /** * Send ping. * @param string $payload Optional text as string. */ public function ping(string $payload = ''): void { $this->send($payload, 'ping'); } /** * Send unsolicited pong. * @param string $payload Optional text as string. */ public function pong(string $payload = ''): void { $this->send($payload, 'pong'); } /** * Send message. * @param string $payload Message to send. * @param string $opcode Opcode to use, default: 'text'. * @param bool $masked If message should be masked default: true. */ public function send(string $payload, string $opcode = 'text', bool $masked = true): void { if (!$this->isConnected()) { $this->connect(); } if (!in_array($opcode, array_keys(self::$opcodes))) { $warning = "Bad opcode '{$opcode}'. Try 'text' or 'binary'."; $this->logger->warning($warning); throw new BadOpcodeException($warning); } $factory = new Factory(); $message = $factory->create($opcode, $payload); $this->connection->pushMessage($message, $masked); } /** * Tell the socket to close. * @param integer $status * @param string $message A closing message, max 125 bytes. */ public function close(int $status = 1000, string $message = 'ttfn'): void { if (!$this->isConnected()) { return; } $this->connection->close($status, $message); } /** * Disconnect from server. */ public function disconnect(): void { if ($this->isConnected()) { $this->connection->disconnect(); } } /** * Receive message. * Note that this operation will block reading. * @return mixed Message, text or null depending on settings. */ public function receive() { $filter = $this->options['filter']; $return_obj = $this->options['return_obj']; if (!$this->isConnected()) { $this->connect(); } while (true) { $message = $this->connection->pullMessage(); $opcode = $message->getOpcode(); if (in_array($opcode, $filter)) { $this->last_opcode = $opcode; $return = $return_obj ? $message : $message->getContent(); break; } elseif ($opcode == 'close') { $this->last_opcode = null; $return = $return_obj ? $message : null; break; } } return $return; } /* ---------- Connection functions ----------------------------------------------- */ /** * Get last received opcode. * @return string|null Opcode. */ public function getLastOpcode(): ?string { return $this->last_opcode; } /** * Get close status on connection. * @return int|null Close status. */ public function getCloseStatus(): ?int { return $this->connection ? $this->connection->getCloseStatus() : null; } /** * If Client has active connection. * @return bool True if active connection. */ public function isConnected(): bool { return $this->connection && $this->connection->isConnected(); } /** * Get name of local socket, or null if not connected. * @return string|null */ public function getName(): ?string { return $this->isConnected() ? $this->connection->getName() : null; } /** * Get name of remote socket, or null if not connected. * @return string|null */ public function getRemoteName(): ?string { return $this->isConnected() ? $this->connection->getRemoteName() : null; } /** * Get name of remote socket, or null if not connected. * @return string|null * @deprecated Will be removed in future version, use getPeer() instead. */ public function getPier(): ?string { trigger_error( 'getPier() is deprecated and will be removed in future version. Use getRemoteName() instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED ); return $this->getRemoteName(); } /* ---------- Helper functions --------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Perform WebSocket handshake */ protected function connect(): void { $this->connection = null; $host_uri = $this->socket_uri ->withScheme($this->socket_uri->getScheme() == 'wss' ? 'ssl' : 'tcp') ->withPort($this->socket_uri->getPort() ?? ($this->socket_uri->getScheme() == 'wss' ? 443 : 80)) ->withPath('') ->withQuery('') ->withFragment('') ->withUserInfo(''); // Path must be absolute $http_path = $this->socket_uri->getPath(); if ($http_path === '' || $http_path[0] !== '/') { $http_path = "/{$http_path}"; } $http_uri = (new Uri()) ->withPath($http_path) ->withQuery($this->socket_uri->getQuery()); // Set the stream context options if they're already set in the config if (isset($this->options['context'])) { // Suppress the error since we'll catch it below if (@get_resource_type($this->options['context']) === 'stream-context') { $context = $this->options['context']; } else { $error = "Stream context in \$options['context'] isn't a valid context."; $this->logger->error($error); throw new \InvalidArgumentException($error); } } else { $context = stream_context_create(); } $persistent = $this->options['persistent'] === true; $flags = STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT; $flags = $persistent ? $flags | STREAM_CLIENT_PERSISTENT : $flags; $socket = null; try { $handler = new ErrorHandler(); $socket = $handler->with(function () use ($host_uri, $flags, $context) { $error = $errno = $errstr = null; // Open the socket. return stream_socket_client( $host_uri, $errno, $errstr, $this->options['timeout'], $flags, $context ); }); if (!$socket) { throw new ErrorException('No socket'); } } catch (ErrorException $e) { $error = "Could not open socket to \"{$host_uri->getAuthority()}\": {$e->getMessage()} ({$e->getCode()})."; $this->logger->error($error, ['severity' => $e->getSeverity()]); throw new ConnectionException($error, 0, [], $e); } $this->connection = new Connection($socket, $this->options); $this->connection->setLogger($this->logger); if (!$this->isConnected()) { $error = "Invalid stream on \"{$host_uri->getAuthority()}\"."; $this->logger->error($error); throw new ConnectionException($error); } if (!$persistent || $this->connection->tell() == 0) { // Set timeout on the stream as well. $this->connection->setTimeout($this->options['timeout']); // Generate the WebSocket key. $key = self::generateKey(); // Default headers $headers = [ 'Host' => $host_uri->getAuthority(), 'User-Agent' => 'websocket-client-php', 'Connection' => 'Upgrade', 'Upgrade' => 'websocket', 'Sec-WebSocket-Key' => $key, 'Sec-WebSocket-Version' => '13', ]; // Handle basic authentication. if ($userinfo = $this->socket_uri->getUserInfo()) { $headers['authorization'] = 'Basic ' . base64_encode($userinfo); } // Deprecated way of adding origin (use headers instead). if (isset($this->options['origin'])) { $headers['origin'] = $this->options['origin']; } // Add and override with headers from options. if (isset($this->options['headers'])) { $headers = array_merge($headers, $this->options['headers']); } $header = "GET {$http_uri} HTTP/1.1\r\n" . implode( "\r\n", array_map( function ($key, $value) { return "$key: $value"; }, array_keys($headers), $headers ) ) . "\r\n\r\n"; // Send headers. $this->connection->write($header); // Get server response header (terminated with double CR+LF). $response = ''; try { do { $buffer = $this->connection->gets(1024); $response .= $buffer; } while (substr_count($response, "\r\n\r\n") == 0); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new ConnectionException('Client handshake error', $e->getCode(), $e->getData(), $e); } // Validate response. if (!preg_match('#Sec-WebSocket-Accept:\s(.*)$#mUi', $response, $matches)) { $error = sprintf( "Connection to '%s' failed: Server sent invalid upgrade response: %s", (string)$this->socket_uri, (string)$response ); $this->logger->error($error); throw new ConnectionException($error); } $keyAccept = trim($matches[1]); $expectedResonse = base64_encode( pack('H*', sha1($key . '258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11')) ); if ($keyAccept !== $expectedResonse) { $error = 'Server sent bad upgrade response.'; $this->logger->error($error); throw new ConnectionException($error); } } $this->logger->info("Client connected to {$this->socket_uri}"); } /** * Generate a random string for WebSocket key. * @return string Random string */ protected static function generateKey(): string { $key = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < 16; $i++) { $key .= chr(rand(33, 126)); } return base64_encode($key); } protected function parseUri($uri): UriInterface { if ($uri instanceof UriInterface) { $uri = $uri; } elseif (is_string($uri)) { try { $uri = new Uri($uri); } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) { throw new BadUriException("Invalid URI '{$uri}' provided.", 0, $e); } } else { throw new BadUriException("Provided URI must be a UriInterface or string."); } if (!in_array($uri->getScheme(), ['ws', 'wss'])) { throw new BadUriException("Invalid URI scheme, must be 'ws' or 'wss'."); } return $uri; } }